A Twist of Fate (4 page)

Read A Twist of Fate Online

Authors: T Gephart

Tags: #romance, #love, #sex, #public relations, #music, #fashion, #nyc, #melbourne australia, #power station, #alex stone, #lexi reed

BOOK: A Twist of Fate
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“That sounds
promising. I’m sure your exchange with us can only help with your
possible promotion.” I wasn’t really sure where this was

“Yeah, I think
working closely with you will definitely help my cause. I’m sure
there is a lot you could show me and I’m very willing to learn.
Possibly things I could show you, if you allowed me the chance.
Maybe other opportunities we could share…either here or….
elsewhere. Like I said Jerry speaks very highly of you and I’m
beginning to see why. Tell me, have you ever been to Texas? ” I
felt anger slowly building inside me, making me drop my fork. What
the fuck?! Was this some aggressive head hunting exercise? Was he
supposed to seduce me like I was some dumb piece of ass?

I didn’t need
to say anything. Panic spread over Matt’s face as he took in my
reaction. “I didn’t mean it like that Lexi, I’m not trying to use
you. Jerry knows you’d never leave Kate... I’m sorry, I know it
sounded bad.” He tried to explain further “Look, you have made a
name for yourself... this tough talking Aussie who shows no fear; I
could name a hundred agencies in the States that would kill to have
you. You could name your price. You must know that. Jerry just
meant that if someone was going to make you an offer you would
consider that he hoped you would allow us to counter it.”

I raised my
glass to my lips, slowly taking a long sip of the clear icy liquid.
I wasn’t sure if I should be offended or honoured. “So, were you
going to fuck me into submission or were you just going to throw
dollar signs at me and see if I succumbed?” I asked calmly
wondering how far he was going to take this charade.

His eyes
widened. “Lexi, I wasn’t going to fuck you, I...um...I wouldn’t do
that...I mean that’s not how I operate.”

“Why, is there
something wrong with me? Are you not attracted to me?” I shot back

“Are you
serious? I can think of nothing more I’d like to do right now than
throw you up against a wall and screw your brains out,” he panted
“but we have to work together and I’m not that guy. I really like
you, I think you’re hardcore in the business world and as sexy as
hell but I know it would be a mistake; one I am not willing to
make. It just is not an option.”

Anger once
again flared inside me, I was not used to rejection, I was not a
MISTAKE, nor would I ever be. How dare he! It had been a long time
since a man had turned me down. Despite him dressing it up with all
his fancy compliments all I heard was I don’t want you. My face
heated and my gut turned and twisted.

I decided to
change tactics; I rose slowly out my chair, walking over to him. My
mouth slowly parted as I held his face in my hands, my fingers
twisting through his wavy, dark brown hair. He looked up at me as
he tried to decipher my mood. I gently tilted his head back and
leaned in, the tip of my tongue exploring the edge of his mouth
then my lips feverishly finding his. His lips were soft as they
opened slightly, giving me permission. I grabbed his shirt tight in
my fist, pushing him against the chair back, my legs straddling him
either side. Let’s see how you resist me now, Cowboy.

He tasted
fresh, like the lime and I thought he was going to give in but then
he stiffened and pushed me away “Lexi, NO! I am not doing this.”
Hurt and anger ripped through me like a tidal wave, I wanted to
throw him out but I couldn’t formulate words. How did this happen?
How could I have read this all wrong? Damn it Lexi say something! I
willed myself to speak.

“I think I need
another drink” was all I could manage and I walked back into the
kitchen. I felt him follow me, standing directly behind me. I
couldn’t turn around; I squeezed my eyes shut, willing myself not
to cry. He moved closer to me, his chest pressing against my back.
He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the back of my head.

“I’m so sorry
Lexi, I didn’t mean to hurt you, really I’m so sorry” his voice
genuine and apologetic.

“No, I’m
sorry,” I paused. “I don’t know what got into me. I guess I just
misread the situation. I don’t usually get these things wrong. I
guess I am just not used to being told “no”. It’s been awhile...
I’m kind of a little screwed up.” I breathed. He turned me around
and stared into my eyes

“No, Lexi. You
did nothing wrong - it was me; I guess I let you believe... I guess
I alluded to the fact... I guess I’m a little screwed up too.” He
gently stroked my hair.

