A Tale of Red Riding: Rise of the Alpha Huntress (The Alpha Huntress Series Book 1) (24 page)

Read A Tale of Red Riding: Rise of the Alpha Huntress (The Alpha Huntress Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Neo Edmund

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mythology & Folk Tales, #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #fairy tales, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: A Tale of Red Riding: Rise of the Alpha Huntress (The Alpha Huntress Series Book 1)
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With this thought in mind, Red turned to face her clan. “A great evil is coming our way. As the Alpha Huntress, I must rise up and face it. I would be honored if each of you would stand by my side as the warriors of my clan. Those who will join me in this dangerous quest, take my hand now and pledge your allegiance.”

Red extended her hand.

Grenda was the first to step up and declare her allegiance.

Dote and Ash didn’t hesitate to step up as well.

Ethan smiled with great pride as he took his daughter’s hand.

Prince knelt down and offered his hand in service.

They all looked to Wolfgang, who stood alone in the corner.

“Why are you all looking at me like that?” he asked.

“You with me or not, Helheim?” Red asked.

Wolfgang’s face was overcome with disbelief. “You actually want
to be in your clan?”

Red looked Wolfgang in the eyes. “I don’t care where you came from. I only care where you’re going. You can either be like your parents, or you can stand with me as Wolfgang of the Riding clan.”

Wolfgang took a step toward the group. “Do you all feel this way?”

Ash sighed. “Red trusts you, so I’ll
to keep an open mind.”

Dote smiled. “I never had any issues with you. I think it would be fun to have you on our team.”

Prince shrugged. “I’m the new guy, so I don’t have an opinion either way.”

Ethan gave Wolfgang a hard glare. “I’ll go along with Red’s choice, but I’ll be keeping a close eye on you. Take even one step off the path, it will be your last.”

Grenda smiled. “It’s your decision to make, young man. All I expect is that you honor the choice you make.”

“Then it’s settled.” Wolfgang stood tall and took Red’s hand. “Alpha Huntress, High Protector of Wayward, I pledge my life to the service of your clan.”

Red smiled with great pride. “We seven stand as the first members of the Riding clan. I am honored to lead you, and to fight with you.”

“Awesome.” Ash said. “So what happens now?”

“I need to prepare for battle,” Red said. “I suggest you all use this time to do the same.”

Ethan and Grenda led Red upstairs into her parents’ bedroom. From a hidden closet, Ethan took out a silver suit of armor. It was identical to the armor Red had worn during her vision in the Moon Temple. The single plate extended down past her waist and curved up like a skirt just above the knees. Underneath was light chainmail to protect her legs and arms.

“This armor was your mother’s,” Ethan said. “It’s not the most comfortable thing to wear in battle, but it will protect you from most any blade.”

Grenda put an amulet hanging on a silver chain around Red’s neck. It was studded with a glossy green moonstone. “This will make your armor emerge whenever you take on your werewolf form and vanish when you change back to your human form. Just remember that this moonstone was obtained at a great cost. Consider it irreplaceable.”

Ethan put a red-hooded cloak over Red’s shoulders. It was made of thick velvet. “This belonged to the first Red Riding. It was once passed down to your mother. She wore it in many battles. It is time for you to do the same.”

Red looked at herself in a full-length mirror. The armor and cloak made her feel like a true hero. The life of adventure she had always craved was at last upon her. It was now time to face the reality of her calling head-on.

“I’m ready for you, Ragnarok,” she said with confidence.

Armed with her sword, Red left her parents’ room and marched down the stairs. Ethan and Grenda followed close behind, both gleaming with great pride. As Red entered the living room, Ash, Dote, Wolfgang, and Prince stopped cold and looked up at her in awe.

“Whoa, you look so …” Ash was unable to finish his sentence.

“It’s like you’re all …” Dote was also unsure how to put it into words.

“You’re totally …” Wolfgang stuttered.

Prince stood up like a soldier saluting his commander. “She has the look of the Alpha Huntress, the high protector of Wayward Woods.”

Red looked to her clan. “To defeat Ragnarok, I need to find something called the Omega Gem. I have no idea where it is and will need your help to find it.”

Grenda shook her head in grave concern. “As far as I know, the last one to have it was the first Red Riding.”

“Nobody even knows for sure if it actually exists,” Wolfgang said.

“I know it exists,” Red said. “One way or another, I will find it.”

