A Penny's Worth (The Cephas Bourdon Series) (38 page)

BOOK: A Penny's Worth (The Cephas Bourdon Series)
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“Not a chance,” he said playfully, moving his mouth toward mine.

I closed my eyes . . .

And everything went black.

The End


About the Author

Amber Hooper lives in Eagle Mountain, Utah with her husband and new baby. She enjoys reading, playing soccer, and hiking with her family. This is her first novel.

She welcomes your comments at amhooper.blogspot.com.


Here's where I give a shout out to all of the people who helped me along the way. Thanks to my husband, ever the one to encourage my continued writing and inspire the romance. Thanks also to my mom, who introduced me to Dr. Seuss and all of the other brilliant children's authors. I also really appreciate the help of Cindy C. Bennett, a fellow author—I wouldn't have a clue about publishing without her detailed advice. My sister played a huge role (don't worry, Katie, I save the best for last) in developing the major plot points of this novel. Thanks Katie, and all who contributed, for the ideas, critiques, and loving shoves to keep going.


Copyright 201
3 A.
M. Hooper


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Moonchild Ljilja of

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This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The characters are products of each author's imagination and are used fictitiously.

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