A Twist of Fate (14 page)

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Authors: T Gephart

Tags: #romance, #love, #sex, #public relations, #music, #fashion, #nyc, #melbourne australia, #power station, #alex stone, #lexi reed

BOOK: A Twist of Fate
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“Take them
off,” I moaned.

“So impatient,”
he moaned back. His strong hands pulled at the delicate lace fabric
and tore them into shreds “Better?” He breathed. I groaned, unable
to respond as his mouth had resumed its previous position firmly
between my legs. He licked from the apex of one thigh to the other,
pausing in the middle and giving my saturated, sensitive folds
extra attention; sending waves of pleasure through my body.

“I want
you...now!” I demanded.

“So pushy, but
I like it,” he moaned. My hands grabbed at his leather-clad ass,
pulling him down on top of me. I felt his arousal, pushing against
the leather as it strained between my legs. I unzipped him and felt
he wasn’t wearing his usual fitted trunks.

commando,” I murmured.

“I was
hopeful,” he whispered back. He pulled at his pants.

“No, leave them
on... they are so sexy.” I whispered. My hands slid down his
thighs, his strong muscles flexed, straining against the leather. I
palmed his cock in my hand and slowly stroked it up and down.

“Ahhhhhh Lexi,”
he moaned. I pulled him down so that his body was now on the floor
and I twisted around so that I straddled him. He handed me a foil
packet, which I tore open with my teeth. I slid it over the head of
his cock, my mouth smoothed down the latex as I licked and
pleasured him. “Ohhhhhhh baby... ahhhhh baby,” he gasped. I
couldn’t contain myself any longer. I lifted my body and pushed
myself down onto him, taking as much of his length as I could
accommodate. We both stifled groans as I rocked back and forth, his
hands firm against my ass as he guided me. “You’re so close baby, I
can feel it... come with me” he urged.

“Ahhhhh I’m
almost there Alex...”

“Baby... I want
to feel you come, I need to feel you come.” He demanded. He pushed
deeper inside and I toppled over the edge. I bit my lip to stop
from screaming. My release seemed all he needed as he too
unravelled. Broken gasps escaped from his throat. “Lexi... I’m
addicted to you... I swear, you’re like a drug and I just can’t get
enough of you,” he whispered between laboured breaths.

“Do we need to
put you in a 12 step program?” I teased.

“Nope, I’ll
just have to remain your sex slave,” he crooned as he nuzzled my

There was a
harsh knock at the door. “5 minutes Alex.”

“You need to go
play rock star,” I proclaimed.

“Meet me later
baby?” Alex asked, hopefully.

“Sure, I’m
coming to the after party at the hotel. Now go, I’ll clean myself
up and head out in a bit. Looks like we both are going commando,” I
mused as I held up my shredded panties.

“I’ll buy you
100 pairs if I get to rip them all off of you,” he teased.

“Or maybe I’ll
just stop wearing them save us time and money.” I chortled.

“That’s why we
pay you the big bucks baby, you’re always one step ahead.” He
kissed me sweetly.

“Go.” I
demanded as he adjusted his pants.

BOSSY!” he exclaimed. He blew me a kiss and left me in the

I fumbled
around in the dark before finally locating the damn switch. I
pulled on my pants and adjusted my hair and makeup. Being with Alex
made me feel so energized, I knew what he meant about feeling
addicted. I was going to need my own 12 step program. I craved him,
I needed him and that sent a shiver down my spine. “You need to
play this cool Lex, don’t get in too deep.” I gave myself a pep
talk before stepping out into the deserted hall.

I joined
Hannah, Emma and Jackson at the side of the stage, the band already
half way through their first song. “Hey, where did you get to?”
Hannah asked “I tried to find you but I couldn’t see you

“Sorry, Hannah.
Something came up I needed to take care of,” I explained. My phone

“Turn it off!”
demanded Emma.

“What?” I

“Your phone,
you work too damn hard! Turn it off!” Emma scolded.

“Okay, Okay...
it’s off!” I pulled it out of my bag and flicked it to silent.

