A Unicorn Adventure! (7 page)

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Authors: Chloe Ryder

BOOK: A Unicorn Adventure!
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Pippa ran toward the nearest tree. She climbed onto a willowy branch that was threaded with vines.

“Careful,” shouted Stardust.

Pippa's heart raced as she grabbed a vine and swung on it like a rope. When she swung out over the river, she reached down for the horseshoe. Her fingers brushed the cold metal, but before she could pick it up, the vine swung her away out of reach. Pippa pushed herself back over the river. Gritting her teeth, she stretched as far as she could. Her fingers touched the horseshoe and curled around it. She quickly snatched it up.

“Hooray!” Stardust and Misty cheered as she swung back to the tree.

Misty dipped her head and touched the frozen river with her horn. With a groan, the ice split down the middle and started to melt. Muttering and grumbling, the Night Mares waded through the slushy ice, climbed onto the opposite bank, and trotted away, their heads low.

Pippa threw her arms around Stardust and hugged her tight.

“We did it!”

Misty hung back, until Pippa put out an arm and drew her close. They were still hugging when a voice echoed behind them.

“Well done, everyone.”

Pippa turned around to see Queen Moonshine leading the ponies and unicorns through the trees toward them.

She nuzzled Pippa's wavy brown hair with her nose. “You've been very brave. We should never have doubted you.”

“Stardust and Misty were very brave too,” Pippa said quickly.

“Yes, they were,” Queen Moonshine agreed. “And now it's time to return to the castle. We must hang this fifth horseshoe back on the wall where it belongs before anything else happens to it.” She turned to address the unicorns. “Please, would you all grant me the honor of joining us? We'd love you to stay with us and sing at our special Midsummer concert.”

The unicorns shuffled awkwardly, until Misty stepped forward.

“Thank you. That would be a great honor for us too, but . . . She hesitated. “We're unable to leave the Cloud Forest.”

“Why?” Stardust blurted out, unable to hide her disappointment.

Misty still hesitated, blushing. “We've never left the forest before—we're too scared to. We know about the ghosts who live beyond the trees.”

Pippa bit the inside of her lip to stop a smile. “We thought there were ghosts in the Cloud Forest until we met you, but there's no such thing.” She pushed a damp curl out of her face. “And even if you are scared, you shouldn't let it stop you from doing the things you want. I was terrified when I climbed the tree and faced the baby dragonflies. Honey was scared when we all sang the lullaby together. The royal ponies were frightened to come into the Cloud Forest. But we all managed to conquer our fears.”

“Please come,” said Stardust. “Your voices are wonderful. It would be amazing if we could all sing together at the ancient Whispering Wall on Midsummer Day.”

Misty looked thoughtful.

“I'll come if I can sing a duet with Honey,” Goldie spoke up.

Honey shook her head sadly. “I'm sorry, but my voice isn't good enough for that.”

“It would be if you practiced—and I can help you,” replied Goldie.

“That's very brave of you,” said Misty.

Honey pawed the ground. She took a deep breath and quickly said, “Okay, I'll do it.”

Misty touched her horn to Honey's, then she gracefully turned around to face the watching unicorns.

“These ponies have shown such courage by coming here today. And now Honey has shown even more bravery by agreeing to sing a duet with Goldie. Can you overcome your fears too?”

There were bright flashes of sunlight sparkling on golden horns as every unicorn dipped his or her head in agreement.

“Yes,” they sang, their voices chiming like magical bells.

Misty nodded back at them proudly. “Let's go to the castle,” she said with a smile.

The late afternoon air seemed to shimmer with the beautiful voices as unicorns and ponies stood together and practiced their singing before the Whispering Wall. Sun streamed into the courtyard, its long, glittering fingers brushing the four golden horseshoes already hanging on the wall, making them sparkle and glitter with magic.

As the voices soared, Pippa stepped forward and hung the fifth horseshoe on Misty. Her fingers tingled with magic as the golden horseshoe met the golden horn. There was a brilliant flash of light, and Pippa shielded her eyes with her hands. Misty stood up on her back hooves and placed the horseshoe on an empty black nail.

Pippa's smile was so wide she thought her face might split in two.

“Five horseshoes safe,” she whispered to Stardust.

“Five,” Stardust echoed happily. “There are only three left to find now. We're going to do this, aren't we?”

Midsummer was in two days. Pippa felt doubtful. Could they really find all the horseshoes by then?

The unicorns and ponies finished their song and started a new one. Their voices swelled in the air, carrying Pippa's doubts away.

She nodded her head. “Yes!” she said confidently. “Yes, we are.”

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