A Taste of Desire (34 page)

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Authors: Beverley Kendall

Tags: #Romance, #Historical

BOOK: A Taste of Desire
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At the conclusion of the meal, the men came swiftly to their feet as the countess rose. Amelia quickly followed, desperate to leave before she did something stupid to give herself away. No one but her need know how completely besotted she’d become over Thomas, especially the man himself. It was obvious he wanted her physically, but she loved him. And as always, love made all the difference. It made her the more vulnerable of the two.

“I hope you’ll allow me to escort you to the drawing room, Lady Amelia,” said Lord Alex, already making a move toward her.

Charlotte’s gaze snapped to her and then back to him, a crestfallen expression now on her pretty face. Amelia’s heart constricted in sympathy. Had Lord Alex a clue that he’d just diced the poor girl’s heart in two?

“Amelia, I would like a word with you in private, if you please.” Thomas blithely ignored his friend and clearly expecting her to do likewise.

Amelia stilled as her pulse tried to leap beyond the confines of her skin.

“Perhaps the study?” he queried, passing Lord Alex to stand next to her. She conceded with a small nod and departed the room at his side while the rest looked on in silence.

“Armstrong,” Lord Alex called out just as they breached the threshold.

Thomas paused—as did she—and angled his head over his shoulder. He looked none to pleased at the interruption, but it appeared manners wouldn’t allow him to ignore his friend.

“I will accept your undying gratitude at a later date.” Lord Alex was all smiles and self-satisfaction.

The earl coughed in an effort not to laugh, and the countess tucked her chin to her chest to hide her smile. The twins looked on, wearing mystified expressions. Thomas made a grumbled sound in his throat that didn’t sound at all appreciative. With the jerk of his head, he clasped her satin-clad elbow and steered her from the room.

In tension-wrought silence, they entered the study, where Thomas relinquished his hold of her. Amelia sought out the closest seating, sinking weakly onto a finely napped sofa of indeterminate color—something between green and beige—avoiding his gaze by fidgeting with her skirts.

A glass-encased clock ticked in time with the lengthening silence.
Don’t look or you’ll be lost.
Amelia kept her gaze fixed on her lap, her fingers now idly tracing the embroidered edge of her flounce.

“How can I talk to you if you refuse to even look at me?”

Somehow the gentleness of his tone put her at ease when she was certain nothing could. She drew a shaky breath and lifted her head to meet his stare. He wore a half smile, his dimples lending him a boyish appeal in the masculine planes of his too-handsome face. Lord, he was more potent than any wine she’d ever consumed.

“I gather this is in regard to Lord Alex.” She really hadn’t a clue as to why he wanted to speak to her, but his friend would probably be as good a place to start as any.

Thomas abandoned his post by the door and took a seat on the edge of the armchair by her. Leaning forward, he braced his forearms on his splayed legs. “I hope you’re not taking his interest seriously. Cartwright has an unfortunate sense of humor at times.”

Amelia wanted to laugh at the seriousness of his tone. His face was now all angles and hard lines, his mouth straight. He actually thought she believed his friend had an interest in her. Perhaps he even thought she returned that
interest. Lord if he only knew that at that moment she could barely breathe properly, much less conceive a coherent thought with him sitting so close and his warm scent enveloping her. If he only knew that, if she allowed her emotions to run amuck, she could pounce on him like a woman in the throes of a Spanish fly overdose.

“I can assure you I have no designs on your friend, nor do I believe he has any on my person.” She paused a moment to look at her hands clasped tightly in her lap. Peering at him from beneath her lashes, she asked softly, “Would it bother you much if such an interest existed between us?”

Thomas heard his own indrawn breath without being aware he’d taken it. Bother him? If she had taken a poker from the fireplace and prodded him with it—hard—the thought couldn’t have pained him more.

Clearing the thickness in his throat, he took in her heart-stopping features, her flawless skin and her lush pink lips. Just the thought of her kissing another man sent his emotions rioting in rebellion. She was his, and the sooner she came to realize it, the better for them both.

“Yes, it would bother me.” His admission came in a low voice, while pinning her with a look designed to indicate to her just how much.

Sapphire eyes widened before her hands became lost in the folds of her crimson skirt.

