A Sense of Duty: A Former Navy SEAL Falls in Love and Begins a New Journey with his Private Consulting Company: Dark Horse Guardians (9 page)

BOOK: A Sense of Duty: A Former Navy SEAL Falls in Love and Begins a New Journey with his Private Consulting Company: Dark Horse Guardians
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Eager to get to lunch and talk with him, Lara followed Rusty to their usual lunch spot, a tiny hamburger joint with hand cut French fries. The antique neon sign above the place simply said "Lunch". The building looked like a dive from the outside. A simple rectangular box made of wood covered with aging clapboards; it had a huge plate glass window in the front. In a former life it must have been a 1940's diner. Now cleaned up and slightly modernized, it was their favorite burger joint. And, that was the entire menu, burgers, cheeseburgers, and hand cut French fries. But they were the best because the beef came from a local farm. All of the ingredients were of the highest quality. They placed their order and received a ticket with a number, then walked to the back of the room to their usual corner table. The place was getting crowded.

Lara was riveted to Rusty as he delicately brought up the subject of Ben. He asked Lara if she had done a background check on Ben. Rusty said he had connections and would call in a favor to gather as much information as possible about him. "How do you know him?" Lara asked. Rusty looked serious. "Anyone in the intelligence community knows of Ben Keegan. He is a well-known hero, a former Navy SEAL Lieutenant. He was captured in Afghanistan not once, but twice. He served six tours and virtually invented new ways to run recon. The stories about this guy are amazing. He just retired from the SEALs, and started his own company. Jesus, Lara, he contracts with the CIA. What Ben does is commonly referred to as black ops. Do you know what that term means?" Lara nodded her head, but was filled with apprehension as she listened to Rusty. "Is he trustworthy, in your opinion…?" Lara asked. "He's a great guy, but I believe he's married. Just be careful you don't end up with a broken heart. He's a good looking guy and if he's making moves on you, well you just tell him he should get divorced first." They had finished eating. Rusty hugged Lara in the parking lot and promised to call her later with more information about Ben.

Driving home, Lara had the déjà vu feeling of being forewarned and not listening once or twice in her life before. There were the warnings she received as a young girl from her mother to be aware of her surroundings at all times. Don't walk alone. Be wary of men, especially those you don't know well. If Lara had really listened to those warnings, she wouldn't have left herself vulnerable to her attacker. In retrospect, Lara was acutely aware of everything she did to give the attacker the advantage. As a result, she listened carefully to her intuition in matters involving trust. Don and Rusty told her they thought Ben was a great guy. These two men were Lara's closest allies. She had tremendous respect for them and confidence in their opinions. Not to mention Olivia's praise for him.

As she pulled into the driveway at home, Lara noticed she had received two phone messages. One was from Eliot asking her to call him. The voicemail from Ben was his lovely Irish voice saying, "How about dinner?" Then, as if reading her mind he added, "No pressure." He knew how to make her laugh, but she wondered if this was his way of manipulating her to get what he wanted. She decided to take the chance and called Ben back. It was now late afternoon and if they were going to have dinner, a reservation might be needed. Having never called Ben on the phone, Lara was a bit surprised to hear him answer, "Keegan." That was his last name, Keegan. It just seemed to be an odd way to answer the phone. Usually, folks just said hello. "Hi
Ben, its Lara." Immediately, Ben thanked her for calling and said he wanted to meet her right away. He was looking at an apartment and needed her expert opinion. He said it was in a beautiful Victorian building just a short walk from the campus. Ben sounded breathless. He was especially eager to get this place because with an extra deposit he'd be allowed to have Einstein with him. Wrapped up in his enthusiasm, Lara said, "Sure, I'd love to walk through the flat with you." With excitement he said, "I'll be there to meet you in a few minutes." and he hung up.

Just back from the shooting range, Lara dashed to the bathroom to wash her face and apply lipstick. She pulled her unruly hair into a loose side pony tail. Her clothing was dirty and stained from the shooting range and lunch. As she tried to decide what to change into, her doorbell buzzed. It was Ben already. The 1940 Indian Chief was in the driveway. Lara ran down the stairs to meet him on the porch. Ben was beaming as if he couldn't contain himself. Out of nowhere, the landlord, Mr. Walsh, came around the corner of the porch. "Do you two know each other?" He asked. "Yes!" they both said simultaneously. Ben
spoke, "Lara showed me her beautiful condo and when I discovered the one next to it was available, well, I just had to come and view it. It's exactly what I have been looking for and it's walking distance to the campus."

