A Talent for War (26 page)

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Authors: Jack McDevitt

Tags: #High Tech, #Fantasy, #General, #Science Fiction, #Adventure, #Life on other planets, #heroes, #Fiction, #War

BOOK: A Talent for War
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"The park commission."

"No. I mean, who buried Matt Olander? Who cut the inscription on the tombstone? It says in the Tourist Guide that the grave was here when the refugees returned from Millenium after the war."

"I know."

"Who cut the inscription?" She thumbed through the publication. "According to this, the legend is that the Ashiyyur did it."

"I don't really know much about the Ashiyyur. But why not?

Stranger things have happened in wars than people paying tribute to enemies."

A crowd gathered around the stone. Their breath was visible in the cold air. Some took pictures, others spoke hurriedly and moved on. "It is cold," said Chase, sealing her jacket and adjusting the thermals. "Why wouldn't the inscription be in their own written language?"

Hell, I didn't know. "What's the guide book say?"

"It says the experts disagree."

"Great. That's helpful. But I can think of another possibility. One that accounts for the burial, at
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"Go ahead," she said.

"They tried to evacuate, what, twenty thousand people in a week? It couldn't be done without overlooking a few. There's always somebody who doesn't get the word. Anyway, Olander stayed behind, found them, and probably was with them when he died during the bombing. Maybe he did something to earn their admiration, shot down a mute ship with a hand weapon, rescued a child from a burning building. Who knows? Whatever it was, they admired him for it, and they gave him a proper send-off. In the proper language."

I stared at the slab. "Leisha Tanner knew the truth," I said.

"Yes, I suppose so. Do you believe your own theory?"

"No. I don't know why, but it doesn't feel right. Neither does the notion that he didn't want to desert the city. That's pleasantly poetic. But it's more likely he got left behind. The Dellacondans got out of here a bare few hours before the enemy fleet arrived. They would have been in a hell of a hurry, cutting it that close."

"But that doesn't explain why his comrades reacted the way they did to Tanner."

We stood over the grave and tried to imagine what might have happened. "I wonder," I said, "if anyone's really buried here? Maybe the grave's empty."

"No. I was reading about it on the way out, Alex. They've taken pictures. There is a body down there, and dental records show that it is Olander's."

"Does it say how he died?"

"Not in the plasma drop, apparently. I guess there's evidence he got hit by a laser. They think a small, hand-carried weapon. Which supports one part of the legend."

"Which is—?"

"That the mutes sent in a landing party to try to take him alive."

"Maybe he was caught and executed."

"That," said Chase, "is a distinct possibility. But no one around here will accept it."

"Why not?"

"Because it's not very heroic. The image everyone prefers is Olander standing on the roof of the terminal with a pulser, surrounded by dead aliens, firing away until the bastards take him down.

Anyway, how do you explain the inscription if he surrendered?"

"I guess that eliminates suicide too. Okay. Another question: if he stayed behind voluntarily, did his C.O. know about it? Or did he jump ship? If it was the latter, it might explain some of the irritation that Tanner ran into."

"I don't think Christopher Sim would have allowed anyone to stay behind to die. That wouldn't sound like him at all."

"How do you know?"

She looked momentarily confused. "We're talking about Christopher Sim, Alex." Our eyes locked, and she started to grin, but shook her head. "No," she said. "I don't believe it."

"Nor do I. I think if we could find out why Olander didn't leave with his ship, we'd be an appreciable distance toward understanding —" I hesitated.

"What?" prompted Chase.

"Damned if I know. Maybe Kindrel Lee can tell us."

We leased a skimmer at Richardson, keyed in the downtown hotel that had our reservations, and flew into Point Edward, which was a moderate-sized city of permearth, stone, and glass constructed over a dead seaside volcano.