“And I think you know why,” he continued softly, refusing to let her look away, to hide her feelings from him behind the mask she’d worn so long. He knew the passion simmering beneath the beautiful woman she was on the outside. He’d felt the hot, wet clasp of her sex on his as her body convulsed in orgasm. Just the memory of it caused his member to stiffen, urging him to satisfy its call.

“I’m not completely certain what you want from me. At
first I thought you intended to seduce me for revenge, but now things are so different between us.”

The vulnerability in her voice was endearing, stinging his conscience with remorse. For the expediency of their courtship, he would not admit that initially that had been his intent. He’d wait until their relationship was on firmer ground. They might even be able to laugh about it in the future.

“Do you honestly believe I would bed a woman out of revenge?” Which was not a lie. He hadn’t planned to actually take her. He’d made love to her because he couldn’t help himself.

Her gaze probed his for a moment before a smile appeared. “But the thought must have crossed your mind. I’d given you ample reason to dislike me.”

He chuckled at her gross understatement. “I think we’ve established I like you fine enough.”

With his right hand, he stilled her fidgeting fingers and stared deeply into her eyes. “I made love to you because I desperately wanted you and for no other reason. Does that answer your question?”

The soothing stroke of his thumb on her palm and the warmth of his flesh had Amelia’s senses clamoring in response.

She nodded as a fire ignited between her thighs.

“Good,” he said, in a low, hypnotic voice. “I want there to be no misunderstanding between us. May I escort you to your chamber?”

His request sounded decadent and forbidden. Yes, and wonderfully sinful. Amelia said nothing, knowing her silence signaled her willingness. He rose still clutching her hand in a firm but gentle grip. She allowed him to assist her to her somewhat shaky feet, and they made the trek up the stairs, his hand hovering near the small of her back.

“What about your sister—the others? They are awaiting me in the drawing room.” Her protest was as much an afterthought as one could be.

Thomas gave a husky laugh, lowering his mouth to her ear. “My brother-in-law is too newly married to spend time in the evening drinking port with Cartwright. He’s already spent the entire day with him. Believe me when I say, everyone has already retired for the night.”

Amelia didn’t say another word but continued on to her room, anticipation unfurling inside her. At her chamber, she turned to face him, and he stepped forward, crowding her, forcing her back against the solid wood door. When he lowered his head, his intent was clear and so greatly anticipated she found herself reaching out to draw him to her. She hadn’t his patience.

The light of the gas-lit wall sconce flickered. She blinked, suddenly struck by their location as they stood in the hallway where anyone could happen upon them.

Her arms stiffened and she pulled her head back. “Wait,” she croaked, “what if someone—?”

He dropped a hard kiss on her mouth. Amelia went silent. Raising his hands, he slid his fingers into her chignon, dislodging several pins. His breath was warm against her face, his lips now feathering hers. “This wing of the house is just for non-family members, and Missy considers Cartwright a relation. No one sleeps here but you. But you’re right—we need someplace much more private for what I have in mind.”

The feel of his fingers tunneling through her hair and stroking her scalp would have had her sliding to the floor if not for the support of his arms.

When his lips finally made contact with hers, there was no pretense. She wanted it, craved it in the most absurd, mindless manner. She didn’t wait, couldn’t wait for his tongue to find hers, thrusting hers in a relentless search. But he pulled his head back a fraction, making her endure tiny
nips to the corners of her mouth, the curve of her chin and the vulnerable line of her neck.

Then she was up in his arms and in her chamber. The heel of his boot kicked the door shut. Amelia tightened her arms around his neck, pulling his mouth down to hers, sealing his in a kiss. The firm, sensuous feel of his lips on hers drew a whimper from her throat. The clash came as tongue and teeth met. A stab of desire so sharp she wanted to wail, beaded her nipples into tight buds, blistering a path down to her center.

The mattress gave way under their combined weight as Thomas laid her in a luxuriant spread in the center of the bed. His tongue continued to plunder her mouth, seeking out every nook and crevice in avaricious demand. Amelia angled her head to obtain deeper, more thorough penetration—if such a thing was possible. Sliding her hand from around his neck, she wedged her hands between their torsos to tear at the buttons of his shirt. The need to feel his flesh, warm and hard, beneath her fingertips, drove her.

The loss of his touch was momentary as he sat up and joined in helping her divest him of his clothes with ruthless efficiency.

