A School for Unusual Girls (28 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Baldwin

BOOK: A School for Unusual Girls
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“Marvelous,” I practically shouted. “No dangling at the end of a rope.”

“I can't guarantee that much,” he said. “Leave it to her to have your necks in a noose before the night is out.”

“At least we don't have to scale the foreign minister's wall,” I murmured.

Tess shrugged. “I'd been rather looking forward to that part.”

Lord Ravencross opened the driver's trap. “Take us to my town house.”

“Why?” Tess demanded.

“So you can change into your gowns in privacy. What else?”

“No!” I blurted. “There isn't time.” At this very moment, Sebastian might be handing out the wrong ink.

“I see,” he said. “And yet, you thought there was time for you to sneak around the house and scramble up a rain gutter?”

“Don't be absurd. I wouldn't have used a rain gutter,” Tess huffed. “Much too noisy. I would have climbed the brick—”

“No more arguments.” It was my turn to smack the seat. “To save time we can change in the carriage.”

He shook his head. “There isn't enough room in here. Aside from that, what do you expect me to do, close my eyes?”

Tess held her hand over her breast and feigned surprise. “Heavens no, my lord. We would never expect you to be so gentlemanly.”

“What then?” he growled.

“My dear
Lord Ogre,
if you would be so kind as to step outside and stand guard I'm certain there's ample room for Miss Fitzwilliam and I to manage a change of wardrobe.”

He snorted in disbelief. “Reduce me to keeper of the door, will you? Very well,
Your Royal Bossiness
, I shall comply.” He pulled on his forelock, as if he was the lowliest of servants.

Tess inclined her head in a queenly fashion.

Lord Ravencross flicked open the coachman's transom and ordered, “Pull onto a side street, a quiet one, and stop.” He slammed it shut and scowled.

The coach turned and rolled to a stop. Ravencross climbed out and cast a warning over his shoulder. “Be quick about it. I can't skulk out here all night like a ruddy brigand.”

We dressed hurriedly, helping each other ease the gowns over our heads and tying tapes that were difficult to negotiate in the cramped space. I pulled on a luxurious pair of white elbow-length gloves. Tess fastened around my neck a string of pearls that Jane had generously packed in the satchel. She'd also lent me a small beaded reticule into which I carefully stowed the vials of invisible ink. We were ready.

“Oh, my,” I said when I took stock of my companion. “You look beautiful.”

Tess smoothed out her gown, a clever combination of diaphanous white silk flowing over her shoulders and sides, with a cornflower blue panel running down the center. It was, however, cut fashionably low, and revealed a great deal of her bosom. I shrugged. Such was the Parisian style. She looked stunning in it and would provide a useful diversion for my night's errand. With Tess in the room, I could go about my business without attracting any notice at all.

I opened the door and summoned Lord Ravencross. With a nod he instructed the coachman to take us to St. James's Square and climbed in. He took one look at Tess and his cheeks flamed. He tugged at his collar.

“Would you like me to straighten your cravat for you?” Tess asked.

“No,” he snapped.

Aloof and as elegant as a swan, she elevated her chin. “As you wish.”

He eyed her cleavage and took a deep breath. “I've half a mind to rip the ruddy cloth off my neck and use it to cover up your…” He waved at her breasts. “Haven't you something to hide those … What I mean is … Bloody hell, you're practically naked. I'll be forced to call out at least a dozen men before the evening is half over.”

“It was not my intention to distress you, my lord.”

I rather thought it might have been her exact intention. She plumped up the lace at the sides of her breasts. “There. Is that better?”

Whether it was better or worse, I couldn't tell. Poor Lord Ravencross could not look away.

Tess seemed rather pleased at his response. “I fail to see why you should call anyone out on my behalf. You aren't my brother, nor any relation at all. I don't see that it is any of your business if another gentleman lays his eyes on my…” She paused, waiting for him to tear his gaze away from the exact spot in question. “Person.”

He growled and shoved back against the seat.

“Speaking of relationships.” I called their attention to the business at hand. “How do you plan to explain our connection? What excuse will you give as to why you are escorting us this evening?”

“Don't need an excuse,” he muttered.

