A Well-Paid Slave (73 page)

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Authors: Brad Snyder

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305 “thought perhaps”: Blackmun Oral History, 7/6/94, 18.
305 He never discussed: Ibid., 4/24/95, 184.
305 Rumors spread: Woodward and Armstrong,
The Brethren
, 192.
305 Blackmun had asked: Letter from Blackmun to Burger, 1/18/72, Douglas Papers, Box 1522, Folder “Administrative Memoranda by Court”; Garrow,
Liberty and Sexuality
, 537-38.
305 “the real reason”: 1971 Case History at CXLVI, Brennan Papers, Box II-6, Folder 15. Blackmun expressed similar concerns to Justice Powell in private. Ibid., CXLVI-VII. See also ibid., LI, Brennan Papers, Box II-6, Folder 14 (repeating Blackmun's statement at conference).
305 He inserted Jimmie Foxx:
, 407 U.S. at 263.
305 On June 1, Blackmun: Blackmun Papers, Box 145, Folder 2.
306 “He can speak”:
, 6/1/72, 46.
306 Blackmun slipped:
, 407 U.S. at 263.
306 Blackmun gave the book: Blackmun Papers, Box 1374, Folder 4.
306 Blackmun placed an arrow: 1972 Appointment Book, Blackmun Papers, Box 60, Folder 9.
306 “This case presents”; “This case is one”: Flood Announcement, 6/19/72, 1, Blackmun Papers, Box 145, Folder 2.
306 At that moment, Nina Totenberg; Powell winked:
, 6/20/72, E5; MJ, 6/20/72, in Blackmun Papers, Box 145, Folder 3.
306 “took no part in”: Flood Announcement, 6/19/72, 3, Blackmun Papers, Box 145, Folder 2.
307 He had already made: Letter from Douglas to Burger, 6/15/72, Douglas Papers, Box 1524, Folder 1.
307 “JUDGMENT FLOOD”: U.S. Sct. Appellate Case Files, 71-32 to 71-36, NARA, Washington, D.C., Box 87; Goldberg Papers, Box I-94, Folder 12.
307 Goldberg called Henry: Letter from Goldberg to Levitt, 7/12/72, Goldberg Papers, Box I-94, Folder 12.
307 Putzel conferred: Letter from Putzel to Burger and White, 6/26/71, U.S. Sct. Appellate Case Files, NARA, Washington, D.C., Box 87.
307 Putzel notified Blackmun: Letters from Putzel to Blackmun, 6/14/72, 6/16/72, 6/26/72, Blackmun Papers, Box 145, Folder 2.
307 “was not surprised”: Letter from Goldberg to Topkis, 7/12/72, Goldberg Papers, Box I-94, Folder 12.
307 “Supreme Court screwed us”: Letter from Topkis to Goldberg, 6/30/72, Goldberg Papers, Box I-94, Folder 12.
307 Dan Levitt did not think: Dan Levitt interview.
307 But Peter Westen: Peter Westen interview.
308 The Players Association; “The only bad thing”: Letter from Topkis to Miller, 8/2/72, Goldberg Papers, Box I-94, Folder 12.
308 “constructive”; “The decision”:
, 6/20/72, 45.
308 “Renewed?”:
, 6/21/72, 33.
308 “that the Congress”:
, 6/20/72, D1.
308 “The original reserve”:
, 6/19/70, C-1.
308 “I hope you”:
, 8/10/72.
309 “By the time”:
, 6/23/72, 126.
309 “cop-out”; “a disappointment”:
, 6/21/72, 33.
309 The
New York Times
, 6/23/72, 36;
, 6/21/72, A22;
, 6/21/72, A-14;
, 6/23/72, A-14;
, 6/21/72, 8A;
, 6/22/72, 2E.
309 the
Sporting News
, Dick Young:
, 7/3/72, 4;
, 6/21/72, 115;
, 7/8/72, 4;
, 10/17/72, 2C;
, 6/21/72, in Miller Papers, Box 3, Folder 9.
309 “sentimental journey”: Blackmun Oral History, 4/24/95, 184.
309 “Presumably”:
, 6/22/72, pt. III, 1.
309 “amused”; “the complete antagonism”: Harry Blackmun interview with Bill Moyers.
309 “embarrassed”: Woodward and Armstrong,
The Brethren
, 191.
309-10 In December 1979; The next morning; During oral argument: William Murphy interview; Note from Blackmun to Stewart, 12/5/79, Blackmun Papers, Box 116, Folder 2.
310 “embarrassed”; “nonsense”: Note from Blackmun to Stewart, 12/5/79, Blackmun Papers, Box 116, Folder 2.
310 Nearly 10 years later, Woodward: Lukas, “Playboy Interview: Bob Woodward,”
, 2/89, 62-63.
