A Whispered Darkness (24 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Barger

Tags: #teen horror, #teen and young adult horror and suspense, #ghost stories, #teen romance, #demons

BOOK: A Whispered Darkness
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“I’m hoping to make an appearance before the festivities start. Maybe when all this is over, you and I can bring them over to your house and finish the party there. Come on. What do you think, Claire? After we get all the boogie out of it, we can put some more back in?”

His arm slid around my shoulders, and I dropped the chips I had in my hand to the table. “I know,” I stated quietly, “you are not touching me and pretending we are buddies.”

“I thought we were,” he said.

I cut my eyes at him, and I knew my anger showed. Slowly he drew his arm away.

“Or maybe not.”

“Not until you realize how stupid this whole thing is.” I crumpled my trash in one fist. “Not to mention how dumb the idea of moving the party there is. You can forget about that. And as for the investigation—I’ll find a way to make you understand how dangerous it could be.”

The paper with Cain’s number suddenly seemed like a lead weight in my pocket. “I’ll be back.”

Without waiting for a reply, I got up, grabbed my lunch stuff and as I passed the trash can I dumped it in, then slid out of the lunch room doors and the few feet into the girls bathroom next door. I went into one of the stalls and pulled my cell phone and the number from my pocket.

After I typed in the number, I waited, butterflies in my stomach. This had to work.


I almost jumped when the deep voice barked into the phone. “Hi. This is Claire Mallory. I was looking for Cain.”

“Haven said you’d call.”

“Did he tell you what I wanted?”

“Yes, and I’m very interested in what you have to say. Sometimes my wife jumps in before she has all the facts.”

I leaned against the cool cinderblock wall. “Great. When and where?”

“Tomorrow right after school lets out. I’ll wait for you at the cafe in Hanover.”

“I don’t have a car. Is there any way you can get to the coffee shop in the shopping center here?” It was near the school, so I could walk there. The walk home would be long, but it would be worth it to talk sense into someone.

“Sure. I think I can do that.”

I thanked him and ended the call. With a few more strokes of my fingers, I asked Grant to meet me outside the cafeteria. If Bryan was still there, he probably needed to leave before either of them said something they’d regret.

Less than five minutes later, he appeared with both our bags. “Thank you. I thought I’d have to kill him.”

“Glad I could prevent any bloodshed.”

He slung his bag over his shoulder. “Any word from Haven?”

I shook my head. “Nothing. I’ve been checking my phone all day. I don’t want to text if he’s finally fallen asleep.”

I picked up my book bag and we headed down the hallway. There was only a minute until the bell.

“Just text him. We both know he’s not sleeping.”

I didn’t need much encouragement. I typed in a quick message, and before I could even put the phone away, I had a response.

“Nothing’s changed. No word from anyone,” I said. “But I’m sure it will be okay.” I tried to sound upbeat, but the whole time I saw the jacket and the blood-tinged rainwater staining my hands.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I didn’t see Haven again before the next day of school. Mom wasn’t home all night, leaving us a note about how she went out to help with the search for Haven’s mother. A text to Haven warned him of the possibility.

I called the house the next morning after I couldn’t get him on his cell phone. His grandmother answered.

“Hello Mrs. Elliot. I wanted to know if I needed to get Haven’s work from his teachers. I’d be happy to bring it over so he won’t get behind.”

“That won’t be necessary.” Her words were short and clipped. “I’ve insisted he attend school, but he won’t leave the house. Unbelievable behavior, if you ask me. He’s spent too much time in the company of disobedience.”

She obviously meant me.

“I will collect it from school later today for him. And I would appreciate it if you would not call or text him. His cellphone privileges have been restricted, and we have enough difficulties. Goodbye.”

The line went dead and I replaced the phone carefully. My heart ached for Haven. His grandmother was not a pleasant woman when happy. When unhappy…I would have to find a way to talk to him later. But for now, Mom waited outside.

Grant was already on the porch. As I approached, I marveled at how much she’d changed. Her facial features didn’t even seem the same anymore. They were more masculine, and crueler.

