A Rainbow of Blood: The Union in Peril an Alternate History (4 page)

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Authors: Peter G. Tsouras

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Babcock, John C. Civilian order-of-battle analyst and assistant director,
Bureau of Military Information (BMI), Headquarters, Army of the

Baker, Lafayette. Director of the Secret Service of the War Department.

Banks, Nathaniel. Major general, U.S. Volunteers; commander, District
of the Gulf.

Barton, Clara. Volunteer nurse with the Union Army in the defenses of

Bazaine, Francois Achille. General, French Imperial Army; commander,
French Forces in Mexico and of the Texas Expedition in support of
the Confederacy.

Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant de. General, C.S. Army; commander of the coastal defenses of South Carolina and Georgia.

Berdan, Hiram. Colonel, U.S. Volunteers; commander, Rifle Regiment.

Booth, John Wilkes. Fiery dramatic actor, brother of Edwin Booth, and a
rabid Southern sympathizer.

Bragg, Braxton. General, C.S. Army; commander, Army of Tennessee.

Bright, John. Member of Parliament, one of the great reformers of the age, and advocate of the Union, derisively referred to as "the member for America."

Callaway, James E. Major, U.S. Volunteers, 21st Illinois Volunteer Infantry, assigned to the Army of the Cumberland.

Candy, Charles. Colonel, U.S. Volunteers; commander, lst Brigade, 2nd
Division, XII Corps.

Carnegie, Andrew. Railroad executive, entrepreneur, and organizer of
the first train to rush troops to the defense of Washington at the outbreak of the Civil War.

Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence. Colonel, U.S. Volunteers; commander,
1st Brigade, First Battle of Portland.

Clarke, Asia Booth. Sister of John Wilkes Booth and Edwin Booth.

Cline, Milton. Major, U.S. Volunteers, 3rd Indiana Cavalry, and senior
scout of the Central Information Bureau (CIB).

Cobham, George A., Jr. Colonel, U.S. Volunteers; commander, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, XII Corps, Army of the Hudson.

Coles, Cowper Phipps. Captain, RN; innovator and inventor of an armored turret.

Cooke, John Rogers. Colonel, C.S. Army; commander of Cooke's brigade, Army of Northern Virginia.

Cushing, William "Will" Alonzo. Lieutenant, U.S. Navy; noted for his
daring special operations.

Custer, George Armstrong. Brigadier General, U.S. Volunteers; commander, 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army of the Hudson.

Dahlgren, John. Rear admiral, U.S. Navy; commander of the Southern
Blockading Squadron; known as the Father of American Naval

Dahlgren, Ulric. Colonel, U.S. Volunteers; hero of Gettysburg and son of
Admiral Dahlgren.

Dana, Charles. Publisher and U.S. assistant secretary of war.

Davies, Henry E., Jr. Brigadier general, U.S. Volunteers; commander, 1st
Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army of the Hudson.

Davis, Jefferson. President of the Confederate States of America.

Delacroix, Jean-Yves. Lieutenant, 9th Battalion, Les Voltigeurs de Quebec.

Denison, George. Lieutenant colonel, Canadian Militia; commander of
the Royal Guides.

Disraeli, Benjamin. Leader of the Tory, or Conservative, Party in Great

Dow, Neal. Brigadier general, U.S. Volunteers; the colonel of the 13th
Maine Regiment of the Army of the Potomac.

Doyle, Sir Charles Hastings. Major general, British Army; commander
of Imperial Forces in the Maritime Provinces of British North America.

Dunlop, Hugh. Commodore, Royal Navy; commander of the coup de
main against Washington.

Edward, Prince of Wales. First son of Victoria and Albert, and heir to the
British throne.

Ewell, Richard. Lieutenant general, C.S. Army; commander, 2nd Corps,
Army of Northern Virginia.

*Foley, Richard. Irish seaman, Royal Navy, and deserter.

Forrest, Nathan Bedford. Major general, C.S. Army; commander, Cavalry Division, Army of Tennessee.

Fox, Gustavus "Gus." U.S. assistant secretary of the Navy -essentially
in modern terms, chief of naval operations.

Franklin, William B. Major general, U.S. Volunteers; commander, XIX
Corps, Army of the Gulf.

Gates, Theodore B. Colonel, U.S. Volunteers; commander of the 20th
New York State Militia Regiment.

