A Tale of Two Kingdoms

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Authors: Victoria Danann

Tags: #scifi romance, #scifi fantasy, #paranormal, #Contemporary, #fantasy, #fantasy romance, #romance fantasy, #victoria danann, #Urban Fantasy

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A Tale of Two Kingdoms






A Tale of Two Kingdoms

Black Swan 6)

Victoria Danann


Copyright 2013 Victoria Danann

Published by 7th House at Smashwords

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Special THANK YOU'S...


Thank you to my assistants, Judy Fox and Sarah Nicole Blausey.


Thank you to Kelly Danann who gave me the confidence to publish the first book.


Thank you to Julie Roberts, world's best editor.


Thank you to my husband, my biggest cheerleader, who values every book sale and gets excited about every milestone.


Victoria is a big fan of the Black Swan A Team.


Anna-Marie Coomber

Anna Salamatin

Anne Rindfliesch

Brandy Ralston

Cheryl Lewis Fennimore

Cindy Hunt

Cristi Riquelme

Crystal Lehmann

Dee Bowerman

Diane Nix

Elizabeth Quincy Nix

Ellen Sandberg

Gina Whitney

Janine Fromherz Diller

Janna Ward

Jennifer Tracy

Karin Vaughan Sedor

Kim Staley Schommer

Laura E. Wolf

Laura Wright

Laurie Johnson

Leah Barbush

Lindsay Thompson

Maggie Nolan

Merissa Sheppard

Mountain Crew

Nelta Baldwin Mathias

Pam James

Patricia Smith

Rebecca Stigers

Renay Arthur

Robyn Byrd

Rochelle Taves

Rose Holub

Samantha Woods

Sarah Beth Junck

Shanna Rankin

Shannon Cutrer Armstrong

Sharon Marcum

Shellie Stein

Stephanie Takes-Desbiens

Susan Blanford Westerman

Sylvia Ashford

Tabitha Schneider

Talisa Martin

Ticia Morton Hall

Tifinie Henry


























This series is also a serial saga in the sense that each book begins where the previous book ended.
in order to fully enjoy the rich complexities of this tapestry in book form.


There is a very old and secret society of paranormal investigators and protectors known as The Order of the Black Swan. In modern times, in a dimension similar to our own, they continue to operate, as they always have, to keep the human population safe. For centuries they have relied on a formula that outlines recruitment of certain second sons, in their early, post-pubescent youth, who match a narrow and highly specialized psychological profile. Those who agree to forego the ordinary pleasures and freedoms of adolescence receive the best education available anywhere along with the training and discipline necessary for a possible future as active operatives in the Hunters Division. In recognition of the personal sacrifice and inherent danger, The Order bestows knighthoods on those who accept.


My Familiar Stranger: Romancing the Vampire Hunters.


The elite B Team of Jefferson Unit in New York, also known as Bad Company, was devastated by the loss of one of its four members in a battle with vampire. A few days later Elora Laiken, an accidental pilgrim from another dimension, literally landed at their feet so physically damaged by the journey they weren't even sure of her species. After a lengthy recovery, they discovered that she had gained amazing speed and strength through the cross-dimension translation. She earned the trust and respect of the knights of B Team and eventually replaced the fourth member, who had been killed in the line of duty.


She was also forced to choose between three suitors: Istvan Baka, a devastatingly seductive six-hundred-year-old vampire, who worked as a consultant to neutralize an epidemic of vampire abductions, Engel Storm, the noble and stalwart leader of B Team who saved her life twice; and Rammel Hawking, the elf who persuaded her that she was destined to be his alone.


The Witch’s Dream: A Love Letter to Paranormal Romance


Ten months later everyone was gathered at Rammel's home in Derry, Ireland. B Team had been temporarily assigned to The Order's Headquarters office in Edinburgh, but they had been given leave for a week to celebrate an elftale handfasting for Ram and Elora, who were expecting.

Ram's younger sister, Aelsong, went to Edinburgh with B Team after being recruited for her exceptional psychic skills. Shortly after arriving, Kay's fiancé was abducted by a demon with a vendetta, who slipped her to a dimension out of reach. Their only hope to locate Katrina and retrieve her was Litha Brandywine, the witch tracker, who had fallen in love with Storm at first sight.

Storm was assigned to escort the witch, who slowly penetrated the ice that had formed around his heart when he lost Elora to Ram. Litha tracked the demon and took Katrina's place as hostage after learning that he, Deliverance, was her biological father. The story ended with all members of B Team happily married and retired from active duty.


A Summoner’s Tale: The Vampire’s Confessor


Istvan Baka was captured by vampire in the Edinburgh underground and reinfected with the vampire virus. His assistant, Heaven McBride, was found to be a "summoner", a person who can compel others to come to them when they play the flute. She also turned out to be the reincarnation of the young wife who was Baka's first victim as a new vampire six hundred years before.

Elora Laiken was studying a pack of wolves hoping to get puppies for her new breed of dog. While Rammel was overseeing the renovation of their new home, she and Blackie were caught in a snowstorm in the New Forest. At the same time assassins from her world, agents of the clan who massacred her family, found her isolated in a remote location without the ability to communicate. She gave birth to her baby alone except for the company of her dog, Blackie, and the wolf pack.

Heaven was instrumental in calling vampire to her so that they could be intercepted and given the curative vaccine. Baka was found, restored, and given the opportunity for a "do over" with the wife who had waited for many lifetimes to spend just one with him.



Moonlight: The Big Bad Wolf


Ram and Elora moved into temporary quarters at Jefferson Unit to protect mother and baby. Sol asked Storm to prepare to replace him as Jefferson Unit Sovereign so that he could retire in two years. Storm declined, but suggested twenty-year-old trainee, Glendennon Catch for the job.

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