The first view of it was a shock. There were no sweeping walkways or malls; no webbed parks connecting the upper levels. Point Edward was a city of clearly defined individual structures, heavy on the facing, with square-cut arches and ramparts, and plenty of statuary. The central area was rebuilt after the destruction of 677, employing the same architectural style throughout. The
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Guide described this as Uniform Toxicate. It must have seemed like a good idea at the time, but the result was to create a downtown of numbing stability and sobriety, of sharp corners and immovable purpose. It was life at ground level, in a city that felt like a fortress.

I wondered, as we settled onto the roof of our hotel, how much of this reflected the state of mind of a people who had barely escaped the fire.

An hour later, from Chase's room, we linked with the Bureau of Records and Vital Statistics.

The clerk was an AI, cast in the appearance of an elderly male, with a full gray-black beard and sympathetic blue eyes.

"It would be easier if we had her ID number," he said.

"Sorry," I grumbled. "How many people named Kindrel Lee could have been living in a place with a population of, what, twenty thousand?"

"Mr. Benedict," he said, poking thoughtfully at his keyboard, "you understand, of course, that the records burned with the city in 677. We have very little preceding that date."

"Yes. But she—assuming Kindrel is a she—was still around after the attack. Must have been, if Tanner talked to her. So she might have married after that date. Or applied for some sort of exemption. Or got a job with the government. There should be something on her."

"Yes," he said agreeably. "I'm sure there must be." He bent to his task. "Are you sure of the spelling?"

"No. Actually it's guesswork."

"Is it possible she might have been born with a different name?"

"It's possible."

"You set a very difficult task, Mr. Benedict."

"Please do the best you can," I said. I tried to offer him money, but he refused it. Government rules. I was still feeling clumsy.

Chase took to prowling round the limited area allowed by the projector, while I watched the day's news reports follow each other across a monitor.

A recession had begun on Earth.

Along the frontier, shots had been exchanged between Ashiyyurean and Confederate warships again. No damage to our side, probably none to theirs.

"And forty years ago today—" A picture of a sailing yacht appeared on the terminal, "—the Andover, attempting to complete a round-the-world voyage, disappeared in southern seas."

"No," said the clerk suddenly. "There simply isn't any record."

"There has to be," I objected. "At the very least, she would have died."

"If she did, Mr. Benedict," he said, with a broad display of even white teeth, "she didn't do it on Ilyanda."

"I have another idea," I said, back in the apartment. "The Andover."

"I think we have enough mysteries, Alex. And I doubt that the Andover is involved in any of this."

"Of course not. But that was a forty-year-old clip we saw in there. How far back do the local newsgathering organizations go?"

Two syndicates were listed on the local net: Oceanic and Mega. Neither had been around much over a half century. That was Ilyanda time, where the years are about forty percent longer than at home, but it still wasn't enough. "It doesn't matter," a commtech at Mega told us.

"Everybody uses centralized data storage anyhow. We have access to records that go back damned near three hundred years."

We tied in with Datalink, a central processing facility. It gave us what we wanted: access to Ilyanda's history, seen from a contemporary perspective.

Chase activated a terminal and poked in LEE, KINDREL.

The answer came back: NO ENTRIES.

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She reversed the names: KINDREL, LEE


We tried every other way we could think of to spell the names, with no luck.

"What now?" Chase said.

"Olander." She punched in his name.


"Entries," I said.


"Chronological. From most recent."


"I don't think that's it," suggested Chase, touching the keyboard.





Stories piled up. There were literally dozens of them:





I started working my way through the material, while Chase searched for references to Leisha Tanner. She eventually found a brief mention in a sixty-year-old book review.

"Sim's Lieutenants," she said. "Ever hear of it?"

"No. But it sounds like something we should get. Have them forward it to Jacob."

She shook her head. "It's off-line. Nearest copies available, it says here, are believed to be on Penthume."


"It's a long way. It was the author's home world. Maybe it doesn't matter. The reviewer says he got everything wrong, and the book's worthless. How are you making out?"

