A Soldier's Journey (10 page)

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Authors: Patricia Potter

BOOK: A Soldier's Journey
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To her surprise, she was hungry. She nodded.

While he was gone, she gazed at the falls, thinking about what he had said. She pictured Angus Monroe. He would have been tall, with dark hair, and he would be honorable.

She felt a growing excitement.

Joseph barked. She glanced up, startled, to see Nate approaching with a box. “You looked a thousand miles away,” he said. “Should I ask what you're thinking about?”

“Angus Monroe,” she said, a half truth.

He put the box on the table and opened it. It was loaded with food. He took out two paper plates and plastic spoons.

“The pie was Maude's idea,” he said. “I didn't know what kind of sandwich you like, so I got two ham and cheese and two roast beef. There's lemonade in the cups.”

“I'll take a roast beef,” she said, “and lemonade sounds perfect.”

The falls and fresh breeze were intoxicating, and she enjoyed every bite of her sandwich. She kept her eyes on it rather than the attractive man across from her.

When she turned her gaze back to him, he was studying her, and she felt a sudden warmth. Then guilt struck her like a sword. How could she even think of another man? The food suddenly felt like cotton in her mouth and her throat closed.

No. No. No. Not now.

Joseph whined next to her and put a paw on her knee. She fought the panic. She willed herself to breathe until it came naturally again. She looked up and met Nate's concerned expression. She took another deep breath. “It's okay,” she said.

“Do you want to go?” he said softly.

“No,” she said. She leaned down and put two hands on Joseph's head, just touching him. She struggled for normalcy, for something to say. Then she remembered what Nate said last night.

“You said you were a medic,” she reminded him, hoping her voice wasn't strained.

“No, I said I had medic training, but I was just a soldier. I was with the Strykers in Iraq.”

“You were in the middle of combat,” she said.

“You know it?” he said in surprise.

“I was in the ROTC in high school and college. It paid for my degree. You learn military history. The Strykers are well named.”

She was quiet for a moment. He reached out and touched her hand. She was surprised at how comforting it felt. Human contact. She bit her lip. The guilt struck again.

Nate must have seen it in her eyes because he dropped his hand.

“Ready to go back?” he asked.

She nodded. “But you're right. It is beautiful here. It's a shame not to share it.”

“I agree.”

“Thank you for bringing me here,” she said properly, the formality maintaining a distance.

“You're very welcome.” He gathered up the remainders from lunch and packed them in the box.

They walked back toward his truck. She paused just as they approached the stand of trees that framed the falls.

The rainbow was gone.

* * *

very cold shower when he returned home.

The house was lonely. He hadn't really noticed that before. After the bitter end of his marriage four years ago, peace had been a much-appreciated balm.

Covenant Falls had been safe as far as any romantic risks were concerned. Nearly everyone he knew was married, engaged or in some other town. He hadn't been tempted.

Until now. Andy might look fragile, but she sure as hell wasn't. Field medical personnel couldn't be. They had to be tough physically, mentally and emotionally.

Right now, she was in a battle for herself. He tried to convince himself that he was only concerned as one vet would be about another. But he knew that wasn't true.

She stirred something in him he'd thought he'd conquered. He cared. He cared much more than he'd ever thought he could again. And it could only lead to disaster. She would leave Covenant Falls, probably sooner than later.

He headed for the cold shower to inject some reason into himself. It did nothing to relax him. He couldn't stop thinking about her. The attraction had been immediate. It had grown even stronger today although he knew it boded no good for either of them. He was still seared by his ex-wife, and she obviously still mourned the man she'd loved and lost in front of her.

After the shower, he buried himself in work. While the inn was the major focus of his partnership with Josh, they also did renovations for both homes and businesses. The inn was in good shape with Susan now in place.

He studied plans for an addition to a ranch house outside town. He had purchased the materials and they should be at the ranch next week. He'd hired two other men to join him and Josh at the site. They wanted to be finished in three weeks, sooner if possible, and Josh wouldn't be there all the time. The framing shouldn't take long, but the electrical and interior work would. That meant twelve-hour days.

In the meantime he was doing a pro bono job for June Byars, who lived just two houses away from Josh's cabin. It was a good thing. No time to think of Andy, much less see her, even if they were just a few hundred yards away from each other.

He needed another cold shower.


deep breath before invading the lair of the dragon.

After Nate left Sunday afternoon, she'd spent an hour sitting on the porch, then walked out to the lake and sat on the dock. She thought about the Scottish trader and a vision that founded a town.

The various descriptions of Al Monroe also challenged her. She had always been good with people. She'd learned how to persist while being so polite no one took offense. She'd used that tactic to get into high school ROTC. It was all guys, and they'd done their best to get her out as they had other girls. But she knew it was her best chance to get into college, and she'd taken their hazing and bullying and even disdain from them and the instructor...

She reassured herself as she took a long hot shower and dressed in the best she had: the black pants that were a little big and a blue shirt. She added a touch of lipstick and ran a brush through her hair. Then she stooped down next to Joseph. “You have to stay here now,” she said. “I'll be back soon.”

She turned back to the problem at hand. How to approach Al Monroe.

