Aakuta: the Dark Mage (7 page)

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Authors: Richard S. Tuttle

Tags: #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Young Adult

BOOK: Aakuta: the Dark Mage
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Lord Marak watched for several minutes before he realized that there were no other Sakovans watching the match. He frowned as he stood erect and looked around for the Sakovans. He finally spotted them under a tree a fair distance away. His forehead creased as he watched the animated conversation. Something was wrong.

Lord Marak strode swiftly towards the Sakovans. Their conversation ceased when they noticed Lord Marak approaching.

“I apologize,” Lord Marak opened. “I have been a poor host to the Sakovans. I hope you will forgive me.”

“Nonsense,” smiled Lyra, the Star of Sakova. “The Sakovans have been warmly welcomed in Fardale. Your people are to be commended for their friendliness and warmth.”

“Yet I have been unavailable much of the time,” sighed the Torak lord.

“As was I when you visited StarCity,” laughed Lyra. “I seem to remember keeping you waiting for three days when you arrived.”

“You were ill,” protested Lord Marak. “Besides, it gave me time to explore your wonderful city.”

“And busy as you have been,” retorted Lyra. “I understand the competing needs that are thrust upon you, Marak. There is no need to apologize. You have also given me time to explore Fardale and the surrounding areas. I must compliment you on the health of your choka herd. They are thriving wonderfully. That was a pleasant surprise.”

“You have seen the herd?” Marak asked questioningly. “But…”

“But they are tended by the Chula,” grinned Lyra. “Yes, I know. Fisher escorted me there yesterday. You forget that the Sakovans and the Chula have been allies for centuries. I could not leave Khadora without visiting with them.”

“I should have known,” smiled Lord Marak. “I was up there myself yesterday. You should have let me know.”

“Tmundo said you were not to be disturbed,” the Star replied.

Lord Marak merely nodded as he examined the other Sakovans in the group. “May I speak to you privately?” he asked.

Lyra nodded and the other Sakovans drifted several dozen paces away.

“Your father was found in the mage practice field today,” Lord Marak said. “Did you tell him about it?”

“Of course not,” answered Lyra. “None of my people know of its existence, as you requested. The time I spent there was easily covered up. Do you not trust my people, Lord Marak?”

“On this particular topic,” Lord Marak frowned and shrugged, “I do not trust my own people. The Mage Corps will revolutionize battle here in Khadora. The longer I can keep it secret, the better the hopes of my people. I hope you understand.”

“I do,” sighed Lyra after a moment of hesitation. “It does not surprise me that Malafar found out. He can sense magic fairly easily. The Mage Corps is not something you could hide from him. I would not doubt that several of my people already know about it.”

“Are you aware that he is not returning to StarCity with you?” asked Marak.

“I am,” Lyra nodded sadly. “I believe that was his plan since we left Sakova. He feels that he must start a new life away from Omunga and Sakova. I disagree, but perhaps it is for the best. He has made a shambles of his life, and the battle in Okata nearly killed him. Maybe isolation is just what he needs to find himself again.”

“I just wanted to make sure that you knew,” Marak said. “I will see that he has anything he wants for his journey.” Marak paused. “I could not help noticing the conversation you were having when I approached. Is there a problem?”

Lyra motioned for the rest of the Sakovans to return before she said, “There is a problem that we just found out about. Explain it to him, StarWind.”

“We just heard that General Didyk is leaving Omunga,” reported the head Sakovan spy. “Such a high ranking officer has never visited Khadora in all of our history. We are concerned that it may represent another plot against the Sakovans.”

“An Omungan general coming here?” questioned Lord Marak. “That is unheard of. How do you know this?”

“The air tunnel you taught us,” grinned Lyra. “We have been using it to keep in touch with StarCity.”

“I guess you did learn it well,” smiled Lord Marak. “I am going to the capital in a week or so. Perhaps I can try to find out who he is meeting with.”

“That was the conversation that you interrupted,” responded Lyra. “StarWind and HawkShadow want to travel with you to Khadoratung. We have been debating the saneness of such a trip.”

“StarWind has experience in the cities of Omunga,” interjected HawkShadow. “I am sure that she will be unnoticed in Khadoratung.”

“And HawkShadow is unnoticed in any environment that he wishes not to be seen in,” added StarWind. “We can find out what General Didyk is up to far better than the Khadorans can.”

