A Wolf's Obsession (7 page)

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Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

BOOK: A Wolf's Obsession
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Brows drawing together, Wyatt tried to make sense of what she was saying and failed miserably. “You don’t look like a bird.”

Her lips twitched, her breath caught and then Kass was laughing. The sound filled the air, lifting her spirits. It might have gone against everything she’d ever been taught but telling Wyatt the truth was the best thing she’d done all day. “I know. That’s a myth but we are very real. In another life I was Emily but now I’m Kass.”

“Still don’t get it.”

A smile still on her lips, Kass reached out to him with her good arm, stifling the wince of pain that the small movement had caused. It was worth it though. As soon as she touched him, warmth spread up her arm and electricity made her skin tingle. Being with Wyatt felt natural as though she’d been doing it her whole life. Touching him was like a homecoming and it was a feeling she’d savour for the rest of her life…even if he were slightly crazy. “It’s hard to explain…” She sighed heavily.

“Try. If I don’t understand I’m going to lose what little of my mind I have left.”

“Phoenixes resurrect themselves when they die. If you die before twenty-seven you’re given a blank slate. New name, new face and no memories of what came before other than what you used to be called. You just appear as a baby in a safe place. The only person who knows where you’re going to turn up is your keeper. They raise you as their own and you try to keep a low profile until you’re of age. What I want, what all phoenixes want, is to reach twenty-seven.”

“Twenty-seven? What’s so special about twenty-seven?”

“That’s the magic number.” She closed her eyes savouring the knowledge that in a few weeks she would be twenty-seven and she’d be free. “With phoenixes it’s all about three. When we’re three years old we become immune to fire. When we turn nine we can use our voices to make people tell the truth. And when we reach twenty-seven…”

The joy on her face at the very idea of turning twenty-seven was infectious and Wyatt found himself smiling at her. It was a pleasure to see his mate smile. Her eyes lit up, the white flecks twinkling like the stars at night; her skin glowed and her sugary scent sweetened, making him lick his lips in anticipation. The urge to taste her was a strong one and it was only through sheer force of will that he hadn’t kissed her. Kass’ lips were calling to him like a siren lured sailors to their doom. And it would be his doom; he knew that with stunning clarity. He’d managed to exist without Emily because he’d never touched her, held her close or kissed her like a mate should do. This time there would be no turning back. When he kissed Kass there would be no living without her. As soon as he made sure he wasn’t betraying Emily’s memory all bets were off.

His voice was barely more than an inhuman growl, his control slipping with every second. “What happens to you at twenty-seven?” Anything that affected his mate was important. He needed to know.

“We become immortal. We can remember our past lives and from that point on we come back as we are when we died. Emily didn’t make it but I’m close, I’m so close I can taste it. Soon Ethan won’t be able to hurt me anymore.”

“He’s not going to ever get close to you again.”

“He wants my heart Wyatt, he’s not going to stop until he gets it.”

Claws slipped from his nails. “You’re going to love me. You’re my mate and I’m keeping you.”

Eyes wide, Kass shook her head, dismay radiating from her every pore. “He doesn’t want to love me Wyatt. He wants to tear my heart out of my chest and swap it with his. If he can get to me before I reach twenty-seven he can take it and stop ageing for a hundred years. He’s the reason Emily isn’t here but I’ve avoided him for much longer than she did. I can make it. I know I can.”

“He killed Emily?” When Kass nodded, Wyatt’s blood boiled. “I’ll kill him.”

“Ethan is a powerful man Wyatt, you don’t want to make him your enemy. Just leave him to me. In a few weeks he won’t even be interested in me.”

“The moment he even thought about laying a hand on you he became my enemy. You’re my mate and that means I’ll protect you against anyone and everything. Don’t think about him ever again, he’s not your problem anymore. I’ll deal with him personally.”

Talking to Wyatt was easy and Kass felt herself relaxing, her body slumping against the chair. She winced as pain once again shot through her shoulder but the pain was fleeting and a smile rushed to take its place. “I don’t understand you. One minute you can’t wait to be rid of me and the next you’re promising to take care of all my problems.”

