A Taste of Sin (31 page)

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Authors: Fiona Zedde

Tags: #African American Women, #General, #Romance, #Erotic Fiction, #Adult, #Love Stories, #Fiction, #Lesbian, #Lesbians

BOOK: A Taste of Sin
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“Sure. Uh . . . Mexican hot chocolate in a waffle cone, please.”
“Whatever the lady wants.”
Dez shook her head. She hadn’t been called a lady in a long time. And probably never in that lightly teasing and intimate tone of voice. Victoria walked away from her, shimmying up the short ramp to the shop. A smile lingered on her mouth as she found them a bench a short distance away from where she could watch both her lover and the eclectic mix of people strolling by. The little shop had a steady business despite the slight chill in the air. Couples filed in and out of the clear glass doors, laughing and leaning closely together. Inside the store she noticed a few women—obviously dykes—checking Victoria out. They were subtle, eyeing her curves in a way that Dez had done a thousand times before. One of them separated from their group and approached her. Dez couldn’t hear their words, but whatever the butch said made Victoria laugh.
She felt something cold and hard drop in the pit of her belly. Dez looked over the thick, fairly attractive woman, wondering how it would feel to pound her face in and what she would have to say to Victoria then. A part of her brain analyzed the emotion and squirmed. What the hell did she have to be jealous about? It wasn’t as if the woman was a better lay than she was, or was even better-looking. At best she was more charming. Maybe even nicer and more—what was that phrase an old fuck buddy of hers always used?—emotionally available. That was it. But that didn’t make the feeling go away. At least Victoria didn’t give her number to the charming butch. She smiled and said something else before walking out of the store with two waffle cones in hand. The woman held the door open for her. Victoria was still smiling when she walked up to Dez.
“Here you go. A Mexican hot chocolate, plain.”
She sat next to her on the bench with her own cone of rainbow-sprinkled coconut ice cream, and smiled over at Dez. The iceberg in her belly dissolved at that look and she smiled back.
With the other woman watching her and taking broad, hungry licks of her cone as she directed flirtatious glances her way, Dez managed to calm her mind to a manageable pitch. There was nothing for her to be jealous about. Victoria wasn’t interested in anybody else. Dez took a bite of her dessert, savoring the cool bath of the peppery chocolate ice cream beneath her palate.
“Hey, Dez.”
She couldn’t stop the flinch from moving across her face. She saw it reflected in the surprise in Victoria’s eyes and the soft note of query that began to shape on her lips. Dez looked away and up, knowing what she would see even before Ruben and Caitlyn appeared in her line of sight. In their matching burgundy shirts and tight jeans they could have passed for any typical heterosexual couple on the street. If Ruben hadn’t said anything she wouldn’t have known they were there. And her Saturday night would have continued being perfect.
She met his eyes with the winter’s chill in hers. “Ruben. Caitlyn.” Then she looked away, dismissing them.
“Who’s your friend, Dez?” Ruben asked. “Don’t be rude.”
“I wasn’t being rude, just trying to go on with my good time. Is it too much for me to wish you would do the same?”
Caitlyn opened her pretty red mouth to say something, but Dez shook her head. She wasn’t in the mood to be nice. Not tonight. Not even with Victoria sitting so close by.
“I’m Ruben.” He extended his hand under Victoria’s nose, forcing her to give it a limp shake. “And this is my girlfriend, Caitlyn.” For some reason it had seemed less absurd when he and Dez were seeing each other. Two queers together, that seemed right. This . . . wasn’t.
“Nice to meet you.” To her credit, Victoria didn’t hesitate, she went on eating her ice cream while Ruben looked expectantly at her.
“Sorry about nearly running you over with my cart at the store the other day, Dez. I meant to apologize then but you were gone so fast.” Caitlyn was a nice girl. Very sweet. Under different circumstances she and Dez might have become friends. Or something.
“No apology needed. What happened, happened. I’ve moved on.” The words fell in a monotone from her lips. “You should, too.” Yes, please move on so I can get on with my date.
Ruben turned away from Victoria after it became obvious that she wasn’t going to offer him anything. “So who is your new woman, Dez? You been keeping secrets from me?”
