About Last Night... (25 page)

Read About Last Night... Online

Authors: Stephanie Bond

Tags: #Virginity, #Quarantine, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #Betrothal, #General, #Mistaken Identity

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" He stopped abruptly when she slid her hands up

his chest and looped her arms around his neck.

His body sprang to attention and he swallowed hard. "Um, n-no, I didn't know you were offering a reward. What is it?" He

was mesmerized by the love shining in her eyes.

"My firstborn," she whispered, then pulled his mouth down to hers for a long, hungry kiss.


« ^

anny Oliver noticed the small brown paper package on his desk when he returned from a particularly grueling staff meeting.

When he saw Janine Murphy's name on the return address, he smiled, grateful for a pleasant distraction. His pleasure turned to

puzzlement, however, when he unwrapped a black jeweler's box. Intrigued, he opened a small card taped to the top.

My Dearest Manny,

I had these made especially for you by a talented woman I met during my blissful honeymoon. Looking forward to seeing

you soon.

Fondly, Janine Murphy Stillman

Manny smiled wide and murmured, "All's well that ends well." He carefully opened the hinged box, then threw his

head back and laughed a deep belly laugh.

Nestled against the black velvet winked an exquisite pair of gold cuff links fashioned into two tiny sets of angel wings.

* * * * *

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