Shame made Wyatt tense, his muscles tightening with nervous anticipation. His mate might not like what he had to say but he couldn’t keep her in the dark for any longer. He’d already done enough damage. “My mind wasn’t right before.”

“And it’s fixed now?” she asked in disbelief. Wyatt seemed so normal now that it was easy to forget he was the man who had almost choked her, smashed walls with his fists and shattered glass in anger.

“No. I’m still not right but I’ll get better. I promise.” Stroking the bare skin of her hand he tried to show her how much he meant the words he was saying. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her; his broken mind could be fixed. If that was what he needed to do to be with his mate he’d make it his life’s mission to regain his grip on reality and control his violent temper. “I didn’t have you before, now that we’re together my mind will heal. I know it will.”
It has to.

“I can’t fix you Wyatt. I’m not human but I can’t wave a magic wand and work miracles.”

“Just having you here is helping me see things clearly. You don’t have to do anything except stay with me. You’re my mate, the instinct will do the rest.”

“You keep saying that and I have no idea what it means. Why do you keep calling me your mate?”

His smile was disarming and the utter joy on his face stunned Kass. It would break his heart when he found out that she wasn’t what he thought she was. Tears welled in her eyes at the thought of disappointing him. Strange urges racked her body the longer she looked at him. She wanted to grab him and hold him close, run her hands over his body, press herself against his warm skin and breathe him in. Her eyes fell to his mouth and she almost moaned as images flooded her mind of them wrapped in an intimate embrace. The thought was so strong that she could almost taste him against her tongue. The thoughts should have been unnerving, worrying at the very least, but she couldn’t bring herself to fear her newfound protector especially when he looked at her as though she was his whole world.

“Because it’s what you are.”

“And what exactly is a mate?”

“To a werewolf? Everything.”

She didn’t see him move. One second he was beside her and the next he was pressed against her making her fevered fantasy a reality. He was like a force of nature, consuming her with his kiss, silently telling her life would never be the same again. He slanted his lips over hers sending waves of heat pulsing through her body. Thought fled leaving only pleasure and the desire to touch him skin to skin. She pressed closer, breathing in his scent and devouring his mouth as voraciously as he consumed hers. He smelt like pine and tasted like mint, cool, refreshing and surprisingly addictive. Gasping as heat settled between her thighs, Kass was unprepared when his tongue slipped into her mouth. The heat that had been building so steadily between them suddenly combusted. His kiss turned from leisurely exploration into a mission for all out dominance. He nibbled, he sucked, he made love her to her with his mouth until stars erupted behind her closed eyelids and her breath became short. It was perfect and as her bones melted into the sofa, her lips desperately trying to stay connected to his, Kass knew she’d be doing this again. She’d want a daily fix because it was all too easy to get addicted to his gorgeous mouth.

Control slipping, Wyatt pulled away from his mate’s luscious lips. He’d definitely be returning but his wolf was riding him hard, urging him to mark her and take the first step to claiming his beautiful mate. The sounds of her pleasured moans were music to hear his ears as Wyatt pulled back, his eyes fixated on her throat. The marks he’d left were ugly, painful looking things and he wanted to tear his own heart out for causing them. His mate deserved better but he’d never let her go now. It was too late for either of them. Reining in his desires, Wyatt feathered gentle kisses along her throat covering every mark with his lips.

“I’m sorry Kass, so sorry.”

His heartfelt apology came after every kiss and Kass felt tears welling in her eyes. His apology was beautiful but then he swept his tongue over her flesh and changed everything. The kisses that had been comforting suddenly became sensual and her body was quick to seize on the difference. Her nipples tightened as a long, breathy sigh escaped her lips. Unable to resist, she threaded the fingers of her good hand through his hair, luxuriating in feeling the soft strands tease her skin. Overheating, she struggled to calm her racing heart determined to see this through. She gasped at the feel of his sharp fangs pressed against her throat but didn’t think, even for a second, to push him away. His fangs sunk deep, catapulting her heart into overdrive even as it cemented a connection between them.

