Authors: J.P. Bowie

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“Can you believe her?” Peter whispered to Jeff as they stood watching their friends succumb to the magic Olivia wove over them.

“She is incredible,” Jeff chuckled. “What an act.” He put his arm around Peter’s shoulders. “Did you invite her, then?”

“Kind of,” Peter muttered, shame-faced. “But she said she was way too busy, so I never expected her to show.”

“Wonder what happened…” Jeff frowned. “I can’t believe this was the best offer she got all day.” He fixed a smile on his face as he saw Olivia bearing down on them

“Okay, birthday boy,” she giggled, taking Jeff ’s arm. “Lead me to the bever-ages.”

Luke had a champagne glass already filled as they approached the bar. He gazed with admiration at the beautiful woman who met his eyes with a seductive smile as she accepted the drink he proffered—with an almost steady hand.

Wow, he thought, what I could do with that.

He watched, his mouth slightly agape, as Olivia walked away from him, the curve of her hips swaying provocatively, as though she knew his eyes were following her. Then his heart leaped into his throat as she turned and looked back at him, a little smile playing around her full red lips. His face reddened as he felt his sudden arousal. Better stay behind this bar for a while, he thought, glancing down at the bulge in his pants.

There was no doubt about it—Olivia was the hit of the party, and Peter was sure that this would be the topic of his friends’ conversation for some time to come. Oh well, he thought with a wry grimace as he watched Olivia hold forth to the large group gathered around her, they won’t forget this party for a while!

He smiled as Emily and her husband Jerry, suddenly appeared at his side.

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“We have to go,” Emily apologized. “We only have the baby-sitter till eight.”

“We had a great time,” Jerry enthused. “Wait till I tell everyone at work who I met today.”

Emily gave Peter a shrewd look. “You’re not crazy about her, are you?”

“She’s OK,” Peter muttered. “A bit much at times…”

“She’s larger than life, for sure,” Jerry said. “But that’s what makes her a star, I guess.”

“I guess.” Peter hugged them both. “Thanks for coming. We’ll have dinner once this madness is all over.”

“We’ve told Jeff our goodbyes.” Emily kissed his cheek. “Don’t worry so. The party is a great success.”

Peter walked them to the door and waved them goodbye. He made a quick pit-stop in the bathroom. As he stood washing his hands, he gazed at his morose expression reflected in the mirror. Why was he so pissed by the fact that she’d shown up out of the blue? In a way, it was kind of refreshing that Olivia could be so spontaneous—and she had been extremely gracious to all his friends. She had an incredible charisma; of that there was no doubt. What was it then that made him distrust her? Why did he feel that every sincere sounding word she ever uttered was as hollow as a wooden drum?

He sighed as he went back downstairs to the kitchen and stood for a moment looking out onto the patio at the festivities still in full swing.

“Hey, Peter…” Andrew appeared in the doorway. “Whatcha doin’?”

“Just seeing Emily and Jerry off.” He beckoned Andrew in. “So, what d’you think of her?”

,” Andrew replied, his eyes shining. “She’s so real. Not like a big star at all.”

“You too, huh?”

“What? You really don’t like her?”

“In a word, no…Well, let’s put it this way. She is not a woman I would choose as a friend.”

“But she seems so fond of you and Jeff…”

“She’s as phony as the day is long, Andrew. Believe me, this is all an act.

God, I’m sorry,” he said, seeing his friend’s face fall. “I’m ruining this for you, aren’t I?”

Andrew looked out at where Olivia still stood, holding court. “David’s just nuts about her, and he’s never even seen one of her shows. He thinks she’s the most genuine celebrity he’s ever met.”

“How many has he met?” Peter asked, laughing.

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“You know what I mean…”

“Yes, I do.” He squeezed Andrew’s shoulder. “I should keep my big mouth shut sometimes.”

“I wouldn’t know who you were, if ’n you did,” Andrew teased him.

“Brat.” Peter hugged his friend. “Come on, give me a hand with the cake.”

“Did you remember candles?”

“I got a big three and a five, instead of all those little ones.”

“Jeff ’s fifty-three?” Andrew gasped. “God, he looks marvelous.”

“Thirty-five, you chump!” Peter hooted. They both fell about laughing.

“You guys are having way too much fun in here…”

Peter and Andrew started guiltily, then grinned as they saw Nick watching them from the doorway. Jeff ’s business partner folded his arms and leaned against the doorframe, fixing them with a stern look.

