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Authors: Kathryn Alexander

A Wedding In the Family (20 page)

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Dear Reader,

Thank you for choosing my book! It’s fun to write stories of love and commitment about people seeking God’s plan for their lives. The Love Inspired® line offers books filled with the “forever” kind of romance we all want to believe in. When
A Wedding in the Family
begins, young widow Angela Sanders doesn’t hold out much hope of a true love for a lifetime; but when the possibility materializes in the form of Adam Dalton, Angela is caught off guard. She’s not at all certain she wants to accept the risks involved. It’s only when she realizes God’s affirmation of her love for Adam that she can allow the happy ending for herself…the one she’d thought she’d never find. I think you’ll be happy for her.

I’ve loved writing stories for as long as I can remember. Having an opportunity to share this one with you is a gift to me from the Lord. Years ago, during a time of discouragement, I was told by a successful author that God wouldn’t have given me this desire to write without supplying a place for me to use it. Steeple Hill’s Love Inspired® line is that place. I hope you enjoy my work.

ISBN: 978 1 472 06415 8


© 2013 Kathryn Alexander

First Published in Great Britain in 2013
Harlequin (UK) Limited
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BOOK: A Wedding In the Family
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