A Wolf's Obsession (21 page)

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Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

BOOK: A Wolf's Obsession
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Anna came closer, her frown deepening with every step. “I hate it when people disobey a direct order. I told you this morning to get changed and you’ve spent a whole day ignoring me.”

If her scathing tone and words weren’t enough to tell Kass that Anna was pissed the pulsing veins in her neck would definitely have made her aware that her captor wasn’t impressed by her blatant disregard of her instructions.
Ignore her. She’ll go away. I need to get back to sleep, I need to speak to Wyatt.

A firm shake of her shoulders had Kass opening her eyes quickly.
I guess ignoring her isn’t going to work.
“Yes,” she drawled, completely calm now that she had a plan of action.

“I told you to change your clothes. Your mate might have seen you today and decided not to step forward because you weren’t presentable. Because you didn’t listen I’m going to have to send the same men back tomorrow.”

“I don’t know much about wolves but what should it matter how I’m dressed? My real mate will think I’m beautiful no matter what I’m wearing and I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”

Her point made Kass closed her eyes and lay back against the sheets. She had neither the time nor the inclination to listen to Anna ramble on about what she had and hadn’t done. There was only a small window of opportunity for her to reach Wyatt. With him being oblivious to her plan she would have to sleep and hope that he was sleeping at the same time. With Anna insisting that he be restrained there was no guarantee that he would be allowed to sleep for long. Focusing on evening out her breathing, Kass tried to fall asleep.

Her even breathing very quickly became ragged when fingers clamped around her throat and cut off Kass’ air supply. Gasping for breath, her hands scrambled to her throat and tried to claw off Anna’s iron grip but nothing she did made move in the slightest. Their eyes locked and Kass’ stomach plummeted. Anna’s eyes were as cold and unfeeling as stone. They were the eyes of someone who had no value for life. For a truly terrifying moment Kass thought she was going to die.

Slowly the fingers peeled away from her skin leaving ugly bruises and Kass struggling for breath. Rushing back, Kass pressed herself hard against the headboard.
Need a weapon.
Blue eyes darted around the room and quickly came up empty.

“Finally!” Anna crowed. “I finally have your attention! I didn’t want it to come to this, unfortunately you’ve forced my hand. I don’t know much about humans but it must be true that it doesn’t take much to kill them. You are so fragile. You live or die based on what I say so if I were you I’d start following my instructions. Especially when it’s dangerous for you to do otherwise.” Amber flooded Anna’s eyes. “And trust me when I say that it’s dangerous for you to do anything other than exactly what I tell you. You are being given a very rare gift and I don’t think that you’re fully appreciative of it. A male from my clan is going to be your mate. That isn’t a claim that many humans have. Despite your weakness,
your fragility, one of the brave souls of my clan is going to tie themselves to you for eternity. The least you can do, the least you can do, is to try and look your best. When I tell you to get dressed, you will get up out of this bed, put some clothes on your body and smile! If you don’t…” She shrugged her shoulders and watched as her fingernails grew into deadly claws. “Do you understand?”

Kass nodded her head vigorously.
I understand that I need to be ready to leave tomorrow. How any of these people can say that Wyatt is crazy when they let themselves be led by this psychopath is beyond me.

Anna smiled and walked out of the room clearly pleased with herself and left Kass to think. Her plan was still a valid one but now she had definite time constraints. With a woman
like Anna it was impossible to predict how long she would tolerate things not going her way. With her mate locked in the dungeon there was no way that Anna was going to get what she wanted and when she eventually realised that her plan was a failure Kass was sure that the blame would be taken out on her and it would be a lot worse than a hand around her throat. Her time was short and she had a feeling that the longer she stayed with Anna the more appealing jumping from the window would seem.


