A Vulnerable Broken Mind (7 page)

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Authors: Gaetano Brown

BOOK: A Vulnerable Broken Mind
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Ever since she was a little girl, Amber hated clowns. She would always beg her parents to never have a clown at her birthday parties or take her to a party that involved a clown. As an adult, her fear did not diminish. She hated the way clowns looked. To her horror, the man that entered the room was wearing a blue-haired clown mask. The eyes of the mask were angry and downturned, giving the smile on its face a more frightening meaning. Amber curled up in the corner with fear, her heart pounding.

The man walked into the room and closed the door behind him. “Nice to see that you have finally woken up,” he said in his slithering voice; however, now it was muffled by the mask, which made it all the more creepy to her. “Hopefully, you learned your lesson but even if you didn’t, I have absolutely no problem teaching you a lesson again.” The man walked up to her. “If you do what you’re told, you can enjoy the fun too. I definitely had fun with you, even if you were not awake to experience it.”

Hearing these words made Amber grimace and curl up even further. The thought of what this man had done to her was a haunting scar on her brain, an image that would not go away, even if she hadn’t physically felt or seen it. Just the image that her imagination fabricated from his words hurt her enough.

The man bent down. Amber could see his arm reaching out to touch her. She didn’t know what was worse; being blindfolded and feeling it or seeing it all happen with her own two eyes.

“Now, you are going to stay awake aren’t you?” He asked as he caressed her leg. His touch revolted her. She was unable to move, trapped in the corner. There was literally nothing that she could do. “I still can’t get over how beautiful you are. I’m so happy to have you here with me. You are eventually going to enjoy all of this. I know it.”

Amber couldn’t hold back her tears any longer. She began to cry as his hand moved further up her body. “Please,” she whispered, breaking her silence. “Let me go,” she said as the tears poured down her face.

The man merely shook his head. “I’m afraid I can’t do that, my dear. You are here to stay.” His hand moved further up and he ran his fingers through her hair. She tried to turn her head away but he wouldn’t let her. “You are going to like it.”

“No,” Amber whispered; this was the most pitiful she had ever heard herself talk.

He apparently didn’t like this response as he grabbed her with both hands, by her head and squeezed very hard. Amber winced in pain. “Look at me,” He demanded and Amber’s tear-filled eyes stared up into his. “Now you listen and you listen good, you ungrateful whore. When I say you’re going to like it, you like it. Do you understand me?”

Stunned, she couldn’t respond. All she could do was shake and cry, a response that he also did not appear to like.

He viciously grabbed Amber by her hair, which caused her to scream in pain  and he pulled her to her feet. “I will not be disrespected by a whore like you! Now you will do what I say and will answer me when I ask you a question. Do you understand?”

Still too petrified to answer, she remained silent and stood in front of him shaking. She had never been so scared in her life. “Well, if that’s the way you want to play this game, fine. I’ll show you how I play.” He balled up his fist, reached back and punched Amber directly in the stomach. She doubled over and probably would have fallen to the floor in pain but the man kept her on her feet by her hair, which caused her additional pain.

It felt like all of the air had been forced out of her lungs and she wasn’t given time to recover as he pulled her up by the hair again and punched her in the stomach again. Amber’s stomach convulsed, she gagged and coughed until she was vomiting up the sandwich she had just eaten.

He pulled her back up until she was standing up straight and staring straight at him. “Is that how you respond to my hospitality?” He asked, pointing to Amber’s vomit. “I’ll teach you a lesson,” he snarled and punched her in the stomach again. This time he let go of her hair and allowed her to fall. She landed hard on the floor and right next to the area she just vomited on. She couldn’t have felt more ashamed.

“You should feel very lucky,” the man said. “You get to meet a good friend of mine,. He’s really looking forward to meeting you.” he said with a laugh. “You better shape up whore, he wants to have a good time.” He walked out of the room. Once he closed the door behind him, all Amber could hear was his fading footsteps, which were gone within seconds.

