Above the Law (15 page)

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Authors: Carsen Taite

BOOK: Above the Law
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She waited for Elaina to respond, but she seemed way more interested in getting to the bottom of her glass than answering the questions she’d posed.

Finally, Elaina drained the last drop of wine and set her glass aside. “Well, look at you. Lindsey Ryan, ace reporter, returns from Afghanistan and goes all sweet and soft. What’s the deal? You can attack generals in charge of thousands of troops, but you can’t get one little DEA agent to open up to you without worrying about hurting her feelings? Please. You made a deal with Larry. If you want the network to fund your missions of truth in the future, you make this chump story a riveting, tearjerker piece that has everyone thinking the DEA is the savior of modern mankind. Got it?”

Lindsey stood. She had made a deal with Larry and her job depended on it. As much as she cherished the freedom to choose the topics of her reporting, she knew that network backing was the reason she was able to dig deep on many of the stories she chose to pursue. If the network, in the form of Elaina, had a specific agenda here, that was their problem. At least now one of her problems was solved. If Dale was to be the subject of this story, she was clearly off limits personally. She wouldn’t waste any more energy chasing the strong pull of attraction that appeared every time she was near. She had one task and one task only—explore the Dale Nelson angle, and she would go wherever it led. No matter what.

Suddenly, she knew exactly how she’d spend the rest of her evening.


Dale barely waited for Lindsey’s crew to clear the truck before she peeled out of the Anatole parking lot, tires screeching on the pavement. She’d dutifully carted them to the day’s worth of appointments at the mayor’s office and to watch one of the local cops interact with a group of school kids, and she’d watched with growing impatience as Lindsey handled the interview with kid gloves, completely at odds with the way she’d grilled her about the way she’d handled the bounty hunter back at the convenience store.

Like Lindsey knew jack shit about life in her world. Now that they were out of her hair for the afternoon, she couldn’t tell if she was more angry or frustrated, but she did know she was relieved to be out from under Lindsey’s glaring inspection. For half a second, she considered showing up at the office and telling Diego he needed to find someone else to play babysitter.

And then what? If Diego granted her request, which wasn’t likely, he’d load her up with new cases. Truth was, working with the film crew gave her more flexibility to work on the Vargas case. While Lindsey was busy glad-handing the mayor, she’d been able to do some checking on Tanner Cohen. The general consensus held she was a stand-up agent, by the book, but willing to think outside the box. She hoped Bianca’s instincts about including Tanner in their off-the-record enterprise were well founded.

She drove the short distance to her apartment and parked on the street. She had a reserved space in the garage, but hated the fact she had to twist and turn her oversized truck down four levels to get to it and back out. She bypassed the elevator and took the stairs. She hadn’t been able to go to the gym since the gunshot wound, and she was hyper aware of how out of shape she felt. The long, slow climb up the seven flights provided a nice, slow burn, but when she finally reached her door, she was starving. The fridge was a lonely place, home to random takeout condiments, a half a carton of eggs, and some milk long past its expiration date. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been to the grocery store—she’d picked up the eggs at the convenience store down the street one day when she was craving something that reminded her of the breakfasts she and Maria used to share. Her version of huevos rancheros hadn’t come close to the original, and tonight she didn’t even bother, instead scrambling three eggs and eating them right out of the skillet.

The forecast called for a drop in temperature, so she combed her closet for a jacket and tugged it on before heading back out to her truck. The drive to Peyton’s ranch was about forty-five minutes on a normal day, but traffic was heavier than usual. She spent the time examining Bianca’s plan for flaws. There were plenty of possible obstacles, but no strategy was perfect. They had to take some major risks if they wanted to catch Sergio and, in her view, the risk was worth the potential reward. When she finally reached the turnoff to the ranch, she was fully prepared to convince Peyton they had a solid plan.

As her truck rumbled down the drive, she saw Bianca turn in behind her. When they reached the house, she waited for Bianca and Tanner to get out of the car before stepping down to greet them. She shook Tanner’s outstretched hand, pleased at the strong grip. “Dale Nelson, DEA.”

“Tanner Cohen. No need for the introduction. Pretty sure everyone knows who you are.”

Dale eyed Tanner closely, searching for a hidden meaning to her words, but finally decided Tanner was just sucking up to a more experienced agent. Good. Deference could come in handy. “Cruz already talk to you about what we have planned?”