Behind me, the back room door, which I had found locked again in recent weeks, clicked and groaned as it opened. A short shadow with a distinctly feminine shape stood next to it and pointed. I froze, then realized that this was different. It lacked the hostility of the others. My brow furrowed and I exhaled hard. No cold spot either. This wasn’t like the others. I took two steps forward, reaching out with my mind. A name hovered just out of reach. It was so familiar…

“Claire!” Mom’s voice was a harsh bellow. The shadow fled, and the door closed again. “It’s time to leave.”

A frown gathered on my brow, but I went to the car. Mom fidgeted, her words brusque. Her eyes barely paid attention to the road on the way to school. Haven’s mother, if she was smart, would stay away from the house.

In my heart, I knew that wasn’t her plan. But I didn’t know why.




“Why are we walking all over creation instead of taking the bus?” Grant asked. “You don’t even like coffee.”

“I’m meeting the guy in charge of Spirit Searchers.”

“Really? He agreed to meet with you? Do you think he’ll listen?”

I ran a hand through my hair. “No, but Haven seems to think I should let them come if I really want help. They’re kind of it, apparently, when it comes to supernatural stuff around here.”

Grant shrugged. “Well, we definitely need help.”

“I don’t think anyone argues that.” I sighed. “I’d rather not do anything at Halloween, but we’re out of time. Something is going to happen, and it will be Friday night.”

“I kind of wish I could be at the party,” Grant sighed. “Party disasters will involve someone puking in the sink or dancing on the tables in their underwear. Ours has more potential for death and dismemberment.”

“Well,” I said. “Depending on their dance moves, it’s debatable.”

He laughed. “You must have seen Carlos dance, then.”

With a mock shudder, I nodded. “For the horrible skit in English. There’s true horror.”

Twenty minutes later, we stopped outside the tinted windows of the coffee shop. “Okay. Am I supposed to pretend like I don’t know you? Don some dark glasses? Leave when you give me the high sign and start running?”

“It’s not espionage, Grant.”

He smiled, but it didn’t touch his eyes. “I have the feeling only bad is going to come of this. I mean, why are you meeting him so far away from the house? You couldn’t do this over the phone?”

“It’s complicated. I want to meet him in person to let him know how serious I am. Otherwise, he might take me for the paranoid teenager Bryan and Laura are making me out to be.”

Grant sighed. “Lead the way, then.”

We went inside, and it took a matter of seconds before Cain’s huge frame stood and waved us over to a table in the corner. I handed Grant a ten and winked. “Your hush money. And get me a drink with lots of chocolate, while you’re at it.”

He gave me a thumbs up and headed for the line.

“I really appreciate you meeting me.” I took the chair he motioned to.

“Not a problem. To be honest, I’m glad you called. Laura’s a little too excited about this one, and I keep getting mixed information from the different people I’ve talked to. Your house is unique case.”

“It’s a time bomb.” I crossed my arms on the table. “Most ghosts don’t want humans there. They want help, and they want to leave. But this bunch doesn’t. They
having people in. Whenever we’re there, I get the impression they…” I struggled to find the words. “They want people to stay with them. To share in whatever happened to them.”

“Not a comfortable feeling.” Cain sipped at a large coffee. “But not a great reason to insist something’s wrong either.”

“They aren’t passive things that make it cold or move some objects. My mom has been possessed by one of them. Her face doesn’t even look the same anymore.”

Cain straightened in his seat, and his gaze narrowed. “That’s impossible.”

He said the words, but they lacked conviction.

“Whether you believe it or not, it’s true.”

“What else?”

Grant sat down next to us, and Cain shot him a curious glance. He relaxed into the seat and blew across the top of his coffee. “Don’t worry about me. I’m just here for the coffee.”

Cain sighed.

“I can’t describe it better than the spirits have been able to touch us, possess my brother for a time, and my mother completely. They used objects—gifts, my mother called them—to connect with the two of them. I think it has to do with the past. And I think somehow.” I took a deep breath, aware this was thin ice. “Bryan is involved.”

“How do you mean, ‘involved?’”

What could I say to express the weird way Bryan seemed connected to everything? “I believe it has a lot to do with the family history. But I also think there’s something else going on. Did you watch him when you were there? The way he looks around the house is like he’s terrified by it and ecstatic at the same time. He’s hiding a secret and the spirits in the house like him for it.”

