A Vampire's Claim (50 page)

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Authors: Joey W. Hill

BOOK: A Vampire's Claim
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“There’s the spot,” Alistair crooned, and Dev strangled on a cry as his body convulsed at the male’s stimulation in his virgin rear passage. “You’re quite ready for us both. Don’t you think, Lady D? With your permission?”

Danny’s breath was soft, shaky, as she worked her clit slowly over the length of Dev’s cock, a wicked caress. “You have it, Alistair. Take your pleasure with my servant. And he likes it rough.”

I can’t do this, my lady. Please don’t

If you called me Danny, I would stop. You know that, don’t you? But you’re torn. Put your mind out of it. Feel how it
pleases me to share you with another vampire, knowing you are all mine.

What is it you want? God damn it, what . . .

Your soul, Dev. A third-marked servant must give a vampire his soul. I need to know you can surrender to me enough to
take my pleasure, wrap it around you, make it your own. To come for me, and have no concerns about the fact a man is
fucking you. To have serving me be what drives all your other desires, no matter what I ask. You know that’s what this is
about. Game over. Tonight’s the night you face it, and decide whether to run or stay.

He struggled, he cursed, and yet he could not loose either one of them. They were much stronger, and he was bound. Again he struggled with how she’d given him no warning, little time to prepare for this. It was as if she’d wanted to force the issue so abruptly. Why?

Then the thoughts were pushed away, for Danny reached high, closed her hands around his biceps, adding to the weight against the chains so he groaned. With a flexible athleticism he almost wished he could see, she lowered herself onto his cock. From a shift, another scent, he realized Lady Lyssa was behind her. Was likely holding Danny as she released his arms, leaned back and changed the angle to take him in completely, her legs sliding around his hips and then Alistair’s as the male vampire pressed against Dev from nape to arse, and began to guide his thankfully well-lubricated cock in between his buttocks. With his ankles chained together, it made the opening that much tighter, and Alistair’s explosion of breath, a sound of pleasure, couldn’t help but remind Dev of when he’d penetrated Danny in a similar way. God, it hurt, it stretched him, but as if his arse knew, the muscles released, let Alistair in, and the sensation rocketed all the way to his testicles.

The hard male grunt, the flex of strong fingers on his hips, the muttered, “There you are, let me in, you gorgeous, tight-assed bugger,” made him want to escape, tune it all out, but Danny was slid down to the root, drawing him up, even as Alistair’s skill in the back was doing the same. He was going to come explosively, harder than he’d ever come in his life, and everyone was getting off on it. He could smell the heavy musk of arousal as if it had blanketed the room.

He was the center of it. Danny gave that to him, opened her mind and let him slide over that waterfall, rush down into the arms of the tumbling waters below. Seeing what she was seeing, the clench of his jaw on the ball gag, the furrowing of his brow, every sweat-glistened muscle from shoulders, to chest, to abs, buttocks, thighs, shuddering from the dual stimulus, his resistance to the typhoon of pleasure that was going to roar over and take him soon.

He moaned against the gag as she looked down, let him see how her cunt was sliding up and down his cock. Lyssa holding her body, letting Danny’s head lie on her shoulder as the vampire queen watched Dev’s struggle, as she might study a particularly amazing sculpture. How he was undulating rhythmically in the chains, caught between the two pistoning bodies like a well-oiled machine. The way Alistair’s hard male body, so like his own, was pressed close, his arm across Dev’s chest.

“After this, you should let Nina clean his cock with her little mouth,” Alistair rasped against his ear. “She can make him spew again in no time. Ah, Christ, he’s priceless. He’s still fighting me as hard as any footy player I ever bent over my bed.”

Let go, Dev. Let it go. Feel it.

She drew him into the seductive web of her mind again but not to see more images, which were devastating enough. No, this time she let him feel what she was feeling. How fucking aroused she was by all of it, harder and more intensely than she’d ever been aroused before, so that she finally understood the deep fulfillment that came with having a third-marked servant. Something that belonged to her, that she could share, but in the end was hers to take home and fuck however and whenever she wished . . . A servant who got off on her pleasure, by whatever route it came.

