A VENEER OF MURDER (Mrs. Fix It Mysteries Book 3) (12 page)

BOOK: A VENEER OF MURDER (Mrs. Fix It Mysteries Book 3)
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Kate left Scott and returned to her truck. Their lunch had been a little strained, but that was okay. She was stepping on his toes.

Her truck was parked in the lot at the front of the municipal complex. There hadn’t been spaces anywhere else. That part faced a busy road, so Kate had always felt safe there.

As she walked to her truck, she noticed someone leaning against it. Bubba. Kendall’s brother.

She was tempted to return to Scott’s office, but Bubba saw her, coming to his feet as she approached. What could he want? She looked around to see if anyone else was in the parking lot. She wanted to be able to run. She had her keys in her hand.

Kate stopped a few feet from her truck. “Bubba.”

He grimaced at her using his name. She wanted him to know that she knew who he was. It might’ve stopped him from doing anything stupid. The building had a bank of windows on this side. Hopefully someone was looking out at that moment.

“You need to stay out of our business,” Bubba said.

He was in his usual ripped jeans and leather jacket.  It was a warm day for that jacket, but if he was on his motorcycle, he’d want it. What did she really care? Her heart sped even though his words were not said in a scary tone. His whole demeanor was scary to her.

“How am I in your business?”

He stepped closer. She stepped back, ready to run.

“Just stay out of it.”

He walked away then climbed onto his motorcycle. It took a moment for Kate’s heart rate to steady. That’s when it hit her. She was pissed. She hadn’t been snooping in his life. Their lives had crossed her path. They had interfered in her life.

She climbed into her truck. It was time to see Kendall. She had some work to do at her house, but what she really wanted to do was confront her about her brother.Arriving at Kendall’s house, Kate sat for a moment, wondering what she was going to say.

Her phone rang. Jason.

“Hello, sweetie.”

“Hi, Mom.”

“Is something wrong?”

“No, why do you ask?”

She laughed. She could count on one hand how many times either of her boys had called her since going off to college. “Because you don’t call unless there is a problem.”

“Sorry. I was just thinking about Dad.”

“Okay. What about?”

“That I think it’s time you moved on.”

Was her son drunk? Calling her while on drugs? “Why were you thinking about that?”

“Because I was thinking about Mr. York and how good to us he was this summer. I think he likes you, Mom.”

“We’re friends, Jason.”

Had the boys picked up on an undertone between them? She’d tried her best to hide it.

“He wants more than that.”

“Did he tell you that?”

“He didn’t have to, Mom. It was in the way he looked at you.”

“What brought on this soul-searching?”

“I have a girlfriend.”

Kate wanted to laugh, but boys’ egos could be fragile. “Oh? What’s her name?”


She’d have to call Jared and see what he thought of this development. “Sounds pretty.”

“Are you coming up for Parents’ Weekend? You’ll meet her.”

“That sounds great, honey. Has Jared met her?”

“He has and they get along great.”

Nothing like a call from your kid to put life in perspective. Kate chatted with him for a few minutes then hung up. Now she didn’t want to confront Kendall.

But she had to.

First she decided since she was right here that she would look at those bleachers. The bleachers were housed behind a garage used by the Department of Public Works. They had brought them outside for her to look at.

Kate made notes for what she would need and what it would cost. She’d be ready when Jessica was back in town. She didn’t think it would take too much to get them in shape. She’d have to replace most of the screws with stainless ones so they wouldn’t rust.

It was kind of neat to fix these, because her father had built them when she was a kid. Was that why Jessica had asked her to fix them?

Content that she knew what she had to do, she climbed back into her truck. It didn’t want to start at first. She guessed it was time to take it back to the shop. A few more dollars and she could buy a new one.


Kendall answered the door in flowered yoga pants and a fuchsia tank top. Her lipstick matched her shirt.

“Hey, Kate. Come on in.”

Kendall moved out of the way. Kate entered the house, ready to paint the place she’d spackled the other day. She also wanted to talk to the woman. Feel her out. Was she still involved with the anarchists?

How does one bring that up in conversation?
Excuse me, do you still belong to a radical group that wants to overthrow the government?

Kate set up her painting supplies. Kendall lingered in the doorway.

“I’ve been meaning to tell you,” Kendall said.

Kate stirred the paint. “What?”

“I knew your husband.”

Kate’s hand stilled in the paint can. “You knew my husband? When?”

“Well, for a few years.”

“How do you know him?”

“That isn’t important. I knew him. He was a good man.”

“Did you know him through his work?”

“Sort of. Look, I don’t want to talk about it.”

“You brought it up. How did you know my husband?”

“He was involved in a group I’m involved in.”