Ash spoke up. “Is it a glossy red gem, a little bigger than a gumball, glowing all mystical-like, and if you look into it, you can see the moon?”

Red eyed Ash, a little surprised. “I don’t know about seeing the moon in it, but yeah, that would be it.”

“It’s at Ice’s palace. She’s got it on the nightstand next to her bed,” Ash said.

“Whoa there, creepy boy,” Wolfgang said. “Ice told me you were stalking her house, but I had no idea it went that far.”

Ash shrugged. “It’s a cool place to explore. I get bored easily.”

Dote gave Ash a disapproving glare. “I don’t know what’s weirder, the fact that Ice keeps a stone of such great power on her bedroom nightstand, or the fact that you know it’s there.”

Red sighed. “Let’s just forget about the weirdness right now and figure out how we’re going to get it away from Ice.”

Ash paced around. “I’m pretty sure that after our little escape the other night, they’ve got my entrance locked up tight.”

“That’s okay with me,” Dote said. “I don’t want to go back into the sewers.”

“I’ll second that,” Red said.

“The Seether’s palace is a full day’s journey,” Ethan said. “If we’re going there, we’d better get to walking.”

“Forget that foolishness,” Grenda said. “I ain’t hiking clear across Wayward. No, there’s only one way this clan is traveling tonight.”

Chapter 26

It was early afternoon as Grenda led Red and the others down a rocky forest trail. The tension was so high that they walked for well over a half-hour without a word spoken among them. Soon the air reeked with an odor so foul it made their eyes burn and twitch.

“What is that stench?” Ash asked, scowling. “It smells like something died out here.”

Red looked at Ash a little oddly. “The puke stink in the sewers of Ice’s palace doesn’t bother you, but
is a problem?”

“I’ve built up an immunity to that smell,” Ash said. “This stink is something else entirely.”

“Poor little Dorkus of the Ashley Clan,” Wolfgang said. “Is the big, bad smell of garbage upsetting your fragile aristocrat nostrils?”

“Helheim, don’t even get started on my family,” Ash said.

“Aristocrat, as in rich people?” Red asked.

“I guess you haven’t remembered that part yet,” Dote said. “Ash is super-rich.”

“I am not super-rich,” Ash said.

“More like gold-plated underwear rich,” Wolfgang said.

“You guys are totally exaggerating,” Ash said.

Wolfgang belted out a laugh. “Your family owns half the land in Wayward, including the part of town I live in.”

“My family doesn’t own the land,” Ash said. “Just the buildings that are standing on it.”

“Where I come from, that’s what we call rich,” Red said.

Ash sighed. “Okay, so my family is a little bit rich.”

“Super-rich,” Dote said.

“Gold-plated underwear rich,” Wolfgang said. “Maybe one of these days you can tell us all the story about how your family tried to boot my family out of town.”

Ash gave Wolfgang a glare. “Oh, don’t you even go there.”

“Ash, you tried to kick Wolfgang out of Wayward?” Dote asked.

“Why would you do that?” Red asked.

Ash batted a fist in frustration. “That was my grandfather. It happened before I was even born. Don’t go holding what my family did against me.”

Wolfgang gave Ash a shove. “Try to remember that the next time you go rubbing my family’s past in my face.”

Ash chuckled. “You can’t be comparing my family’s business ventures with the evil crap your family has done. And is still doing to this day.”

“I wouldn’t expect a silver spoon boy to know the difference,” Wolfgang said.

“Listen up, Helheim. Just because my family is rich doesn’t mean I’m a spoiled brat. It’s true that I could have anything I want just by pointing at it. But have I ever once done that?” Ash pointed to Dote.

“Not once that I’ve ever seen.”

“And there it is,” Ash said. “Rock-solid proof that I’m nothing like my family. I plan to make my own way in this world. Mark my words, I will never take a cent of the money my family has set aside for me.”

Wolfgang eyed Ash curiously, “How much money we talking about?”

“More than you could ever count,” Ash said.

“How about I start slugging you in the face and we see who loses count first,” Wolfgang said.

Red pushed Wolfgang and Ash apart, glaring. “You two are going to put an end to this squawking, or I’ll be the one counting out the hurt. Hear me, you pair of girly boys?”

“Girly boys.” Wolfgang grunted.

“You don’t have to resort to name-calling,” Ash whined.