I turned my
attention to the stage, the band owning every square inch of it.
This was why they sold millions of records and concert tickets.
They didn’t just sing and play, they
, giving 110%
to the crowd and for those two and half hours they were as much
ours as we were theirs. I watched Alex intently as he moved
effortlessly across the stage, his hands moving up and down the
fret board with authority. His face was relaxed yet intense,
connected with his instrument. I gazed out to the crowd, hordes of
girls vying for his attention, holding up signs that read “I love
you Alex” “I want to have your babies Alex” “I’m yours forever
Alex.” Some of them were barely dressed, wobbling in sky high heels
like baby giraffes.
If you can’t walk in the shoes sweetheart,
don’t wear them.
I smiled with the knowledge that I had a piece
of what they wanted. He worked one of the corners of the crowd into
a crazed frenzy when he leaned out and touched their hands. My
stomach tightened, he was so good at what he did. This is what he
was born to do; he was breathtaking in every way imaginable.

Emma smiled at
me. “They are so good, even better up close” she squealed.

“They are
amazing Emz, I can’t even speak” I squealed back. Hannah laughed at

“I’ll be sure
to let the guys know they rendered you speechless, Lexi!” For the
rest of the show I stood mesmerized, slightly disconnected from
myself. It wasn’t like every other time Emma and I had seen them
play; it was a hundred times more intense. The crowd roared as they
played their last encore. As they begged for “One more song”- the
stage lights dimmed and the house lights were raised. It was

The guys walked
off the stage while a battalion of roadies and stagehands
descended, securing the equipment and packing away the instruments.
Covered in sweat and satisfaction they hi-fived each other and
patted themselves on the backs. “Great show!” “Awesome Gig”
“Outstanding effort guys” filled the room. They basked in the

“What did you
think?” Alex whispered curiously.

“It was
amazing. You were amazing!” I gushed.

“I’m glad you
enjoyed it,” he smirked.

“I’ll be sure
to repay you with my own show later,” I winked.

wouldn’t miss it for the world.” His lips curled into a delicious
half grin, “I need to do a meet and greet, you sticking

“Maybe. I’m
hoping to get an autograph,” I laughed.

James waved to
me from over the crowd and Alex was herded off with all the other
band members to go meet the adoring, lucky fans who’d managed, to
buy, steal, lie and bride their way to owning a backstage pass.

Hannah grabbed
my arm. “Come on slow poke, we’re heading to the after party.” Emma
and Jackson had already left and Hannah was ready to leave too.

“I’ll catch up
with you guys in a bit, I want to see how the meet and greet is
going.” I remarked.

“Look and
leave, you’re not on duty tonight, remember? No work,” Hannah

“I promise, 5
minutes,” and I took off down the hall.

I entered the
room to find it filled with bodies... some in various stages of

“I swear I’m
going to blow him right here!” Blonde haired, blue eyed, big boobs
number 1, or as I called her BBB1, remarked.

“You’ll have to
fight me for him, bitch. I heard he has a HUGE dick,” Blonde
haired, blue eyed, big boobs number 2 (BBB2) retorted.

“Shut up,
Skanks. I’m going to fuck him so hard he won’t remember what day of
the week it is,” Red haired, hazel eyes, massive boobs (Red) fired

“Who are you
guys talking about?” I inquired feigning naivety.

“Alex Stone.”
They sung out in chorus.

“You think a
Mole like you would stand a chance?” BBB1 quizzed me.

“Cause I can
tell you right now, don’t waste your time and effort. He goes for
Blondes.” BBB2 snapped.

“Oh, I see.
Well good luck with that.” I responded casually, not wanting to
waste anymore of my time with these dim-wits. I think I actually
lost brain cells during that conversation.

“So where is
Alex?” BBB3 (holy shit was the circus in town?) asked.

“Take a number
Bitch; he’s with some other girl” Red ranted.

I pushed
through the crowd and found James, sitting at a table signing
posters and CDs. Girls pulled down their tops, begging for him to
sign their breasts, he was respectful while obliging, making sure
it was only the marker that touched their skin. (Meh...what are you
going to do? Hannah’s words echoed in my mind) I kept walking and
found Dan sprawled on a couch, his tongue solidly down some girl’s
throat while she dry humped him. Classy, very classy. Jason and
Troy were drinking beer with a posse of girls around them; one was
perched in Troy’s lap while another “massaged” Jason’s tired
shoulders. Each one of them giggling and fawning over the boys. I
waded deeper into the crowd; I spotted Alex in the corner. He was
sitting with a blonde straddling him while he spoke to another one.
WOW. Guess the rumours are true; he seems to have a thing for
blondes. I felt a pang of jealousy. DAMN IT!!! Why did I come back
here? He wasn’t doing anything wrong, this was our agreement. Do
whatever you want or whomever you want. Why was I feeling this way?
This wasn’t part of the agreement. He wasn’t my boyfriend, he
wasn’t committed to me.
He is doing what you told him to do,
! My subconscious screamed. I had to leave. I felt my
throat constricting and I couldn’t breathe. I fought against the
sea of people and until I was able to find the door. I leant up
against a wall for a few minutes to catch my breath; I had to get
out of here.




