Abandoned (20 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Abandoned
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She focused on Daniel’s gaze as he turned her to face him and lifted her to sitting on the edge of the mattress. “Lie back, baby. I need to taste you.”

She shivered as she did as he asked, the sheets cool beneath her spine and her ass.

He spread her legs wide and held them open as he leaned in to kiss each of her nipples in turn. His cock lined up with her pussy and pressed against her, making her moan with desire.

Her breasts swelled as he flicked his tongue over first one nipple and then the other. A squeak escaped her lips.

Daniel kissed a path down her body until he reached her sex. With his hands on her thighs, he opened her even wider and nuzzled her pussy, his nose buried in her folds, scenting her as she’d done him earlier. She understood the need. Since the claiming
she’d wanted to breathe this man’s essence every hour of every day. She couldn’t get enough of him.

Daniel tipped her thighs, opening her wider. His tongue darted out to stroke through her folds, gathering her moisture but not touching her with enough pressure in any one spot.

She squirmed.

“Lie still, baby. I need this. Please.” He licked her again, his tongue torturing her outer lips and then dipping inside to draw out her arousal.

Allison bucked her hips, forcing his tongue deeper until she groaned in frustration as he pulled back, not letting her control the pace or the depth.

He moved higher until he wrapped his lips around her clit and circled the tip with his damn tongue. “So sweet.” He sucked her into his mouth, her clit engorging as he forced it to come to attention.

Allison lowered her arms to grasp his head. She threaded her fingers in his dark blond hair and held his head against her pussy.
God that feels good

Her eyes rolled back in her head as she focused on his tongue and his lips, letting her torso rise and fall with his suction. He was going to make her come without his fingers. She was so close.

Oh God
. She squeezed her thighs, but he held them tighter, not giving her an inch.

She released his head to grab the sheets next to her, afraid she would pull his hair out.

Suddenly he rapidly flicked his tongue over her clit and then bit down on the swollen nub, not hard enough to injure her, but just enough to make her shoot off.

She squealed as her pussy gripped at nothing. He flattened his tongue against her clit, the pressure reaching deep enough to push her into a second orgasm right on the heels of the first.

Before the pulsing stopped, Daniel pushed her farther from the edge of the bed and climbed up over her. In an instant he was inside her, his cock filling her needy pussy to the hilt.

She gasped, having trouble sucking in a breath as she grabbed his forearms and held on. Her eyes flew open
and she found herself staring into the deep ocean of his gaze. His brow was furrowed—in concentration or aggravation?

He took her hard and fast. She loved the rough edge. She loved the way he held her gaze intently. She loved everything about him
and her body lifted to meet every thrust as he poured himself into her.

When Daniel finally slipped from inside her and headed to the bathroom, she remained on the bed in the same position, limp and sated. He returned with a wet wash cloth, cleaned her up, and slipped into the bed with her. She wanted to stare at him, soak him in every moment she could, but her eyes were heavy and closed on their own.

It seemed like moments later that Allison awoke to a dark room. She reached for Daniel, only to find herself grasping at cool sheets. “Daniel?”

He padded into the room from the adjoining bath. “Right here, baby.” He slid back into bed beside her and pulled her close. “Your heart is pounding.”

“I was dreaming.” She held him close, setting her cheek against his chest. “What time is it?”

“Early still. Go back to sleep.” He stroked her back and then flattened his hand on her skin.

“What were you doing?” she murmured.

“Checking my phone messages. I didn’t want to wake you.”

“People left you messages in the night?” She lifted her head to rest her chin on his chest and stare into his deep blue eyes.

He nodded and tucked her head back against him. “Sleep. You’re still catching up for lost z’s.”

“I must be. I sleep all the time.”

She closed her eyes. When she opened them again, it was day. Light filtered into the room. She pushed herself to sitting.

Daniel sat on the love seat, his fingers traveling over the keyboard of his computer in rapid motion. He didn’t notice her yet, and she took a moment to watch him.