“That’s not proof of guilt. Bryan is very enthusiastic. It’s natural for that to be mixed with fear in our field. Especially if you’ve told him the things you’ve told me.”

“So you don’t believe me?”

Cain shifted and shook his head. “Not exactly what I said.”

“That’s what you mean.” I curled my hands around my coffee cup.

“Listen, there are tons of explanations for the things going on. Do I believe you have ghosts? Absolutely. I’m not so certain you aren’t making them worse, though, in your head.”

Anger churned in my gut. “Bryan told you I’m psychic, right? I assume he’s also told you I’m overreacting?”

Cain colored and looked away.

“I’m not crazy, or imagining things. I speak to the dead. You want proof? Give me your hand.”

Cain didn’t move, then slowly stretched out one arm. I grabbed his hand, my eyes focusing inward rather than out. A small spirit flickered behind his right shoulder, jumping forward when it realized I could see. A lined, kind face formed.

“Your mother, Eileen, wants you to know she didn’t intend for things to happen like they did. Your uncle has the will. It’s in her old family bible.” I smiled. “She has some choice words for him I’m not going to repeat. Your father’s ring is inside a jewelry box you already have. Bottom drawer has a false panel. She’s very proud of you, and likes to watch over you. She’ll be around if you need her.”

I blinked, the spirit retreated, and Cain looked like I’d struck him.

Grant leaned forward and poked Cain’s shoulder. “It’s a neat party trick, right?”

He raised his brows at him.

Grant pointed a finger. “Hey, you’re the one who didn’t believe her.”

“Grant, shut up.”

“No, he’s right.” Cain rubbed the back of his neck. “I owe you an apology. I came here, having been warned off by Bryan. He said you were delusional about the house and told me a great deal about you. And it was all wrong.”

Relief flooded me and I took a sip of my coffee. “Thanks.”

“What exactly is your goal here?”

“Honestly, I wanted to warn you off completely at first. But—” I took a deep breath and released it. “We need help. Even if we could get Mom back to normal, we can’t move. I couldn’t live with myself if we sold it to some other family as it is. Plus, I’m certain Mom has dropped all her money into it. So it’s us or the ghosts, but someone has to go.”

I held his gaze. “I don’t want anyone coming in to help without being aware of the dangers first. Bryan is convinced he’s above it, and I think he’s got an ulterior motive, though I’m not entirely sure what it is.”

Cain nodded. “He’s intense about investigating, but he’s been especially so since we started studying your case. What he and my wife fail to remember is that we have a system in place for high-risk cases. Everyone must have a buddy, and we take only experienced and willing members who have been briefed beforehand. You’ve given me a lot to think about.”

“I appreciate this. Really. And if you need to know anything else, you have my cell number now, or you can call Haven.”

Cain glanced at his watch and mumbled a curse. “I hate to run, but I have to pick up my wife and have a talk about this with her. If anything else happens before we come on Friday, call me. According to your mom, she’s already arranged for you two to be out of school all day.”

I rose, shaking the hand he offered. “I’ll see you on Friday, then.”

He snagged his coat off the back of the chair, murmured a good bye again, and left. I pictured the wheels in his mind turning things over.

“Did you know we weren’t going to school Friday?” Grant asked.

I shook my head. “No.”

His eyes strayed to the doorway. “That doesn’t seem good.”

“We’ll worry about it when we get there. It’s only Tuesday. Come on, let’s go. I want to get home and see if I can get a hold of Haven.”

“I called Carlos while I got the coffee. He’s waiting outside to give you a ride home. I did not want to walk all that way, and he and I have a group project to finish anyway. Unless you need me, I’ll go with him and work on that.”

“Sure. You might as well get it done.” The less he was in the house, the safer he’d be.

Grant cleared his throat. “If you don’t want to go straight home, he could drop you by Haven’s instead.”

I slid on my coat. “No. His grandmother came home last night, and I’m a bad influence.”

He laughed. “Of course you are! Horrible.”

Following him outside, I tried to keep up the light-hearted banter. Grant waved to Carlos, who was waiting in his beat up sedan as promised.

I slid into the backseat and ignored the stench of cigarettes that clung to every surface.

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