Read A Year & a Day Online

Authors: Virginia Henley

A Year & a Day (51 page)

BOOK: A Year & a Day
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"We've had a family conference and we've all chosen to remain here at Dumfries, wi' the exception of Keith. He can no'bear to part wi' the horses!"

"Jane is thrilled that Keith is coming with us and she's already talking about sending for some of her older nephews and nieces so they can be educated in England."

Jock chuckled. "That would be over Megotta's dead body, nae doubt!"


Jory de Warenne's personal effects alone filled an entire wagon and Jane was busy from morning

till night packing the household furnishings, their clothes, and Lincoln Robert's entire nursery. Jane persuaded Grace Murray to come with them. The nursemaid was extremely wary of England and the English, but she had become firmly attached to the wee lordling.

Three days after John de Warenne departed, Lynx's Welsh bowmen set off on their long march, and three days hence his knights and his family would follow. It was not before time; the Bruce had informed Lynx that he had met with Comyn and documents were being drawn up on their secret agreement.

That night when Jane bathed the baby, Lynx helped her put him to bed. "We have to take both cradles and his baby bath, oh and remind me to ask Thomas to find room for our own bathtub."

Lynx groaned. "If you load any more unnecessary baggage we'll sink into the first bog we cross.

Don't you think we have bathtubs in England?"


Jane went up on tiptoe and slipped her arms about his neck. "I don't care about bathtubs, but I will miss my enchanted forest pool. Will you take me there tomorrow one last time?"

Lynx loved her far too much to deny her anything.



iVfter Falkirk, Fitz-Waren's options began to run out. Montieth shunned him, then went into hiding while he plotted to betray Wallace. The warrant for Fitz-Waren's arrest that his father had issued prevented him from returning to the army, and prompted even his own officers to turn against him. To save their own necks, they were ready to turn him over to the governor, and they knew far too much about his affairs.

As his funds dwindled away, hatred for the de Warennes seethed in his blood. He had treasures at Torthwald, but when he returned to that castle, he saw that Lynx de Warenne's knights guarded the gate.

He returned to Edinburgh, hiding in the bowels of the city, changing lodgings constantly until his money was gone, then he furtively prowled about the castle under cover of night, reduced to stealing food from the kitchens and sleeping in the stables.

His father's guards made it impossible for Fitz-Waren to get anywhere near him and when he learned of John's ill health he fervendy wished the old swine would die. Fitz-Waren also heard castle servants speaking of the king's deteriorating health and realized Edward Plantagenet's days were numbered. A spark of hope kindled in his depraved brain. Fitz-Waren decided to look to the future. It should not be difficult to cultivate the Prince of Wales. If he curried favor with young Edward, was it not conceivable the new king would bestow on him the earldom of Surrey? Provided of course that John and Lynx de Warenne were eliminated.

When John de Warenne journeyed to Dumfries, Fitz-Waren followed and found a safe haven close-by in Selkirk Forest. The


summer nights were warm and the game so plentiful, all he needed was his knife and a hunting bow he fashioned from the long, sturdy branch of a larch tree. Fitz-Waren watched and waited, his mind obsessed with murder.


Lynx lifted Jane before him in the saddle as they rode out together to bid this beautiful place their

last good-bye. As they meandered slowly down the bank of the river Nith, Jane pointed out a pair of sleek otters as they glided through the water and Lynx reined in so they could watch them climb from the water and chase each other through the tall reeds.

Jane leaned back against his chest, relishing the feel of his muscles restored to hardness. Lynx tightened his arm about her waist and turned their mount so that it headed toward the forest. A doe, suddenly startled, dashed away through the trees. "Your horse frightened her, we should have come on foot," she told him.

"Then I would have been deprived of the pleasure of riding with you between my thighs."

Jane glanced up at him over her shoulder. "It's usually the other way about."

Lynx, half aroused, suddenly hardened all the way.

Jane couldn't resist teasing him. "If you are hot and bothered, my lord, a swim will cool you down."