Mr. Walsh took them to the other side of the porch and they walked to the back of the enormous house, up a small stairway. The landlord opened the door to the beautiful two bedroom apartment, completely furnished, more ornate than Lara's humble condo. Lara knew the place well. She had decorated and furnished it. Familiar with the unit, she took Ben through every detail. The kitchen was a work of art, complete with restored cabinetry painted a dark green, with leaded glass windows lit from within. A black slate sink and slate countertops contrasted the stainless appliances. The dining room was an octagon shape with a beautiful decorative plaster medallion that fixed the vintage chandelier to the ceiling. The windows were floor to ceiling and there was a fireplace painted white. The expansive parlor had floor to ceiling windows and another fireplace with an original ornately carved mantle. The furnishings were period.

Ben was thrilled and immediately wrote a check. "It's move-in ready." Mr. Walsh said. "Oh, and remember to keep your dog quiet and have him do his duty outside." Ben nodded. The landlord had to leave, but before he did he handed Ben two sets of keys. Once alone in the apartment, Ben looked at Lara and said, "Hello, neighbor!" Lara smiled. Ben handed her the extra set of keys. This seemed to be a stroke of good fortune for Ben. For a moment Lara was in awe of the events of the past week. She had only met Ben a few days ago and couldn't stop thinking of him….and now they would be living in the same house. "We should have dinner tonight to celebrate." Ben said beaming. "Would you help me get Einstein and move my toothbrush in?"



Moving into the condo next to Lara's was an unexpected coup. Ben couldn't stop smiling as he raced
the motorcycle back to Harris' home to remove his few belongings and toss them into the back of his truck. Several duffle bags and a box held everything he owned. He also collected Einstein's dog bed and bowls and brought the happy canine with him to the pink Victorian. Ben plotted and planned the time he would now have alone with Lara to get to know her better. Although he would be traveling more in the next few months, he had specific plans to spend as many hours as possible with her. Living in the apartment next to hers would afford him that luxury. He could visit her morning, noon and night and eventually she would fall in love with him. That was the plan. The worst thing that could happen right now would be to have some guy get between them, like Eliot Stone. He would do his best to make sure that would not happen. Winning Lara's affection became Ben's personal mission. He was one step closer to his goal.



Tonight's dinner was intimate. Ben was all moved in. As Lara showered and changed, Ben sped off in his truck to pick up their celebratory dinner at a nearby restaurant. Einstein bounded up the stairs in his bull dog manner, sniffing every inch of the new place. He already had his afternoon walk and was ready to settle for dinner and a nap on his dog bed, which was tucked in the corner of Ben's kitchen near the radiator. Ben's beloved Einstein was now here with her, as she waited for the handsome former Navy SEAL Lieutenant to return to his new home. She rubbed the dog's ears affectionately and filled his bowl with fresh water. Lara left her long hair loose tonight. She wore a faded green v-neck and jeans. For a moment, she sat in Ben's dining room in silence, wondering what it would be like to live in the same building with the handsome dark-haired man. The very thought of it gave her butterflies.

Lara heard Ben's truck in the driveway. He appeared in the dining room and his mood was joyful. She arranged the take-out food on his antique table in the formal dining room, something she did not have in her tiny apartment. The meal consisted of beef tenderloin, rice, broccoli, two slices of cheesecake, and a bottle of ginger ale, and, of course dog treats and food for Einstein. Ben had moved the entire contents of his closet and bathroom in about thirty minutes into his new place. Lara was astounded at how little Ben had in the way of stuff. Lara started to unpack Ben's duffle bags and found some beautiful candles. She was surprised to discover they were Blackberry Vanilla Musk. She set them on the table intrigued by the scent, as it was the exact one she wore every day. She wasn't aware the scent was sold in candle form, and it surprised her even more to find them in Ben's duffle bag.



