A Trap King's Wife 1 (2 page)

Read A Trap King's Wife 1 Online

Authors: Jahquel J.

Tags: #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Romance

BOOK: A Trap King's Wife 1
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              I walked into my mother’s house with my six month daughter in her carrier. My mother, Chanel, always had something to say and didn’t hesitate to let it be known. We constantly butted heads because she was always flapping her gums about how I was living; especially when it came to Jamal. I defended him every time, but it was getting real hard to defend something that he kept doing. Our daughters Ivory and Avery, were my heart, and for Jamal it was the complete opposite. I never could understand how a man could not be there for his children. Ivory was five years old and Avery was six months old.

              My daughters were so special to me and I made sure they had everything. Jamal came home whenever he needed to sleep and change his clothes and would be gone the next day for three days. I had to put up with his mother having wild parties and sticking her animals in his bedroom. I applied over a year old for an apartment and finally got that letter in the mail. I couldn’t wait until I moved in because I wasn’t looking back, and Jamal wouldn’t even know our address. I was thinking about getting a job, so I could support my daughters. I didn’t want to be on public assistant forever, like Kaysha. I never understood how she got all that money, but spent it like it was going out of style.

              I knew Jamal since we were sixteen and he was my first in everything. He made a lot of promises when I got pregnant with Ivory, that he never lived up to. When I first got pregnant, he coached me to move in with him and his mother to be closer to him, since he wasn’t allowed at my mother’s house. He promised we would have our own place soon as Ivory was born. Ivory is five and we welcomed our second daughter, so you know the lie was real. I put up with so much from his family that it was crazy. Jamal allowed his mother to talk to me anyway, and if I came out my mouth it was a problem. Not to mention his ass was always gone, and when he did come home, he was leaving right back out. He wasn’t even there for Avery’s birth. When he missed that I knew it was time for a change.

              “Avery, come on to nana’s fat mamas,” My mother cooed and snatched my daughter. “Hey, Brandi, finally got out that nasty ass house?” She smirked and went into the kitchen.

              I placed the diaper bags down and went into the kitchen. My mother was feeding Avery some food and handing Keyshawn a chicken wing. Ivory was in me and Kaysha’s old room, which my mother converted into a guest room. I sat down and poured myself some wine.

              “Ma, I got some money for you. Jaeshawn wanted you to have it,” Kaysha jumped up and rummaged through her Gucci bag.

              “Foreal’? That boy is always spoiling me. I’m telling you Kaysha, you about to get that ring, soon. You hear me?”

              I rolled my eyes because Kaysha and my mother were so delusional. Jaeshawn was never going to propose to Kaysha and she and Keyshawn wouldn’t make one happy family. They weren’t even together officially before she got pregnant. She was side pussy and she knew it. Yeah, we knew Jaeshawn since we were teenagers, but she was always second when it came to him. Her getting pregnant just secured her position in his life as his baby mama. However, you couldn’t tell her or my mother that.

              “I know mama, he need to get it right because I’m tired of waiting. Anyway, so Brandi is getting her own apartment!” She squealed, just telling my business.

              “Go Brandi, about damn time. Now I can come see my grandbabies and daughter without playing electric slide with the roaches,” She laughed.

              “Ma’ you always clowning,” I laughed.

              “You already know. So why yall heifers bring my babies over here?”

              “I’m taking Brandi out to celebrate. Can you watch them, please,” Kaysha begged.

              She pursed her lips and rolled her eyes. “You know I will. Have fun and if you bitches going shopping, bring me some cute shit. I got a date tomorrow night.” She called to our backs. We were already out the door and heading to Kings Plaza.




























              “That was an interesting visit,” She smiled and placed her sunglasses over her eyes. The sun was setting and the brightness was blinding her.

              “Oh was it? How did he take seeing his girls for the first time?” I asked as I put my arm around her chair and backed out the parking lot.

              “He wasn’t too concerned about his daughters, but more on who I’m fucking,” She revealed.

              “Damn, men get real insecure being locked up while their shorties’ are on the outside.” I tried to stick up for homie.

              “Yeah, I guess. Well I have no time to worry about him. I have work tonight and unless he’s paying my bills I have no time to worry about him.

              I laughed and started on our ride back to the city. She plugged her headphones in and sat back in the chair. Little mama was real pretty, and not that fake pretty, that natural pretty where she didn’t need make up on. She had toffee colored skin, round doe eyes that were light brown, a soft round face and a cute pudgy nose. She was on the thicker side, but I was assuming because she had just given birth the month before. You could tell by the loose fitting shirt, she still had baby fat. Her hair was black and curly, and was all over her head. She had a set of dimples that showcased themselves even when she wasn’t smiling.