“I guess we’re
all just a little screwed up” I shrugged my shoulders and he

“Some of us
just wear it better than others and you make crazy look good”

“So now I’m
crazy?” I grinned back.

“Can I have
another drink before I answer that?” He tensed.

“Sure let’s get
loaded, maybe then I can have my way with you!” I laughed, “You
sure you can’t be convinced?”

“Oh Lexi,
please... I don’t think… I’m still a man you know.” He shifted

“It’s OK Matt,
you’re safe. I was kidding. You and your virtue are safe.” I
grinned and grabbed the bottle of vodka and took a swig before
handing it to him.

“To friends who
don’t fuck,” he said, lifting the bottle towards me in a mock
toast. I laughed as the effects of the alcohol started to course
its way through my body.

“To friends who
don’t fuck,” I agreed.

The rest of the
evening was a blurred mixture of giggling and drinking, I’m not
entirely sure we even finished dinner. My eyes flashed open when I
felt a pair of arms around me. I was lying fully clothed in my bed,
Matt’s legs tangled around me. How did we get here? God, my head
hurt... I needed to stop drinking like that. I fumbled for my
phone, 3AM... Shit!

“Matt, you need
to go home!” An eye slowly slid open.

“What time is
it?” his sleepy voice was a low rumble.

“It’s 3 in the
morning. We both have to be at work by 9.”

“Crap, I didn’t
mean to fall asleep... Shit, where are my shoes?”

“It’s ok…” I
smiled “we both fell asleep, I’ll call you a cab. I’m not in any
condition to drive.” I dialled and gave the operator instructions
while Matt pulled on his shoes. “Matt, I’m really glad we had last
night, it was kind of fucked up but I haven’t been that honest with
anyone in a long time. Thanks for not wanting to fuck me.”

He shook his
head and tousled his hair with his hand. “The pleasure or the lack
of it was all mine,” he smirked. “I’ll see you in a few hours, try
to get some sleep.” And with that he kissed my cheek and left.

I felt an odd
warmness spread across me, like I had moved forward. I hadn’t slept
with a man in years. In fact, I prided myself on not having to deal
with the walk of shame the next morning, having discovered how much
easier it was for all parties involved to forgo the faux
pleasantries and enjoy the moment for what it was. I stumbled back
to my dark bedroom and rid myself of my clothes. The night had
taken a most unexpected turn, and one I wasn’t entirely
disappointed about. I let sleep overcome me as I fell into bed.




Chapter 4 – Roomie With a View

It was
surprisingly easy seeing Matt over the next few days and our
drunken night remained our secret. There was no awkwardness to our
misunderstanding and we fell into a mutual admiration of each
other. This was something new for me, uncharted territory. I didn’t
have the upper hand, and while not completely comfortable with it,
I loosened the reigns a little and relinquished a tiny bit of

Kate had eyed
me suspiciously when I had walked in the day after looking a little
worse for wear but didn’t question me further. Matt fared a lot
better than I had, he was already sitting at his desk looking
amused when I stumbled in a few minutes late.

“Rough night?”
he smirked.

“Not rough
enough.” I had mused back, a hint of a smile stealing across my

Anna had
eventually mellowed toward me too. Her irritation had subsided when
I assured her that nothing had happened. Of course in the retelling
of the story I left out the bits about me throwing myself at him
and him unceremoniously rejecting me. I also omitted the part where
the tension had thrown us into a night of drunken honesty and
acceptance culminating in us spending the night intertwined fully
clothed on my bed. My reasoning had been two fold. Firstly, she
wouldn’t have believed me and secondly (and most importantly) I
didn’t want her or anyone else to see my vulnerability. No, I kept
it simple - he had eaten dinner, we went through his work schedule,
we made small talk and he went home. I explained how I had decided
to keep it platonic and was honouring Kate’s request in not
fraternizing within the office. I even suggested setting up a lunch
date for the two of them. Anna‘s face beamed at the possibilities.
“Seriously, Lex? You wouldn’t mind?” hope shone in her eyes.

“Not at all,” I
lied, secretly hoping the offer would be forgotten but smart enough
to know Anna had stored it away in her vault and would be cashing
it in any day.