Washing up before dinner, Ben stripped off his clothing in what was now his charming Victorian bathroom. He was giddy with excitement to be having dinner in his new place tonight with Lara. White marble floors and tiles covered every surface of the bath. Ben examined his face in the large white antique mirror. He didn't have time to shave, but he turned on the hot water and lathered up from head to toe, quickly rinsing. Drying his naked body, he wrapped the towel around his waist and found Lara in the kitchen. "Hey…" Lara was surprised Ben appeared draped in a towel with his thick black hair dripping. "I just wanted to tell you I will be right out." Ben felt her eyes on him as he turned to leave the room. He smiled as he pulled his clothing on in the bathroom. He had intentionally walked into the kitchen with only a towel to gauge her reaction. She seemed tolerant, not fearful. He still couldn't believe he had Lara in his new apartment. He felt like a kid at Christmas. Dressed in a white T-shirt and faded jeans, Ben padded barefoot into the dining room softly lit by the antique chandelier. "This is perfect," he said looking into Lara's eyes, "dinner with you." Time stood still as Lara handed him a glass of ginger ale and they toasted his new home. Ben, like Lara, did not drink alcohol. He knew this was an important attribute in Lara's book. It spoke volumes about his level of self-control. Not to mention, he had seen alcohol destroy the lives of many good military men. It was getting late for dinner; their stomachs were growling. Ben felt drunk with happiness. He had not seen Lara dressed casually
except for breakfast on the porch and his eyes took in her figure in the faded T-shirt and jeans. He noticed her hair was loose tonight and longed to embrace her. He tried to focus on eating dinner.



Lara had never seen Ben so relaxed and happy. Dying to ask him about the candles that bore her scent, she
posed the amusing question, "Where on earth did you get these candles?" Ben appeared to be at a loss for words… for a moment. When his eyes met hers, she thought she saw him blush. Then he confessed, "It's your scent…it's a Navy guy thing. When guys are away from their girls, well…they like to keep something with her scent on it. When I smelled you for the first time…I felt it would be awkward to ask what you wore for perfume. You'd probably think I was strange. I noticed the bottle of perfume on your vanity in your bedroom when you gave me that little tour. I remembered the name and Googled it. I bought the candles and lit them in my room at night….when I was alone… thinking about you. You don't want to know the rest…" he had a bashful boyish smile. "Oh god, Ben, that's creepy." Lara said with obvious embarrassment. "No, it's normal for a guy to do that, Lara. You asked, so I told you the truth. But, believe me, this is what a guy does when he's attracted to a woman." Lara blushed, but she was absorbed in thought.



After dinner, Ben led her to the comfortable sofa in his parlor and they sat together with Einstein at their feet. He wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and overwhelm her with pleasure. But he knew that would be too much, too soon. His iPod sitting on the marble top table near the sofa had been playing during dinner. Tim Halperin came up on the playlist. The title of the song "Think I'm in Love" started. Ben said, "I like this song…I'm clumsy but let's give it a try." He turned up the volume and swept Lara into his arms slowly leading her as they danced to the soulful song. The words to the song held special meaning for him. He enjoyed the excuse to hold her in his arms close to his chest. The antique
wool carpet felt soft on their bare feet. Both smiling and awkward at first, Ben slowly pulled Lara closer to him as he nuzzled her neck. Their bodies moved as one. Ben was intoxicated with her scent, the feel of her hair against his skin and the warmth of her shapely form against his. He sensed that Lara enjoyed the intimacy. He never wanted the song to end. But once it did, Lara looked into his eyes and said excitedly, "There's a super moon tonight!"

It was a cool autumn night so they wore fleece jackets and sat on the white porch glider holding hands, with Einstein at their feet. The pair sat in silence as they watched the full moon rise above the tree tops. It was enormous and there was something primal about viewing it together. "It's beautiful." Ben whispered in Lara's ear as he wrapped his arm around her. He felt something stir inside him every time he touched her. They sat for a long time enjoying the night air and the moon. Ben savored the warmth and intimate embrace as Lara curled up underneath his strong arm pressing her cheek against his chest.
"I can't believe how lucky I am to have found a condo right next door to you." Then he turned toward her in the glider, his blue eyes searching Lara's in the moonlight. As she examined his handsome features, Ben gently placed his hand underneath her chin and lifted her face ever so slightly. She was incredibly beautiful in the moonlight. Ben leaned in to steal a kiss.

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