310 [W]hen I talked to him: Blackmun Oral History, 9/18/95, 292.
310 lending each other: In 1979, for example, Blackmun borrowed Stewart's copy of Robert W. Creamer's seminal Babe Ruth biography,
. Blackmun Papers, Box 1408, Folder 13.
310 “an almost comical adherence”: Eskridge, “Overruling Statutory Precedents,” 76
Geo L.J.
1361, 1381 (1988).
310 most scholars: Ross, “Reconsidering
Flood v. Kuhn,
” 12 U.
Miami Ent. & Sports L. Rev.
169, 171-72 (1995) (cataloging the reasons why scholars have agreed or disagreed with Blackmun's decision).
310 The reason for the Court's decision: Bill Eskridge interview.
310 “Baskin v. Robbins”; “There are many”: Bill Iverson interview.
311 “I shall never”; “Mel Ott?”: Bill Murphy interview; Lazarus,
Closed Chambers
, 21-22; Woodward and Armstrong,
The Brethren
, 192.
311 “[I]t's been”: Blackmun Oral History, 7/6/94, 18; see also ibid., 4/24/95, 184.
311 A week after; In 1973, a friend; Two years later: Letter from Jerry R. Erickson to Blackmun, 6/21/72; Letter from W. W. Baade to Blackmun, undated; Letter from Judge Robb to Blackmun, 7/21/75, Blackmun Papers, Box 145, Folder 3.
311 The 47th member: Bruce Ladd interview.
311 “I would do it”: Harry Blackmun interview with Bill Moyers. See also Blackmun Oral History, 9/18/95, 295 (“I think it was a good opinion. I'm glad that history is there”).
311 “will always be”:
The Federalist
no. 78.
312 “ ‘[A] decision' ”:
Flood v. Kuhn
, 407 U.S. 258, 293 n. 4 (1972) (Marshall, J., dissenting), quoting Peter L. Szanton, “
Stare Decisis
: A Dissenting View,” 10
Hastings L.J.
394, 397 (1959) (internal quotation marks omitted).
312 “outsiders”: Blackmun Oral History, 9/18/95, 294.
312 “I think”: Ibid., 12/13/95, 474.
313 Marvin Miller called Curt: Marvin Miller interview.
313 “Baby, I gave them”: “A Loss for Curt Flood,”
, 7/3/72, 67.
313 “What
Flood v. Kuhn
really accomplished”: Miller,
A Whole Different Ball Game
, 195. See also ibid., 196.
313 Even the owners' chief negotiator: Helyar,
Lords of the Realm
, 134-35;
, 12/22/85, sec. 5, 3.
313 “After the
, 12/22/85, sec. 5, 3.
314 Now the pressure: Miller,
A Whole Different Ball Game
, 239.
314 The servicemen found:
, 9/9/72, 6, 8.
315 He told Bob Sheridan: Bob Sheridan interview;
, 7/1/72, 14;
, 7/1/72, A-14.
315 “He abstained”:
, 1/6/73.
315 sending him videotapes: Flood, “The Legacy of Curt Flood,”
, 11/77, 40;
, 9/4/79, 20.
315 “It's been three years”; “The problem”:
, 4/2/73, D4. For similar quotes, see
, 4/5/73, D11;
, 4/2/73, 54;
, 4/2/73, 1C.
315 Off camera; “These are mine”; “[i]n spite of himself”:
, 7/18/86, 89.
316 “I am extremely proud”: Burns,
, vol. 9.
316 “Jackie, as a figure”: Ibid.; Rampersad,
Jackie Robinson
, 459-61;
, 10/29/72, 61.
316 “A life”: Burns,
, vol. 9.
316 Miller believed: Marvin Miller interview; Marvin Miller interview by Gabriel Schechter, 3/24/92, 18.
316 Six months later:
, 5/6/70, D3.
316 In the past: Marvin Miller interview; Marvin Miller interview by Gabriel Schechter, 3/24/92, 18.
317 On Catfish Hunter: Helyar,
Lords of the Realm
, 141-59.
317 “the Club shall have the right”: TT, 25A.
317 In 1967, a California judge:
, 8/9/67, 31.
317-18 On Simmons, Lyle, and Tolan: Helyar,
Lords of the Realm
, 130-36.
318-19 On Messersmith and McNally: Ibid., 162-80; Rovell, “The Early Days of Free Agency”; Stark, “The Decision That Changed the Game”;
, 6/10/75, D1;
, 10/26/75, 221;
, 11/20/75, E1.
318 The owners attacked: Lou Hoynes interview.
319 “I can't help but think”: Marvin Miller interview.
319 Miller and Moss wanted:
, 4/16/77, 8.