Gatling, Richard. American businessman and brilliant amateur inventor
of farm machinery and the automatic weapon known as the Gatling Gun.

Geary, John W. Brigadier general, U.S. Volunteers; commander, 2nd Division, XII Corps, Army of the Hudson.

Gorchakov, Aleksandr Mikhalovich. Russian foreign minister.

Gordon, John B. Brigadier general, C.S. Army; commander, Georgia Brigade, Early's division, Ewell's corps, Army of Northern Virginia.

Grant, James Hope. Lieutenant general, British Army; commander of
Her Majesty's military forces in British North America; considered
the best general in the Empire.

Grant, Ulysses S. Major general, U.S. Army, victor of Vicksburg, and
commander of the District of the Mississippi.

Green, Thomas. Major general, C.S. Army; commander, Cavalry Division, Western Louisiana District.

Hardenburgh, Jacob. Lieutenant colonel of the 20th New York State
Militia Regiment.

Herans, Otto. Lieutenant colonel, U.S. Army; commander, 2nd New
York Cavalry, 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army of the Hudson,
at the Battle of Stottville.

*Hathaway, Michael. First lieutenant, U.S. Volunteers; commander of
the guard at Mount Vernon.

Hill, Ambrose Powell. Lieutenant general, C.S. Army; commander, 3rd
Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.

Hogan, Martin. Private, U.S. Volunteers; young Irish immigrant and
scout for the Bureau of Military Information (BMI), Army of the

Hooker, Joseph. Major general, U.S. Army; commander, Army of the

Howe, Albion P. Brigadier general, U.S. Volunteers; commander, 2nd
Division, VI Corps, at the battle of Kennehunk.

Ireland, David. Colonel, U.S. Volunteers; commander, 3rd Brigade, 2nd
Division, XII Corps, Army of the Hudson.

Keckley, Elizabeth. Free woman of color, seamstress, and confidante of
Mrs. Lincoln.

Kilpatrick, Judson. Brigadier general, U.S. Volunteers; commander of
the Cavalry Division, Army of the Hudson.

Knight, Judson. Sergeant, U.S. Army; chief of scouts, Army of the Hudson.

Layard, Austin David. Member of Parliament, undersecretary to Lord
Russell at the Foreign Office, and envoy to Richmond.

Lee, Robert E. General, C.S. Army; commander, Army of Northern

Lincoln, Abraham. Sixteenth president of the United States.

Lincoln, Mary Todd. Wife of Abraham Lincoln and First Lady of the
United States.

Lindsay, Sir James. Major general, British Army; commander, Brigade of
Guards at the Battle of Claverack.

Lisovsky, Stefan S. Rear admiral, Russian Imperial Navy; commander of
the Baltic Squadron sent to New York City.

Longstreet, James. Lieutenant general, C.S. Army; commander, 1st
Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.

Lowe, Thaddeus. Scientist; colonel, U.S. Volunteers; founder and commander of the Balloon Corps.

Lydecker, Garrett L. Captain, Corps of Cadets, U.S. Military Academy at
West Point.

Lyons, Lord. British ambassador to the United States.

Marx, Karl. German expatriate revolutionary and journalist living in
London; foreign correspondent for the pro-Lincoln New York Tribune.

McCarter, Michael William. Former sergeant of the Irish Brigade, discharged for wounds after Chancellorsville.

McEntee, John. Captain, U.S. Volunteers; chief, Bureau of Military Information (BMI), Army of the Hudson.

McPhail, James L. Civilian provost marshal of Maryland and later deputy chief, Central Information Bureau (CIB).

Meade, George Gordon. Major general, U.S. Volunteers; commander,
Army of the Potomac.

Meagher, Thomas Francis. Major general, U.S. Volunteers; commander,
XI Corps, Army of the Hudson.

Mercier, Edouard-Henri. French Imperial ambassador to the United

Milne, Sir Alexander. Vice admiral, Royal Navy; commander of the
North American and West Indies Station.

Moreau, Michel Andre. Colonel, French Imperial Army; commander,
Zouave Regiment of the Guard.

Morgan, John Hunt. Colonel, C.S. Army; commander, Morgan's Cavalry
Brigade, Army of Tennessee.

Morton, Oliver. Republican governor of Indiana.