Oh, God, she was worked up, spinning, her cunt contracting, milking him valiantly, the thick girth of him as Alistair kept ramming him, burning, mindless pleasure.

Serve me, Dev. Come for me now, upon my command.

He cried out against the gag, an animal scream as the climax detonated. The chains clanked hard and the stool that had been beneath her, which she no longer needed, clattered away as his swinging toes hit it. Both vampires held tight to him, Alistair gripping his forearms below his wrists, his fingers bruising. Another form of manacle that would remind Dev of this moment before the third-mark healing took it away. And Danny, her lovely slick lips working up and down his length as she found her release right after him, her voice lifted in a cry that was musical, like the sigh of the wind across the barren desert, a gift to the ferocious heat. He wished he could see her, for he knew she wouldn’t see herself as he saw her, but he could imagine it. Her body’s angle making the movement of her breasts an erotic wobble back toward her throat, drawing his gaze onward to the smoothness of Lyssa’s hands holding her, the two women’s hair mixing, black and blond . . .

Alistair released right after, his strokes becoming more punishing, burning like fire, but it was all right, for his working against that pulsing gland had Dev’s cock spasming with one more strong release, a final expulsion of fluid into his lady’s cunt that had her crying out again, one of her hands digging into his abdomen, a passing, grasping touch.

Slowly, things settled. Gasping breaths eased, and he felt Alistair’s hands, the bastard’s touch actually fairly gentle as he removed himself from Dev and gave him a passing caress on his buttock, the small of his back. His lady slid from him as well, and he heard the rustle and adjustment of clothing.

“Outstanding, Lady D.” Alistair took another moment to catch his breath. Dev felt his arm slide around his side, the point of his elbow resting briefly on Dev’s waist, the angle of his body suggesting he’d gathered Danny to him in the other arm, and even Lyssa.

He brought them all close together, an oddly sentimental cuddling, Dev sandwiched between all three, so he felt the erotic press of flesh on all sides. “You’ve made a beautiful choice. At least in terms of bedding. The question is, will he be suitable for the rest?”

Lyssa’s hand touched his face, stroked briefly over his stretched lips, her nails scoring a welt on his neck made by God knew who.

“Time will tell that, Alistair. Let the poor girl get her breath. It is their business, not ours.”

There was an intriguing note to her voice. He wondered if he would have been attuned to it if he hadn’t been blindfolded and all his other senses enhanced by that deprivation. But it made him wonder if Danny had reacted more strongly than even she’d anticipated to the situation she’d created, or allowed Lyssa to orchestrate.

Love? Danny?

He heard her breath catch, a small sound almost like a sob, and then Lyssa’s voice cut over it smoothly. “If Lady D has no objections, I’d like him left like this while we enjoy the rest of our cocktails. Watching a muscular naked man swaying in chains, with his seed running down his thighs and glistening on his cock, mixing with his blood, is something we should savor before we let him down. After he catches his breath, we will let Nina service him with her mouth and watch him come again, as spectators this time.”

“Thomas.” Danny spoke then, and her voice was back to that neutral, smooth tone which told him nothing, but he caught a slight quaver on the syllables. That could be from the aftermath of her climax, of course. “Put his feet back on the floor to rest his shoulders, but otherwise Dev will pleasure us according to Lady Lyssa’s wishes.”


o it went. Nina did put her mouth on him, something he was powerless to refuse. Because her pregnant belly was pressing into his shins, he was afraid to move too violently for fear of hurting her, resulting in a slow build to a climax almost as intense as the first.

When he spurted into her mouth, care washed away as he groaned out his release.

Before and after, they went back to their conversation of politics and past experiences. His presence there was one more adornment to enhance their evening, and he was expected to submit to display.

In fact, I gagged and blindfolded you in deference to your inexperience, Dev. A seasoned servant
have stood quietly,
without those things, waiting to be released.

He could hear the rustle and shift of bodies moving. Clothing. The clink of teacups and silverware. The occasional hiss of a dying candle, mixed with the smell of the women’s perfumes, Alistair’s aftershave. Even the quiet, clean scent of Thomas, nearer than the rest. Dev wondered if he’d shifted closer to give him some steadying reassurance.