320 The six years: Flood, “The Legacy of Curt Flood,”
, 11/77, 40.
320 Having lost his only: Karen Brecher interview.
320 Flood packed up; “Super Hermit”: “Ebbing Flood,”
, 8/11/75, 6, 8.
320 His possessions: Rickie Riley interview.
320 “He is said”: “Ebbing Flood,”
, 8/11/75, 6, 8.
320 “There have been reports”: State Department Document E1, from American Consulate in Barcelona to Secretary of State, 10/2/75.
320 Two days later; “was drunk”: State Department Document E2, ibid., 10/3/75.
320 About 10 days later: State Department Document E3, ibid., 10/29/75.
321 In early November 1975: State Department Document E4, from Secretary of State to American Consulate in Barcelona, 11/3/75. Flood's half sister, Rickie Riley, said she paid for his flight home. Rickie Riley interview.
321 Curt believed the resulting bad: Karen Brecher interview.
321 In 1974, he presented:
, 9/5/74. 321 The following year:
, 5/4/76, 10.
321 Curt detested: Karen Brecher interview.
321 In 1980, he wrote: Ibid.;
, 7/4/80, D-12.
322 While Curt was in Spain; His family says: Rickie Riley interview.
322 “a couple”; “They gave me”; Flood smoked cigarettes; “It's a little difficult”; Ideally, he wanted; “Don't get picked”:
, 9/9/76, 55.
322 Although he denied it:
, 10/28/76, 39.
323 “The things that I did”; “cool”; “These guys”:
, 9/9/76, 55.
323 “[T]here was no way”: Flood, “The Legacy of Curt Flood,”
, 11/77, 39.
323 Flood healed; Karen wrote; Bob Feller; Flood missed: Karen Brecher interview. Feller, according to biographer John Sickels, fell on hard times and drove around the country in his 1974 Ford Maverick selling memorabilia. “At times, his attempts to bring in money and regain financial stability,” Sickels wrote, “took on overtones, that depending on your point of view, were either unsavory or tragic.” Sickels,
Bob Feller
, 263.
324 He coauthored: Flood, “The Legacy of Curt Flood,”
, 11/77, 34, 37-40.
324 Howard Cosell conducted:
, 1/22/78, ed. *3, 6G.
324 It was the weekend: Karen Brecher interview.
324 Richard Reeves spent; “Maybe you should”: Reeves, “The Last Angry Men,”
, 3/1/78, 41.
324 Please, please don't come: Ibid., 42.
324 Flood relented:
, 1/27/97, 9A.
324-25 Reeves admired; “He was about”: Richard Reeves interview;
, 1/27/97, 9A.
325 “portraits by Curt Flood”: E. Bercovich and Sons Advertisement (on file with author).
325 “whipping out”; “I decided”: Letter from Flood to Williams, 1/9/78 (on file with author).
325 “You should do”: Telegram from Williams to Flood, 1/10/78 (on file with author).
325 Williams would blow: Barbara Williams interview.
325 “Is there any”; “Do you know”: Letter from Flood to Williams, 3/2/78 (on file with author).
325 Karen once: Karen Brecher interview.
326 “Sam Bercovich”; Morgan started to cry: Sam Bercovich interview.
326 But Flood had stopped: Karen Brecher interview.
326 In the fall of 1977, Flood:
, 10/16/77, ed. *3, 4F; Flood, “The Legacy of Curt Flood,”
, 11/77, 40.
326 The bat that Flood:
, 10/29/76, 47.
326 As a supposed prelude: Sam Bercovich interview;
, 12/9/78, 34.
326 One month into the season:
, 4/29/78, 17;
, 5/4/78, 43;
, 5/7/78, pt. III, 1, 6.
326 “Oh, Curt Flood”; “Just think”; “Hired”: Larry Baer interview.
327 “You'll never hear”:
, 6/12/78.
327 Flood's first night:
, 4/28/78, 17;
, 5/4/78, 43;
, 5/7/78, pt. III, 1, 6.
327 At the ballpark, the writers: Ron Bergman interview.
327 His friends warned him: Jethro McIntyre interview.
327 One night in New York: Larry Baer interview; Ed Bercovich interview; Karen Brecher interview.
327 At a pregame party; “I bet”; “Well, I suppose”; “But you were wrong”: Kuhn,
, 90.
328 Two Supreme Court justices: Ibid., 373, 376.
328 Against the advice: Lou Hoynes interview.
328 Under the name:
, 5/12/91, sec. 8, 3;
, 9/12/90, 6-7;
, 2/25/90, F6;
, 2/9/90, D1, D12; Brill, “How Could Anyone Have Believed Them?”
The American Lawyer
, 11/89, 34-35.

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