A Summer Seduction (42 page)

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Authors: Candace Camp

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“Indeed. He and Damaris are as mawkishly in love as ever. One hardly dares step outside one’s room for fear of finding them in the hall, embracing… or worse.”

“Spoken like the cynic that you are.”

“I am not cynical!” Genevieve protested, a little stung. “I am merely… proper.”

“Naturally.” His golden-brown eyes danced with laughter, and Genevieve, looking up into his face, had to smile. “Speaking of true love, where are Gabriel and Thea? This is their party, is it not? I haven’t seen a sign of them.”

“I have no idea where Gabriel is. But Thea and Damaris were nattering on about that baby—”


“Yes. They brought him with them when they came to town; they take him everywhere.”

“Some people are oddly fond of their children.”

Genevieve shot him a repressive look. “
people leave children at home with their nurse or governess.”

“I believe I often traveled with my parents.”

“Yes, and look how you turned out,” she gibed with a grin.

“A fair hit, my lady.”

“So Thea said she was going to slip away to the nursery before Nurse put him to bed, and Damaris decided to follow her, leaving me no recourse but to chat with Miss Halford and Lady Dursbury.”

“Not your favorite occupation, I gather.”

“No.” Genevieve sighed. “I am a vinegary wretch, am I not? No doubt I shall eventually become one of those old crones, rapping my cane on the floor and snapping at my relatives.”

“I should like to see that.” He chuckled. “I have an idea.”


“The waltz is about to end. I suggest we nip up to join them.”

“In the nursery?”

“Why not? I’ll warrant ’tis livelier there.”

“Myles… you mustn’t tempt me.”

“Mustn’t I?” His eyes lit, and Genevieve felt an odd little quiver in her stomach. The music came to a halt, and he released her, holding out his hand to her. “Come, leave with me.”

Genevieve let out a guilty little giggle and took his hand, and he whisked her out of the room.

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