A Royal Entanglement: The Young Royals Book 2 (2 page)

BOOK: A Royal Entanglement: The Young Royals Book 2
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I watched the very well-put-together Lady Alexandra Fornette walk away and smiled.
I loved getting her riled up, I loved flustering her.
The way her cheeks pinked adorably when she caught me staring at her and the little intakes of breath when I brushed passed her, making sure our bodies made contact were my obsession.
Hell, she was my obsession.

I hadn’t looked forward to returning to Merveille to take up the family seat to prepare for my father’s retirement.
I’d had a life and a lucrative career out in the real world which I’d given up to return to the fold and, to tell the truth, I’d been a little annoyed.
But discovering Alex had taken the sting out of my return.

I had no intention of settling down anytime soon, but having a pleasant little interlude with Lady Alexandra was tempting.
So far she had shown herself to be far too well-bred to fall into my arms, but I had plans to soften her up.
Each time I saw her, I made sure to leave her a little off kilter and my plan seemed to be working.
Besides, it was fun to watch her squirm.

One of these days I would corner her and taste those very tempting lips or maybe thread my fingers through her very carefully constructed chignon.
She was always so well put together, my fingers itched to mess her up a little.
I could only imagine how she would feel pressed up against me, all her soft, delicate curves moulding around my body.

But that day was not today.
She was right to be on her best behaviour today.
The coronation of the first female Head of State in the history of Merveille was not something to be sneezed at and I had duties to attend to.
I whistled as I continued on my way towards the Queen’s rooms, smiling to myself.
Alex would be there and I would get another chance to ruffle her feathers.

She really had become a bit of an addiction for me and I looked forward to the moment I could savour her.

“Lord Bingham?”

I turned to see who was addressing me.
It was one of the Queen’s household staff and they looked out of sorts.

“Yes, what is it?”
I asked haughtily.

“Um, there's a man here,” the attendant said, “Demanding to see Lady Alexandra.”

“Does he want an audience with the Queen?” I asked, puzzled.

“Ah, no,” he said, “I don’t think it has anything to do with the Queen,” he replied, “The man is an American and he claims to be Lady Alexandra’s fiancé.”
He said this last in a whisper, covering his mouth so that no one would overhear.

“Alex is engaged?” I blurted out and then shook my head.
“Best take me to him.
We can’t afford any scandals today of all days.”

I followed the attendant, all the while my head was spinning.
Alex had never once mentioned being engaged, what the hell was going on?

I stood in the doorway and watched the American pace.
He looked like hell.
His suit, although expensive, was rumpled and his hair looked like he’d been running his hands through it constantly.
He needed a shave and probably a few hours sleep.
A couple of fingers of brandy probably wouldn’t go astray either.

This was the man Alexandra had been going to marry? I couldn't imagine her with him, okay that was a lie, I could, I just didn't like the image.
Alexandra had that straight laced, conservative look about her and I knew that when she stood beside this man they would look like the perfect couple.
But I had recognised something else in Alexandra that most people probably didn't see, there was a touch of wild in her.

I smiled at the thought of telling her that.
Alex would deny it and she would get that cute little crease between her eyebrows that I itched to smooth away.
She would deny it, protest that she was anything but wild, but I knew better.
Alex may have hidden it deep, but it was there and I knew I could bring it out of her.

And I really wanted to bring it out of her.

But that little project would have to wait.
The Coronation was today and Alexandra was swamped with all of her responsibilities.
The last thing she needed right now was that man in there turning up to claim his runaway bride.

And why the hell had it taken him six months to come and find her, anyway?
If the guy was so broken up about her leaving him at the altar, why hadn't he come sooner?
Well, there was only one way to find out.

I stepped into the room and the man immediately stopped his pacing, turning to look at me with narrowed eyes.

"Who're you?" he asked with a sneer.

"Lord Frédéric Bingham, Earl of Avonlea and you are?" I stepped forward, not offering my hand and mustering all the haughty, highhandedness that I could channel from my parents and my upbringing in the royal court.

"Bradley Corsair," he replied, "Am I supposed to bow to you or something?"

I laugh, "No, of course not.
I do have a few questions for you though," I said stepping closer, "Why don't you take a seat."

"I'd rather speak to Alex," he said, still standing.

I smiled sympathetically at him, "I'm afraid that isn't going to be possible, especially not today."

Bradley sat heavily on the antique settee.
He wasn't a big man, but he was solid and he seemed to take reasonable care of himself, his jet lag not withstanding.

"How was it that you managed to get onto the palace grounds?" I asked knowing that both Von Bartham and Benjamin would have a fit knowing he had gotten past security.

"I followed a crowd of Press in," he replied without thinking.

"They didn't check your identification?" I asked, annoyed that after the recent troubles with security in the palace that it had been so relatively easy.

He shrugged, "There was a bit of a crush and I kept to the middle of the pack."

I nodded.
"Do you know what is happening today?" I asked.

“Uh," he looked around the room to get some kind of clue as to why a crush of Press would be entering the palace grounds en mass.
"Not really, no," he replied, "I really just needed to find Alex."

I studied the man before me.
He did look rather distraught, but not exactly heartbroken.
There was something else that was making him edgy, nervous, and I really didn't think it had anything to do with Alexandra.

"Do you know what Lady Alexandra does here in the palace?" I asked.

"Um, some sort of secretary?
That's what she was back home, anyway."

I had to hold back the snort of disgust that threatened to escape.
Alexandra was so much more than a secretary, even before she had become the Queen's personal assistant.

"Her role here is a little more than that," I replied, picking at imaginary lint on my pants.
Alexandra was probably in panic mode right now wondering where I was, but I needed to get this matter put to bed before this buffoon started stomping through the castle and making demands.
"Which is why you won't be able to see her today.
I'm sure we can find you some comfortable accommodation and set up a meeting in the next couple of days."

"No," he replied standing, a wild look in his eyes, "I need to see her today, now."

"I'm afraid that's simply not possible," I replied calmly, staying seated and not reacting to his spike of anxiety.

"Why the hell not?" His voice had risen, and he had resumed his pacing.

"Returning to my earlier question Mr Corsair, do you have any idea what today is?"

"I told you already," he said turning to me, "I have no idea what today is."

"And you have no idea what Lady Alexandra does here in the palace?"

"No, I do not."

I stood with a sigh and an apologetic look on my face, "Today is the coronation of our new Queen," I said, "And the reason you cannot see Lady Alexandra is because she is the Queen's personal assistant and will be a little too busy today to deal with you."

He sat with a thud back onto the settee and I winced with the impact on such a delicate piece of furniture.

"I suggest you take me up on my offer of accommodation and a meeting at a later date."

He looked up at me, "There is no accommodation," he said, "I've checked."

I just smiled, "Leave it to me," I said, summoning one of the hovering palace staff.

"Find Dayne and ask him to organise somewhere for Mr Corsair to stay." Dayne was my own personal assistant, and the man was a whiz at getting things done, "And maybe notify Benjamin to have someone escort Mr Corsair to his lodgings." I hated to do it to the Queen's personal security team leader, but he needed to be apprised of the situation.
I turned back to Bradley Corsair.

"Now, if you will excuse me," I said making a show of looking down at my watch, "I have somewhere I need to be.
Dayne will be here any moment to get you settled and I will contact you tomorrow about setting up an appointment to meet with Lady Alexandra."

I didn't wait for his nod before I left the room.
I was already late and Alexandra would be in a fit, but that was nothing to what she would be when she found out about her visitor.

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