A Thief's Treasure (14 page)

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Authors: Elena Miller

BOOK: A Thief's Treasure
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“Which one Alyssa?” Darren asked.


I looked into his mind again.
Most of it was curing at how we figured it out but within it there was a small voice trying to tell me.
I concentrated harder and it finally told me “go left.”
I snapped back out of it and caught my breath, looking at Darren with confidence.


“He’s in the right one.
A little demon was trying to get me to go left but I knew way better than that.
He was trying to ward me off.
There’s a bomb in the right one,” I stated.


Darren smiled and we walked through the right one.
We came into a giant room with glass around the three walls. There was a man with green hair next to the throne where an old man resided.
Darren tensed up, and I could tell that this was the man we were looking for.


“Hello there Alyssa.
Glad you were able to finally see through my trap.
Took you long enough to get here.
I couldn’t believe that you guys fell for that metal door trap.
That definitely did make my day a little bit,” the older man stated.
The green-haired man stood there like a stoic, looking at me as if I was a little fly and he was the giant hand that wanted to squash me.


“Well sometimes you have to be caught off guard first before you realize the truth.
By the way thanks for the demon who tried to throw us off, that was nice of you,” I replied sarcastically.


“My pleasure.
But you know I was happy you aren’t as stupid as you look, it would be a shame that the Alchemic Council’s newest
bitch was actually a little
who didn’t know how to fight if it bit her in the ass.
Great job sweetie, but it’s not going to help.
You’ve already lost, I’m just helping to prolong the fight that you will lose,” he replied.


“I don’t think so.
After all if this was a beauty contest I already would’ve won.
Your little pretty boy in the back may be a
but I’m not gay so I think he just looks like a little guy who likes to take it up the ass,” I stated confidently.


“Oh you naughty girl.
You should know better than to talk back to your elders,”


“Well you are older than me that’s for sure,” I quipped.


“Can we just get on with this?
I want to take down her pretty boy now, and I’m sick of hearing all this trash talk,” the green-haired boy stated.


“Oh fine
Your loss then.
We can think of other things to call her once she’s dead.
Who knows maybe some other ideas will come to me,”
The two men laughed and came closer, and a shot of steep from the green-haired man shot out from his hand and towards Darren. He dodged it and countered it back.
They started to fight and I was getting ready to attack
but I was forced back.


“Let the boys have their fun honey.
We’ll have some fun right after them,” he stated.


I watched as the guys started to duke it out.
was hitting Darren a lot, but they were only little scratches compared to the damage that the other man was taking.
It was almost as if he was purposefully doing it.
I didn’t understand why, but he was coming off a lot weaker than both of us had expected, and a part of me wanted to know why.


As they continued to fight however it started to make sense.
was absorbing the damage and using it to get stronger while Darren was becoming more depleted.
I couldn’t sit by and just let him do that so with all my might I broke the barrier, screaming at him.


“Don’t he’s trying to take all your power!” I yelled.
was pissed at me to say the least and with one move he threw a huge beam of flame alchemy at me.
I countered it with water and pinned him down.
I remembered I had a chain in my pocket that was silver and I pushed it against
He yelled in pain and collapsed on the ground.
I turned to Darren who had a shocked look on his face.


“Why did you do that?
You know I could’ve taken care of it.
I was going to choke him with mine once I had the chance,” he stated.


I overreacted.
I just saw that you were hurt and that he was an energy-sucking alchemist so I grabbed my silver and pushed it against him.
Now he’s down, so that just leaves one more fucker to take care of,” I replied.


“Oh fine.
I guess now we’ll take care of the next one?” he asked.


“Umm no shit.
Let’s do this,” I replied.
We walked over to
who had a giant grin on his face.
He was pleased with my
and I could tell he was ready for the next battle.


“Very well done Alyssa.
But there’s no way you’ll be able to take me down.
I’ll make sure that this will be the final day you and your little boyfriend will ever see one another,”
His body started to morph and transform, his body contorting into different shapes.
He groaned in pain for about a minute, but soon his body had changed into something that looked like a giant troll.
He had a giant spear as well and his hair went from the whitish-brown it was to a chestnut.
He seemed to had lost about twenty years of aging too, the wrinkles on his face dissipating like they were ripples in the sand.