Amber was left lying on the floor. All of her dignity had been stripped away. Her mind wandered as she lay there, feeling very much alone. Her mind went from thinking about the trouble that she was in to thinking about John. She wondered if he was okay. Their dream vacation had turned into their worst nightmare and she had the feeling that it wasn’t going to get any better.

When in the pits of danger, you will try to get your mind to switch and think elsewhere. Sometimes it works, but when the mind is so far past the point of no return, there is no turning back. The U-turns that were once available are gone and all signs of stopping are diminished. All you can do is endure the pain, no matter how extreme it might be.

Amber’s mind couldn’t escape the pain. When the mind hurts just as bad as the body, you feel like death is approaching and waiting to take you in its arms; a sickening feeling to have. The conflict between the mind and body is that the body feels pain and the mind makes it worse.

When her energy began to return, she pulled herself up. She felt like her stomach was going to cave in from all of the punches. She was hurt but able to get to her feet. When she was standing up straight, she looked directly at the door. She had not heard a lock click into place, so there was a possibility that she might be able to get out.

But the thought of what was on the other side of that door waiting for her weighed heavily on her mind. She might escape, but what if she didn’t? What would that man do to her if she were caught?

Before she could contemplate anything, she heard footsteps coming towards the room again. They sounded like they were coming down a flight of stairs. Amber stood still, afraid to move.

He walked in, bearing the same clown mask that she hated so much. “Nice to see you up and looking ready,” he said. He was holding a glass of water in his hand. “Now, my friend doesn’t want someone who is going to pass out from dehydration while he plays with her. He wants you fully awake. So, I suggest you drink this.” He held out the glass for Amber to take. She hesitated to do so. “Don’t worry; it’s not poisoned.” He said with a sadistic laugh. “My friend doesn’t want you dead either. There’s definitely no fun in that.”

Despite her hesitation, she was thirsty and that alone was what drove her to finally take the glass from him. Out of fear, she smelled the water. This got a chuckle out the man. It didn’t seem to be tampered with, so she drank the glass of water. She handed the man back the glass. “Now that’s a good girl,” he whispered. Not being able to see his expression made his words scarier to Amber.

He then set the glass down and, when she least expected it, grabbed her by her hurt wrist; she screamed

He pulled her to the chains. With her free and unhurt hand, she swung her fist at him, which he caught. “You won’t be doing that again,” he said and threw her fist down and retaliated by slapping her hard in the face. Amber doubled over and almost lost her footing. Her vision went blurry and she felt lightheaded.

With her already curled over from the slap, he easily pushed her down onto her knees and directly between the chains. He pulled up one of her arms and she could feel the cuff on the chain enclose around her wrist, which didn’t help her injury. He cuffed her second hand just as her vision began to clear up from the slap. She wasn’t allowed to see for very long as the blindfold was placed roughly over her eyes.

He headed towards the door and out of the room. Amber did not hear the door close this time. She was left to just sit there. She felt like a piece of meat left to hang for everyone to pick from, a humiliation that she hated to endure.

After what felt like a lifetime, she heard a doorbell, which was the only sign she was given to tell her that she was in a house of some sort. In the distance, she could hear voices. She focused on the voices and could just barely make them out. She couldn’t tell who was speaking but both voices, from a distance, sounded similar.

“How are you, Ken?”

“What have I told you about using my real name?”

“It’s not like she knows who we are.”

“I don’t care, you never know who’s listening. You’ve always been arrogant with that fact.”

“Always the paranoid one. She’s not getting out of here. You have nothing to worry about.”

So you say, I know a little better.”

So you say as well, my friend.”

The other sighed. “Listen, I only have a little while, so we’ll have to make this fast.”

“I’m pretty sure my girl can accommodate you.”

“My girl,”
Amber thought to herself. She wanted to be sick. She had never been so disgusted in her life. She heard footsteps walking down the stairs and towards her. Her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest.