He wore only loose shorts, his hair damp and slicked back. His naked chest beckoned her, but she shook the thought away. He had pressing issues to attend. His forehead was scrunched. Whatever he was working on didn’t sit well with him.

Finally he paused and glanced up. He smiled. “You’re up.”

She nodded. “You never sleep.”

“I do.” He stood and set the computer on the coffee table to come over to her side. He sat on the edge of the bed and stroked his hand over her head and down her hair, tangling his fingers in the curls. “I love the way you look first thing in the morning. I’ll never tire of it.”

“You showered. I need to do the same.”

“Yes. We should go get some breakfast. You must be starving.” He nodded behind him. “I made coffee from the little room pot. You want some?”

“Sounds like heaven.” She swung her legs out from under the covers and scooted to the edge of the bed. Her stomach growled. She hadn’t eaten since the airport.

He drew his thumb down her spine. “You grab a shower. I’ll bring you coffee. And then we’ll go get a bite to eat.” He kissed her and stood.

She watched his back as he walked away, his shoulders broad and muscular. She ached to grab them and hold on to him with both hands, as though that would stop time.

Instead she lowered her gaze and eased off the bed.

In minutes, she was showered and standing in the bathroom toweling off. She moaned when Daniel entered with a steaming mug of coffee.

Allison hung the towel on the rack and took the cup from his hands. The first sip was heaven. It made her eyes open a bit farther. “I needed that.”

He smiled. “Get dressed, woman. Before I change my mind about breakfast and take you back to bed.”

She followed him from the bathroom, grinning. “Don’t tempt me.” But she kept her gaze away from his body, knowing if she didn’t put some clothes on fast, he’d make good on his promise. And as much as she preferred option number two, she knew he had pressing issues to take care of. He was meeting with the head of The Council this morning. And she was going with him. Maybe she would be able to shed some new light on things. Though she couldn’t imagine how.

Breakfast was in the mess hall of the base. There were very few shifters around. It was late, the tail end of the meal. Allison took a seat with Daniel after they’d filled their plates. She scarfed down her food as though she were starving. In a way she was. Scrambled eggs, bacon, and hash browns went a long way toward making her feel alive again.

Just as she finished, a man approached their table. He extended a hand to Daniel. “Spencer. Good to see you again.” And then he turned toward Allison. “You must be Allison.” He shook her hand also. “I’m Steven Wightman.”

Ah, right. A member of The Head Council. He’d been at the ranch when she’d first arrived, but she hadn’t met him. She’d been interviewed by Alex Marshall that first day.

“Sorry we’re running so late this morning,” Daniel said.

“No problem at all. I expected as much. You got in late. Jerard is just arriving. I came to hunt you down and see if you were ready to meet with him.”

“We are.” Daniel stood. He took Allison’s arm as she rose next to him. He grabbed both their plates and silverware and headed for the dish return.

Allison waited with Wightman.

“How are you doing?” he asked politely.

“Better every day.” She smiled at him.

Her instincts told her he was someone she could trust, and Daniel had said as much. She shivered when she remembered he had met with her captor, however. Hell, he hadn’t just met with the man. He was related to him. J.T. A guy who had never had a name in the year she’d known him. J

When Daniel returned
they both followed Wightman from the mess hall. Outside the sun was trying to poke through the layer of clouds. Men were moving around the base rapidly, each one nearly marching by on a mission. Allison grabbed Daniel’s arm. This crazy rabbit’s hole she’d fallen into just got deeper by the second.

What the hell was she doing hiding on a military base in the middle of Washington? She should have been at home in New York City getting the kids she cared for dressed and ready for studying. Her world had disintegrated over a year ago. She’d never see a glimpse of that life again.

She was mated now. To a man who would soon become a full-time member of NAR, if there was such a thing. Or did they call themselves something entirely different when they became full-time employees?

They reached a building that looked distinctly different from the others, modern, formal, even from the outside. Wightman opened the front door silently and held it for her.