Grenda cleared her throat. “You’d best all keep down that squawking before you scare off our rides.” She pulled back a tree branch, revealing a towering hill of garbage in a forest clearing. A flock of grungy rodents were feasting away on the rotting waste. They were well over six-feet in length and had grungy wings.

“What are they?” Red had to fight the urge to gag from the stench.

“Ratgulls.” Wolfgang said. “You’ve got to be kidding, old woman.”

Grenda backhanded Wolfgang across the face. “Watch your sass, Helheim.”

Wolfgang bitterly ground his teeth. “That’s it. I’m out.”

Red grabbed Wolfgang by the jacket and yanked him back. “You’re not going anywhere, Wolf Boy.”

“You don’t get it,” Wolfgang said. “She thinks we’re going to fly across Wayward on those stinkin’ things.”

Red cringed in disgust at the thought. “Granny, that’s not true, is it?”

“Unless you know of a better way, it sure as heck is true,” Grenda said.

Dote whimpered, shuddering. “But they’re so yucky.”

“They’re also dumb as a rock and easy to command,” Ethan said. “It won’t be a pleasant ride, but it will get us there much quicker than walking.”

“What of it, Alpha?” Ash asked. “As much as I hate the idea, I’ll go along with whatever you decide.”

“Well …” Red let a long sigh. “They are gross, but I don’t see a better choice.”

“Then it’s settled,” Grenda said. “Follow my lead.”

Dashing out of the bushes, Grenda ran for the nearest ratgull. In one spry leap she got onto the creature’s back and clutched a handful of its fur with both hands. The beast bucked around in protest, so she gave it a swift kick in the side, forcing it to submit.

“Looks easy enough.” Red ran toward a ratgull and tried to jump on its back. The creature spun around to try and scare her away. It only took one light whack to get the beast to stop fighting and let her climb on its back. “I guess it could be worse.”

Wolfgang, Prince, and Ethan were already mounting their own ratgulls. Ash was having a hard time getting his to submit, but he was soon able to persuade the creature to let him climb on. Dote was pacing around, afraid to even try to approach one of the grungy creatures.

“Dote, why don’t you ride with me?” Red said.

“Oh, yay.” Dote dashed over and climbed on behind Red. “You are the best friend ever, Red Riding.”

“So now what do we do?” Wolfgang asked.

Grenda grinned. “You hang on for dear life and try not to fall off. I’ll handle the rest.” She smacked the ratgull in the head. “Fly, you dumb critter.”

Red took a deep breath. “Why do I feel like we’re going to regret this?”

Grenda’s ratgull took off running and spread its wings wide. The other ratgulls instinctively dashed behind it. Red cried out a shrill of fear and excitement as they took flight. She had to grip on tightly as they flew almost straight up, climbing higher and higher until they reached the treetops.

The sight of Wayward from high above the trees was the most magnificent thing Red had ever seen. From what she could tell, the majestic wooded landscape spanned off to infinity in every direction. Dusk hadn’t set in, and yet the blazing red full moon was right above them. Red knew of the evil forces that dwelled under its cold surface, but she was too awe-inspired by its lunar magnificence to care.

“Wayward will not fall into darkness tonight.” Red proclaimed.

The ratgulls began ascending higher as the landscape sloped upward. The air grew so cold that Red could see her own breath. She looked back to make sure the others were still with her. Grenda was grinning with delight. Wolfgang, Ethan, and Prince looked like warriors prepared for battle. But Ash looked ready to throw up as he clung to the fur of his ratgull.

“Don’t worry,” Dote said, noting Red’s worried look. “Ash may be a little wimpy at times, but he always comes through in the end.”

“I hope you’re right. Without his help, we have no chance of getting the Omega Gem,” Red said softly.

As they soared over a rise of trees, Red saw a sight more astonishing then any she could have ever dreamed. A great metropolis built of brick and stone was down below. Many of the buildings towered as high as the treetops. Pipes vented hot steam from the roofs of houses and shops. The cobblestone streets were abuzz with pedestrians and horse drawn-carriages. There were even a few vehicles similar to the automobiles from the world Red had left behind.

“What is this place?” Red asked.

“That’s Wayward Village. It’s pretty much the center of all civilization,” Dote said.

“Sure hope I get to visit there one day soon,” Red said.