Matt fitted
into the office surprisingly well. He was a hard worker, extremely
polite and oozed sex appeal - The girls all LOVED him, the sideways
glances they speared him with when he moved around the office were
poorly veiled attempts to check out his amazingly toned ass. The
fluttering of eye lashes, the over enthusiastic giggling whenever
he spoke - they were like a gaggle of wild hens. Ughhhhh didn’t we
leave high school years ago? To the men, he was like a new toy and
they alternated between probing him about his knowledge of sports
trivia and wanting to take him out on the town - I believed this
had more to do with the guys hoping to get some of Matt’s residual
pussy spill over rather than actually wanting to show him the town.
They were all so transparent; it made me smile with a silent
feeling of superiority.

I was wading
through inane emails when his smooth voice brought me back to the
present. “Lexi,” he purred, standing in the doorway while loosening
his dark blue tie slightly “I have a proposition for you.”

“Does it
involve me getting you naked?” I purred back. Our friendship had
evolved so much in the last few days and I took great pleasure in
our open and honest banter. I loved watching him squirm with my
sexual innuendo and undertones. He often volleyed back a few of his

“Well... kind
of.” he paused, the brightness of his smile touching his glistening
blue eyes. “I’ve been house hunting for days and it’s a futile
exercise. Nothing checks all the boxes... Sooooo... I was
thinking... seeing as you have a spare room and all...” his voice
sweetening with each syllable.

“So you thought
you’d check my box?” My mouth twisted and I bit my lip at the
double entendre.

“Lexi,” he
edged closer “I know how you feel about the whole room mate thing,
but I think we can make it work. I’ll cover half the expenses and
we can share the chores. We spend so much time together hanging out
anyway. It seems like a win-win. I’ll even let you steal a look at
my naked ass every once and while.” He grinned as he added the last
bit. I laughed as I contemplated his tantalizing offer.

“There would
have to be some ground rules Matt,” I warned.

“I thought you
didn’t like rules,” he teased.

“Yeah, well,
let’s call them guidelines then. As in, you break them, I guide
your hot ass to the door,” I teased back.

“Fine,” he
replied and held his hands up in mock surrender. “Your place, your
rules. Draft up a copy and I’ll sign my unwavering obedience”

I reached into
my handbag and tossed him my keys. “I have to finish this function
brief before I can head home, grab your stuff from the hotel and
move yourself in.”

“Can I take
your car?” he asked, his voice hopeful.

“Do you know
which side of the road to stay on?” I asked, wincing.

“I’m good. We
can go through your guidelines tonight, I’ll pick up a pizza on my
way home.” He grinned jingling the keys excitedly.

Ahhhhhhhhh.....I took a long audible breath. Roommate?! What was I
thinking? I had pushed myself further in the last few days than I
had in a long time. My phone buzzed silently on the desk.

You want some
beer? I think you are out of Vodka :)

I smiled at my
“roomie’s” observation.

- I don’t drink beer,
so more for you I guess. Hope your virtue is under wraps.

- Tequila it is then,
I would have assumed “guideline” number 1 was I had to leave my
virtue at the door LMAO

- Get Lemons, firm
ones! No, “guideline” number 1 was leaving your pants at the door.
You promised me ass! :-P

I smiled as I
slipped my phone into my drawer. I needed to get this done if I was
ever going to leave tonight. I imagined his response would play on
the firmness of the lemons; internally I laughed at how easy our
conversations were. Maybe this would work out?

I had actually
half expected Matt to be “pant less” when I eventually got home but
was disappointed to find him clothed in a fitted white t-shirt and
a pair of worn jeans. The fabric was distressed and faded and clung
to his hips, low, like a sullen ex lover.

He got up from
the couch and smiled, “Pizza is on its way.” I dropped my bag on
the coffee table and walked into the living room.

“You! Are
wearing pants!” I mused as I pointed to the delicious layer of
denim encasing his long, muscular thighs.

He caught my
eye. “Here’s a down payment.” He slid off his shirt, revealing his
rippling toned and tanned torso. Every inch was defined and cut
perfectly. I had guessed he was ripped but the reality was so much
more breathtaking than I had imagined.

“You sure we
can’t fuck?” I teased only half joking.

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