Daniel followed on her heels. She felt his presence. Even if she closed her eyes
she would know if he was near. It calmed her nerves.

They proceeded down a long hall off the main entrance and entered what had to be a conference room. A long table filled the space. At the head of the table was an older gentleman who stood when they entered. “Spencer. Good to see you,” he said to Daniel first before turning his attention to Allison. “And you must be Allison. Please, have a seat.”

The man resumed his spot and pointed at the chairs closest to him. Wightman took up the seat next to the man she knew was Ralph Jerard on one side, while Daniel pulled out a chair across from Steven for Allison. She was grateful. Her knees were about to buckle. It wasn’t every day someone sat down with a member of The Head Council, and here she was with two of them.

“I trust you rested well? Were your accommodations sufficient?”

“Of course,” Daniel responded.

“I know you’ve been called to active duty, Spencer, but under the circumstances
I think it would be best if you deferred your start date for a few weeks.” He turned his gaze toward Allison. “I’m sure Ms. Watkins is fragile after what she’s endured over the past year
and your time will be better spent helping her with her recovery before you turn her over to be mauled by the other military mates on base.” He chuckled.

Allison held her breath, grateful for his understanding, but somewhat appalled by his description.

“Don’t get me wrong. I’m sure you will fit in fine. But I know your road is challenging right now.”

Allison nodded. “Thank you, sir.”

Jerard leaned on his elbows on the tabletop, steepling his fingers and tapping them together. “As much as I hate to do this to you, we’d appreciate it if you would identify the man who held you captive.”

She nodded again, with less enthusiasm.

“He’s also being held on this base. We hesitate to consider him a prisoner because
although his actions were beyond the pale where you’re concerned, his motives were well-intended in the end
and he has provided us with a great deal of inside information about the Romulus. Let’s just say, he has been granted a sort of protected asylum here. He isn’t free to wander around
and you won’t have to see him face
face other than to identify him.

“But he isn’t in a locked cell
either. He doesn’t seem to pose a flight threat. If he were to leave this base, chances are the Romulus would hunt his ass down and kill him so fast he wouldn’t even be able to see it coming.”

Allison flinched at the description.

Daniel grabbed her hand under the table and held it tight against her thigh. She absorbed his strength as though he could pass his calmer demeanor to her through their contact.

“Are you sure he can be trusted?” Daniel asked.

“We can never be certain of anything these days. And I’ll feel much better about his story after comparing it with Allison’s accounting of what the last year entailed. And her visual recognition
of course.” Jerard set his palms on the table and spread his fingers.

“Pardon my curiosity, but how safe is Allison here on the base?” He glanced around the room
and Allison had the suspicion he was asking the question more for her benefit than his own.

Wightman answered. “Extremely. This base has never been breached by anyone in all its years of existence, and that number is larger than you can imagine. You’ll learn more when you start training full time.”

Allison flinched at the mention of Daniel’s permanent involvement. First she’d cringed at the idea of being claimed by a rancher, not wanting to leave the hustle and bustle of New York City. Now? Holy shit. She would give anything to retract that thought. It was an entirely different bag of dog poop to be mated to a man who was going to join the fight against evil.

And she was quickly growing to accept something huge and defining for her species was about to occur.

Jerard continued. “Suffice to say, no one is getting inside these walls
and no one is getting out that shouldn’t.”

Allison shivered. She twisted her hand to grab Daniel’s, her fingers digging into his palms. She was among the shifters not leaving this base. Not that she had any intention of doing so. The risk was too great. But still, it rankled.

Daniel nodded. “Understood.”

Jerard stood. “Well, I just wanted to introduce myself and assure you in person you’ll be in good hands here.” He spoke those words directly to Allison. “Wightman will take you to identify your captor. And he will also speak to you more thoroughly about the details of your captivity. Please keep everything related to this case strictly between the very small group of people involved. Myself, Wightman, Evan Harmon, and Alex Marshall. You met him in Texas, right?”

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