Directness had always worked for her.

She reluctantly left Joseph inside and drove the Bucket to the center of town and parked in front of the Monroe Real Estate and Insurance Company. If she got in to see him, she would not mention the journals, only that she was trying to write a short history and needed his input.

Andy took a deep breath, then walked to the office. Real estate flyers decorated the front window. She walked in. The bank branch was to her right as she entered. It was nothing more than a counter with a young woman smiling hopefully at her.

Andy went up to her. “Hello. Is Mr. Monroe in?”

“Sure is,” the young woman said. “Mrs. Stanley over there will help you. I'm Mary Reynolds,” she said. “You must be the new veteran in Josh's cabin.”

“Guilty,” Andy said. “I'm Andy—Andrea—Stuart.”

“Welcome to Covenant Falls. I hope you stay awhile. We need new blood.”

“Thank you,” she said, although she had no intentions of staying. Covenant Falls was just a way station.

She left the counter and walked across the room to the woman staring at the computer. “Hello,” she said.

No smile this time from the middle-aged woman. A gatekeeper, Andy thought. She'd had experience with that certain breed.

“Would it be possible to see Mr. Monroe?” she asked.

“Do you have an appointment?”

“No, but I would really like to meet him.”

“Insurance? Or real estate? Mr. Adams is responsible for insurance.”

Maybe a small deception wasn't out of order. “More like real estate.”

“Who should I say is here?”

“Andy Stuart. I just moved into Mr. Manning's cabin.”

The woman gave her a long stare, then picked up her phone. “An Andy Stuart would like to see you about real estate.”

After a pause, she nodded at Andy. “You can go in.”

Andy's stomach churned. She had managed this far. She hadn't allowed herself to think beyond each step. The first step was to drive here, the second to get into his office...

I can do it.
She stood and went to the door, opening it.

She peered inside. A tall, heavily built man stood as she entered. He looked startled when he saw her. “I thought Irene said Andy Stuart.”

“That's me, I'm afraid,” she said. “Andrea, but everyone calls me Andy.”

“You're the new person in Manning's cabin?” He didn't sound very happy about it.

“Yes, sir,” she said, reverting to military protocol.

He nodded toward her hand in its brace. “What happened to your hand?”

“A bullet.”

“You were in combat?” He sounded surprised.

“I was an army nurse in a combat zone.”


To her surprise, she didn't mind the question from him. It was better than the averted glances.

“My hand was injured. I received a medical discharge.”

“Why did you come to Covenant Falls?”

It was direct and even a bit rude, but she'd expected that. She sensed that frankness was the best course with him. “I needed a place to...decide what to do next. My doctor recommended Covenant Falls.”

“No family?” he asked.

“That wouldn't work right now.”

“Sit down,” he ordered.

She sat.

“Irene said you were here about real estate.”

She thought about lying, then decided that would be a bad move. “Not really.”

“Then, what?”

“History. I want to write a short history of Covenant Falls.”


“For the community center and to tell people about the town. I want to do something to justify my use of the cabin. No one told me to. But I like history, and this town has so much of it.”

“It's really to promote the town,” he said with a frown. “Eve wants to bring more people here. I don't. I like it as it is.”

“It can't stay as it is if everyone grows old and dies,” she said. “You'll just have another ghost town here. I know what it's like when a town's young people feel it's necessary to leave to get a job.”

“How do you know?”

“I come from a small coal-mining town in West Virginia. About the only choices were waiting tables in the diner or...leaving.”

“We're not
bad,” he said with what she thought must be a rare smile.

“I would have liked to stay,” she said, sensing an opening. “My only family—a mother and two sisters—are there, but I couldn't support myself. It's why I joined the army. It helped me get a degree I might otherwise not have.”

He stared at her. “Why are you really here?”

“I've visited the community center and looked through some of the newspapers dating back to 1875. I've heard some stories about the founding of this town. I would really like to learn more about how it started. And about Angus Monroe.” She paused. “I could probably sit down now and write some paragraphs about the town that would satisfy Mayor Manning, but I want to do something more. I want to know your ancestor. He deserves more than a few paragraphs.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “You know the mayor and I don't exactly agree on the future of Covenant Falls.”

“I heard.”

“You have nerve coming here,” he said.

She didn't answer.

“Give me the real reason,” he said, and she realized there was much more to Al Monroe than she'd been led to believe. She decided to answer honestly.

“Because it's the first thing that's interested me in more than seven months,” she said.

“And that should matter to me?”

“Maybe not. But I understand Angus became a powerful man. He was one of the first settlers in the state. He has a great story and he deserves to be remembered.”

“Why would the history of a small town like Covenant Falls have any interest for anyone? What do you want from me?” Al Monroe asked.

She sat straight up in the chair. “Just what you want to tell me about Angus Monroe. What made him come here, settle here, establish a town that exists today? It had to take courage and vision.”

“I don't think Angus thought anything that grand,” Al said wryly.

“That's why he's so interesting. He's like so many other pioneers. They didn't know what they were creating. They just wanted something better for their families.”