              My phone buzzed in my pocket for the fiftieth time today. I looked at the caller ID and it was my baby mother, Kaysha. When my mother told me to choose wisely about who I had kids with, I should have listened. Kaysha was ghetto as they came and always had her damn hands out. It didn’t matter what I gave her, she always wanted more. To make matters worse, she was always keeping my son away from me for her own selfish benefit. I played by her rules most of time, so I could see my son, but I was getting tired of the shit.

              Keyshawn was my heart, but I wished his mother would have died in the delivery room. She literally made a nigga’s life a living hell. For some reason the bitch couldn’t get it through her head that we weren’t together. Kaysha still called and asked when I was coming over like I lived with her. Yeah I still hit it once in a while, but that didn’t mean we were together. In fact we were never together. She had always been my side piece of pussy since we were teenagers. I guess she thought a nigga was going to wife’ her and move her into my big ass condo. She was dead ass wrong and I’m gonna tell you why. Kaysha is a gold digger who likes her beers, cigarettes and weed. I don’t need a woman who smokes more than I do, or drinks beers like they’re juice. My phone buzzed again and I answered sounding irritated.

              “Yo,” I huffed.

              “Where you at, Jae?” She smacked her lips into the phone.

              “Wherever the fuck I’m at, Kay. What the fuck you want? My son good?” I rattled question after question.

              “Yeah he good. Aint he always? He at mama’s house and me and Brandi going out.”

              “Cool. So why you calling me?” I made a right onto the highway.

              “Where you been all day? I missed you daddy, I want some dick before I head out.” She cooed.

              Kaysha knew how to make my dick hard and my shit was standing at attention under this steering wheel. I checked the GPS, we had about forty minutes left until we hit the city. “I’ll be there in the next hour or so. Make me something to eat cause’ a nigga starving.”

              “Alright, what you want?”

              “Whatever you got,” I replied.

              “Cool, see you soon daddy, oh and can I have some money?” I knew she was going to squeeze that in somehow.

              “Kay, I just gave you…. yeah I’ll give you some bread.” I stopped myself from getting deeper into this conversation. I just wanted my dick sucked and to hit a couple back shots and I was gone.

              “Alright, later baby, love you,” She sang and ended the call. I hated when she did that shit because I knew she was around her little skank ass friends trying to make it something it wasn’t.

              I cared for Kaysha because she was son’s mother, but I didn’t love the bitch. I never loved her and I don’t think I ever would. She needed to get that through her skin and we would be great parents to Keyshawn.

              “Um, you did so much so I hate to ask, but do you mind stopping by target. I have to get some diapers and formula before dropping my daughter’s off to my mother?” She asked.

              I smiled because she was so pretty, and sweet. “Ma’ you didn’t have to ask. I’ll drive you there.”

              “Thank you, I appreciate It.” she smiled, exposing those dimples. “I have work tonight and I don’t know how I am going to survive, and its cold. Man I always have the worst luck.” She laughed.

              “I can drop you to work. I don’t mind ma’.”

              “Oh, no don’t worry about it. You have done enough. Target and you can drop me to my mama’s house. My house is a block away, so I’ll walk. I could use the walk,” She giggled and patted her belly.

              “Nah you fine just the way you are.”

              “Nah ah, my shape use to be the bomb before these greedy mamas. But I wouldn’t change it for the world. God took my shape to create two angels so I could care less. You have kids?”

              “Yeah I have a son, he’s one years old.”

              “Awh, I wanted a boy and a girl. Boys are so easy. I bet he’s your mini me and probably drives your girlfriend crazy.” She laughed, again.

              “Nah, I don’t have a girl, and his mama is already crazy, he aint contributing to that,” I snickered.


              The rest of the ride we talked back and forth about nothing important. She told me that she was twenty- three and lived on her own since she was eighteen. She said her father was dead, and her mother was single mother since, she was twelve years old. It was something about her that made me comfortable around her. The babies both started crying, so she climbed in the back and sat in the middle of them. I appreciated the mother she was. Just from the short amount of time I knew her, I could tell she would go to the end of the earth to protect them.


              I pulled up to target and parked in the handicap parking lot. I wasn’t going to take long, since she and the twins had fell asleep. I left the car on and quickly made my way into the store. I headed straight to the baby section and picked up four boxes of diapers. Since they were newborns I picked that size. I loaded the cart with them and picked up six canisters of formula and threw some diaper creams, lotions and baby wash into the cart. Passing by the clothes I picked out two identical outfits that were sized 0-3 months. The cashier cashed me out, and I went and packed the stuff into the trunk of the car. Tiara woke up just as I got back in the car. She jumped up and reached for her purse and tried to wipe the drool out her mouth.

              “I haven’t had sleep like that since I was pregnant.” She yawned. “Let me hurry up so I won’t be late for work,” She tried to climb to the front.

              “Nah, you good. I got everything for you. You were sleeping so good I didn’t want to wake you,” I explained and pulled out the parking lot.