She looked at him as if he’d lost his whole damn mind. “I’m not in the mood for this, Ruben. Keep on going wherever it is you’re going.”
“Does she know that you do dick?” His hand drifted to his crotch. “And not just the one you probably have strapped to your pussy right now.”
Dez abruptly stood up. “I guess I wasn’t clear last time we spoke, Ru.” Her voice was a quiet rumble deep in her chest. She wasn’t even ready to look at Victoria and see what effect his little declaration had had on her. “Whenever you see me out in public, in the gay bars or wherever—and I’ll show you the same courtesy—I want you to pretend I’m not there. Not a ‘hello,’ not a ‘how’s it hanging?’, nothing that would indicate we’d ever had any kind of previous relationship.” She looked from one pale face to the other. “Is that clear?” At her ex-lover’s arch look, she actually snarled. “That means leave me the fuck alone.”
People were beginning to stare. Some looked from the corners of their eyes as they walked past. Others didn’t even bother to pretend that they weren’t gawking.
Caitlyn noticed them, too. “Come on, Ruben.” She linked her fingers with her boyfriend and tugged him toward the ice-cream shop. “Give it a rest.” She glanced briefly at Dez.
Because Ruben was that sort, he allowed himself to be led away. But not before showing Dez all his teeth in a mocking grin. Dez turned her back to him and faced Victoria.
“Sorry about that.” She cleared her throat.
“You have nothing to be sorry about.” She put her ice cream on the bench beside her as Dez sat down, arranging the leaking cone on a neat pile of napkins. “Are you all right?”
“Not right now, but I will be.” Dez made an abrupt noise and threw the rest of her ice cream in the trash. “You ready to go?”
“No.” Victoria picked up her ice cream, and then folded the napkins into a square. Loose rainbow sprinkles escaped the paper and tumbled into her lap, but Victoria brushed them away without glancing down.
The tightness in Dez’s chest worsened. They were going to have a conversation about this. And it wasn’t going to go well. Victoria watched her face, slowly eating her ice cream. Her eyes seemed to take in every part of Dez—the clenched teeth, the mouth that had lost its smile somewhere along the way, even her old battered heart that was beating way too fast in her chest.
“Did you love him?”
“Yes.” The answer to the unexpected question croaked past Dez’s dry lips.
“Do you love him now?”
“Good.” Victoria’s teeth crunched into the last bite of her cone. “Now I’m ready.”
They rode back to the city in silence with Victoria clutched tight against Dez’s back as the bike wove through late-night traffic. The other woman’s hands rested against her belly, snug underneath her jacket, keeping her warm.
Chapter 29
ictoria was beautiful. Dez could never get enough of looking at her. She made herself comfortable on the end of the high four-poster bed, adjusting the sprawl of her legs against the white cotton sheets, taking care that her special occasion thong didn’t ride up too far and slip between her outer lips until she was ready. Victoria’s skin really was the most luscious thing, an enticing mix of caramel and cream that made Dez’s tongue beg for a taste. She hung between two poles in Dez’s sparsely decorated guest bedroom. Arms and legs spread wide and tied to the poles with red velvet rope. Red definitely was her color. Except for the bed and a set of built-in shelves stocked with towels, lotions, and toys, the thick wooden poles that ran from ceiling to floor were the only furniture in the room.
It had been almost two hours. She’d teased Victoria’s nipples, licked her swollen pussy and the shy puckered hole of her ass, lightly flicked the whip over every inch of her, just to make her feel the texture and the possibility of pain. Dez hadn’t allowed Victoria to come. And Victoria hadn’t used the safe word. Her entire body was wet and trembling and in need. She begged. Small tears escaped her eyes, wetting her cheeks and the corners of her mouth.
