Read A Wolf's Duty Online

Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

Tags: #romance, #paranormal romance, #werewolf, #werewolf romance

A Wolf's Duty (11 page)

BOOK: A Wolf's Duty
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Refusing to back down
while courage was still flooding her, she stared directly at him.
“Yeah, I know that and I’m grateful, I really am but that still
doesn’t change the fact that I don’t know you. You could have saved
me just to do something worse.”

“We’d never do that,”
Sebastian inserted, trying to be the voice of reason as tempers
began to rise. “Tobias would have our arses if we did.”

“Tobias” she whispered,
hope springing from within her. “My Tobias?”

Sebastian smiled warmly at
the look of relief that had graced her features. “Tall, dark curly
hair, grey eyes?”

She nodded eagerly before
reality hit hard. “That’s could be anybody.”

“Well it’s not anybody,”
Ryan inserted. “It’s Tobias. We’re his cousins and this is his

Raising the sheets to her
nose she smiled as Tobias’ warmth began to surround her, enveloping
her senses. “This still doesn’t prove anything. Tell me something
personal about him, like I don’t know, his favourite

“You’re kidding me right?”
Ryan snapped, moving closer to the bed, his every step radiating
anger. “How the hell would I know something like that? What do I
look like, his bloody mother?”

“Ryan, maybe you should
just go, you’re not helping matters and Tobias won’t be happy if he
finds out about this.”

His movements instantly
stilled at the suggestion and he turned on his brother. “Are you
going to tell him?”

“No, but I still think you
should go, you’re scaring her.”

“Fine, I’m leaving. You
deal with her by yourself then.” He turned on his heel and stormed
out of the room, slamming the door loudly as he left to punctuate
his departure.

Sighing, Sebastian eased
towards the bed, finally sitting on the edge and staring intently
at Alex. “His favourite colour is green.” He smiled, watching her
slowly relax in response. “I’m sorry about Ryan, he’s normally one
of the nicest guys you could meet and I’m not just saying that
because he’s my twin either. Everyone says he’s the nicer one out
of the two of us.” Alex snorted disbelief evident in the simple
gesture. “I’m serious,” Sebastian chuckled. “He’s just a little
stressed at the moment. I don’t think Tobias will be happy when he
sees you.” His eyes roamed her frame landing on the throbbing welt
across her throat before taking in the large bruises that marred
every inch of visible flesh. “Yup, I don’t think he’ll be happy in
the slightest.”

Remembering their first
meeting and his reaction to the relatively small bruise on her
forearm, she found herself agreeing with Sebastian’s assessment
before self consciously pulling the sleeves of her shirt down in a
vain attempt to hide her injuries.

“How did you get all the
bruises? From what Ryan said the man attacking you only had a knife
at your throat, that doesn’t explain the rest.”

“How much did you see?”
she demanded, uncomfortable with the idea that strangers had
examined her while unconscious and vulnerable.

“Just the ones on your
arms and a few on your legs, we guessed that from the wincing you
were doing when Ryan brought you here that you’ve been hurt
elsewhere. Am I right?”

She turned her head away
from him. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“You may not want to talk
to me about this now, but Tobias is going to demand an explanation
when he gets back.”

“Why should you care, like
I said we’re strangers, what happens to me is no concern of

“That’s where you’re
wrong, Tobias asked us to keep an eye on you while he was away and
we’re going to be taking the blame for this.” He waved a hand over
her injured frame. “So I’ll think you’ll find that your health is
very important to us.”

“He didn’t have to do
that; I can take care of myself.”

“Clearly.” He

“I’m usually a lot better
at this. Today was a one off,” she responded

“I’m sure it

She smiled at
him, beginning to feel comfortable in his presence before the
whispers flooded her mind. She groaned at the onslaught.
Hush! For the love of God if you insist on coming
into my head then at least have the sense to be nicer about
The voices quieted at her request, but
still whispered intently at the back of her mind demanding her

“Tobias gets back soon,
why don’t you have a wander about. We don’t want you to think that
we’re trying to keep you prisoner here. You’ve got to understand
that we’re doing this for your own good you know.”

“Of course you’d say that,
it’s probably in your best interests that I start to trust

“Look Alex, here’s what’s
going to happen. You’re going to stay here until Tobias gets back
that’s the end of it. But if, when he gets back, he says you can go
home then Ryan and I will personally walk you back, am I

“What if
someone comes looking for me?”
There’s no
way in hell that Fred would even care that I’m missing. But I
wasn’t worth anything before, he probably cares now that there’s a
chance he can get money out of it.

“Well if they come looking
for you then Tobias will deal with it. Are we clear on the

“When exactly is he meant
to be getting back then?”

He quickly glanced at his
watch before turning back to her. “He should be back anytime now,
so have no fear you won’t have to put up with us for much longer.”
He stood from the bed, heading towards the door. “You have free run
of the place so treat it like your own home.”

Looking around
at her luxurious surroundings she snorted.
Like I could ever call a place like this home.
Immediately after Sebastian left the room, she
shot out of the bed and began a frantic search for her
He seemed nice enough but it never
hurts to take precautions.
The search for
her shoes came up empty and she resigned herself to being bare
foot. Eyeing one of the now open draws speculatively she
He did say I have free run of the
place and if they’re telling the truth then this stuff belongs to
Tobias anyway and it’s not like he’s ever denied me anything, I’m
not sure he’s even physically capable of saying no to me.
Her acquisition now mentally justified, her hand
dove into the drawer claiming a pair of what she hoped was clean
socks. Quickly covering her feet in case she needed to run outside,
she eased out of the bedroom, eyes quickly searching the next room
for signs of danger.