“What about your escort back to StarCity?” Lord Marak asked the Star of Sakova.

“StormSong and SkyDancer will be sufficient,” shrugged Lyra. “We have chokas just on the other side of the mountains. Once we reach them, no one will catch us, and the Chula will see us safely that far.”

“Then I have no problems with letting StarWind and HawkShadow accompany me to Khadoratung,” Marak declared. “Only your safety is an issue.”

“Then it is settled,” grinned StarWind.

“It is,” conceded Lyra. “Keep in touch with StarCity. There may be other developments that you will find helpful.”

“Have the Omungans selected a new Katana?” questioned Lord Marak.

“Not yet,” answered StarWind. “We suspect that Larst will be chosen. As First Minister, he has the edge over everyone else. Still, he has demanded that the selection not be rushed, as it was the last time. Every town and village has been asked for their input. I suppose that General Didyk is not happy with the choice, as Larst favors peaceful relations between Omunga and the Sakovans.”

“Which is why we must find out why the general is in Khadora,” added HawkShadow.”

“Do either of you know how to use an air tunnel?” inquired Lord Marak.

“Yes,” answered StarWind. “We use it daily to keep in touch with StarCity.”

“Then I see no problems with your plan,” declared the Torak lord. “We will be leaving here in about a week. We will travel with two cortes of Torak troops to within a day’s ride of Khadoratung. After that, we will only have one squad as an escort. Shall I have Torak uniforms issued to you?”

“Is it unusual for citizens to ride with soldiers on the road?” asked HawkShadow.

“It is done often,” replied Marak. “Travelers will seek the protection of a squad on the roads. As long as the squad is not on an urgent mission, it is usually acceptable.”

“Than I would prefer traveling that way,” HawkShadow responded. “It will allow us a freer hand and not bring any suspicion upon the Torak clan if anyone questions our activities.”

* * *

Zygor and Brakas entered through the gates of the Vessi estate. The Marshal of the Vessi clan met them in front of the mansion.

“Is Lord Samert available?” asked Brakas.

“He is,” nodded Marshal Ednardo. “Follow me.”

Zygor and Brakas followed the marshal into the mansion. They were seated in the meeting room, and the marshal left. Moments later, he returned with Lord Samert.

“I heard there was trouble in Fakara?” greeted the lord of the Vessi clan. “Rumors say that Grulak is dead.”

“Grulak is dead,” Brakas replied. “The free tribes are causing unforeseen problems.”

“I fail to see that as my problem,” shrugged the lord. “It would appear that Grulak’s grand plans died with him.”

“Grulak’s plans may have died,” smirked Brakas, “but have yours?”

“What do you mean?” questioned the lord.

“Only a fool would believe that you were prepared to assist Grulak out of compassion,” snarled Brakas. “You were helping him so that you could increase your holdings in Khadora and profit from the plunder of your neighbors. Has that desire fled you upon the news of Grulak’s death?”

“Are you proposing yourself as a replacement for Grulak?” inquired Lord Samert. “I heard that the Jiadin were scattered over all of Fakara.”

“They are,” shrugged Brakas. “Do you really need a hundred thousand men to expand your influence? Most estates in Khadora have armies of five hundred men. You need but a fraction of the Jiadin to expand beyond your wildest dreams.”

“Be careful what you imagine my dreams to be,” retorted Lord Samert. “What are you proposing?”

Brakas gazed at the marshal as he spoke, “How many men would you need to crush your neighbors?”

“Our army is strong,” the marshal replied after a moment of hesitation “Still, we could use a few hundred good men. Are you proposing to supply us with mercenaries?”

“In a manner of speaking,” Brakas replied. “Although I suppose that I think on a grander scale than you do. I can supply you with five thousand warriors.”

“Five thousand?” gasped Lord Samert. “We could never afford them.”

“But you can,” Brakas replied swiftly. “They will cost you nothing.”

“Nothing?” echoed the marshal with unconcealed suspicion. “What is your game?”

“My men will only take a share of the spoils,” Brakas smiled innocently. “With five thousand men, you can expand well beyond your borders. Khadora is a rich country, and Fakara is very poor. A small share of Khadoran spoils will appear as a king’s ransom in Fakara. Thus, my men will actually cost you nothing.”

“There is merit to this plan,” mused Lord Samert. “With five thousand men, only the largest of clans would dare oppose us, and we can be careful not to give them cause to intercede.”