Impressed and damn near drowning in her own juices, Dez leaned back against the bedpost and touched herself. Her lover’s head lifted, her nostrils flared at the scent of freshly aroused pussy as Dez moved her thong aside to allow a glimpse of her engorged clit and the wet lips. She held herself open and slowly slid a long index finger deep inside. Her belly tightened and she got even wetter when Victoria made a low noise of want watching each slow movement of Dez’s finger. Heat flushed through her body and the nipples inside her leather bra hardened to near pain. Victoria licked her lips and moved restlessly in her bonds. Dez almost felt sorry for her. She made a full, voluptuous noise and filled herself with two fingers, then three. Her hips rose up to meet each thrust.
“Can I do that for you?” Victoria’s voice rose in shy inquiry. Her eyes hungrily followed the motion of Dez’s fingers.
Dez slowed her tempo but didn’t stop. “You seem a little busy right now.” Her free hand waved at the ropes holding Victoria captive. “And besides”—she bit off a groan as another wave of sensation flooded through her—“I like you that way. It’s very inspiring.”
“At least come . . . closer.” Her eyes begged even more than her mouth, showing very clearly what she would do if Dez allowed her to be close and to touch.
“Hm.” Dez pulled her fingers away from their cozy nest and stood. “You might be right.”
She moved closer, close enough to smell the delicious sweat on her, to brush her leather-clad breasts against Victoria, then she stepped behind so that her lover couldn’t see her. From the back, she was even more breathtaking, the high full swell of her ass, the hills and lulls of her back, the thick thighs and calves that tensed with anticipation. Dez slipped out of her underwear and picked up the waiting double-headed dong and its harness. The fullness of it inside her was . . . gratifying. The swirled black and white silicone head that stood out in front of her was just a little larger than the one already nestled inside her body. She hoped that Victoria could handle it. With light fingers, she stroked her lover’s back. Goose pimples appeared in the wake of her touch.
“Ah, Victoria.” And she slid into her.
Dez held her still with one hand just below her breasts, the other on her hip. “Is this all right?”
A deep shudder passed through Victoria’s body and into her own. “Yes.” Breath hitched in her throat. “Yes.”
Dez’s hand found her breasts, and the other slid over to caress the moist and swollen clit as she began to move her hips. A low, primal moan left Victoria’s mouth, making Dez feel like she was doing something absolutely right. She was very responsive, her moans building to grunts as Dez increased her pace and forced herself to focus on the pleasure of the woman beneath her instead of on the full thick need bubbling up inside her body. Victoria’s breasts were damp and hot under her hand, their tips firm and getting firmer as the slick button of her clit slid beneath Dez’s fingers. Her breath burst from her throat with each controlled thrust, exploding loudly in the room.
Victoria held onto the poles to brace herself as she pushed back into Dez, her lover’s name coming in deep, guttural groans. Then she started to talk. Pleas and promises tumbled from her lips, begging Dez to continue, not to tease her like last time or the time before that, or to make her beg without relief. The sound of her voice, hoarse and hot and urgent, blended with the slap of flesh against flesh, of Dez’s hips against her ass, of the grunting bass of Dez’s voice, the sound of her control falling to pieces. Victoria trembled as she came, her words falling away and replaced by sighs. Then Dez released herself. The orgasm brought her down hard, roaring through her body like an untamed blaze. She shouted something. Her fingers dug into Victoria’s heated skin as her hips jerked spasmodically, then finally stilled. Dez panted into her hair. Her body twitched and drooped over Victoria’s. The other woman moaned and sagged against her bonds at the additional weight.
“Sorry, baby.”
Dez pulled back until the toy left Victoria’s body with a slow wet sound. She unbuckled the harness and tossed it toward the bed. With an economy of movement, she untied Victoria from the pole, lifted her in her arms, and took her to the bedroom at the end of the long hallway. Her bedroom. Victoria shifted against the unfamiliar sheets as Dez lay her down.
“It smells like you in here,” the exhausted woman mumbled.
Dez drew her close and pulled the sheets up over them. “Hopefully that’s a good thing.”
A soft, contented snore was her only response. Dez smiled and kissed her lightly on the shoulder. This was new. Although Victoria didn’t know the significance of being in her bedroom after almost three months of sleeping together, Dez did.
Ruben’s shadow was finally gone. She settled her hand on the curve of Victoria’s belly and followed her lover into sleep.

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