A Vampire’s Mistress (7 page)

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Authors: Theresa Meyers

BOOK: A Vampire’s Mistress
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Her fingers were cool as she caressed his cheek, brushed the corner of his mouth and lingered on his lower lip. “Can we start over?”

He couldn’t help but smile. “You first.”

“Hi, I’m Marina DeMornay. And I really, really like you.”

He pulled her a impossibly closer, looking deeply into her eyes. “I’m Gabriel Forrester and I’m the man who’ll love you until the end of time.”

She giggled, lifting one brow. “Isn’t that a little presumptuous of you on a first meeting?”

He didn’t waste another second, just kissed her as if his very existence depended upon it. His hands rediscovered her curves, reconciling memory with reality. For so long he’d dreamed of just touching her again. But reality far surpassed his memories.

A hungry growl rumbled beneath his fingers on her ribcage. She shivered and pulled back, her eyes half lidded and full of desire. “You’re good. Damn good. I’ll give you that.”

The sweetness of orange blossoms bloomed in the air, tinged with the heaviness of jasmine-scented female vampire pheromones. She wanted him.

In one fluid movement Gabriel scooped her up into his arms and transported them both to the big bed he had in his bedroom on the floor below. Ever since the first and only time he’d made love to Marina, he’d used the same type of gray silk sheets he remembered from their encounter. It was sappy and sentimental, but then she’d been the only woman he’d ever wanted with a need bordering on insanity.

“I’ve been waiting for you to figure that out for a very long time.” He nuzzled the fragrant hollow of her neck. Marina arched, giving him better access to the cream of her skin, and he obliged by nibbling his way down her collarbone. Gabriel phased away their clothing into nothingness. Cupping her soft heavy breast he teased the nipple with the pad of his thumb.

Marina gasped in protest as he gently set her down, the length of her sliding down his aroused body and inflaming a throbbing need in every cell of her own. She wanted, needed to feel him. Taking his hand she stretched out on the bed, tugging him down beside her. He willingly followed, taking her in his arms, his skin alive with a fire that threatened to consume her.

Giddy with longing, aroused by the mere stroke of his palm along her hip, Marina whispered, “You really do love me, don’t you?” She ran her hand across the hard sculpted muscles of his chest, over the thrumming beat of ichor at the base of his throat and curled gentle fingers to cup his hard jaw.

He covered her hand with his, bringing her fingers to his mouth for a lingering kiss. “With everything I am.”

She exchanged fingers for her mouth on his and kissed him soundly, putting everything she had into it. He wrapped his strong arms around her and pressed into her, leaving no room for doubt between them. There was only this one vampire in the world for her.

She pulled back and gazed into his angelic face, more dear to her than ever. “That’s good, because I love you too.”

A sudden softness stole over Gabriel’s features, and he bent his head.

“Gabriel?” She stroked her fingers down his back, the muscles there tense and hard. “Have I said something wrong?”

He raised his head staring at her, his eyes fierce with desire. “Pinch me. Hard.”


He kissed her swiftly, then pulled back. “I want to be sure this isn’t just a fantasy in my head. That you really just said you love me.”

Mariana gave him a slow, wicked smile, then wrapped her leg around him and pulled his hips down, cradling the hard length of him in her wet heat. “Does that feel like a fantasy to you?”

“Oh yeah.” His eyes glazed with passion, his skin growing slick beneath her fingers as he trembled.

“Then maybe this will convince you it’s real.” She arched her hips pulling him fully into her. The hard slick slide of him sent a shower of sparks across her vision as her body contracted from head to toe. Marina gasped.

Her fangs extended and throbbed, the sensation of him far more heady than she remembered. The cedar-scented length of his thick neck brushed against her mouth, warm and inviting. Beneath her lips the fast flow of his raging ichor called to her.

Marina couldn’t resist and sunk herself into him. The espresso flavor filled her mouth sending a wave of sparkling energy pulsing through her, lifting her up and spinning her.

A bright white ribbon of energy blended with pure pleasure speared through her connecting her to him at all the points where they connected. From fang, to the deepest place within her, they were one being of light, hope and love.

Suddenly he wasn’t merely just in her, he was part of her, his hands and mouth everywhere at once. His fingers stroked gently in her hair, skimmed with a loving touch down her spine and teased her most intimate places with a drugging touch. Likewise his mouth was still on hers, his tongue a liquid silken slide with hers, but she could feel his kisses dancing up along the back of her legs, his lips and teeth and tongue devoted to both her breasts.

She responded in kind, her mind able to reach out and touch him just as physically as her hands. Her vampire abilities allowed her to indulge in the hard bunch of his buttocks, the broad span of his back and the rounded hardness of his shoulders without lifting a finger.

The last time they’d made love, he’d been human and she’d had to hold herself back. Now there was no reason not to surrender completely to the sensations flooding her, filling her up. Marina opened her heart and let go, and in surrender she found her greatest freedom.

He broke their kiss and locked his gaze with hers, his devotion, his love for her, etched over every inch of his face. It humbled her knowing how vulnerable he was in her arms, and she was in his, and yet together they were stronger than anything that could come against them.

Gabriel brushed his fingers against her temple, his firm lips tipping into a smile that warmed her to her toes.

“Still need me to pinch you?” she teased.

Gabriel chuckled. “No. You’re better than any fantasy, my love.”

A smile unfurled from her heart to spread across her face. “Why is that?”

“Because you’re mine.”

Don’t miss the other spooky and sensual NOCTURNE BITES, available at www.ebooks.eharlequin.com and wherever eBooks are sold. Titles include:

Hunter’s Surrender
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Vampire’s Tango
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Her Dark Lord
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Time Jumper
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The Prophecy
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Moon Marked
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His Magic Touch
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The Bewitching Hour
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The Vampire’s Desire
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Moon Shadow
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ISBN: 978-1-4268-5277-0

A Vampire’s Mistress

Copyright © 2010 by Theresa Meyers

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