“Why the Vessi clan?” questioned Marshal Ednardo. “Why have you chosen to present this offer to us?”

“Actually,” smiled Brakas, “I am offering it to each of Grulak’s allies. The Glamaraldi and the Lejune will have similar offers.”

“So you will be sending fifteen thousand men into Khadora to bring home spoils to you?” asked the lord.

“Precisely,” nodded Brakas. “I will get a small portion of each man’s take. When you are through with my men, we will have enough to found a new Fakara, and you will be powerful lords of Khadora. Everybody wins with this plan.”

“Except those we destroy,” smirked Lord Samert.

“And destroy them we must,” warned Marshal Ednardo. “The families of the controlling lords must be annihilated completely. There can be nobody left to file a grievance with the Lords’ Council. If no grievance is filed, then it remains a private affair between two clans.”

“Then some clans will have to cease to exist,” grinned Lord Samert. “There will be a problem if anyone notices Jiadin in our ranks though.”

“They will not be identifiable as Jiadin,” declared Brakas. “You are to make up Vessi uniforms for all five thousand of them. That is the safest way to proceed.”

“I agree,” nodded the marshal. “They will be Vessi soldiers and they will take commands from me. You will have no control over these men, Brakas. Is that understood?”

“Completely,” smiled Brakas. “I do not even wish to visit them. They are yours until you no longer need them, as long as I get what is due me from the spoils.”

“So it shall be,” Lord Samert decided as he rose. “When can we expect these men?”

“I will start sending them tomorrow,” answered Brakas. “You had best order uniforms to be made quickly.”

Marshal Ednardo escorted the two Fakarans out of the mansion and watched them leave the estate. Brakas grinned broadly as soon as they were off the Vessi lands.

“That was easy,” laughed Brakas. “I hope the other two clans are as easy.”

“They will be,” remarked Zygor. “You did well in there, Brakas. How those fools think they can control five thousand of our men is beyond me, but you were correct in your analysis. Their greed blinds them to the danger. Are you sure that our men will respond when the signal is given?”

“To a man,” Brakas nodded vigorously. “There is no love of Khadorans among our men. When we choose to take over the host clans, it will be easily accomplished.”

“Excellent,” smirked Zygor. “Let us put these other two clans in order so that I may search out my new host. We will accomplish more with twenty thousand men than Grulak had hoped for with his hundred thousand.”

Chapter 5
Unraveling Deceit

Lord Marak anxiously eyed the loading of the caravan wagons. He noticed that the escorts for the caravan appeared nervous, although they were subdued enough in their emotions that a casual observer would not notice. The Torak lord sighed anxiously as he mounted the steps to the mansion in Fardale and moved swiftly to the office of Lord Marshal Yenga. Yenga’s back was to the door as he studied a large wall map. Lord Marak cleared his throat intentionally as he entered. Lord Marshal Yenga turned promptly and yet calmly.

“Has the air tunnel spying revealed anything about Lord Quavry’s interest in the departing caravan?” Marak asked.

“Nothing at all,” answered Yenga. “Our mage reports that Lord Quavry holds his talk behind closed doors. The air tunnel is not effective in that situation.”

“So we may be sending this caravan to its doom with no better information than we had the last time,” sighed Lord Marak.

“Not true,” smiled Yenga. “First, we know approximately where we will be attacked. Second, our troops will be wearing Qubari armor. They will not be killed easily and without retribution this time.”

“Still, it would have been good to put this treachery behind us before the meeting of the Assembly of Lords,” frowned Lord Marak. “I will be leaving in the morning.”

“This business with Lord Quavry is not finished,” declared Yenga. “Marshal Patoga and Seneschal Shamino are waiting to see you. Talk to them before you make plans for your trip.”

“The Sorgan marshal and seneschal?” questioned Lord Marak. “Do you know what this is about?”

“Basically,” nodded Yenga, “but I requested that the information be delivered directly to you. I would like to be present if I may.”

“By all means,” Marak nodded. “Where are they?”

“In the meeting room,” replied Yenga.

Lord Marak pivoted and strode out of the office and into the meeting room across the corridor. Lord Marshal Yenga followed him and closed the door when they had entered the room. Marshal Patoga saluted smartly as the Lord of the Torak Clan entered the room, and Seneschal Shamino rose and bowed

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