A Silence Heard (6 page)

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Authors: Nicola McDonagh

BOOK: A Silence Heard
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“There now, a seal of approval if I am not mistaken, Oswald?”

“Non-finer. As you appear to be all set, we shall take our leave.”

“Returning soon though Darlene, remember?”

I lost my grin at Alfred’s words. Then sighed a greatly sigh of easing when Oswald palmed out another door from nowhere, and both Agro males left.


“I know dear Adara. Calm yourself. I will not let that glutinous individual molest a hair of your head,” she said and took hold of both my elbows.

“How? He is bent on ruining my selectness.” I pulled myself free and stood by Marcellus. “Which I had not planned in giving over for many moons and then some.”

Kendra approached. “A bit of huff and puff and nothing more will be required of you, I assure. A finger here a coy slap there, nothing too unpleasant.”

Marcellus stood between her and me. “We will not allow harm to come to Adara. We will not,” he said and his body tensed.

Kendra touched his hand and he brushed it aside. I took my mitts from the fluff tube and placed my fingers on his back. He turned, I smiled and his face became as red as a squealing bub. “This part of mission hard for me to bear.”

I took his hand and put it against my chest. The soft fabric that draped around my bod slid a bit to show more of my flesh, and I did not replace it. I think I saw Marcellus melt a tad and watched as his large frame flumped. He leant close and my heart pid-padded so fast that I had to gasp for air. He stared into my eyes and I almost forgot that we were in a gaudy room with the rest of our friends. Marcellus bent his head. I raised mine.

“Worry not Marcellus, we are not to linger here.” Kendra’s voice broke the charm and we parted. Marcellus went to where Eadgard stood by the entrance to the blue room that Oswald had chosen for him, and wiped his face with the back of his hand. Kendra rearranged my dress, so that it covered my mams better than it did before, and continued, “We are to leave as soon as and seek out the secret of this place.”

Her words brought me back to the reality of our task, and with the greatest of tugs at my innards, and other parts of my bod, I returned my thoughts to the saving of Deogol and the other Meeks. “Right you are. This we will do and soon. If I must do certain stuff to aid our plan then so be it. Do not look so forlorn, Marcellus, I’ll not let any Agro scum touch any of my finest bits.”

“You say we are to go and find out what’s what? All well and good Kendra, but how are we to do this when we are almost prisoners in this underground fortress?” Eadgard said. He stepped over to us and beckoned for Marcellus and Wirt to come too. My Clonie friend followed but not Wirt. He, as if being pulled by an invisible thread, was gliding into his allotted quarters with a look of adoration upon his face.

“Wirt! Attend.”

“Ay Eadgard. All in good time,” he said and disappeared into the room. There came a high squeal of pleasure and then another. Eadgard and Marcellus growled and coughed all manly-like. Kendra put her hand to her lips to hide the grin that was appearing. Wirt, came rushing out with both his hands hidden in a ball of bubbles.

“There is a tub. A tub and…sweet-smelling frothily stuff,” he said and blew the foam into our faces.

Eadgard flicked the froth from his eye, grabbed Wirt by his shirt collar, and pulled him from the hypnotic tug of the bathtub delights. Wirt near twisted his head right off with the effort not to turn it away from the sight of the tempting comforts that lay behind the wall opening. Eadgard held him by the shoulders. “Keep focused on our purpose. We must be sharp for what lies ahead.”

Kendra coughed and under her breath said, “Careful what you say or do. I suspect these Agros will have some sort of surveillance device to record our every word and move. We must be stealthy.”

“Difficult. Action needed. Not talk,” Marcellus said on a low voice.

Wirt wriggled free of Eadgard’s grasp and looked longingly at the entrance to his chamber. “Maybe we should refresh ourselves then think next what must be done.”

Eadgard gripped onto Wirt's sleeve. “Stay where you are.”

To keep my friend’s attention, I said, “Wirt, did you manage to glean the real tags of these two slugs?”

He frowned and rubbed his forehead. “Aye, first thing I did when I saw them.”


“And, Adara, ye will not be surprised to hear that the one who goes by, Oswald, was born as, Gwydderig.”

“Meaning?” Marcellus said.

“Meaning, untamed.”


Wirt took a nostril full of air and continued, “Alfred’s nam for real is, Clydno. Devourer.”