“The one camping outside of town. The one your bother belongs to. The man who threatened me.”

“Bubba threatened you?”

“Yes. And I know about your group. I know more about you than you think.”

At that moment, Kate had wished she’d told Scott that she was coming here. Kendall got a faraway look in her eyes.

“You know?”

“I know.”

“Meghan knew too much,” Kendall said.

She didn’t look as if she was present in the room. Kate pulled out her phone while Kendall spoke. She sent a text to Scott to come or send someone. Kendall didn’t seem to notice.

“We cooked up this deal a long time ago.”

“Deal?” Kate asked.

She had no idea what Kendall was talking about.

“Yes. The highway is going to be extended past Rock Ridge. The land will be worth something, so we bought it up. Then someone got the great idea to build something on a piece of it.”

“Jackie York was your contact.”

“Yes, she was. Dudley was involved also.”

Seems like everyone was. The next name stopped her cold.

“Greg knew about it. He saw it as a way to raise money for our group,” Kendall said. Her eyes had an odd glaze to them.

“Go on.”

Kate looked around for a weapon in case Kendall attacked her. This would be the third confession she listened to, and they always seemed to get violent. She had no reason to think Kendall would be any different.

“Yes, the anarchists. We’re going to destabilize local governments. Bring about anarchy and confusion. Too many people are following the government like sheep.”

Kendall took a deep breath then let it out. Kate’s heart rate sped up. Her phone buzzed, but she was afraid to look at it. Hopefully someone was on their way.

“We did raise the money. Then Greg took off with it.”

That would explain why he hadn’t emptied her bank account. But this was yet again something she hadn’t known about Greg. She had a feeling the man’s whole life was a lie. Including his marriage to her. She’d been swept of her feet by him, and now she knew it hadn’t really happened that way.

Why had he married her? Why had he brought her into his deceit? She’d been naïve, but she’d loved him. No longer. The man who had shared her bed had been a stranger to her, and she didn’t know it.

The revelation took a piece out of Kate.

“Meghan knew too much. She threatened to go to Scott. She had to be quieted.”

Did Kendall kill Meghan? Kate searched even more for a weapon.

“Who killed her?” Kate said.

“I did. I didn’t mean to exactly kill her, but I did it. I went to the library that night to talk sense into her. She wouldn’t listen.”

Kate heard a car pull up next to her truck. An officer came into the house.

“Mrs. Stuart?”

Kendall didn’t turn. She just stared at the wall, as if it held all of the answers.

The officer put handcuffs on her. Scott was in the doorway, and Kate let out her breath.

“We knew, Kate. We were just coming out to arrest her.”

The officer took Kendall away. “Let me get drive you home. I’ll get someone to get your truck home.”

He put his arms around her.

“He was part of the group,” Kate said as Scott led her out the door.

She climbed into his vehicle. She was still trying to wrap her brain around it all. Kendall had killed Meghan. Kendall had known Greg.

“I know.”

“You knew?”

“I figured I didn’t need to tell you yet. I was waiting.”

“He took off with their money. That’s why he didn’t need our money.”

“Yes, Clem told me that.”

“Was Clem part of killing Meghan?”

“Not that I know of, Kate,” Scott said.

He drove her to her house. She climbed out. “I know you have to get back.”

“Not really. It’s not my jurisdiction. I was just coming out there, because I knew you were there.”


“Let’s get you inside.”

“I’m okay, Scott. I’m not fragile.”

“But I like taking care of you.”

She relented and let him lead her inside her house. He poured her a glass of wine, then sat with her. “Do you have any other revelations about my husband?”

“Nothing other than what you learned from Kendall.”

“He wasn’t who I thought he was.”

She wiped away a tear.

“I’m sorry, Kate. I wish I could defend him, but I didn’t know him. Just the fact that he left you makes him an asshole in my book.”

Kate laughed. She couldn’t help it. Scott so rarely cursed. He joined her in her laughter, and she loved how the sound filled her house. Her house had been empty for too long.

She decided to make an appointment first thing in the morning. It was long overdue. She should have done it months ago, but now she was ready. She’d finally talk to a divorce lawyer.

“You look to be deep in thought,” Scott said.

“I am, but it’s all good.”

“You going to be okay when I leave tonight? You know I’ll stay.”

She knew they had sleepovers in their future, but that night. “I’ll be fine. I’ll be better than fine.”

“Good. Now what were you thinking about?”

She laughed. “I’m keeping it to myself.”

Yes, she’d call a lawyer, make an overdue appointment, and file for divorce. Now that she was sure in her mind it was the right thing to do, she’d call Jason and Jared and let them know that she was ready to move on.



Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

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