Chapter Fifteen


It was surprisingly difficult to get to sleep when you were making an active attempt to do so. At any other time Kass would have had no trouble entering the land of nod, she’d simply close her eyes and find that she’d fallen asleep. Sleep apparently came easy to those who didn’t need it. Unfortunately, now that there was the very real possibility that her life depended on dozing off, she couldn’t do it. She’d tried turning all the lights off and closing her eyes until sleep took her, it hadn’t worked. She’d counted imaginary sheep in her head and still nothing. She’d even tried overeating hoping that a heavy stomach would make her tired. All she’d felt was bloated and annoyed.

Now, what seemed like hours after Anna left, Kass was beginning to feel frustrated. The smooth sheets were annoying her, the cool air felt stifling and the silence was unnerving her. She’d had one simple task and she hadn’t managed to achieve it. Now if Wyatt suffered any more it was her fault. She wanted to cry. Her hands fisted in the sheets and she curled up small trying to protect herself from her own failings.

Ah mate, none of this is your fault.

She stiffened when the strange voice floated through her mind but quickly relaxed. She knew that voice, had heard it before and while once she might have been scared of the wolf not all she felt was relief.
I’m not asleep, how can I hear you? Is Wyatt okay?

You’re right mate, you’re not asleep. Almost, but not quite there. Wyatt could feel your nervousness at the edge of his mind. He’s in no condition to touch your mind so the instinct sent me instead. What do you need mate? What can I do to put you at ease?

I need to see Wyatt, I need to go back to our dream space so that I can talk to him.

Is that all?

Yes. It’s important. A matter of life and death. Can you help me?

Of course I can. Wyatt is waiting for you already. Close your eyes and I’ll take you to him.

She did as the wolf ordered and closed her eyes. Just like that she felt all the stresses of trying to force sleep slip away. Unburdened, her eyelids suddenly felt very heavy.

It’s a good thing they’re closed. I don’t think I would be able to keep them open.
A soft smile flitted across her lips at the thought.

After trying for hours to fall asleep. With the wolf’s help it came surprisingly easily. One minute her eyelids weighed a ton and she could barely move her tired limbs and the next she was free and in their special place.

“Wyatt!” she cried, running to him and stopping only when his strong hands were wrapped around her body.

She snuggled into his chest and took a deep breath, drinking in the scent of him. It felt like they’d spent weeks apart rather than hours and she’d missed him dearly. He ran his hands through her hair and she practically purred in contentment.

“I think you missed me mate.”

Her smile widened. “I guess I did.”

“I knew you’d come around.” He pressed a kiss to her flaming red locks and felt himself relax. His mind emptied of all the suffering he’d endured since the last time he’d seen her and soon there was only Kass. He tightened his arms around her. “I missed you too.”

Kass pulled back and grabbed hold of his wrists. She ran her fingers over his hand and examined it carefully. “It grew back.”

“Just like my heart. I told you not to worry.”

His blasé tone forced her brows to draw together and made her scowl. It wasn’t acceptable for him to have so little regard for his well being. “It doesn’t matter that it grew back Wyatt. You can’t keep doing this to yourself.”

“Doing what to myself?”

“Hurting yourself for my sake. I don’t want to be the reason you’re suffering. First your heart and then you hand? I can’t take much more.”

“You’re not responsible for either of those Kass. It was my own fault that I tore out my heart. If I’d just explained things better, you wouldn’t have been upset and I wouldn’t have had to prove myself to you. My lack of control was to blame and it’s Anna’s fault I lost a hand. You aren’t responsible for anything bad that happens to me. You’re the only thing in the world that brings me any happiness.”

“Just because you say it’s not my fault doesn’t mean that I’m going to think that way. What would you do if it were me tearing out organs and biting off limbs? Would you still say it wasn’t your fault?”

“Stop Kass.” His ability to reason had begun slipping away as soon as she’d suggested a role reversal. It was intolerable that she might allow herself to come to harm, let alone experience the pain he’d endured. She was a treasure to be protected at all costs. “I get it. I’ll try harder not to hurt myself in future but you…you are never allowed to do any of the things that I’ve done. I’m crazy, that’s my excuse but there can only be one lunatic in a relationship at any given time. One of us needs to be sane at all times and that’s you.”