I shuddered and Marcellus touched my elbow. “We suspicious of naming. Think it myth. Think when called by tag must become the meaning. Now think it true what Vea said, ‘We are who we are and name called is name best suits that.’”

“Ye are right Marcellus, hence my existence and ability and Adara’s and…” Wirt’s voice trailed off and he closed his eyes. “That is a mighty powerful, sweet scent,” he said and pulled away from Eadgard, who grabbed him firmer.

“Remain with us.”

“But, we are soiled and weary, just a splash, that is all.”

Kendra gently eased Eadgard’s hand away from Wirt’s wrist. “Not such a radical approach. We are as you said earlier, nothing more than prisoners here until we can decide upon a plan of action. We must play our parts and allow the Agros to let down their guard so as to reveal what we must know.” She clapped her hands and pointed at each chamber. “To our respected rooms we must go, my dears. Bathe and nap if you can. Darlene, prepare yourself for a visitor. Do not sulk; I shall be to hand to assist, as it is your first time. I will tell them I must be present to observe how well you massage.”

I smiled sweetly, bowed my head, and in a voice as small as I could make it, said, “I am ready to fight for our cause, but not to give myself to the enemy. And a blobby one at that.”

“Good Darlene, you understand your purpose here. Remember that you are strong, that you possess a special skill.”

I lifted my head and saw the look of hope spread across the faces of my pals. I gave a lop-sided grin and nodded. The others did too and we all entered our rooms.

Once inside, the opening “shushed” shut and a soft golden light filled the place. The walls were covered in sumptuous fabric in red and green. A large metal-framed bed leered from the opposite wall, and I gulped.

My head filled with the memory of the last time I crooned. To use my voice in such close confines would be a trial. I did not have confidence in my ability to filter the sound so finely that only those that needed to hear it, could. Especially when they were out of eyesight. Sure, maybe I could give Alfred a blast of something nasty, but what of Oswald? What of my friends? Our rooms were as close together as a bumbles honeycomb, and I had not the means to warn the others to plug their ears if and when it came about that I must sing.

My questions ended when a raucous gurgle bellowed from my tum. What with all the comings and goings I had forgot to eat, and had munched nowt of the dubious fare offered by the Agros. I unhooked my Synthbag and delved inside. Taking out a Fruitle bar and Vegslice, I allowed my bod to relax and enjoy the savoury and sweet flavours that melted on my tongue. Grateful and then some to the Ladies for replenishing my depleted resources, when Wirt and I left their camp.

Belly full, I was about to further peruse my accommodation when I heard a soft tap upon the right wall. I leant my head against it and knocked back. Pressing my ear into the soft coverings, I heard Kendra’s voice, “As soon as Alfred enters your accommodation, pat the wall and I will come.” I tapped in response and she did too.

I straightened and spied a door to the left hand side of the imposing bed. It opened with merely a touch, and I went into the room that contained the tub of swirls.

Impressivo times many. The whole place was covered with mirrors; even the floor. No matter where I looked, I looked back. I stared at the multiple reflections and for a moment thought a stranger had entered. I’d not seen myself since Kendra dressed me up. Turning this way and that, I could not deny that I looked provocative, desirable even. I confess to being quite flattered at my new appearance. Then I spied the bath. Like Wirt, I became attracted to the promise of bubbles and warmth.

The tub was sunken into the floor and was in the shape of a giant golden heart. Normally I would have scorned such decadence, but heady with my new appearance, and in need of ablutions, I thought it magnificent. More so when I turned on the flower-shaped faucets, and out poured hot, steamy water. I pressed a button that lay in-between the taps and the water broiled and gurgled.

Bottles and coloured soaps lined the edge of the bath. I picked up a red flask, pulled out the cork and sniffed. Jasmine, honeysuckle and elderflower wafted up my nostrils. I poured a goodly sum into the water and inhaled its sensuous aroma. I think I drooled at that moment and without thinking, flung off my clothes and eased my aching body into the firmament of scented wet.

Chapter Six

Seeing Too Much

“AHHHHHHHHHH!” and “AHHHHHHHHH!” again. Not even in Cityplace are there cleansing opportunities as blissful as this. The bath in the Ladies abode was good, but this? This was supreme. I felt the surge of tiny bubbles pip-pop all over my flesh and I let my muscles sag in pleasure.

