A Very Christopher Christmas (A Death Dwellers MC Novella) (37 page)

BOOK: A Very Christopher Christmas (A Death Dwellers MC Novella)
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I snatched up my nine

as I hurried to my window

and threw open the motherfucker,

Getting a whiff of pine.


The moon was fucking bright and gave off enough light

When to my fucking surprise, I saw the tracks

Of motorcycle tires.


I knew in a moment, it must be my fucking brothers

Planning some fucking trick

To surprise a motherfucker.


I whistled and screamed and called them by name:

“Now, Johnnie! Now, Mort! Now Val and Stretch!

On Ghost! On Digger and Slipper.

To the top of my porch, to the top of my wall,

now run the fuck away

Run the fuck away. Run to the fucking club.


Pass over me Santa, I don’t give a fuck.

But if you forget my family, I’ma fuck you up.

So fly on Assfuck, with that red-nosed dickhead.

Have fun through the holidays and good fucking luck.


From a lock of my hair, to the tip of my balls,

Merry Christmas, Motherfuckers.

Merry Christmas to all.





Rockin Around the Christmas Tree

(A Red Velvet Christmas Novel)

by K E Osborn




Amber Montgomery’s had a pretty rough three years. Her mother died on Christmas day. The love of her life left her for another woman, and she found herself knocked up after a drunken one-night stand.

Now a single mother trying to keep her head above the waves crashing around her, Amber and her band, Red Velvet are shining in the limelight. But her ex is causing dramas. Well, his fans are.

Aston, the love of her life is in the well-known band Staked. Amber’s relationship with Aston, though serious on her behalf, was just a stepping stone for Aston to return to his real love, Annie. The fans wanted Annie and Aston together and Amber, unfortunately, is the catalyst for the Staked fans turning on her. Now she fights for her sanity in a world that hates her. Can she struggle to stay afloat?

When fans attack, you need protection. So Amber’s brother hires a bodyguard for Amber’s safety. In walks the tough and handsome Alex Braxton, he’s everything Amber is not ready for. He sets her heart back into motion, but Amber is hurt by her past love. Will she able to find true love again?
Along with her fear of Christmas—being the day that her mother died—can Brax bring Amber out of her shell enough to see that there’s a light at the end of the dark and torturous tunnel? Will she see that family and Christmas can be a joyous occasion filled with happiness, delight, and maybe even…love?


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Colter Slade—the world’s most famous Rock God is turning fifty, and I’m here at his party! It’s going well and Chad, Aston’s friend and fellow bandmate, is being very entertaining as we sit at the large round table in the gazebo in the backyard of the Slade manor. Aston, my boyfriend, and the love of my life seems a little preoccupied tonight, but hopefully he’ll get into the party spirit as the evening progresses. The music is great, the food is wonderful, and it’s nice to be included in all the excitement that comes with being involved with the greatest rock stars of the modern age.

 I met Aston when my band
Red Velvet
went on a tour with his band
and another band
Aston was best friends with Annie, Colt’s daughter, and they had a relationship for a while. That was until they slept together for the first time and Aston told her that he loved her. Normally, a girl would do anything to hear those words, but Annie freaked out. She’s adopted and felt like she didn’t deserve to be loved or some weird and twisted idea like that, and so she ended things with Aston. Which is good for me, because now he’s all mine, and I couldn’t be happier. We’ve been seeing each other for a while now. I hung around his band when they went on another tour. I was basically a stalker groupie following Aston around like a lost puppy.

I lost my mother to breast cancer and it turned my world upside down. I was spiralling out of control. At least she died on her favourite day—Christmas. Which is now my most despised day of the year, but I digress. After she had passed away, I met Aston and I threw myself into him. I wasn’t coping with the loss. She meant everything to me. Growing up without my father, my twin brother Hunter and I relied on our mother for everything. She passed on the genes that brought us into music and taught me how to sing, without her I wouldn’t be where I am. I owe her everything.

So instead of dealing with her loss I threw myself into Aston and he made everything better. He eased my pain and suffering and he made my world a better place to be—he made me want to live. I’m so in love with him that nothing can shake the feelings I have for him. He truly is the love of my life. He’s helped me so much and put up with my bad moods and somber demeanor while I grieve for my mother, but he’s been my rock through it all. I honestly couldn’t have gotten through it without him. He gets along with Hunter well, which is important because Hunter is the only family I have left. But I hope that Aston will one day ask me to marry him and we can start our own family.

The only downside to our relationship is that his ex is always a constant sore point for us. Unfortunately, because they’re still in a band together she’ll always be around, and I see the way she constantly looks at him. I see the way she looks at
. I’m not stupid, I know she’s jealous, but she let him go and now he’s mine. She had her chance and she can’t have him back.

Chad makes another funny joke and the table erupts in laughter including me and I turn to look at Aston, he grins, but his eyes are glazed over as he looks off into the distance. I take his hand under the table and entwine our fingers. He looks at me and I smile and he half smiles back.

“Are you okay? You seem distracted?” I ask and he looks away from me over to another table where Annie’s sitting pushing her food around on her plate. Tensing up, I inhale abruptly.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” he says turning back taking a large sip of his whiskey, the cubes of ice clink in the glass making me flinch at Aston’s frosty demeanor.