Remembering exactly why she was here, Kass bit her lip and mumbled. “Well today the sane one is going to have to be you because what I’m about to say is probably crazy.” She took him by the hand and led him to a chair that had appeared the moment she’d thought of sitting him down.

“Kass,” he growled in warning.

His voice was like thundering washing over her and she shivered in response, her stomach tightening in anticipation. “It’s okay.” She tried to reassure him even though she felt anything but calm.

“You’re nervous I can tell. What’s going on?”

“Those men Anna threatened you with, the ones that she said were going to see if they were my mate.” He nodded even though he didn’t like where this story was going. “She brought them to see me today.” Sitting astride his thighs as she was, it was easy for Kass to feel the tension that rocketed through his body. His muscles were always hard but now it felt like she was sitting on granite. She rushed to finish her story. “None of them claimed to be my mate but they did tell me how to escape…when given a little push.”

He raised an eyebrow unsure if he should feel proud that she was working just as hard to get back together with him or if he should be angry that she’d used a potentially dangerous power trying to rescue him. “You used that power of yours didn’t you? The one that makes people tell you the truth but also puts a strain on your heart.”

“I was really careful. Besides, I need to get out of there as soon as possible. Anna –” She stopped herself before she said too much. He didn’t need to know about Anna’s threat. Knowing would just agitate him and she needed a calm mate if her plan was going to work.

Her silence was in vain. Wyatt’s sharp eyes had lingered too long on her throat. His eyes narrowed to slits as he took in the fresh bruises on her creamy skin. “What are these?” He ran his fingers over the marks and she winced in pain. Wyatt pulled back quickly but he could feel his heart beginning to race. The bruises were unfamiliar and she definitely hadn’t had them the last time they’d been together which could only mean that someone had hurt her recently. Fangs exploded in his mouth. “Who did this to you?” he growled. I’m going to kill them. “No one touches you and lives.”

“Wyatt, you need to calm down.”

“No, what I need to do is rip someone’s throat out. Who the fuck touched you? Who thought they could put their hands on my mate and get away with it? Was it one of those men who came to scent you? They were pissed off that you weren’t their mate so they did this?” A terrible growl rose in his throat. “Tell me,” he demanded.

It was on the tip of her tongue to deny him, knowing wasn’t going to do anything to help, but she knew Wyatt. She knew him well enough to know that denying his request would do nothing in the long run. He was tenacious and she knew he wasn’t going to let the matter drop until he had answers. She sighed heavily as she said, “The men didn’t touch me. They came into the room, took a few breaths and left.”

His jaw was pressed so tightly together that he was surprised he hadn’t cracked any teeth. “If the men didn’t touch you, who did?”

“Anna,” she confessed. “It was Anna. She asked me to change so that I’d be presentable for my mate. I didn’t see the point, my mate wasn’t coming and she didn’t appreciate my defiance. She put her hands against my throat.” Her voice dimmed as unwanted memories surfaced. “She squeezed so hard I could barely breathe. She told me that I need to put more effort in tomorrow or there will be consequences. She scared me Wyatt. I really thought that she was going to kill me. I need to get away from her.”

Fists clenched, Wyatt pressed her closer to him wishing he could have protected her from Anna’s attack. “You need me and I’m trapped in a fucking jail cell. I don’t deserve you. I’m the most useless mate ever. I can’t protect you from her until I can get out.” Then she’s dead.

“You can protect me Wyatt. I have a plan to escape and I need your help.”

His confusion was clear in his voice. “What plan? If it’s dangerous then I don’t want to know. Anything that puts your life in danger isn’t worthy of being called a plan.”