While he hung there, exhausted, he became aware that his muscles were trembling, and it wasn’t from fatigue, but something far deeper. As clear and sharp as all those separate impressions were, her movements, her scent, her voice, were the most precise, like etchings on the fragile glass he felt he’d become. Transparent, exposed, breakable. When he’d worked as a stockman on a cattle station, or did shearing, he’d had days he’d felt beaten half to death by the time he laid his body on his swag. But this . . .

he’d resisted all of it with muscles drawn so tight he knew he must have knots, and now, in this lull, he felt as if he’d been beaten, dragged and then done all over again. And they still weren’t done with him. He knew it.

She’d offered him the way out, not once, but twice.

If you’d called me Danny . . .

I don’t need a servant whose only reason for serving me is to exercise some twisted punishment upon himself.

He did relish the pain when she offered it, God help him. But there was no voice in his head telling him he should crave pain because he deserved it. It was something about the way she dished it out. The wave of desire he felt with her, the connection that was established, it didn’t matter if it was from the cut of a knife, the lash of a whip, the touch of her lips or the gentle stroke of her fingertips. Or another man’s cock plunging into him.

It was too much to handle. But throughout the two hours they made him hang there, his shoulders screaming despite the fact his weight now rested on the floor, his legs bound so close together with the ankle and thigh manacles, there were moments when his thoughts and the physical state of his body overwhelmed him. A wave of violent panic deluged him, an overwhelming need to fight his bonds, gnaw his damn arms off at the wrist if need be.

Each time that happened, before he could start struggling, do more than twitch in the chains as if he were preparing for seizure, she was there in his mind. Crooning to him, a soft lullaby, like she’d done before. That instant presence told him that, despite her casual conversation with the others, she was watching him closely, watching over him. Christ, he was so bloody twisted up.

“Lady Lyssa?” Alistair spoke. “It’s getting time to draw the evening to a close. You’ve taken precious little from Lady D’s servant.

Would you like to sample him before we retire? I feel certain he has one more in him. Too much energy seems to be pouring off him still.”

“Try not to sound so envious, Alistair. Be warned, Danny. Keep Dev around him too long and he might decide to trade his baby for him.” Lyssa’s cutting amusement was met with mock outrage by Alistair and a short chuckle from his lady. Then the vampire queen rose, evidenced by a soft whisper of her legs, which, not stockinged, had a different sound from Danny’s.

“Unlike you children, I prefer anticipation to saturation. The taste of it has a sharper edge. So perhaps I’ll get him warmed up for the lady Daniela to take him once more before she sleeps. If she’d like that.”

“Of course,” Danny said courteously, though Dev thought he heard something in her voice, some level of reluctance.

She was right. You can share me with another male, or his servant, but a female vamp’s a different story, isn’t it?

She didn’t deign respond to that, an answer in itself. He wasn’t goading her, not exactly. His body and spirit were exhausted, numb, leaving him hanging on an odd precipice between yearning and despair. Then, from the exotic scent and that emanation of heated power, he knew Lady Lyssa stood before him. He made a hoarse sound behind the gag as the chains were drawn taut. Not to the extent as before, but enough his heels left the ground and he cried out as even the slight pull on his shoulders was enough to spark pain through the tendons. Her long nails trailed down his chest, slow, slow, and his breath stilled, his heartbeat conversely speeding up.

He’d been touched by his lady, and her skill was enough to make any man cross-eyed, but something about Lady Lyssa’s touch . .

. Jesus, this woman had been alive more than a thousand years and had all the mysterious magic of a sorceress behind her touch, paralyzing a man.

She’d reached his abdomen, and now her fingers caressed the silken mat of hair above his cock, teased one finger down the length of it. It had been drained by Nina just a little while ago, but now, at that touch, it stirred weakly.

“There you are.” Her voice was a purr. “You need to be ready to service your lady again. Lady Danny is so aroused, even now.

Watching Nina put her mouth on your splendid cock, then seeing me touch you. All the while, everything that has happened tonight replays in her head. When she takes you to her bed at dawn, she will be so hungry to have you all to herself, to mark you with her scent as only hers again. She’ll shove you down on the bed and take you hard, too needy for your cock to pretend any formalities, any thought that she is giving you foolish choices.”

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