“What the hell is going on?” I voiced.


“It’s his true form.
is the product of a troll and an alchemist, so not only does he hold a lot of alchemic power and black magic he also has a ton of strength due to his troll roots.
I know how to defeat it however, all I need you to do is to get the rune ready for the incantation and when you see the moment I’m going to need you to perform it,” Darren instructed.


“But wait when do you—before I could finish Darren had already walked head-first into battle leaving me on the
I was scared for him but a part of me was telling me discreetly that he had a plan and was doing the right thing.


Chapter Fifteen


The fight had started to go on.
was definitely equal in physical strength to Darren and I could see them fighting it out like it was the last fight ever.
I know it possibly could be, so I was trying to work quickly.
I tried to unzip my suit but for some reason the zipper was jamming on me.
I decided there was only one other thing to do and with one fell swoop I ripped the suit in the location of where I had the rune.
I grabbed it and held it in my hand, watching the battle to see when it was time for me to strike.


When I looked up it was as if hell had befallen the place.
I was so immersed in getting the rune that I didn’t hear the explosion.
I looked up and about half the room was gone and both
and Darren were off to the side.
I had a moment of shock and horror when I saw Darren not moving but after a moment he was back on his feet.
I breathed a sigh of relief at the sight, but as he did that
was moving as well.
They continued to engage in combat and I waited on the sides.
I started to throw fireballs and rocks at
, but after a moment I heard Darren tell me to stop telepathically.
I hated having to concede to his desire, but I knew that it was for the best.
It was his plan after all, and he definitely knew what he was doing.


The battle was going on and on and I made sure I was in the prime location for me to run over and use the spell.
They were moving all over the room and even though Darren had taken some serious hits it was nothing compared to the damage that
had sustained.
They both had some pretty deep wounds and a part of me was getting worried for Darren.
Was he going to be able to handle this?


With one more lunge at
, Darren had landed a lethal blow in the torso.
tried to land one on Darren, but it had only nicked his arm and caused a small gash to form.
fell to the ground and was bowled over in pain.
I could hear the cry of agony eliciting from him and a part of me stood in shock as the creature lay there like a lifeless being.


“Now’s your chance Alyssa.
Use the rune now before he gets back up!” Darren cried.


I snapped out of my stupor and ran over to the demon.
It was trying to get up but Darren had pressed a giant rock on top of the wound, puncturing it and making it even deeper.
I pulled the rune next to him and closed my eyes, reciting the incantation.
It was almost like it was the alphabet for me, and with each part I could see
getting even angrier like how the black magic gets when we try to vanquish it.
He tried to grab at me but Darren forced another rock into the wound, making it almost as big as his entire chest.
I finished it and yelled the last part and a flash of light appeared, blinding both of us.


When I looked back again I could see all of the original gods around me.
They were all staring at me intently, like I had just done something wrong.
Finally the earth goddess that I had talked to before stepped up and spoke.


“Is this the creature that you would like us to vanquish?” she asked.


Please,” I replied.


With one small move the other gods attacked it, tearing it apart until it was quartered into four pieces.
There was a dark portal with a swirling pool within and each of the pieces was thrown in there as well.
After doing that she turned back to me, as if to ask another question.


“Do you want us to get rid of his followers as well or wipe that memory?”


I thought on it for a moment.
I know it would’ve been wrong to wipe out all of them but at the same time I knew that if they did somehow remember it could cause even more trouble in the future.
“please get rid of them.
I don’t want any evil anymore,” I replied.


She looked at me with a questioning look, as if I was different than everyone else.
“You don’t want any more evil?”


Is that a bad thing?” I asked perplexedly.


“No it’s just you’re the first person to open this up and not just have their memories wiped.
It’s a much smarter choice and I wished your grandmother had done that, but what’s done is done.
We will wipe out all those who had decided to follow his evil ways.
In the meantime you must remember that once this is used it can never be used again.
You may see us from time to time but you can’t use this rune anymore to vanquish whatever you need.
Is that clear?”

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