“Okay you two, fess up. What’s so funny?”

“You had to be there, Nick.” Peter waved him over. “Give us a hand here.”

“Gladly,” Nick said. He dropped his voice as he approached. “I’ll be happy to get away from all that phony baloney out there.”

Peter looked at him with surprise. “You mean Olivia?”

“The same. Man, she gets on my nerves with all that pseudo-sincerity stuff.

She might get way with it on the TV, but it really gripes me the way she’s oozing all that phoniness here.”

Peter gave Andrew an ‘I told you so’ look, but refrained from embellishing on his opinion. “As always Nick, your bluntness says it all,” he said. “We’re ready to take Jeff ’s cake out. Maybe she’ll hit the road once that’s done. Let’s go…oh, would you grab the camera there?”

They marched out together, singing a lusty chorus of “Happy Birthday” at the tops of their voices, getting everyone’s attention and interrupting Olivia’s latest monologue. Jeff, looking suitably embarrassed, as he became the focus of the party once more, posed for a photograph blowing out the candles to wild applause from his friends. Peter chuckled with wry amusement as he watched Olivia almost elbow her way into the picture.

“Okay, handsome,” she yelled at Nick. “Let’s get a group photo here…Peter, get over here.”

“Yes Ma’am,” Peter said, grinning as he caught Nick’s grim expression.

“Wait a minute…” Olivia waved her arms about. “We need you in the photo too,” she told Nick. “Hey bartender,” she yelled. “Get your cute ass over here and take this picture.” It was obvious Olivia was feeling the effects of too
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many glasses of champagne as the genteel facade she had been affecting, began to slip. “Okay everybody, big smiles. Say ‘shit’.”

Behind him, Peter could hear Eric and Andrew giggling. This photo should be priceless, he thought. I bet there are some stunned expressions on there. He watched Olivia staggering after Luke as he headed for the safety of the bar.

“Hey, bartender…” She was waving her empty glass at him. “You’re neglect-ing your duty, my man.”

“Oh boy…” Jeff whispered in Peter’s ear. “Looks like we may have to do some damage control.”

Peter gave him a glum look. “She can’t drive in that state, that’s for sure.”

“You’d better suggest she stays here for the night.”

“Oh, must I?” Peter moaned.

“Yes,” Jeff said. “She’ll really need to sleep this off very soon.”

“Come on boys,” Olivia was yelling at them. “Get over here and have some more bubbly. It’s Dom Perignon you know!” She blew Luke, the bartender, a kiss. “Have one too, sweetie. You’ve worked very hard.”

Luke looked at Jeff and Peter. “Is that all right?”

“Go ahead,” Jeff said. “You deserve it.”

“Damn right he does,” Olivia agreed, hiccupping. “Woops,” she giggled, downing yet another glass of champagne. “Don’ go tellin’ anyone you saw me drunkie, now willya?”

“Olivia,” Peter said. “Would you like to stay over? We have a very nice guest room upstairs…”

“How sweet,” Olivia simpered. “But I was counting on Luke here to take care of me. Whatdya say, cowboy? How ’bout you’n’me ridin’ off into the sunset together?”

Luke blushed, but Jeff was quick to notice that the young man’s eyes took on a slightly feral look. There was no doubt he was giving her offer serious consideration.

Peter took Olivia’s arm. “Come on, why don’t we go inside? I’ll make you some coffee and…”

“Take your damn hands off me,
.” Olivia rasped, pulling away from Peter. “
say when and where I go—no one else!”

A total silence fell on the entire group as everyone looked at the once serene and engaging celebrity, now turned into a snarling harridan. Gloria, Emily’s cousin, stepped forward glaring at Olivia.

“How dare you speak to Peter like that…”

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Jeff, his face hard with anger, took her arm. “Thank you Gloria…please, let me deal with this.” He turned to the drunken Olivia, who stared back at him balefully. “It seems I have to remind you that you are a guest in this house, Miss Winters,” he said in a tightly controlled tone. “We will excuse your behavior this once—if you apologize to Peter right now.”

“Go fuck yourself,” Olivia hissed. “You…who do you people think you are for Chrissakes? You’re nobodies, you’re nothin’. Christ, get me out of here…”

She slithered from the barstool, staggered a few steps, then before everyone’s astounded eyes, almost in slow motion, she crumpled to the ground.