Ice’s palace soon came into their view. From high above, it looked even bigger than it had from the ground. It towered on a hilltop with a steep cliff at the back end. Red spotted the opening to the sewer drain they had jumped from during their escape. It was so high up one would assume a fall would be impossible to survive.

“Ash, how do we get in?” Red yelled.

“We land in the center courtyard. From there I can get us in through a secret entrance,” Ash said.

“We do that, they’ll see us coming,” Ethan said.

“I’ve been thinking it over all the way here,” Ash said. “As far as I can figure, it’s the only chance we’ve got.”

Red pulled out her sword and raised it high. “If that’s the way it has to be, then we go in fast and hit the ground running. Prepare for battle.”

Wolfgang transformed into a werewolf and raised a clawed hand. “I’m so ready for action.”

Ethan pulled out his battle-axe and held it high in one hand. “As am I.”

Dote conjured a sphere of mystical energy in her hand. “My mother will be so proud, when I tell her about this.”

Ash closed his eyes and took a calming breath. “I’ve got your back to the end, Red Riding.”

Prince drew his rapier and kissed the blade. “I will bring great honor to the Knights of the Alpha Huntress.”

Grenda led the group into a steep dive, heading toward the front wall of the palace. The guards on the towers scrambled into action, arming themselves with bows and arrows as their leaders shouted warnings to those below.

Red tightened her grip on her sword. “This is it. We’re going in.”

The guards on the towers fired a volley of arrows.

“We’ve got incoming.” Ethan warned. “Take evasive maneuvers.”

“No. Stay on course.” Grenda said. “I’ll handle this.”

The arrows were mere seconds away. Grenda raised her hands. They began glowing with mystical energy. She fired out a burst of lightning bolts, blasting the arrows to dust.

“Now it’s my turn.” Dote flung an energy vortex at the nearest guard tower. The force of the impact sent the guards soaring into the air like rag dolls.

“Dote, that was amazing,” Red cheered.

“That was my most powerful spellcraft
,” Dote said.

An alarm blared out as they descended toward the courtyard in the center of the palace. A dozen armed guards scrambled into defensive positions.

Red didn’t wait for her ratgull to land before she leaped to the ground. A guard charged at her and swung his sword. She countered with a flying elbow to his face, knocking him unconscious.

Ethan belted out a thundering battle cry. “It’s been far too long since I’ve stormed a castle.” He grabbed the nearest guard by the shirt and flung him into another guard, knocking them both out cold.

Prince dueled with a pair of armored guards. “I smite thee in the name of the Alpha Huntress.”

Grenda was using a pair of mystical energy whips to beat down several attackers. “Red, we’ll keep these jokers busy. Go do your thing.”

“Ash, it’s time to make me proud!” Red called out.

“Then follow me.” Ash ran toward a patch of bushes in the far corner.

“This is almost too easy,” Wolfgang said.

“You won’t hear me complaining about it,” Red said.

Red, Dote, and Wolfgang caught up to Ash. He was crouching behind a tall hedge, straining with all his might to pull off the cover of a ventilation shaft. It was a mere three feet in height and width.

is your big secret entrance?” Wolfgang asked.

Red skeptically peered into the dark shaft. “Ash, where does this go?”

“Inside. Unless you know a better way.” Ash climbed into the vent and waved for the others to follow.

Red concealed her doubt and gestured for Wolfgang and Dote to get inside. She then joined them and replaced the vent cover. The inside of the shaft was not only dark and dusty; it was such a tight squeeze that they had to crawl along on their knees.

“Red, I’ve got a weird feeling about this,” Dote said.

“Me, too, Dote. I just don’t know what else we can do.”

Ash led the others through an ongoing maze of air ducts. They went up and down and every which way until Red found herself completely lost.

Dote tapped a nervous finger on the tip of her nose. “Why do I feel like we’ve gone down this tunnel a hundred times already?”

Red rubbed her eyes as she was overcome by a strange feeling of dizziness. “Ash, are you sure we’re going the right way?”

“I’m taking us the long way around to avoid the guard stations. Just trust me on this one. The Omega Gem will be ours before you know it.”

The thought of this filled Red’s heart with fear. Getting her hands on the gem would allow her to defeat Ragnarok, but to do so would expose her to a force that could turn her into a terrible tyrant. She felt a chill from the inside out as she realized the thing that could save Wayward also had the power to bring about its demise.

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