She was looking over my shoulder, so I keyed in another item-MATT OLANDER TESTIFIES BEFORE DEFENSE COMMITTEE

I don't suppose she was in a mood for jokes: this Matt Olander was an expert in hyperspace stresses.

The second morning we expanded our search.

Late in the day we came across a curious entry, dated almost twenty years earlier: DID SIM PROVOKE ATTACK ON ILYANDA?

The narrative argued that the Dellacondans had planned a trap at Ilyanda, but that a half-dozen battle cruisers, promised by Earth, had been withdrawn at the last minute.

There were other wild stories, especially from the less reputable services that specialized in the sensational:



At the end of it, we still had nothing.

The plasma weapon that fell on Point Edward during an early autumn evening (the exact date is uncertain) in 677 seared the rocky basin in which the city rests, destroyed forest halfway out to Richardson, and removed the city itself as surely as though it had never existed.

The fact that Point Edward was deserted at the time of the attack, and that there was no way the aliens could not have known it was deserted, rendered the act the single most chilling event of the war. It demonstrated a fury with, and contempt for, all things human that must have
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terrorized the frontier worlds.

We were strolling listlessly along the waterfront area when I broke a long silence. "They were damned lucky there were so few people here. And Ilyanda's still relatively small. What's the population? Five, six million, tops. How many Lees can there be?"

"Not many," Chase agreed.

"We've been going about this backwards. Let's find a terminal."

There were fifty-six listings on the Ilyanda net for people named Lee, Leigh, Lea, and Li. We split them up.

We found Endmar Lee almost immediately.

One of his relatives described him as the family historian, and directed us to him. It was true: once he realized we shared his interest, his enthusiasm burgeoned. He brought out holos of individuals dressed in the somewhat stylized fashions of Resistance times on Ilyanda: Henry Cortison Lee, who had owned a souvenir shop at the Richardson terminal, and who had actually seen Christopher Sim; Polmar Lee, who would have stayed and faced the Ashiyyur in defense of his home, but who was drugged and taken off against his will. "And here's Jina," he said. "She was Kindrel's niece." Chase showed signs of impatience, but I frowned at her, and she sighed.

Endmar Lee was a short, almost fragile, man, spare of body and speech. He was young, yet he seemed to lack the energies and certainty of youth. "Ah," he said at length, projecting a holo into the middle of the room. "Here she is now. We think this was taken before the war."

She was attractive, lean with wide shoulders, her features perhaps a trifle nonchalant. Dark hair, worn long. Not someone who was likely to be hurried along by other people's concerns.

"What do you know about her?" I asked.

"There's not much to know," said Lee. "I don't think there's anything especially remarkable about Kindrel. She went through a lot very early in her life—"

"How do you mean?"

"Her husband died during the third year of their marriage. Freak boating accident of some kind.

I don't know the details; they're lost. Then shortly after that, the war came."

"It might actually have made things easier for her," said Chase. "Forced her to concentrate on other things."

Lee hesitated. "Yes." The word trailed off, leaving something unsaid.

"Did she come back? After the war?"

"Yes, she did. She came back with the rest."

"Does the name Leisha Tanner mean anything to you?"

He thought about it, and shook his head. "I can't say that it does. Does she have some connection with Kindrel?"

"We don't know," said Chase. "Did Kindrel ever marry again?"

"No," he said. "Or at least she wasn't married when she left Ilyanda. After that we lost track of her. But she was well along in life by then anyhow. The last holo we have of her—" He worked the control device in his lap, "—is this one." She appeared again, almost elderly now, standing close beside Jina, her niece, who was by then middle-aged. The resemblance between the two was striking.

"Kindrel was a bit wild, I guess. She owned a yacht, and lived aboard it for years. Took long cruises, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends. There might have been a drug problem.

"She was very close to the niece. Jina died four years after this was taken, but she's not mentioned as having attended the funeral. That was in 707, and it suggests she was no longer on Ilyanda by then, though we know she was here in 706. That fixes the date of her departure pretty well."

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