“Oh my God,” Eve gasped, as everyone crowded round the fallen diva.

“Who would have guessed she could be such a bitch?”

“I could,” Peter said. “But I’ve been listening to it for weeks now.”

“Told ya she was a big phony…” Nick chuckled, looking down at Olivia sprawled out on the ground. “What’re we gonna do with her?”

“Get her upstairs, I guess,” Jeff said. “Here Nick, give me a hand, will you?”

Between them they got her to her feet, then Jeff picked her up in his arms.

“Perhaps one of you ladies would like to come up with me—you too, Dr. Ed.

We’d better make sure she’s going to be all right.”

Later, after Olivia had been safely tucked up in the guest bedroom and Dr.

Ed had made sure she was suffering from no more than too much booze, some of the guests took their leave.

“See you Monday at the office, Jeff,” Nick said as he and Eric headed for the door. “Great party, Peter!”

“Yeah,” Eric laughed. “This is one we’ll remember for some time. I can’t think of another quite like it.”

“You guys,” Peter groaned, accepting their hugs. “Please don’t hold this against me.”

“We won’t,” Eric chuckled, patting his back. “Gives us lots to dish about later.”

Anthony, Justin, Gloria and her husband Johnny, were the next to leave.

Gloria was still fuming about Olivia’s rudeness. “Just as well she passed out,”

she said, with just a hint of mockery. “Otherwise, I’d have socked her one.”

Johnny grimaced. “She’s not kidding either. I can just see hear the announcement on TV. ‘Attorney’s wife arrested for laying out famous talk show host, Olivia Winters—story at ten!’”

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“I wonder if she’ll remember any of this tomorrow,” Anthony remarked.

“I think Peter will be happy to remind her,” Justin said, grinning at his host.

After their guests left, Peter and Jeff walked slowly back outside. Andrew and David were deep in conversation with Rod and ‘A’. Eve and Fred were chatting with Dr. Ed and his wife, Kay.

Luke had cleared off the bar and was tying up a large garbage bag. “That’s it for me then,” he said. “I gotta split.”

“Oh, right.” Peter pulled an envelope containing Luke’s fee from his pants pocket and handed it to him.

“Luke…” Jeff took the young man to one side. “We’d appreciate it if you didn’t spread this story around…You know, about Olivia Winters behavior here tonight.”

“Don’t worry, boss. Discretion is my middle name.”

“Good.” Jeff didn’t believe him for a minute, but knew there was not much he could do if Luke wanted to tell everyone he met from now on, just how he’d seen the famous Olivia Winters fall on her butt, dead drunk.

Luke gave them both a sunny smile. “I can see myself out. Thanks again, guys.”

Jeff grimaced as he watched him leave. “This is going to be all over town tomorrow, courtesy of Luke Taylor, bartender. Maybe we should have let Olivia ride off into the sunset with him,” he added half-seriously.

Rod waved them over to their table. “Come and sit down, dear boys. It’s been quite an evening for you both.”

“You can say that again,” Peter said, slumping down onto a chair. “Olivia really knows how to stage an exit.”

‘A’ gave him an impish smile. “When Jeff picked her up in his arms and carried her off upstairs, it was as if Rhett Butler had come to life, carrying Scarlett from the fires of Atlanta…”

“What an imagination you have,” Rod snorted. “It was more like he was carrying a bloody sack of potatoes. I shall never be able to watch that show again, without thinking of her being so bloody rude—and then falling on her face like the tart she obviously is. You were a real gentleman, Jeff,” he added. “And she’s lucky she’s in the home of those who will not blight her reputation. There are a lot of people who would have taken advantage of her drunken-ness—mark my words.”

“Oh, he’s off,” ‘A’ sighed. “Has to put his tuppence-worth in…”

Everyone laughed, then Eve said; “Rod’s right though. If she’d behaved like that in public, it would be all over the tabloids the next day.”

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“Just what she’d deserve,” Rod said, standing up. “Well ‘A’, its time I took you home. These good people have to get some rest in order to contend with the harridan in the morning.”

“We should go too,” Andrew said. “Unless you need help with anything?”

“We’re fine,” Peter assured him. “We’ll take care of the rest of it tomorrow.”

They saw their guests to the door and waved them off, then Peter turned to Jeff and fell into his arms. “Oh babe, I am so sorry everything got so screwed up,” he said. “I have to learn to keep my big mouth shut and
invite undesir-ables to our home.”

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