A Price for a Princess (14 page)

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Authors: R.E. Butler

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Perseus chuckled as he lifted me carefully into his arms and walked towards the bathroom.  "It will get easier with each shift, sweetheart, until you won't have to think about it."

They thanked the servants for the hot water and asked not to be disturbed until morning.  The tub was made of copper and big enough for the three of us to sit down.  The heavenly hot water tipped over the edge when we settled in together, and none of us cared about the mess on the floor.

Perseus held me against him and Ekho used a soft cloth and a bar of light green minty smelling soap to wash the blood from my skin, starting at my fingertips and traveling to my shoulders, across my chest and down my other arm to the tips of my fingers.  Perseus used another cloth to wash my chest and stomach under the water, and when Ekho had finished my arms, he plucked my feet from the water one by one and repeated the process of tending to each inch of my flesh.

As I washed my hair, they cleansed themselves, and when we were clean we stepped from the tub.  I was so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open.  I recalled my brothers telling me that the first few shifts were especially draining on new bears because the body wasn't used to such exertion.

I tied my hair into a thick braid as Perseus drew on a dark blue robe and went to speak to Odin and Finn.  When he returned, Ekho and I were tucked into the fluffy bed, my cheek resting over his heart.  Perseus slid behind me, sandwiching me between their warm bodies and snaking his hand across my side to rest on my stomach.

"I didn't ever think to share a bride with another creature," Perseus yawned, "but I'm glad it's you, Ekho."

"Clearly our bride needs the attentions of two husbands to keep her safe.  I'm glad you're here, too, Perseus."

"We're all glad," I groaned, "can we please go to sleep?"

They both answered with smiles in their voices, "Yes, dear."






Chapter 12



When I woke, the chamber was still dark so the sun had not risen yet since there was no glow from the other side of the stained glass windows.  I wiggled between my husbands and slid under the covers, the desire to celebrate that we were alive and together at the forefront of my mind.

I stroked Perseus' cock with my hand as I lifted Ekho's with my other hand and kissed the warm head.  Both cocks grew to life instantly and I stroked Perseus as I sucked just the tip of Ekho into my mouth.  Ekho purred throatily and Perseus moaned and the covers over my head were thrown back and in the dim light from the fireplace, I saw their nearly identical heated looks.

"What a naughty kitten," Ekho breathed and I grinned around his cock, which was no simple feat.  It was thick and hot, and the taste was slightly salty but all male.  Perseus plucked my hand from his cock and kissed my fingertips before climbing behind me and pulling my hips up so I was on my knees.  Perseus ran his hands from the back of my bent knees slowly up my thighs, swirling invisible patterns and electrifying my skin. 

I touched Ekho's heavy balls, testing the weight and feel of them, and when I explored the smooth but tight skin just behind them, he growled and fell back from his elbows, writhing slightly.  Perseus chuckled, "I think he likes that," and I agreed, returning back to my gentle sucking on his cockhead and the soft, rhythmic touch in the new hotspot I'd just found.

Perseus' thumb slid into my core that was already wet and ready and he twisted his hand until his palm was up and began to tap lightly on my clit with one finger.  The little jolts of pleasure caused me to gasp and release my teasing hold on Ekho's cock.  "Ah, ah, ah," Perseus chided, pulling his hand away.  "You stop, I stop."

I shuddered and looked up in time to see Ekho and Perseus share a conspiratorial glance. 
  I took Ekho's cock back in my mouth, wiggling my tongue along the underside and fisted the base with my free hand as I began to move up and down slowly on his cock.  Ekho smoothed my hair away from my face and grasped the wrist holding his cock, as if he just needed something to hold onto.

Perseus increased the speed of the taps on my clit which was now engorged and sensitive and his thumb wriggled inside, holding me in place.  I tried hard to take care of Ekho, but every time an orgasm began to heat inside me, I stopped everything and moaned, and Perseus abruptly stopped.  After the third time, when I was a twitching, growling mess of unfulfilled need, Ekho slid his hand through my hair and fisted it lightly, and began to guide my head.  I relaxed my jaw and let him guide himself into me and Perseus set on my clit with hard strokes, circling the bud faster, faster, faster until my body split apart and I shrieked around Ekho's cock.

Fluid leaked from me as my pussy clenched around Perseus' thumb and he pulled his hand away and guided his cock inside me.  "Oh, fuck, sweet," he groaned, pushing inside me while my body tightened and released in pleasure. 

"Hades you're good at that, kitten," Ekho growled, his voice deeper and more primal.  "Fuck, I'm going to come."

Ekho slowed my movements on his cock and reached his other hand to the base and formed a ring with his finger and thumb and squeezed hard, and after a few seconds, he breathed easier and went back to moving me up and down on him at a relaxed pace.  Perseus thrust inside me, quickening his pace, the push and pull of his cock in my body like the sweetest dance. 

My nails dug into Ekho's thighs as the heat inside me grew.  I was impaled between them, unable to move on my own and only allowed to take what they gave me, and I wanted that.  Help me, I wanted whatever they would give me, again and again.  My moans of delight were met with increased pace between them and with a growling shriek Ekho came hard in my mouth, his come spurting against the back of my throat as I swallowed again and again to catch it all.  Perseus shouted and I felt him spasm inside me, the heat of his come setting off aftershocks of pleasure for me.  Perseus dropped down on the bed next to us with a groan and I released Ekho's cock and slumped down on him.  No one said anything for several minutes as we all caught our breaths.

Ekho lifted me up and moved me between him and Perseus and they both turned towards me, caging me in their arms and holding me tight.  I had never felt more cherished then I did at that moment, and I wanted it to last forever.