“No!” Gasping, Kass pulled away, her hand guarding her heart as it threatened to give out.

He’d heard of kisses that left you breathless but this was different. Her heart was racing and her lungs crying out for air as the very real scent of her fear filled the room. Tension ran through him, his eyes glued to the bloody wound in her shoulder. He thought he’d been careful not to touch it, not to bring his mate any more pain…apparently he’d been wrong. “Kass? What’s wrong? Your shoulder? I’ll get you some medicine. Dylan will be here soon. She’ll take care of everything.”

Need my pills,
she wheezed, clawing at her chest frantically.
My heart. Need my pills.
Every word was a struggle, her lungs contracting as her heart skipped another beat and threatened to send her body hurtling into the abyss.
Can’t breathe.
Can’t breathe. Going to faint.

The words whispered along the halls of his mind but he didn’t care. All he could think about was what was happening to his mate. If he didn’t know better he’d think she was dying but that couldn’t be possible. He’d only just found her; fate wouldn’t be so cruel as to take her away now. “The pills.” His mind grabbed on to the memory of why they’d gone to her apartment in the first place and he cursed. How could he have forgotten something so important?

Whatever was happening to her was beyond his realm of knowledge and he wasn’t going to stand by and let the love of his life vanish right before his eyes. “I’m taking you to the hospital. I know I said I wasn’t but that was before. You can’t leave me Kass, you can’t.”

No hospital. They’ll keep me,
she wheezed, trying frantically to stop him taking her straight into danger. The doctors had almost caught her once; she wasn’t going to give them a second chance.
Just need my pills. Please Wyatt. Need my pills.

The wolf was pacing angrily in his mind, threatening to erupt at any given moment as helplessness threatened to overwhelm him.

Help her,
the wolf growled, bearing his fangs.

What do you want me to do? I can’t leave her like this. If I take her with me I could make her worse!

The instinct will help her. If anyone knows this it’s you.

Growling as his control began to slip, Wyatt knew the wolf was right. Since the moment he’d laid eyes on Emily, his body had done whatever was necessary to be with her. He’d thrown himself headlong into the instinct’s embrace to be with his mate and had aged fast to be with her. The instinct was what guided his species; it wouldn’t let his mate die right in front of him. He’d do the same again. Sucking in a deep breath he reached for the instinct, hoping that it wouldn’t desert him now that he needed it so desperately. Tenderly, he gathered her close and willed his heart to slow, panicking wouldn’t help anyone. He could feel her heart pounding against his chest, skipping beats and sending her body into melt down. Pressing her close he willed his calm into her, his steady heartbeat calming her racing one.

His voice was steady, calm despite the worry that threatened to overwhelm him.
Do you hear that?
It’s my heart. Calm and steady. Listen to it. Listen. Everything’s going to be fine.

Is he crazy? I need my pills; I don’t need to listen to his heartbeat when mine’s going out of control.
She might not want to listen to Wyatt’s heart but with her head pressed so close to his chest she didn’t have a choice and with the instinct guiding him, her body didn’t have a choice either.

The change was gradual, her heart slowly coming to match the steady pace of his, her lungs relaxing as she breathed in the rich scent of pine that poured from his skin. It was almost too much. It should have been impossible for her heart to calm so easily without medication. She should have been unconscious or dead.

What happened to me?
Her eyes locked with Wyatt’s terrified golden gaze and she knew instantly it had been a who not a what. “Wyatt?”

He ran his fingers over her cheek, marvelling at the way she was made, astounded that she was there with him. He’d always known that having a mate was stressful but now he understood why. You never truly appreciated what you had until you lost it and with the number of near misses they’d had he’d never think Kass’ existence anything less than miraculous. She was perfect and he was lucky to have her. “Mmm?”

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