I fought my
feelings of jealousy on the ride over to the hotel. I was being
irrational, Alex didn’t owe me anything and yet, my heart felt like
it had been crushed. I hated feeling this way and what’s more I
hated seeing him with someone else.

I parked the
car and fixed a stupid grin on my face, I was going to have find a
way to be ok. I still had this party I needed to get through. Damn
it, I was no longer in the mood to be around anyone.

“You said 5
minutes.” Hannah shook her head disapprovingly.

“Sorry, I got
caught up...I’m here now, what have I missed?” I apologised. In
fact I was genuinely sorry, I wish I had just left with them, my
brain was still seared by the image of Alex and his two blonde

“We’re doing
shots.” Hannah quipped enthusiastically.

“Line them up
babes,” I chanted. I was in desperate need of a drink or

Emma and
Jackson waved goodbye before Hannah and I could start our

“We’re going to
head off, Lexi.” Emma smiled as Jackson shifted impatiently behind

“Booooooo,” I
teased. “We’re just about to start doing shots. Come on, have a
drink with me,” I cajoled, tugging lightly on Emma’s arm.

shrugged sweetly. “Up to you Emz, I’m happy either way.”

Emma’s blue
eyes met his instinctively; she smiled as gave me a delicate brush
off. “We will sit this one out, Lexi. Thanks anyway. I’ll call

I hugged my
beautiful friend goodbye, “I’ll drink for the both of us then,” I
said before I turned and gave Jackson a pointed
you better look
after her look

Hannah squealed. I held my shot glass as she poured. I licked the
back of my hand and poured the salt on. I ran my tongue against the
salt before slammed my glass and then sucking my lemon. The alcohol
burnt my throat but it alleviated the other emotions I was

“Another.” I
motioned with my glass and welcomed the familiar sting. I was about
seven shots in when the buzz finally hit me. The warmth tingled
from my toes to my cheeks.

“More.” I
insisted huskily. Hannah poured more on the bar than in our actual
glasses. “You’rrrre drunnnnk,” I slurred.

drunnnnk,” she slurred back as we continued to drink another few

James, Troy,
Dan, Jason and Alex finally arrived; the surrounding crowd erupted
in cheers and applause. “What’s going on here?” James asked
curiously. Hannah and I were perched on barstools, surrounded by
spilt salt, lemon rinds and Patron.

“Oh no, I think
Dad’s caught us!” I giggled toppling off my stool.

“Hey baaaaby!”
Hannah slurred as she stood up. “We are jussst haviiiing a fewww
drinnnnks.” She kissed James passionately, holding onto his neck to
stop from swaying.

“Ok baby, have
fun but don’t drink too much. You need a hand?” He turned, lowering
Hannah back onto the stool before offered me his arm.

“You must to be
so used to girlssss fallllling at your feeeet,” I laughed.

“Something like
that,” he laughed back. Alex came up behind me and lifted me back
on my perch.

“Hey Asshole,
want a drink?” I slurred in his ear.

“Sure,” Alex

Annnnother rrrrround” I shouted waving my glass.

“Maybe you
should drink some water first.” Alex cautioned.

“Mayyyyybbeeeeee youuuuu should go Fuck yourself” I giggled falling
off my barstool once again.

you’rrrreee so meaannnnnn!” hissed Hannah before she joined me
giggling on the floor.

“Hmmmm, I think
you ladies have had enough” James laughed as he picked up his

“Take me to bed
James, let’s go make babies!” Hannah muttered

“Sure baby.
Anything you want” He said soothingly. It was adorable.

Alex scooped me
up, “Come on, let’s get you up stairs too. You’re in no condition
to drive.” His breath tickled my ear.

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