After some gentle kisses and sweet whispered words, Perseus slid from the bed and rang for the servants.  After a full breakfast, the tub was filled and we bathed together, and the two girls from the day before helped me dress in clothing provided by their council of elders.  It was a requirement to dress appropriately when meeting them.  Perseus and Ekho were wearing dark silk trousers and white blouses with dark purple jackets embroidered with gold and silver.  My dress was the same dark purple with a fitted bodice tight enough to burst my breasts with the pressure, a drawn waist and a floor sweeping length.  The sleeves were wide and the fabric was silky and decadent.  They used hot irons to force my straight hair to curl, and they placed a delicate tiara on my head and jewels on my neck and fingers.  As I looked at myself in the mirror, I never looked lovelier, but also more unlike myself.

"Gorgeous," Perseus promised, kissing the top of my hand.  "But you look good in everything."

I smiled in thanks and Ekho said, "Better in nothing."

I snorted indelicately at his humor and kissed his furry cheek. 

Odin and Finn had chosen to remain in their Centaur forms after rising that morning, so they wore only the blouses and jackets, theirs a navy blue signifying guards to the royal family.  We met up with them and then followed the Dire Wolves to the council chambers.  Rysk and Tyrant met us at the doors to the chamber to escort us inside.

The council reminded me of the supreme court.  In a large domed chamber with galleys for an audience, seven men sat in red robes behind a long table.  I sat between my husbands in front of the council and we waited for them to say what they were going to say so we could get home.

Home.  Home to Cholas. 

I didn't have any more time to consider that as the man in the middle rapped a gavel on the table and the audience fell silent.

"Princess Daeton," he spoke with a loud voice, "we thank you for bringing peace to our kingdom once more.  The wizard's threat over our land is lifted forever, and while we mourn the passing of our prince, we are grateful for the peace that came through you."

I didn't know what to say, so I kept my mouth shut and smiled politely.

The man to his left said, "Princess, while the prince believed you were meant to be his fated mate and would have married you and secured your royal position, his passing changes things greatly."

The man on the far end of the table spoke up, "Aedan Grona was not the last of his family line as he believed.  He has a distant cousin, the duke Nenda Fria, who is coming in tonight to take the throne as prince of the land.  As he is already married, princess, and does not wish to share either himself with you or you with your mates-"  He paused for a moment, looking perplexed and I took the opportunity to breathe out a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness!"

Ekho and Perseus chuckled quietly and squeezed my hands.  The council looked confused so I explained, "I'm very glad that the new prince is not interested in pursuing a marriage with me, because except for him being a bear, there is nothing that ties us together.  I'm mated to my two men and that's all that will ever be for me.  I was worried that perhaps you would try to saddle me with royal responsibilities.  I'm grateful that is not the case."

More than grateful.

The council all smiled in relief.  They must have assumed I would fight to remain a princess.  Although the clothes were nice, I was used to simpler things.

"The prince asks you remain here tonight, to join in the welcoming celebration and so that he may thank you himself.  In the morning, the guards will escort you to your home."

After leaving the council room, we spent the day enjoying the luxury of the castle.  Perseus changed into his horse form and he, Odin and Finn battled each other and several guards on horseback in an impromptu jousting tournament.  Ekho entertained us all over lunch playing a small stringed instrument like a guitar and singing, cracking jokes and winking at me suggestively every time a word he sang could be considered even remotely naughty.

We moved back into the grand bedroom to prepare for the celebration dinner with Prince Nenda and his wife.  The same slave girls that had attended us the night before and at times during the day came back to help me dress and fix my hair.  While Perseus and Ekho lounged with Odin and Finn, who were all now in their fully human forms, the two girls stood behind me at a dressing table and began to braid my hair.

"What are your names?"  I asked.  The dress I wore tonight was a deep gold with ivory insets in the bodice and matched Ekho and Perseus' jackets. 

"I am Draya and this is my sister, Fontaine, princess."  The tallest of the two girls said shyly.  It was as if no one had ever asked her what her name was.

"You don't have to call me princess anymore.  Prince Aedan is dead, and he only ordered me called that because he wanted to claim me.  I'm just Daeton."

They nodded, but I had a feeling they would never just call me by my name.  "How old are you?"  I asked, watching them as they concentrated on my hair, weaving the braids together with ribbons and jeweled clips.

"I am 16, Fontaine is 15, pr-, uh, Miss."

I smiled at Draya, figuring Miss was better than princess.  "I'm 18.  How long have you been here in the palace?"

"All our lives," Fontaine said, meeting my eyes for a moment in the mirror, "our mother was an attendant to the queen.  They allowed her to marry our father who was a stable hand.  We were born into this life.  It is all we'll ever know."

My heart ached sharply.  I couldn't imagine growing up as a slave, never being my own person.  "Are your parents still here in the palace?"

Draya's smile was soft and sad, her blue eyes luminous.  "They went into the afterlife, Miss, a few years ago.  We were lucky; the prince could have put us to the slavers in Dran.  He let us stay on, as long as we did our duties without complaint."

I let the conversation drop as they continued to work.  They were slight, young women, underfed, and their long hair - Draya's a light brown and Fontaine's a dark chocolate - was dull and their skin was pale from lack of sun.  Although their pretty blue eyes were sad, there was youth there that needed to be let free to play, not to die slowly under the foot of a leader that would keep them until they were of no use.  To think that Aedan may have considered even for a moment to sell such young girls to slavers made my vision go red. It wasn't the first time since he had died that I was glad that he was dead.

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