The equally
plush dining room showed no signs of potential harm and so she
cautiously entered, strolling around the large mahogany table,
fingers trailing along the dark wood.
can’t believe he lives here, what was he doing going out with
someone like me?
she sighed as the thought
entered her mind, taking a seat in one of the large wooden chairs
and allowing her head to fall into her palms.
He should have one of those gorgeous, posh girlfriends. He
shouldn’t even be associating with me let alone calling me his
The bracelet he had given her
caught her eye and she gently fingered the intricate metal, images
of Emily flooding her mind.
Well that’s
his problem,
she concluded, her head
snapping up.
If he wants to be with me
over one of them, then that’s fine; I’ve got him for now and I’m
going to keep him.
She smiled, relieved at
the outcome of her mental musings and even more pleased that the
voices within her mind had quieted to a barely audible

“Tobias. Tobias are you
here?” The distinctly female voice floated through the dining room,
causing Alex to turn her head in an attempt to discover its
location. Easing herself out of the chair she inched her way down
the corridor, quickly emerging in what appeared to be the living
room. “Tobias, sweetheart where are you?”

Her heart
clenched upon hearing the endearment, anger and jealousy quickly
rose within her before she had even laid eyes on the woman. Her
anger allowed her to stride casually into the room, all traces of
caution gone. As she entered the room, she eyed the woman’s tall
and willowy frame with disdain, mentally wishing her to turn
around. As though feeling Alex’s gaze upon her the woman turned,
her ice blue eyes fixing her with a piercing stare. Long blond hair
framed her angelic features before cascading down her back.
Oh God, she’s beautiful, my worst nightmare come
to life. If this is your doing...
grumbled at the voices, whilst hoping that they were innocent of
her accusation.
Grow a backbone
she yelled at herself, straightening
her spine and lifting her head to stare at the perceived

“He’s not here,” she
sneered, praying the woman would get the message and

Her eyes narrowed and the
ice blue of her eyes became distinctly frostier, she moved so fast
all Alex could perceive was a blur before she felt a hand at her
throat pressing against the injured flesh, causing the healing
wound to split and bleed while she was forced upwards against the
wall. “And who the hell are you?” she snarled, her beautiful face
twisting into a visage of fury.

I knew there
had to be something about her. She may be beautiful but she’s a
bitch. Just what I need another one of those. I’m beginning to
think someone up there has a grudge against me.



The pressure against her
throat increased and she could feel blood dripping from the now
open cut on her flesh. The stunned shock quickly wore off as the
pain in her body multiplied and her arms and legs began to flail in
an attempt to get free.

“I asked you a question.”
The woman smirked, digging her nails into Alex’s neck and
increasing the throbbing pain.

And I would
answer you if you weren’t trying to fucking cut off my air

“Who are you and what are
you doing in my Tobias’ flat?”

“Your Tobias?” She managed
to splutter, her tone incredulous.

The woman’s smirk widened
and her grip tightened. “Yes. My Tobias.”

“Lucinda?” Tobias’ voice
floated to her ears and despite the situation, Alex felt her
eyelids grow heavy as they closed to enable her to better savour
the sound.

“Tobias.” Lucinda’s voice
suddenly lost all malice and a wide smile appeared on her face. The
hand at Alex’s throat tightened, before she was carelessly tossed
aside as Lucinda hurried towards Tobias.

Landing hard
against the opposite wall, Alex cried out as pain bloomed within
I know I’m small but still… How the
hell did she manage to toss me like a rag doll?

“Xandria?” Tobias’s voice
seemed confused as his eyes flickered between Alex and Lucinda,
shock momentarily freezing him in place.

“Tobias, I was looking for
you,” Lucinda chuckled, reaching up for one of his arms.

He turned to face her, his
expression thunderous. “What the hell did you think you were doing?
How dare you come to my home and lay hands on my mate! Sebastian!
Ryan! Where the hell are you?” Shrugging loose of Lucinda’s grip,
he hurried towards Alex, surprised and infuriated when the smell of
freshly shed blood assaulted his sensitive nose. “Xandria?”
Reaching down, he gently lifted her into his arms, concern flaring
upon seeing the ugly and bleeding gash at her throat.

“Tobias? I was wondering
when you’d get back.” She smiled, her gaze unfocused.

“Tobias you’re
back,” Sebastian chuckled entering the room, his light gait
faltered when he saw Alex cradled in Tobias’ arms. His gaze
wandered to Lucinda, understanding rapidly dawning.
Ryan strolled in,
not long after his brother, his thoughts immediately echoing his
twin’s as he became aware of what had happened and what was
probably about to happen.

“Ryan, Sebastian, what
exactly is going on? I leave you for three days. I only ask you to
do one thing. I ask you to look after her; it shouldn’t have been
all that hard. But I come back and I find her here in my home not
hers, and not only is she not where she should have been, she’s
hurt!” His voice rose with each word until he was bellowing at the

Raising her hand to touch
his cheek, Alex smiled warmly at him undaunted by his anger. “So
you do know them then, I gave them a hard time over nothing then.
Don’t yell at them Tobias. Ryan saved my life you know; you should
be nice to him and his brother,” she muttered, her voice now barely

“Fine, I won’t yell at
them anymore ok?” She nodded, the hand at his face falling weakly
away. “I won’t yell at them, but what about her? Did she save your
life too?”

“No, you can yell at her
all you like. Don’t tell anyone this, but I don’t think she’s a
very nice person,” she whispered conspiratorially to

A small smile tugged at
his mouth, but any laugher he might have had died the instant he
turned his gaze towards Lucinda, his eyes amber as his inner wolf
demanded retribution for their mate’s spilled blood. “You did
this?” His tone brokered no compromise; everyone present knew it
wasn’t a question.

BOOK: A Wolf's Duty
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