
Read Abandoned Online

Authors: Lee Shepherd

BOOK: Abandoned
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Lee Shepherd

Text copyright © Lee Shepherd 2015
Design copyright © Hannah Purkiss 2015
All rights reserved.

Lee Shepherd has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

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First published 2015
By Rowanvale Books Ltd
2nd Floor
220 High Street

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
e-Pub: 978-1-910607-52-7
Mobi: 978-1-910607-53-4
PDF: 978-1-910607-54-1

Chapter 1

‘Well done, Molly! Well done, sweetheart, that was absolutely fantastic.’

The father beamed after witnessing his eldest daughter take first place in a junior equestrian event. He, his wife and their youngest daughter, Fiona, stood among lots of other proud parents, most of whom were known to the family in their close knit community.

‘Hi, Charles!’

The father turned to see who had called him. ‘Oh hi, Mark! How’s the wife and kids?’

‘They’re good thanks. I saw your Molly out there, she’s really on her game today!’

‘Yes, isn’t she? We couldn’t be prouder! Well, I’ll see you at church on Sunday, okay?’

‘Sure, see you!’

As Molly continued on her victory parade, soaking up the applause, she couldn’t help but notice as she passed by her parents that her father’s eyes were no longer on her as he was too transfixed checking his watch for the time.

Upon realising he was running late, Charles quickly glanced over at Molly and pointed to his watch, informing her that he would have to leave before she had even had time to collect her victory trophy and rosette. She couldn’t help but drop her smile as she watched her father kiss his wife and her younger sister goodbye before waving one last time, then getting into his car and driving off. Her mother, seeing the disappointment in Molly’s eyes, just offered a sympathetic smile and hug. She made sure to get some pictures of her receiving her rewards to show to her father upon his return from work that evening.


‘Help! Help! Somebody, please help! Can anybody hear me? Please, if you can hear me, I beg you, please help! I
don’t know where I am, please somebody help me!’

The words pounded through the lone man’s head as he calmly left, picking his way through the dense forest. He walked the four miles of the nature trail before making his way to his parked vehicle.

He casually drove away, without a second thought for the fifteen-year-old schoolgirl he had not long since abducted, tied up and abandoned in the six foot deep by eight foot wide underground cell he had earlier prepared. He grinned as he imagined her trapped inside with only a small ration pack and a bottle of water for company, forced to breathe through a thin ventilation pipe hidden by shrubbery. Alone in the dark without a phone and no clue to where she was.

Looking around blearily, still disorientated from her Ketamine-induced unconsciousness, panic started to settle into the girl’s mind. She needed to get out — and fast.


Twenty minutes later, the man arrived back at his warm family home and was greeted by his wife, two young daughters and his border collie, Tess.

‘Charles, darling! You’re just in time for dinner.’

He and his family sat down at the table to say their prayers before tucking into their evening meal and discussing one another’s day as a solid, loving family unit.

Once the meal had been consumed, the children politely asked if they may leave the table and go to their rooms to do their homework and prepare themselves for the evening. The girls were excused, and set about carefully folding and hanging their school uniforms before changing into their pyjamas and taking care of their homework assignments. Upon finishing, they then returned to the sitting room and settled down for the evening in front of the television. Molly’s discontent at her father leaving earlier in the day still showed by the scowl on her face.

The parents, meanwhile, busied themselves with
everyday household chores, taking care of the dishes, tidying up and doing whatever else needed done. Fiona was desperately trying to get their attention by singing and dancing in the centre of the living room, much to Molly’s dismay.

‘Sit down and shut up, Fi!’ she snapped, jealous at the bond between her younger sister and their father.

Charles then decided to go out for his customary evening walk with Tess to get some fresh air and clear his head of the day’s stresses and challenges, leaving the mother to do the laundry and arrange his veterinarian’s uniform for the following day. As she did so she caught a glimpse of her younger self in a photo in the hall that showed her proudly standing in her old nurse’s uniform; she paused for a second to think back on the career she had given up to raise their family. She then gently grasped the cross that hung around her neck, and thanked God for the life and family she had been blessed with before returning to her chores. Just an average day in the Lee household.

For all intents and purposes, everything appears to show a ‘normal’, well respected, loving family. Unbeknown to the ladies of the household however, everything was not as it appeared. Charles Lee had plenty of serious, unresolved issues and demons of his past; things he has never discussed with anybody till this day — not even his wife. Demons that he struggled with on a day to day basis, his mind a prison encasing all the torture, anger and frustrations of his childhood. He was hell bent on revenge, determined to have his pound of flesh. In doing so, he would inflict onto others the horrendous nightmares of his past, things that could have been so easily avoided if somebody had just bothered to listen to him and believe in him.


