A Warrior's Perception (27 page)

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Authors: Spring Stevens

BOOK: A Warrior's Perception
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Darten held her tightly as she went limp in his arms. His breathing was heavy and the little vixen in his arms was pure sweet torture. She could kiss a man right out of his mind and talk Dagma into bowing at her feet. His shaft nagged at him to take what Kagan had not. He could still taste the raw passion on his lips and damn, he could still feel her fingers dance across his skin. He gently lay her onto the pillows and stared at her beautiful face. He wanted her and she wanted Kagan. He stood, urgently needing to seek out a woman to end his torture.

He fled down the stairs and slammed his fist into the stone wall. His pain inched up his arm and quickly ended his arousal. He would find Kagan and see if he was as enchanted by her as she was by him. If not, he would persuade Andra to leave McKregan Keep with him and he would show her how a man loves a woman.

Kagan was right where Darten knew he would be, the smithery. Darten stood at the door and watched as Kagan banged out yet another unequaled blade. Sweat poured from Kagan's body as he swung the hammer until his body ached. He inspected the blade and thrust it into the cool water-filled bin.

What do ye want?

He asked Darten, not even looking at him, just knowing he was present.


replied Darten lightly to see Kagan's reaction.

Ye take her to her room?

Aye, and swept her off of her feet,

he answered as he watched Kagan carefully.

Then why is it ye come here?

Kagan's voice was calm and collected.

To rub it in ye face, after all, it is'na e'ery day my brother claims a woman and she falls into my arms willingly.

Kagan turned to Darten with a menacing look,

Tread ye words carefully little brother and tell me what ye did.

Darten smiled,

I took her upstairs, carried her to bed, and kissed her goodnight...

Kagan cursed and threw the hammer onto the workbench, sending the other tools flying across the floor.

Fear na, she is still yers. She spoke ye name as her lips touched mine. She made me promise to tell ye all 'bout it. She called ye her beloved, her betrothed.

What is ye point?

If ye ha'e na interest in her, I will gladly take her with me,

Darten took a deep breath,

I can see her naked and in need, callin' my name...

Kagan rested his hands on the bench and grunted,

Ye will ne'er see her naked!

I could ha'e tonight if she were a bit more sober, but I find it difficult to lay with a woman in ye bed.

Stay away from her, she is mine,

Kagan growled,

Take ye lust elsewhere.

Til ye wed her, she is free to choose any man,

Darten laughed.

Kagan laughed and eased himself from the bench,

She will'na choose 'tween ye and I, after all e'ery man that has lain eyes on her since she was fifteen has tried to possess her or has bent to her. E'en Demon bent to her will and follows her round like a pup.

And ye, ha'e ye bent to her will as well?

Kagan's frown and thunderous look told Darten what he wanted to know, but Kagan enlightened him,

I made an oath to her, one that only she can break.

An oath of what exactly?

Of my honor, with my sword, and on my blood...ne'er to touch her in forbidden places, na to force myself on her but to allow her to touch me as she wishes,

Kagan looked tired and worn in the instance he spoke,

I pay for the oath e'ery night and e'ery wakin' hour.

Holy mother of Dagma, heaven and hells. Ye did'na take the warrior's oath! If ye break it, she will command ye life. Best ye find a way out of ye oath soon.

Kagan grabbed the hammer and swung it down onto the granite tabletop, shattering it into large pieces,

Damn it, how is she goin' to love me, if I can'na touch her?

Darten grinned as he turned to the door. He wondered if Kagan realized what he had said. Since when did the mighty Kagan care if someone loved him or not? Especially when that someone was a woman. Darten's grin disappeared as he recalled her kiss, her caress, her scent, and her alluring eyes. He would have done no different than Kagan. He smiled, knowing Kagan would do far worse to make love to Andra, even if Kagan did not know it himself.