“It’s nothing like that.” She hit him playfully on the shoulder scolding him for rushing to such a ridiculous conclusion. Her plan was to get out of trouble not put her life at risk. “I convinced someone to talk to me today and he explained that Anna can’t keep me if I already have a mate.”

“You do have a mate and that hasn’t stopped her.”

“I don’t mean anything by saying this Wyatt but you’re not exactly the picture of mental well being. No one believes you. We need indisputable proof that I’m your mate. Wyatt, I need you to mark me.”

They were like words from a dream. Her words were too good to be true but she looked so serious that he could almost believe her. “You want me to mark you? Do you even know what that means?”

“I want the rest of the world to know what we know, that we’re mates and nothing they can say or do will change that. We are mates aren’t we?”

“Of course we are but Kass, I can’t give you my mark unless I claim you and there are quite a few things that are stopping me from claiming you. First, your heart couldn’t take the strain. Secondly, there are things I need to do first before the instinct will physically let me have you and thirdly we’re nowhere near each other. How can I give you my mark when all of that’s standing in the way?”

“When you put it like that it does sound hard but I’ve been thinking and none of what you said should be a problem. When I
woke up my lip was bleeding from where you bit me before. Anything that happens here will happen to our bodies when we wake up. If you mark me now I’ll have the mark when I wake up. I can show Anna and she’ll be forced to let me go.”

“That still doesn’t change our first two problems. I can’t claim you without killing you.” Much as he wanted nothing more than to thrust his aching shaft into the wet folds of her sex he wasn’t going to put her life in danger to do it.

“Yes that might be a little harder to get around but like I said, I’ve been thinking. You said your instinct changed to make sure that mated couples survived, couldn’t we find a way to make it change now so that you can give me the mark now and claim me later?”

“It isn’t that easy to change.”

What are you talking about?
the wolf snapped.
Our mate’s life is in danger, of course it’s that easy to change. You of all people should know that. When we thought Emily was meant to be our mate we matured twice as fast as others so that we could be with her. When Kass’ heart started to fail you were the one that made the instinct respond to help her breathe again. If she needs to be marked and not claimed then you need to find a way to make that happen.

“Is that why you look so much older than your twin? You did something to yourself so that you’d grow up faster?”

He ran a hand through his hair, thrusting the thick, dark locks into disarray. “It usually takes seventy years for werewolves to grow up. We need that time to learn how to properly control our wolves. I thought Emily was human. If I’d waited to mature normally she would have lived her whole life before I could go to her. I knew I couldn’t let that happen and the instinct responded. Physically I was growing about as quickly as she was. Unfortunately, growing up so quickly means I didn’t have enough time to learn how to control my wolf. That’s why he’s so wild, he needed more time to grow up as well. We’re muddling through much better now that you’re here.”

“So I was right the instinct can change, it isn’t set in stone. Wyatt we need to find a way to do this. I can’t wake up without that mark. Right now Anna has complete control over me. She could seriously hurt me or I could have another attack. Wyatt, without you or my medication I’m a ticking time bomb. It’s only a matter of time before my heart fails and they might not be able to bring me back.”

“When you put it like that there really aren’t any other options are there?”

She shook her head. “No. Can you do this?”

“I don’t have a choice.” He stood up, setting Kass on her feet. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath and reached for the voice that was bigger than any one wolf. The instinct was strong, almost all consuming, but with thoughts of Kass firmly at the front of his mind he ploughed on until he knew exactly what to do. His mind and body filled with purpose he cast a hungry gaze over her body and drank her in. “If this is going to work you need to do exactly what I tell you. Do you understand?”

Pressing her suddenly weak legs together Kass met his gaze and nodded. She shivered when she looked into his smouldering gaze. He watched her with a deep hunger, doing nothing to hide his need or desire. Possessiveness radiated from his every pore and she was struck anew by how intense his feelings were. He wanted her and his eyes made it abundantly clear that he would take whatever he could get. Her breathing quickened as she realized that she wanted him just as badly.

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