He wanted her. If his impassioned kisses hadn’t made it obvious enough, his erection certainly did. It was stiff and thick, thrusting out from a thatch of dark blond hair. Amelia clamped her thighs together, as if that would prevent the flow of moisture pooling her sex. Then he was straddling her, his erection rubbing against her lower stomach as he made quick work of the buttons of her gown. Staggering pleasure washed over her in inundating waves, making her every breath a pant followed by a gasp.

Her stays, petticoats, chemise, and drawers surrendered to his deft fingers. The feel of him, hard and scorching hot, dragging against her lower belly started a riot within her. She throbbed and pulsed where she wanted him to touch her the most.

“Heaven help me, you’re beautiful,” he groaned on a
labored breath. His eyes feasted on the soft thrust of her breasts. Cupping both in his hands, he flicked at the tips until she didn’t think she could take any more. But she could if she had to. She arched her back to push her breasts firmly into his hand, her body urging him to take ever more liberties. She wanted his mouth there. She craved the feel of his mouth at her breast, licking and sucking on her nipple.

He watched her, his lids heavy with passion and lust. Her hand clasped the nape of his neck and pulled his head down. Thomas needed no further urging, his lips finding the berry tip with unerring accuracy.

“Thomas,” she gasped, the band of pleasure tightening within her as she parted her legs to make a space for him there.

He raised his head and the loss of his mouth had her twisting beneath him, searching, wanting, yearning, and then demanding. “Tell me what you want.” His voice was a deep rumble, his features contorted by constrained lust.

Amelia responded by thrusting her hips up, sending the tip of his erection to nestle into the patch of hair covering her privates. His groan rent the air. With his mouth still toying, nibbling, then suckling her nipple, his hand scored the smooth indent of her belly down to the notch of her thighs, his fingers urgent and tender as they parted the vulnerable lips of her sex.

She was wet, embarrassingly so. A ragged breath fluttered from her parted lips. Her breaths then just came in short pants. There was no way to fight the pleasure spurring her hips to lift and undulate in this helpless, needy fashion.

Thomas gave her nipple one last lingering lick, twirling his tongue around the berry tip before he made the journey across the flushed quivering skin of her belly, to follow his fingers to the place beckoning him to further delights.

He worked his finger into her small opening and was rewarded with the moisture of her passion. He jerked and rubbed his erection against her thigh as if her wetness
further excited him. “God, you’re tight. So tight. I hope I can make it,” he groaned before his mouth was on her.

He had pleasured her like this the last time, the rasp of his tongue firm and tender and so wildly arousing against her slickened flesh, Amelia wanted to weep with the undiluted pleasure of it. Widening her thighs, she tipped her hips to give him better access to the moist folds. She knew she must look a complete wanton, but the need clawing inside her was enough to overcome years of sexual repression—most of it self-inflicted. With his other hand, he spread her open for her delectation. His tongue found the nub hooded by soft pink flesh, and she was lost. She soared, quivered, and convulsed in the kind of pleasure she had never known existed until Thomas.

Amelia floated back to earth dazed, her body spent. Then Thomas was on his knees, a limp thigh in each hand held wide to receive him. He entered in a single jolting thrust. The fit was snug. He filled her seemingly beyond capacity and had her sex humming back to life. Every push and pull had her body clamoring for more of the same, deeper, harder. He went from slow and excruciatingly long thrusts, her walls contracting and quivering in helpless pleasure, until he was pounding into her.

Pleasure, the likes he had only known in her arms with his cock buried deep inside her, coursed and built in him like a boulder gathering speed down a steep incline. Her head twisted on the pillow, her sapphire eyes glazed. The pace of his thrusts increased and grew more forceful in their demand. The sound of flesh colliding took on a rhythmic, powerful beat in the cool evening air of the bedchamber.

Amelia emitted a high cry and stiffened beneath him, her hips thrust up to take him deeper while she clawed at his back. Thomas welcomed the pleasurable pain that came when her nails finally sank into his shoulders as she found
her release in a series of convulsions. Her feminine sheath tightened around his cock, the pressure, the suctionlike pull sending him spiraling over the edge when he could no longer hold off his orgasm. His peak was blissfully prolonged and all consuming, the tumble down nearly frightening in its intensity.

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