“I'm not sure that's true of Angus,” his descendant said. “He was an unwilling pioneer. He came to America to save his irresponsible brother, only to watch him die. He'd already severed all his ties in Scotland and sold everything there. He had nothing left in Scotland. It was either settle here or go home penniless.”

That was already more than she'd known before. Maybe more than anyone knew. Excitement coursed through her. “Will you tell me more about him?” she asked. “I swear I won't use anything you don't like.”

He looked at her for a very long moment, then he nodded.

His phone rang. He glanced at what must be the caller identification.

He turned to her. “Come to my house this afternoon. Five p.m.,” he said. “It's the large brick house two blocks down Main Street.” Then he waved his hand in an obvious dismissal.

She left, a sense of accomplishment lifting her steps. She waved at Mary on the way out.

* * *

to be joyously greeted by Joseph. She had to admit it was much nicer than entering an empty cabin that belonged to someone else. “I missed you, too,” she told him. “But I have to support the two of us in some way.” He wagged his tail and licked her hand.

“Come on,” she said. “Let's for a walk, then have lunch.”

They walked outside and up what she now thought of as her mountain. She talked to Joseph all the way up to the viewing point. “You should be proud of me,” she said. “I actually did something useful today.”

Joseph barked.

“Thank you,” she said. “I think it's progress, too. And I'm seeing the town's bear again this afternoon.”

When they reached the lookout, she glanced down at the town below. She wondered whether Angus had viewed the valley below from this point. He must have explored much of the area. Now that she'd embraced the idea, he almost came alive to her.

She was still surprised at the ease of her conversation with Al. After what had been hinted and said about him, she'd expected an ogre, but she'd enjoyed her time with him, with his direct questions. She'd suspected he was testing her and she had passed. In any event she was looking forward to talking to him again.

Maybe she should call and ask whether she could bring Joseph. Or would that be a step too far?

“What do you think?” she asked Joseph.

He nudged her and moved closer in what she took as approval.

“We should go back,” she said. She refused to call the cabin home.

It just had to be
. It wasn't her home and never would be. She hadn't had a home in years. She'd always stayed in officer quarters to save money when in the States and usually shared rooms or tents overseas. The cabin was the nicest place she'd stayed.

Which led to the future. She hadn't wanted to think about it for months after that last day in Afghanistan. It just seemed so empty without Jared, without her team, without nursing.

She looked down at her hand. Without the brace, the scars were only too evident, which was why she usually wore it. She hated answering questions. Somehow she hadn't minded with Al Monroe. Maybe because, according to Eve, he'd had so many losses himself. She returned to the cabin and turned on the news beamed in from Denver.

She quickly turned it off and searched for something happier. She had three hours before she had to meet Al again. She thought about writing out some questions but then decided against it. She would have to wing it. Maybe she would return the bound newspapers she had and pick up some more.

“Come on, Joseph,” she said as she awkwardly picked up the large volume. In minutes, she was parked on the side of the community center. There were other cars there, as well.

She walked up to Bill Evans. “Hi. I'm returning this. I would like to pick up another.”

“Good. Are you coming tonight?”

Then she remembered the veterans' meeting. Poker. Refreshments. Maybe sharing. She wasn't ready to share. “I'm not sure I can attend,” she said. “I have an appointment at five.”

She saw curiosity in his eyes but he didn't ask any questions. “Drop in any time. You don't have to be there exactly at seven.”

“Thank you,” she said and changed the subject. “Do you have a picture or painting or sketch of Angus Monroe?”

“There's a sketch that an artist did for the Denver newspaper in 1877. Legend is they wanted a photograph but Angus refused. An artist did a quick sketch when Angus met with the governor. He'd been a strong supporter of the statehood movement and I suspect he planned to collect on it. Not money but protection of his town and the falls.”

Another tidbit Andy filed in her head. As soon as she returned to the cabin she intended to look up the conflict over statehood.

He led the way upstairs and unlocked the museum door. He opened the door and stood aside as Andy entered, then went to one of the cabinets. He unlocked it and took out a faded newspaper page carefully encased in plastic. A sketch was in the lower left-hand corner.

Andy studied it. The artist was good. He'd captured the directness of eyes that seemed to stare at her. Monroe was clean shaven, and a scar ran down his right cheek. Even with the scar, or maybe because of it, the face was arresting. Not handsome but strong.

“Interesting,” she said. “Can we get copies made?”

“Don't know why not. The newspaper belongs to us.”


“There's more bound volumes. Take your pick. I have to go downstairs.”

She nodded. “Thanks.”

Bill left the door open when he went downstairs. She leafed through the volumes, looking for the oldest ones. Then she found a smaller volume.
The Miner.
They were little more than one-page sheets published in 1878.

She read about a possible gold strike over the next mountain. Several later editions reported the shooting of a miner who had salted his claim with fool's gold and sold the claim. The miner survived the shooting but not the hanging that followed.

Andy glanced at her watch. Nearly four thirty. Where had the afternoon gone?

She hurriedly replaced the volume and met Bill Evans downstairs. “I have to go,” she said.

“Not taking anything with you?” he asked.

“Not tonight. I'll be back in the morning if I can't get to the meeting tonight.”

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