Medical corps, 115-23
Meigs, Gen. Montgomery C,
293, 297, 299 Merritt, Gen. Wesley, 344 Michigan regiments: 3rd, 165;
24th, 242 Miles, Gen. Nelson, 137 Milroy, Gen. Robert, 101 Mine shaft dug beneath Confederate fort in Petersburg campaign, 246-55, 265-86 Mobile Bay, Union Victory in, 338
Morgan, Gen. John Hunt, 327 Morton's Ford, action at, 7 Mosby's irregulars, 65-66, 318= 19, 342
Mott, Gen. Gershom, 86, 130=
32, 135-36 Mule Shoe salient, Spotsylvania
Court House, battle of, 133-
Muller, Sebastian, 245 Murray, Lt., 373
Negro soldiers in Union Army, 21-22, 24, 60, 255-65, 364; in Petersburg campaign, 210, 211-16, 264, 268, 271, 282-86; Southern reaction to, 263-64
Negroes, relations with Union soldiers, 21-24, 260-62
New Hampshire regiment, 12th, 184-85, 242
New York regiments: 5th, 356; 8th Cavalry, 382; 9th, 109-11; 63rd,
Irish Brigade; 65th, 245; 66th, 138; 67th, 245; 69th,
Irish Brigade; 88th,
Irish Brigade; 104th, 60; 121st, 128
New York
quoted, 20-21
Newmarket, Shenandoah Valley, battle at, 150
News walkers, 88-89
XIX Corps, in Shenandoah Valley campaign, 292, 302, 315, 333-34, 345-55
IX Corps, 35, 49, 59-60; at Cold Harbor, 179, 192; in Petersburg campaign, 217-26, 246-55, 264-86, 364, 376-77, 384, 402; at Spotsylvania Court House, 113, 132-34, 141; in Wilderness battle, 70, 90-91, 96-97
Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad, 246
North Anna River, 160, 166
Ny River, 166
Ohio regiments? 2nd Cavalry, 310; 147th National Guard, 287-88
Opequon Creek, Shenandoah Valley, 333
Orange Plank Road, Wilderness, 69-70; fighting of first day, 82-87; fighting of second day, 89-101
Orange Turnpike, Wilderness, 69-70, 71-73; fighting of first day, 73-83; fighting of second day, 92, 99-103
Ord, Gen. E. O. C, 268, 281, 285, 384, 402, 406, 416, 420, 423-25
Ox Ford, 160
Pamunkey River, 160, 166 Parke, Gen. John G., 376-77, 402
Parker, Col. Ely, 193-94 Peace commission, Confederate, of January, 1865, 371-73
Pennsylvania regiments, 3rd Cavalry, 108-9; 17th Cavalry, 317, 342, 350-51; 48th Veteran Volunteer, 246-54, 265-73; 100th, 40; 106th, 241; 114th, 41; 118th, 196; 150th, 242; 200th, 377
Pennsylvania Reserve Division, 81, 102, 113
Petersburg campaign, 209-86, 357-409; assault against new works, 217-26; Confederate assault on Fort Stedman, 375-78; conference of Lincoln, Grant, and Sherman, 379-82; Dinwiddie Court House and Five Forks, 384-400; Federal break-through, 401-6, initial assault and carrying of outer works, 211-17; peace commission during, 370-73; strategic importance of, 200-1; trench warfare of, 227-31, 238; undermining of Confederate fort, 246-55, 265-86
Philadelphia Brigade, 104, 241 Pickets, fraternization of, 61,
160, 195, 229-30, 364 Pickett, Gen. George E., 232,
Plank Road.