Chapter 14

Andra was furious as she stalked down the steps from her room. Kagan had not once stayed with her during the night any day for the last week, he always left when she fell asleep. No doubt to run to his whore. Andra groaned, visualizing Llana in Kagan's bed right next to her room. He probably had taken that witch to bed every night right under Andra's nose.

Why should she care? At least Llana was the one getting the pain and not herself. Yes, Llana was indeed receiving the pain, and his kisses and caresses and was the one running her hands through his hair and seeing the passion in his dark sultry gray eyes. Andra stomped and wadded her fists into balls at her side.

As Andra rounded the corner at the bottom of the steps, she ran into Darten. He laughed at her expression. He quickly poked her arm through his and guided her down the hall and out the keeps side entrance to the cobbled path that lead to the training grounds behind the keep. Andra walked briskly to keep up with his pace.

Where are we goin'?

she asked breathlessly,

And what is the rush?

Darten slowed his gait and smiled rather boyishly,

Wanted to get ye off to myself for a while 'fore dear Kagan steals ye away.

Kagan only wants me round when his back is sore. He does'na seem to miss me ‘til the sun sets and then he takes his lea'e of me after his back has been thoroughly massaged and his pain is gone.

she bit out in frustration.

What say ye Andra, that Kagan does'na share yer bed?

he smiled sweetly and stopped taking her small hands in his.

Andra frowned and nodded,

He keeps a lover to bed.

Darten pondered her words and a wide mischievous smile curled upon his lips,

Perhaps we should show dear Kagan what he is missin'.

Andra looked up at Darten with confusion gripping her brow,

What do ye mean?

If ye want his undivided attention, make him jealous, make him think ye want to bed someone else,

he paused,

but we will ha'e to choose yer interest wisely. Kagan is a powerful warrior and fights like a lion when he is angered.

Andra swallowed hard at the thought of Kagan fighting, her loins stirred and her face flamed with desire. Darten caught her expression and softly smiled,

Well now, I see that ye be smitten with Kagan. He is a sight to behold.

Andra cringed,

Ye must swear na to tell him.

He smiled and threw his head back in laughter,

I swear it but ye must allow me to be the man ye use to get Kagan jealous. I'm afraid there are few men that can stand their ground with him and I am one of the few that e'en he can'na best in hand to hand combat.

Andra smiled nervously,

I donna want ye to ha'e to fight him o'er me.

Worry na,

he drawled ,

We are brothers, we always fight about somethin', and this will be entirely my pleasure.

And so the deal was done. Andra faked a smile as they continued their walk to the training grounds and the clang of steel and men’s voices filled her ears. Andra wondered hopelessly if Kagan would get jealous or would he just laugh and rub it in her face that he had a lover and didn't need her in that way. She looked up at Darten as he placed his arm around her shoulders.

Smile like I've just said somethin' wonderful,

he whispered as he gave her a passionate look. Andra beamed up at him and genuinely laughed as he placed a heated kiss on her knuckles.

Now look at me as if I were Kagan runnin' my hand across ye breast,

he whispered.

Andra closed her eyes and imagined the scene, and when she opened them, Darten groaned at her passion filled face. Her misty eyes swirled in sweet desire for Kagan and he took a shallow breath trying to keep from drowning in her eyes. He could clearly see why his brother had become betrothed to this beauty. She was raging ecstasy and took a man's breath from his lips and left him in sexual need by just a look from her eyes.

Take ye lea'e woman and keep ye talons out of my brother’s skin!

growled Kagan as he stalked his prey. His eyes never left Darten fearful she would see his intent rage.

He was showin' me the keep and I am grateful for the company. It seems I am lonely and need someone to ha'e intelligent conversation with. Darten is wonderful and truly a mighty warrior,

she drawled as she kept her eyes on Darten's face.

Kagan seethed in anger as he witnessed the looks she was showering on Darten. The fool boy was smiling like an idiot and fawning all over his betrothed. Kagan knew that women were drawn to Darten like flies, almost as badly as to himself, but he would not have his woman so wantonly roaming his brothers body.

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