I swallow hard looking at the vein pulsing in his tense neck. Something’s up with him, he’s been weird all night and lately he’s been more distant than normal. Sure he still kisses and cuddles me and tells me he loves me, but something just seems…off.

“Are you sure?” I ask and he smiles and wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me in close. He leans in kissing my head and I smile as he eases some of my tension.

“I’m sure,” he says as I turn leaning in and press my lips to his, he tastes like mint and whiskey and it will forever be a favourite taste of mine.

His lips kiss mine tenderly and the spark igniting inside of me fills me with excitement. It’s like I get giddy with butterflies every single time he kisses me. I love this feeling. Pulling back, Chad calls out for us to,
“Get a room.”
I chuckle and Aston smirks and looks away to the other side of the room and his jaw tenses. Following his line of sight to Annie, I want to break the moment, so I say the only thing I can think of.

“I love you,” I whisper and he turns breaking his gaze at Annie, filling my heart with warmth that he’s looking at me rather than at her now. He smiles, but his eyes are filled with longing, and it unsettles me. “Well, don’t you love me too silly?” I ask needing some reassurance.

He chuckles and brings his hand up to my cheek and smiles. “Of course.” He leans in and I purse my lips, but he dodges and moves up kissing my forehead. I gulp and lick my lips missing his kiss as I sit back and watch his expression harden.

Frowning as he leans back in his seat and empties the remainder of his drink. He rubs the back of his neck and looks over to where Annie was moments before. I notice she isn’t there anymore and it’s disconcerting.

Something is going on, I’m just not sure what?

“Aston, talk to me,” I whisper so the others at the table won’t hear.

He looks at me and swallows hard. “I’ve just gotta go do something,” he says and stands up abruptly. I grab his hand and he looks down as a sudden wave of panic washes over me.

“Where are you going?” I ask and he shakes his head.

“I just need to sort something out,” he replies.

My blood pressure spikes and angry tears start to form in my eyes. “Are you going to Annie?” I ask.

He looks away from me and pulls his hand from mine then inhales deeply.

“Aston, please tell me you’re not going to go after her?” I ask with a stern but quiet voice. I don’t want to make a scene in front of his family and friends. Even though I feel like I’m falling apart right now.

“I just need to make sure she’s okay. She seems on edge, I need to be a friend right now,” he says and I scoff.

“Aston, you and Annie are not friends. And she has plenty of other people who can go after her—”

“She’s upset because of me—”

“She gave you up. She has no right to be upset. Aston, please let this go…for me?” I plead as my eyes well with hot angry tears. He licks his lips and runs his hand through his hair shaking his head, every shake of his head is like a knife stabbing deeper into my heart.

“I’m sorry, I can’t,” he says and then walks off before I can say another word. It’s like a sucker punch right to the gut. All the wind is knocked from me as he chooses to look after his ex, rather than spending time with me, his girlfriend. My bottom lip trembles as I watch him walk out of the gazebo and toward

I can’t believe this is happening. My whole relationship with Aston feels like I’ve been competing with Annie, and I don’t know right now if I’m going to win this war. I turn back around taking the slender glass of chilled champagne and look at it. The bubbles dance along happily like they’re having a great time at the party while I sit here drowning in the ocean of emotion engulfing me. The dancing bubbles need to go, so I drink it down quickly. I need something to take the edge off. The cool hit of the liquid tingles on my tongue as it slides effortlessly down my throat. The hit from the alcohol buzzes through my insecure mind while all I really want to do is chase after Aston and pull him back into the gazebo. I’m worried that if I do that, though, it might force him into her arms even more. My stomach is churning and I feel physically ill.

My head is running through a million possibilities of what could be happening, and as the waiter comes around with more drinks, I couldn’t be more grateful. Taking another champagne, I drink the entire contents down as my leg agitates up and down on the spot. I’m really nervous, and I can’t help but think that my relationship might be heading for a
fall. Aston has a soft spot for Annie, I believe he always will. I just have to hope that her stance on them getting back together stays solid. Because if she ever wanted him back I’m not sure what his answer would be. I know he cares about me, he’s loving and supportive, but he’s always that one step removed. And with that feeling, one tiny part of me keeps thinking that he’s not in this as much as I am, and it scares me. I’ve put everything into this. I’ve lost my heart to him, I couldn’t help it. Aston is an amazing and wonderful man and I am so lucky to be his girlfriend. I just hope I’m enough for him.

I pull out my phone and scroll through the pictures of us together. My heart starts to race thinking of what he could be doing right now. Are they talking? Are they arguing? Are they undressing each other and having wild, passionate sex? I don’t want to think about the latter. But my brain seems to be zoning in, only on the latter.

I can’t stand the waiting anymore so I excuse myself from the table and stand up to go and find Aston. My legs are shaky and my hands are trembling with the thought of what I might find. My heels are unsteady as they sink into the lush grass near the exit of the gazebo, I gaze around wondering where to look first. Staring over toward the house, I see a couple of people gathered by the back door, but no Aston. I turn around and look toward the lake and see someone walking up in the shadows. Straining my eyes, eventually I see that it’s Aston. He’s alone and his clothes are on.

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