Orange Plank Road
Pleasants, Col. Henry, undermining of Confederate fort at Petersburg by, 248-55, 265-73
Pleasonton, Gen. Alfred, 6, 51
Point Lookout, prison camp at, 294
Political aspects of war, 235-37 Political situation in summer of
1864, 325-31, 340 Port Royal, supply base at, 161
Porter, Adm. David, 368
Postwar penalties, civilian attitude toward, 196-98, 236, 380; conference at City Point regarding, 378-82
Potter, Gen. Robert B., 220-21, 249, 269, 272, 278-79, 282
Presidential campaign of 1864, 235-37, 325-31, 340, 361-63
Prison camps, 311-14
Quarles Mill, 160
Rapidan River, 166
Rawlins, Gen. John A., 46, 387
Reams's Station, battle at,
Petersburg campaign, 358 Recruits in 1864, 26-35 Reese, Sgt. Harry, 251, 273 Richmond, Butler attempt to seize, 7; fall of, 407-10; Kilpatrick attempt to seize, 5-21; Sheridan raid against, 170
Richmond and Danville Railroad, 409, 411
quoted, 20
Ricketts, Gen. James, 173, 292 Robinson, Gen. John, 110-12 Rodes, Gen. Robert, 113
Rosecrans, Gen. William S„ 208
Rosser, Gen. Thomas L., 318
Sanitary Commission, 243 Scannel, Sgt. Mike, 182, 245-46 Scorched-earth policy for Shenandoah Valley, 307-8, 311-13, 320-21, 342-45 Scouts, Sheridan's, 317, 410-11 II Corps, 1-3, 57, 239-42; at Cold Harbor, 174, 178-84, 190, 204; in march to Appomattox, 414, 416, 421; in Petersburg campaign, 213-19, 221, 223-24, 239-40, 266-67, 271-72, 358, 364, 377-78, 384, 406; at Spotsylvania Court House, 113-14, 128, 130-45; in Wilderness battle, 70, 82-87, 90-92, 97-100 Seddon, James A., 15, 19 Sedgwick, Gen. John, 7, 10, 44, 56-57; at Spotsylvania Court House, 112-13, 123-24; in Wilderness battle, 68, 77-79, 92, 101-2 Seward, William H., 340 Shand house hill, Petersburg
campaign, 219, 220, 222 Shenandoah Valley, 57, 149-50, 231-32, 289-90, 307-9; burning and destruction by Hunter, 201, 291; importance to South of, 201, 308-9 Shenandoah Valley campaign, 300-10, 314-24, 332-56, 381-83; Cedar Creek, 344-56; destruction of food supplies,
321-23, 342-45; forces engaged in, 314-15; Winchester and Fisher's Hill, 333-40 Sheridan, Gen. Philip H., 51; at Cold Harbor, 170-71; on maneuver to destroy Southern supply line, 201, 231; in march to Appomattox, 409-25; in Petersburg campaign, 266, 382-401; Richmond raid, 170-71; in Shenandoah Valley campaign, 304-6, 310, 314-17, 321, 332-40, 341-44, 350-56, 382-83; at Spotsylvania Court House, 109, 113-15
Sherman, Gen. William Tecum-seh, 66, 303, 331-32, 368; at conference at City Point, 379-82; quoted, 4
Sigel, Gen. Franz, 57, 150, 201, 237, 290-91
VI Corps, 7, 43, 57; at Cold Harbor, 171-74, 180, 184, 204; in defense of Washington, 292, 296-99; in march to Appomattox, 414-17, 421; in Petersburg campaign, 217-19, 366, 368-69, 378, 384, 402-6; in Shenandoah Valley campaign, 300-1, 315-16, 333-39, 344-56; at Spotsylvania Court House, 112-13, 123, 128-33, 141-46; in Wilderness battle, 68, 70, 77-79, 83-85, 90-92, 95, 100-103
Smith, Gen. William F. "Baldy," 207-10, 233; at Cold Harbor, 171-74, 178-79,
Smith, Gen. William F. "Baldy"
184, 192, 204; in Petersburg campaign, 209-16, 219, 223
Songs of Negro troops, 258-59, 264-65
Sons of Liberty, 328-30
Southside Railroad, 412-13; bat-tie for, in Petersburg campaign, 383-90
Spera, Maj., 351
Spotsylvania Court House, advance of Union forces, 107-9; battles of, 107-15, 123-47; Bloody Angle, 144-45; casualties of, 149; first day's fighting, 108-13; salient (Mule Shoe) won, 133-46; Upton's attack against Confederate entrenchments, 128-32
Stanton, Edwin M., 6, 56-57, 303-4
Stephens, Alexander, 371-73 Stevens, Thaddeus, 236 Stoneman, Gen. George, 6 Stuart, Gen. Jeb, 66, 114, 170, 319
Stump, Capt., 324
Supplies, Confederate problem of, 201; following march from Spotsylvania, 161
Surrender terms discussed by Lincoln, Grant, and Sherman, 378-82
Sykes, Gen. George, 56
Tapp's farm, Wilderness, action around, 91-92, 98
III Corps, 56
Thomas, Gen. Lorenzo, 208 Thomas, Col. Stephen, 335-38 Thompson, Col. Jacob, 327-28 Todd's Tavern, Wilderness, traffic tie-up at, 107, 113 Torbert, Gen. Alfred, 336, 344 Totopotomoy Creek, 169 Trenches.