“You could introduce us as your cousins,” I suggested. “Among the peerage everyone is related somehow or other. In fact, it is quite likely you and I
are cousins through my father's line. My uncle is Lord Brucklesby.”

.” He made my uncle's name sound like a sour word and muttered something else, which sounded suspiciously like “That old goat?”

I wasn't certain, because our carriage finally rolled to a stop in front of Lord Castlereagh's imposing town house and my thoughts turned elsewhere. “Sebastian,” I whispered aloud, and touched my finger to the carriage glass.




Lord Ravencross's plan worked. A few moments later, we stood on a lavish staircase along with dozens of other guests waiting to be announced into the ballroom. I tapped my foot against the marble stair and peered up and down the procession hoping to catch a glimpse of Sebastian. He must be here. He had to be here, but where? I stretched up on my tiptoes but couldn't see over the gentlemen's shoulders, or ladies' voluminous turbans and billowy hair arrangements. In this awful crush how would I find him in time?

Tess edged close and warned us in a low voice, “Daneska will be here.”

Lord Ravencross rumbled with disapproval. She laid her hand on his arm. He stared at her white glove resting on his dark sleeve.

“This is important, my lord. You must stay away from her. Whatever you do, avoid her at all costs.”

He frowned and looked confused. “I have no interest in Lady Daneska.”

“I am well aware of that,” she said. “It's your dislike of her that worries me. It would be best if you did not cross paths tonight.”

“I will not run from her,” he snarled.

“You mustn't take that attitude.” Tess let go of his arm and tilted her face up to him, pleading. “She already wants vengeance. We cannot risk making her angrier.”

“You can't possibly think I fear her.”

“I wish that you did.” Tess shook her head. “You don't know what she's capable of. I do. Daneska is no fool. She won't attack
. Not directly.” Tess pressed her lips together. “She'll go after someone you…” She looked away and red rushed into her cheeks. “Someone else.”

His eyes widened. “She wouldn't,” he whispered softly.

“I'll stay away from you. Perhaps she won't guess.…”

He frowned. Hard lines brought the wolf in him to the surface. “Even she would not be so bold.”

“I beg to differ, my lord. You do not know her as well as I do.”

He grumbled and turned away.

Tess leaned close and whispered in my ear. “You must stay away from her tonight, too. Otherwise, she will destroy everything.” By the intensity in her eyes I knew she had seen Lady Daneska play a part in this nightmare. “Run if you have to. Heed my words. Run.”

I nodded quickly.

“Oh, this is hopeless.” Tess turned pale. “Impossible.” Her shoulders sagged and I feared she would fall to the floor and under the heavy agony of knowing too much.

“It will be all right.” I grabbed her hand and clasped it tight, speaking quietly but in a voice firm enough that she would draw strength from my words. “We fixed the ink. That was
. Yet, because of you, we did it. This will be easy in comparison. We will deliver it to Sebastian and leave. We can do this. Look, we are almost to the receiving line.”

She shuddered. “May God help us all.”

Our turn arrived to be announced. I swallowed air and felt a bit nauseous. The page shouted us in a booming voice, “The Earl of Ravencross, his cousin, Miss Georgiana Fitzwilliam, and her companion, Miss Teresa Aubreyson.”

Fortunately, most of the guests in the room took little notice of us. We made our way down the receiving line where Lord Ravencross bowed elegantly and introduced us to Lord and Lady Castlereagh. Tess and I curtseyed deep. I quaked in my shoes, meeting the leader of the British House of Commons under false pretenses. Lord Ravencross rapidly distracted Lord Castlereagh with a friendliness I hadn't thought him capable of, while we pressed forward away from Lady Castlereagh's curious glances.

Lord Ravencross asked our host, “I wonder if you might help me. I'm looking for a particular friend of mine, Lord Wyatt. We served together on the continent.”

Lord Castlereagh studied Lord Ravencross with greater interest. “I know the man. Fine fellow, Lord Wyatt.”

“Bit of a muddle,” Ravencross confided. “I agreed to meet him here earlier, but I arrived late, you see. Wouldn't know where I might find him, would you?”