              “Thank you, how much I owe you? I had some coupons but I’ll save them for next time,” She rambled on.

              “Nah, I don’t want your money. Come on now,” I laughed.

              “I can’t let you chauffer me around, buy my daughter’s diapers and not pay you,” She giggled.

              “Yes you can. You’re good ma’,”

              “Well since you did that, can I give you something?”

              I looked at her through the mirror. “What’s that?”

“I have some pull ups I got from my cousin for my baby shower. My daughters are too young, and they have ninja turtles on them. Can you take them for your son? I hate to throw them away.”

              “Nah, we’re good. He’s still in diapers. His mama too lazy to potty train him.”

              “Suite yourself. I need to get rid of all those things.”

              “I feel you.”

              I pulled up to the address she told me. It was a block of houses on Atlantic and Howard Street in Bed stuy, Brooklyn. I helped her taking the babies out, while she called her mother to come outside to help her. A woman who looked around the same age as her came out and grabbed the carrier from me, while looking me up and down.

              “Who’s this, Tiara?” The girl asked.

              “Don’t start, Bre,” She sighed.

              “Well, does he know that you’re with my brother?” she snapped and took the babies inside.

              “I’m sorry about that. That’s my baby daddy’s sister. I don’t even know why she’s here.” She rolled her eyes and took the last bag from me. “I really appreciate everything you have done for me today. I don’t know how I could repay you.” she lightly touched my forearm.

              “Nah you good. I did this because I wanted to. I didn’t want a pay day. I’ll see you around, Tiara,” I smiled and got back in the truck.

              She smiled and made her way up the stairs in front the house. The woman that was grilling me was standing there with her hands on her hips. Tiara exchanged some words with her and pushed passed her. Soon as she got in the house, I pulled off and headed to Kaysha’s house. She owed me some head and no talking before she headed out. On my way there my phone started to buzz. I thought it was Kaysha, but it was my man, John.

              “What’s good you ugly nigga?” I answered laughing.

              “Nigga who you calling ugly? You the only ugly nigga,” he laughed back. “What you getting into tonight?”

              I sighed and rubbed my hands over my waves. “Man, I’m bout’ to get some pussy from Kaysha. I’ll probably take a nap, since I aint been to sleep since I left you early this morning.”

              “Damn, nigga it’s seven at night. Fuck was you doing all day.”
              “It’s a long story, but I’ll put you on tonight. Where you want to hit up?”

              “We can hit up
. I just spoke with that nigga, Lance. He’ll have our VIP area ready. You already know, we not stepping in there until at least eleven. Get your sleep nigga.”

              “Ight, I got you. I’ll hit you up when I get up.”

              “Yeah, Ight, don’t be fucking with Kaysha’s ass too long.” He said, and we ended the call.

              John and I met a couple years ago when my father decided to leave me his empire. He was one of my father’s workers and very underestimated. When we met, we just clicked and became cool ever since. When my father passed, that’s when I found out that John had connects in Dubai, we instantly started making that Arab money. Plus, he was Arabic himself. He had long braids that he kept braided in cornrow, a full beard, that he kept trimmed and a tan complexion. He reminded me of the rapper, Jim Jones.

              I pulled up to Kaysha’s building. I parked my whip, dapped a few hands and went into the building. I couldn’t stand going over to house, because she stayed in the projects. Kaysha had more than enough money to rent something out the hood, but she preferred to live here, unless I moved her with me. That shit wasn’t ever going to happen. I kept my son at my house whenever I was free, but I made sure her apartment was laid out in nothing but the best. Plus, niggas knew she was my baby’s mother and looked out for her.

              I used my key and entered the apartment. She was singing off key and in the kitchen cooking. Brandi, her sister was sitting on the couch watching TV. When she saw me, she smiled and stood up to hug me.

              “How you been nigga?” She slapped my arm after I released her from my hug.

              “Same shit, different day, but I made money both days.” I laughed.

              “Cocky nigga. Let me hold something, big baller,” She joked.

              Brandi and I went back to our teenage years. Brandi was as ghetto as they came, but in her older years she calmed down. Whenever, Kaysha was being petty and hiding my son from me, she always called and let me know where she was. We always clicked and I considered her kids my nieces. I use to fuck with Jamal the long way, but that nigga had got himself in some gambling debt, which I knew Brandi knew nothing about. He owed the Haitians about thirty thousand and they were looking for that nigga. His gambling problems went deep, and she knew nothing about it. I found myself a couple times getting ready to tell her, but something would stop me.

              I dug in my pocket and pulled out a couple bills and handed it to her. She declined at first, but I wouldn’t stop until she took them. “Go buy yourself and my nieces something nice,” I insisted.

              “You always spoiling us. Thank you, Jae,” She hugged me.

              Kaysha sashayed out the kitchen and smiled. “I love when my man and sister is getting along,” She squealed.

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