Amber listened intently as she heard the feet stop at the door. “Mm mm, she is a beautiful one. I have to give you credit, you found a good one.” Amber’s disgust intensified as she heard the other man speak. The difference between the two voices were now clear at that point. The other man sounded younger and had a lighter voice. However, a lighter voice didn’t lighten Amber’s fear.

He walked towards her. She felt a hand brush through her hair. She shivered. “So, what’s your name beautiful?” He whispered darkly. “You look like you could use a good time.” His hand moved down to her chin and he lifted up her head. “You really are beautiful and have wonderful lips. I would love to feel them.”

She couldn’t hide her whimpers after listening to his words. She had fully expected him to kiss her, which was a scary enough thought. Instead, she distinctly heard a zipper unzip.

“No,” she screamed and turned her head but he grabbed her roughly by the back of the head and turned her to face him again.

“A feisty little one aren’t you?” He laughed. “Give it a chance. You might actually enjoy it. Now, be a good girl and open wide.”

Amber kept her mouth shut tight. His hands pried at her jaw to try and open her mouth but she fought him with all of her strength. He then began squeezing her cheeks, trying to force her mouth open. At first, she was able to resist. But as his grip grew stronger, the pain began to rise. Her eyes teared up from the pain.

Unable to withstand the pain any further, her lips parted. “See, was that so hard?” She only opened her mouth a tiny bit to relieve some of the pain but refused to open it any further. This didn’t mean anything to him as she felt two of his fingers enter into her mouth to force her to open wider. He pushed her mouth open and kept his fingers there, so that she wouldn’t close it. She tried to close her mouth but he was too strong.

“That’s better. Now, let’s have some fun,” he said sinisterly and she could hear him fumbling with his pants. He then took a couple of steps closer to her, still holding her mouth open. She could then feel his penis entering her mouth. Disgusted by his taste, she gagged.

Once inside of her mouth, he removed his fingers. Amber, wanting him out of her mouth, immediately closed her mouth and jammed her teeth into him.

“OUCH,” he screamed and backed away from Amber, who could taste his blood in her mouth. She was relieved to have him out of her mouth but she wasn’t able to feel the relief for long as he punched her right in the face. The force of the punch dazed Amber to the point where she was seeing colors. “YOU BITCH,” he bellowed. “I SHOULD KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!”

“Hold on,” the other man shouted. “I’ll take care of it. Clean yourself up and go.”

The other man was breathing very hard. “Fine, but she better be properly trained when I come back.”

“She will be,” The other man responded. “I give you my word.”

“Your word is pretty much useless.”

“I promise you.”

“Okay, I’ll take your word. But if you don’t live up to your word. I’ll kill you after I kill her.”

There was a tense silence between the two. There was no sound of movement for several seconds. “Don’t forget who keeps your name clean,” The other man threatened.

With nothing more said, a set of feet then stormed out of the room and all was quiet. Ambers nerves grew in the silence; she knew someone was still there.

With no time to react, the man ran up and she felt a belt slip around her neck. Her breathing sped up but he cut that off by tightening the belt, completely depriving her of air.

Struggling, choking and gagging for air, Amber could feel her face grow hot and red from the lack of air.

“Now, you listen to me,” the man whispered with an unbelievable amount of anger. “You are going to learn to follow orders, especially if you want to live.” Amber’s vision grew whiter. She could feel her life slipping away from her. “You are going to be a whore to whomever I tell you to and you will enjoy it. I’ve dealt with women like you before and I can easily kill you and get another one. So, you’d better learn.” Her eyes began to close and she felt that she could not hold on any longer; he finally relinquished the pressure from the belt.

She coughed and gagged as she tried to get air back into her lungs. She wasn’t allowed much time as she was pulled up to her feet by her hair. “Spread your legs, whore, time for your first lesson.” She wasn’t given the option to protest as he kicked her legs apart himself. She could hear him undoing his pants. He wrapped his arm around her to pull her closer. She felt mortified as his penis pressed against her.

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