"Then we had better forgo the swim," he replied as they arrived at the forest pool.

"But, my dearest lord, if you don't want to swim, there is no reason to undress," she teased.

Lynx dismounted and lifted her down to him, letting her slide down the length of his hard body. "Is there not, my love?"

Her dimples appeared. "Trust you to find a reason."

Lynx undressed her slowly, savoring their building anticipation. He dropped a kiss on each portion of her lovely anatomy as it became exposed to the warm sunshine, then Jane did the same


to Lynx as he threw off his clothes with1 more haste. Their passion kindled quickly, stimulated by the excitement of making love outdoors, in their own private Eden.

Lynx stretched out in the long grasses and delicate wild-flowers, pulling her down to him so that they were half-hidden by the fragrant flora that grew so lushly beside the forest pool and wafted about them in the light summer breeze.

"I love you," he told her between kisses.

"When did you discover that you loved me?" Jane whispered, eager to be told over and over.

"I've always loved you," he vowed.

"Liar," she teased. "You never noticed me until Jory showed me how to make you jealous. Admit the truth, it was Lady Jane Tut you fell in love with."

Lynx kissed her deeply, then held her gaze with an intense look. "Do you want the truth? All the feminine tricks Jory taught you made me
you, even
for you, but it was your own sweet nature that made me love you. When I lay deathly ill and helpless, you gave me everything . . . held back nothing. That is the moment I tumbled hopelessly, deliriously in love with you."

Jane's heart overflowed. "Mmm, love and lust, what a glorious combination," she murmured, molding her body to his intimately and offering up her mouth so that words were no longer necessary, or even possible.


Hidden by a thick canopy of leaves, Fitz-Waren watched the lovers through malevolent eyes. The

hatred he harbored for Lynx de Warenne pulsed through his veins like pure venom. Here was the author of all his misery, here was the reason for his father's rejection, here was the cause of his fall from grace and every misfortune he had ever suffered! Fitz-Waren cursed that his detested cousin had escaped his daring attack and survived. Not only was he still living, the son-of-a-whore was thriving, enjoying life to the full!


Fitz-Waren's view was obscured by the tall grasses, but he could hear every word, every rustle, every cry of passion. He curbed his impatience; this time he knew he must not fail. Fitz-Waren gripped the bow and arrow and sat back on his haunches to wait.


Lynx shook off the delicious lassitude that made him drowse in the warm afternoon. "Are you awake, love?"

"Mmm, I'm watching something here in the grass I've never seen before."

"What's that?" he asked, unable to resist stroking his hand down the length of her bare back, then resting his palm on her bottom.

"It's a pair of very beautiful snails that are mating, and it is absolutely fascinating."

As they watched, the snails touched and clung and caressed, moving slowly against one another in a sensual ballet of clasping, embracing, stroking, and fondling.

"That's how I want to make love to you," Lynx whispered.

"That's how you do make love to me," Jane whispered back.

"Am I that thorough?"

"You must be . . . you've made another baby in me."

Lynx looked stunned. "Janie . . . you shouldn't be running about the forest, naked."

She stood up and tossed her disheveled curls. "I will and I shall," she vowed, laughing, "and don't you dare tell me I can't ride or swim!" She glided gracefully to the water's edge, and looked back over her shoulder, knowing he would follow. She was breast-high in the pool when she heard his whoop of joy and turned, eager to watch him.

Suddenly, she saw a man emerge through the leaves and take careful aim at Lynx's back with a longbow. "Lynx!" The scream of warning was torn from her throat as her eyes widened in horror.


Lynx spun around, just as a deadly arrow sped past him, barely missing him. He knew it found another target, however, as he heard Jane scream with pain. He recognized the hated Fitz-Waren, who instantly took flight, but Jane's plight made immediate pursuit impossible. Lynx felt his gut knot with fear as he saw Jane disappear beneath the surface of the pool. He knew the arrow had pierced her body and desperately prayed that it had not taken her life.