Mr Lee arrived back at the house after his walk with Tess to find the girls already in their bedrooms, settling in for
the night. He visited each of their rooms and kissed them goodnight, then proceeded to read Fiona her favourite bedtime story while his wife, Rebecca, finished off the last of her endless chores.

‘Charles, Charles, is that you?’ Rebecca’s voice came from down the hall.

‘Be with you in a moment darling.’

He finished off his story to Fiona before tucking her in for the night, and by the time he had finished it was 9.30pm. Mr Lee then quickly checked his emails regarding tomorrow’s schedule before finally settling down on the sofa in front of the television, sipping contentedly at the large glass of red wine his thoughtful wife had poured for him. The two of them then snuggled up together to watch some mindless programmes and unwind. Rebecca made Charles look through all the photos she had taken earlier in the day, beaming with pride at their triumphant eldest daughter’s accomplishment, before retiring to bed.

Mrs Lee disappeared into the main bathroom to undress, leaving her husband to step into a nice hot shower in the en-suite bathroom.

Whilst the water washed over him, his mind wandered to the young girl he’d recently left behind. She’d be cold and alone, her limbs still not functioning properly due to the drugs he had injected her with. He could picture her lying, semi-naked, in a heap; he had torn off the majority of her clothes to reveal her firm young body. All of a sudden, he started to feel something he hadn’t in months with his wife: he felt aroused.

The more he imagined how frightened and disorientated the girl would be, the more he pictured her sobbing and begging for help, the more aroused he became. Slowly, he started to touch himself, but before he’d even begun to start properly pleasuring himself, he heard Rebecca coming back into the room, shouting out for him to hurry up and get into bed for a ‘cuddle’, as she was cold in bed by herself.

Unbeknown to him, her real reason for wanting him to come to her was that she was lying in bed in a brand
new matching underwear set and suspenders that she had recently purchased from Ann Summers; a desperate attempt to spice up their recently non-existent love life. Several times over the past few months, Charles has struggled to become aroused in bed; he had spurned his wife’s advances on numerous occasions, blaming tiredness and the stresses of starting his own veterinary practice. In truth, he’d had far more than work on his mind.

He had secretly been seething with rage and repressed feelings of revenge. The perpetrators of the systematic torture and abuse he received as a child would have to pay.

This yearning for revenge was heightened by a chance encounter with one of his abusers just a few months earlier, after being called out to a farm near a small town named Wigton, just twelve miles outside of Carlisle in the Cumbrian Countryside. The farmer’s prized cow had been attacked by either a fox or a badger, and the farmer was worried it may have contracted Tuberculosis. The farmer hadn’t recognised the man standing before him, and why should he have? It had been nearly thirty years since he had last saw Charles as a withdrawn, scared fifteen-year-old boy. Charles, on the other hand, could never forget that puffed up, sweaty, red nosed, pockmarked face, nor the stench of whiskey which still clung to him as it did all those years ago. He never let on though; he remained as calm as he could manage, patched up the wound, then gave the cow a shot of antibiotics before making his escape.

After a short but erratic drive, he’d finally pulled into a layby on the way back and broke down in tears. Shaking and covered in sweat, with all the agonising memories he had repressed for so many years all flooding over him, he decided there and then that he wouldn’t live the rest of his life in that shadow. Instead, he chose to face up to his past, and not bury it any longer.


Charles stepped out of the shower and dried himself off. He still felt aroused. Attempting to hide his semi-erect penis under his towel so as not to raise suspicion from Rebecca, he quickly jumped beneath the sheets. His mind was swiftly distracted from his own thoughts about the girl, instead focusing on the vision of his wife lying beside him, seductively looking at him and arching her back in a manner in which implied ‘take me’.

Whether it was the thoughts he’d had whilst getting showered, or the look of his wife, or possibly a combination of both, she would never know, but that night, for the first time in ages, man and wife made love for the next hour or so and remembered what life used to be like. They remembered one of the reasons they fell in love in the first place. Once they had finished, they kissed each other goodnight, told each other of their love, then went to sleep in each other’s arms — just like days of old.

Chapter 2

The next morning Charles woke surprisingly early, judging by the digits on his bedside clock; it was only 5.15am, but he was unusually alert for such an early start. He glanced over to where Rebecca lay and, seeing that she was still soundly sleeping, he gently got out of bed, grabbed his dressing gown from the back of the door, and quietly crept out of the bedroom, carefully closing the door behind him as not to rouse his sleeping wife. He padded to the kitchen to make himself his morning coffee.

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