Entrenchments Trevilian Station, battle at,
Petersburg campaign, 231 Tunnel dug at Petersburg, 248-55, 265-73
Undermining and destruction of Confederate fort in Petersburg campaign, 246-55, 265-86
Upton, Gen. Emory, at Cold Harbor, 173; quoted on Union generalship, 193; in Shenandoah Valley, 334-36; at Spotsylvania Court House, 127-34, 143
Vallandigham, Clement Laird, 328-31
Vermont Brigade, 83-84, 103,
142-43, 299, 315, 353-54 Vermont regiments: 8th, 335,
348; 11th, 405 Veteran Reserve Corps, 18th
Regiment, 162-64 Vicksburg, Union victory at, 45,
Virginia Central Railroad, 201 Virginia Military Institute, burning of, 291
Wade, Ben, 236
Wadsworth, Gen. James, 79-81, 90-92, 96-97
Wallace, Gen. Lew, 237, 292
War Department, problems of army command with, 302-5.
See also
Halleck, Gen.; Stanton, E. M.
Warren, Gen. Gouverneur Kem-ble, 58-59, 191-92; at Cold Harbor, 179, 201-4; in Petersburg campaign, 217-20, 223-25, 238, 268, 281, 365-66, 384, 389-400; at Spotsylvania Court House, 110-13, 134, 146; in Wilderness battle, 68, 71-81, 92
Washburne, Elihu B., 68
Washington, Confederate attack on, 292-99; defense installations at, 53-55, 287-92
Waynesboro, battle at, Petersburg campaign, 382
Weapons: coehorn mortars, 188; rifles, 176; Spencer magazine carbines, 51
Weed, Thurlow, 340
Weldon Railroad, raid against 365-66
Welles, Gideon, 197-98, 292,
297, 340 West, war in, 48-49 Wheaton, Gen. Frank, 57 White House, Va., supply base
at, 161, 169, 203, 204 White Oak Road, action at,
Petersburg campaign, 392-99 Wigfall, Sen. Louis, 236 Wilderness, battle of, 63-106; first day, 72-87; attack of second morning, 90-97; retreat and re-forming of Union forces, 97-100; Rebel attack of second afternoon, 99-103; terrain of, 64-65, 68-69, 72-73; Union casualties, 103 Wilderness Tavern, 68-70, 93 Willcox, Gen. Orlando B., 270,
272, 278-80 Wilson, Gen. James H., 193,
204, 232, 332-40 Winchester, Shenandoah Valley, battle of, 333-38 Wisconsin regiments: 2nd, 165;
6th, 40, 53, 242 Wounded, care of, 115-23 Wounded veterans, corps of, 162-64
Wright, Gen. Horatio, 132; at Cold Harbor, 171-74, 184, 192, 204; in defense of Washington, 296-99; in Petersburg campaign, 217-18, 232, 235, 238, 402-6; in Shenandoah Valley campaign, 300-1, 315, 344-45, 347-48; in Spotsylvania Court House battle, 132-33, 141-42