I pretended to be disinterested, averting my gaze to the dazzling company swirling across the dance floor. All the while, my ears were keenly tuned to every word they said. That's when I spotted Daneska on the other side of the ballroom surrounded by admirers. She glanced pointedly in our direction.

“I've a fair notion,” the foreign secretary spoke cautiously, “I saw Wyatt and several of his friends headed out the side door. If I know the gentlemen, they wanted a quiet place to smoke cigars, and perhaps drink a glass or two of brandy.” He nodded toward the west wall of the ballroom. “Probably went downstairs to my study. No doubt they found the good stuff stashed in my desk.”

I gazed up at the ornate ceiling. Clearly, Sebastian had rounded up his contacts for a secret meeting under the foreign secretary's roof. Ravencross thanked our host, bowed, and we took our leave of the reception line.

“I have to get to that study,” I said to Tess from the side of my mouth. She nodded and drifted away to join a circle of young ladies and gentlemen, greeting them as if they were old friends. One fellow bowed over her hand and looked on the verge of asking her to dance.

Ravencross growled under his breath and marched straight for Tess and her group of acquaintances. He parted the circle and glowered at them like a towering Hessian mercenary about to whip out his saber and cut down each and every one of them.

He provided the perfect diversion I needed to find my way to the side door. Turning, I nearly collided with Miss Pinswary. Had she overheard what I said to Tess? Her eyes narrowed on me. “Miss Fitzwilliam, what a surprise to find you here.”

“Miss Pinswary.” I dipped in a quick curtsey. “I did not see you standing there.”

Her face hardened. “Well, I noticed you. How could I not, green is a rather daring color for a young lady, don't you think?”

I glanced down at Jane's dress. The silk was beautiful, but she had a point, green is not customarily a debutante color. “I borrowed it,” I murmured.

“No matter.” She waved away my explanation. “Truthfully I envy you. Anything is better than this pasty white thing my mother and Daneska inflicted upon me. It's all right for Dani, isn't it, white sets off her golden skin. It turns mine to ash.”

“Oh, no, you look quite lovely.” I attempted to sidle away.

She squinted at me. “Where are you going? Mama will have an apoplexy when she discovers you are here.” Miss Pinswary did not look troubled at the idea of her mother having a brain hemorrhage. “Her cousin has convinced her you ought to be brought up on charges of arson.” She glanced around unconcerned about my criminal nature. “Where is your Miss Stranje? I didn't hear her announced.”

Thankfully, at that moment Tess joined me.

Miss Pinswary forgot all her questions. She raised her chin several degrees, flipped back a lock of hair, and sniffed. “What a clever gown, Tess. Quite
. And here I thought Miss Stranje was supposed to be reforming all of you into respectable young ladies. See how poor Lord Ravencross pants after you like a lame wolf. Perhaps I am mistaken in the sort of lessons Miss Stranje gives.”

Tess curtseyed before answering. “Comments of that sort are beneath you, Alicia. You mustn't allow your cousin to poison your better nature.”

Miss Pinswary pinched up like a dried lemon.

Just as if they hadn't exchanged a single harsh word, I heard Tess ask in a solicitous tone, “Where's your little dog? Did you bring him?”

Alicia's sour countenance dissolved. “I wanted to.” She sighed. “But Dani and my mother wouldn't allow it. He's no trouble in my reticule. Truly, he's not. Poor baby, he's bound to be miserable without me.”

I edged back and Tess stepped in front of Alicia to prevent her from following me.

“He is an adorable little mite.” Tess clucked her tongue in genuine sympathy. “But surely you will be dancing too often to watch over him as well as you would like. If he escaped and scampered under the dancers' feet…”

I slipped quietly away and hurried toward the west wall of the ballroom. I was almost there when off to my right I noticed Lady Pinswary sailing through the crowd straight for me. I skittered behind a large group of matrons, but she towered over everyone and aimed her sights directly at me. I headed for the thickest clump of guests I could see. Despite three ridiculously large ostrich feathers bobbing from her coiffure, the woman bore down on me with the determination of a crazed hunter, practically shoving peers aside in her quest to run me aground. No doubt she planned to grab my ears and give me a vicious shake the minute she was within arm's length.

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