My fingers searched for the smooth pink soap and I pulled a tablet to rest by the side until I was ready to wash. Closing my eyes, I pushed myself down so that only my nose escaped the water’s maelstrom tickle. Thusly ensconced, I became oblivious to all other sensations.

Then I let out another “AHHHHHHH!” but not from pleasure.

Something solid pressed into my thigh. At first, I thought it a burst of pressure from the jets, but when the firmness was replaced with the probing fingers from a well-fleshed hand, my mouth went dry. I jerked upright, sending water splish-splashing all over the floor. Who’s reflective surface revealed the butt-naked form of Alfred, or Clydno, as was his for real name. I hoisted myself up and slithered out of the tub. Quickly using my arms to mask as much of my unclothed self as I could, I backed away from his approaching bulk.

“Hush, hush, no need to scamper off. Seeing you so luxurious and content, made me bold enough to assume you had placed yourself in here for my readiness. Which as you can observe, is ripe.”

Euk, yack, yucky! I caught a glimpse of his saggy nads and looked away before my retinas exploded.

I skidded upon the shiny ground in an attempt to avoid his advances. He blocked the doorway and stood with his arms out as if to catch me. As if I would throw myself into them. Fat chance.


What with me covering as much of my undressed self as possible with my hands, and their telltale mutation, I became concerned that he would recognise me. Not daring to remove them from my body, and judging by the leer in his eyes, I guessed my mitts and their extra digits were the last things Alfred would be paying much attention to. So, as hideous and horrendous as the thought was, I decided to fight not with my fists, but with my girly bits, and dropped my hands from where they concealed my femness.

“Oh, what sturdy plumpness. I always did favour the fuller figure,” Alfred said and lunged towards me.

I grabbed a pongy soap and curled it along the floor towards his feet. So intent was he on staring a hole into my bosoomers, that he did not notice my action and stepped full pelt onto the slimy bar. His legs left the ground and his vast arse met the floor with such a thud, that I swear the whole room shook. I scooted past his sprawled bod, raced into the bedroom, grabbed a blanket from the bed and ran into Kendra’s apartment.

“Kendra I…” As if one shock was not enough in the space of a few secs, this one almost beat the previous one in eukyness. For there on the great metal bed was a semi-naked Kendra and a fully unclad Oswald. He was grabbing at her front bits as if he meant to pull them off, whilst she swiped his mitts away and attempted to massage his chest. On clocking my countenance, Kendra without hesitation, put her fingers in her ears and ran out of the room. Oswald flipped over and stared at me.

“Well, how unexpected. Kendra, what a delight, you were saving her for me after all.”

He raised himself to a sitting position and patted the bed. “Come lay with me, Darlene. Kendra,” he called. But she had fled. I hoped she had gone to tell the others to hide their ears, for I opened my mouth, thought only of Alfred and the blubbery male that faced me, and…

“Not so fast girly.”A fat hand pressed itself against my lips and stifled my voice. Alfred’s other hand snaked its way around my chest and pulled me into his saggy flesh. Which, thankfully, was dressed. I struggled, but the obese ‘dult held on. Oswald rose from the bed, threw a purple robe about his nakedness and stood facing me.

“Adara, did you really think we would allow you to use your ability on us? Foolish girl,” he said and walked towards me. Alfred relaxed his grip and I wriggled free.

I tried to run past Oswald, to find Marcellus, but despite his look of waddle, he was surprisingly nimble and managed to grab me by my neck. I pulled at his forceful hands, but he simply swiped my fingers away. Oswald pushed his face close to mine and snorted out hot, smelly breaths.

Meat. His breath smelled of meat. The same stink I’d smelled when we were in the inside garden room. It ponged like the stuff we’d consumed in the Clonie camp. I involuntarily retched and turned my face away, but Alfred turned it back. His fingers dug into the skin on either side of my head and I could not, no matter how hard I tried, move it. I attempted to use the flop down method of relaxing all bod muscles and falling all boneless-like to the floor, but Oswald was wise to such cunning and increased the pressure on my neck.

I gagged.

“Do not struggle so, Auger. It is of little use. We had plans for you, the high-ups especially so. But, well, let’s just say, our plans have changed. Dead or alive, you’ll prove to be a most entertaining addition to our experiments. Surprising what information you can get from a corpse,” Oswald, or, Gwydderig, said and squeezed harder.

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