Muravyov, Mikhail Nikolayevich. General, Russian Imperial Army;
known as the Hangman for his brutality in suppressing the Polish

Murphy, Frank. Second lieutenant, U.S. Volunteers; acting commander,
13th Regiment New Jersey Volunteers.

Nicolay, John. One of President Lincoln's two private secretaries.

Paulet, Frederick Lord. Major general, British Army; commander of the
Albany Field Force in the invasion of New York.

Polignac, Camille Armand Jules Marie, Prince de. French prince of the
House of Orleans; brigadier general, C.S. Army.

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Andreyevich. Ensign, Russian Imperial
Navy, aboard Aleksandr Nevsky, flagship of the Russian Squadron
visiting New York.

Ripley, James W. Brigadier general, U.S. Army; former director, former
chief, Ordnance Bureau.

Root, Elisha K. Director, Colt Arms Factory.

Rosecrans, William "Old Rosey." Major general, U.S. Volunteers; commander, Army of the Cumberland.

Rowan, Stephen Clegg. Captain, U.S. Navy; commander, USS New
Ironsides, and acting commander of the South Atlantic Blockading

Russell, Lord John. British foreign minister in the Liberal Palmerston

Scarlet, William Lord Abinger. Lieutenant colonel; commander the
Scots Guards Fusiliers.

Schurz, Carl. Major general, U.S. Volunteers; commander, Third Division, XI Corps, Army of the Hudson.

Sedgwick, John. Major general, U.S. Volunteers; commander, VI Corps,
Army of the Potomac, and in independent command of the relief of

Semmes, Raphael. Captain, C.S. Navy; commander of CSS Alabama, the
greatest of the Confederate commerce raiders.

Seward, William H. U.S. secretary of state.

Seymour, Sir Michael. Rear admiral, Royal Navy; commander of the
squadron sent to destroy the U.S. Navy's South Atlantic Blockading
Squadron at Charleston.

Sharpe, George H. Brigadier general, U.S. Volunteers; director of the
Central Information Bureau (CIB) and commander of the 120th
Regiment, New York Volunteers.

Sherman, William Tecumseh. Major general, U.S. Volunteers; commander, XVII Corps.

Slocum, Henry W. Major general, U.S. Volunteers; commander, XII
Corps, Army of the Potomac and Army of the Hudson.

*Smoke, James R. "Big Jim." Chief agent for the Copperhead movement
in Indiana and subsequent agent of Lafayette Baker's Secret Service.

Spencer, Christopher. Inventor of the Spencer repeating rifle.

Stanton, Edwin McMasters. U.S. secretary of war.

Steinwehr, Adolph von. Brigadier general, U.S. Volunteers; commander,
2nd Division, XI Corps, Army of the Hudson.

Stimers, Alban Crocker. Inspector general of ironclads, U.S. Navy.

Stoeckl, Baron Edouard de. Russian ambassador to the United States.

Tappen, John R. Major, U.S. Volunteers; acting commander, 120th Regiment, New York Volunteers.

Taylor, Richard. Lieutenant general, C.S. Army; son of President Zachary Taylor; commander, Western Louisiana District.

Thomas, George. Major general, U.S. Volunteers; "the Rock of Chickamauga," who succeeded Rosecrans as commander, Army of the

Victoria, Alexandrina. Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Ireland; ascended her throne on June 20, 1837.

Washburn, Cadwallader C. Major general, U.S. Volunteers; commander,
XIII Corps, Army of the Gulf.

Welles, Gideon. U.S. secretary of the Navy.

Wetherall, E.R. Colonel, British Army; chief of staff to Lt. Gen. William
Fenwick Williams, commander, Imperial forces in British North

Williams, Alpheus S. Brigadier general, U.S. Volunteers; commander,
1st Division, XII Corps, Army of the Hudson.

*Wilmoth, Michael D. Sergeant, U.S. Volunteers; senior order-of-battle
analyst, Central Information Bureau (CIB), and protege of George
H. Sharpe.

Windham, Sir Charles Ashe. Major general, British Army; commander
of the Portland Field Force.

Wolseley, Garnet J. Lieutenant colonel, British Army; assistant quartermaster, Imperial forces in British North America.

Wright, Horatio G. Brigadier general, U.S. Volunteers; commander, 1st
Division, VI Corps.

Zeppelin, Count Ferdinand von. Captain, Prussian Army; official
observer of the American Civil War.


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