Lynx plunged into the pond and dived down at the place he had seen her disappear, panic speeding his heartbeat and fueling his fear when he could not see her through the murky water. He came up for air, then dove again, desperately searching for his wounded wife. Finally, he saw her limp body floating near the bottom of the pool and knew at the very least she was unconscious.

His powerful arms closed about her and he thrust himself to the surface. As they broke the water, he could see the long arrow was embedded in her shoulder. Lynx knew such a wound should not be fatal, yet he could see that Jane was not breathing. He carried her from the water with all speed, snapped the shaft of the arrow off and laid her down gently. Then he bent and breathed his own life into her.

Jane began to cough and retch up water, then her eyes fluttered open. The minute she regained consciousness she was swept with a wave of pain that made her cry out in agony.

"Thank God, thank God," Lynx murmured. "Jane, you must be brave while I get you back to the castle. I know it hurts, but you are going to be fine, sweetheart." He pulled on his chausses and wrapped her in her discarded dress. His horse pawed the ground and snorted at the commotion, rolling its eyes, as Lynx firmly grasped its bridle and tried to calm it. The restive animal began to dance away from him, but he managed to gentle it while he mounted, clasping Jane in one powerful arm.





Fitz-Waren was not the only watcher at the forest pool this day. Green eyes gazed through the canopy of leaves, silently watching the man who crouched behind a tree. He was a master of stealth, motionless and infinitely patient. The lynx stared unblinking as if mesmerized. He licked his lips, his appetite whetted for the flesh that would slake his growing hunger. Never taking his eyes from his prey, he moved his weight so that it was more comfortably distributed as he crouched and waited for the man to flee so he could take hot pursuit.

When Fitz-Waren shot his arrow and hit the wrong target, he was momentarily rooted to the spot.

He saw Lynx de Warenne recognize him and knew escape was impossible unless the fool chose to aid the woman rather than pursue him. Fitz-Waren fled in panic, but as he bolted along the forest path, he could hear someone following him through the trees. He ran faster, frantic, as he realized his pursuer was gaining on him.

Fitz-Waren felt as if his lungs were on fire and his heart felt as if it would burst. He knew he had no choice but to fight for his life. He unsheathed his knife and turned to face his nemesis. What he saw made his eyes bulge from their sockets. It was not the Lynx he was expecting, but a lynx nevertheless! The wild cat was in full flight, and as he turned he watched, almost hypnotized as it leaped upon its prey.

The impact knocked the knife from Fitz-Waren's hand and the last breath from his body as it took him to the forest floor. Fitz-Waren feared his sanity would leave him, as he felt the lynx's claws rip through his clothes and the large incisors slash into his throat. As he screamed, blood bubbled up through the holes its teeth had made and he watched in terrified agony as the lynx licked his blood with relish. The uncanny resemblance of green eyes and tawny pelt sent a deadly chill along Fitz-Waren's spine as he realized the wild cat was going to toy with him before it delivered its coup de grace.





"Get Megotta," Lynx shouted to Keith Leslie as the boy took his horse. Taffy ran across the bailey and flung the castle doors wide. As Lynx carried Jane through them, he ordered, "Take some knights into the forest and hunt down Fitz-Waren!"

When Marjory saw the pair covered with blood, she cried out in alarm.

"She'll be all right, Jory. She's been hit with an arrow—get hot water and bandages." Lynx carried Jane upstairs and laid her down gently on the bed so he could examine the wound. The arrow had pierced her shoulder deeply, but he saw with great relief that there was no metal head embedded in her flesh.

Jane's face was blanched white and she was biting down on her lips in an effort to silence her moans of distress. "You will have to be brave, love, while I pull out the rest of this arrow."

She nodded, trusting this man above all others to help her.

Lynx unsheathed his knife and knelt beside her. If he could not pull it out, he would have to dig down with the blade. "It's all right to scream, Jane, you don't have to hold it inside." He knew he must be cruel to be kind. Her pain would be unbearable, but he was confident the wound was not fatal. Lynx was far more worried that the shock of it all could make her lose their baby.

BOOK: A Year & a Day
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