Tanner nodded. “She did. I think it’s doable. If Ms. Valencia is on board with it, then I am too.”

Dale clasped her shoulder. “Actually, the first hurdle is AUSA Davis, but you let me worry about that part. The most important thing you can do tonight is listen. Let Cruz and I pave the way. Got it?”

Tanner nodded and they made their way from the vehicles to the porch just as Peyton walked out the front door.

“What the hell is she doing here?”

Dale stopped, surprised by the sharp edge to Peyton’s question. She shot a glance at Bianca who looked like she wished she could melt into the ground. “Hey, Peyton, we brought some extra help.”

Peyton turned to Bianca. “Isn’t this the agent who executed the warrant on Cyrus’s office?”

“She was one of the agents that was there,” Bianca said. “But she wasn’t aware of the circumstances. Now she’s the lead agent working with Mr. Gellar on the case.”

“Dale, Bianca, I’d like to talk to you inside,” Peyton said. “Agent Cohen, I’m sorry to be inhospitable, but if you could wait on the porch, we’ll be right back.” She didn’t wait for an answer before she stalked off into the house. Dale motioned to Bianca to follow and she brought up the rear. When they were inside, Peyton pulled up short in the entryway and turned to face them. “Not cool, bringing someone else here. This is my home. Lily is here, and that woman was one of the agents that grilled her about her father’s business dealings. I get that we probably need to work with her, but at the office, in court. Anywhere but here.”

Bianca started to respond, but Dale broke in first. “It was my idea. We have a plan that involves Agent Cohen, and we thought it would be best to talk to you both at the same time about it.”

Peyton shook her head. “I’m afraid any new plans need to be put on hold for now. I need your help. Sophia came over this afternoon and she’s here now. She received a threat. Against Lily. Graphic and violent. I was hoping we could spend tonight’s card game focused on that instead of the rest of the case.”

Dale looked at Bianca who nodded. “I’m sorry to hear that, Peyton, but actually that kind of fits right in with what we were thinking. If Sophia’s here, we’d like to talk to her. If you really have an objection to Agent Cohen, we’ll figure something else out, but Cruz here thinks she can be trusted.”

“Tanner Cohen?”

Everyone turned at the sound of Lily’s voice. Dale hadn’t heard her enter the room, but she was standing in the doorway to the living room, dressed in riding clothes. She waited for Peyton to answer.

“Yes,” Peyton said. “But don’t worry; she’s leaving.”

Lily stepped forward and slid her arm around Peyton’s waist. “I remember her. Two agents asked me questions at my father’s office. One of them was a complete jerk and the other was very kind. I think Tanner’s good people, Peyton. Trust your friends.”

Dale watched as Peyton turned into Lily’s arms and searched her face like she was looking for guidance. She remembered the strong pull of a beautiful woman, and the power they could wield over the ones that loved them. She’d have done anything for Maria. If only she’d been able to trade places with her that fateful morning.

“Okay,” Peyton said. “If you two vouch for her, bring her in.”

A few minutes later, Mary arrived and they all congregated around the kitchen table, cards dealt and chips stacked to keep up the appearances of a heated poker game. Peyton started the meeting by having Sophia explain what had happened. As Dale listened to her account of returning to the house to find a threat painted in blood on her front door, she couldn’t help but look between the woman and her daughter, Lily. The resemblance was striking, and she was probably seeing in Sophia how Lily would look in twenty years.

“What did the message say?” Dale asked. She directed her question to Sophia who grasped her daughter’s hand before answering.

“It said: Muerta de los Lily. Death to Lily.”

“Nothing else?”

“Did it need to be more specific?” Peyton said. “It’s pretty clear to me they are targeting anyone having anything to do with Cyrus.”

Dale cracked her knuckles as she considered how to respond without pissing Peyton off. “I guess I’m just wondering what the ‘or what’ is. I mean, why just death to Lily? Seems like Sergio might have a request, and then if he were denied, he would threaten to hurt the one thing that would be most precious to the person he was asking the favor from. In this case, he came to Sophia. My read is he wants something from her and that will be the next communication.” She looked over at Bianca who nodded. “In that regard, Cruz and I have a plan.” She laid out the plan Bianca had concocted. “I’ll confess we came here tonight ready to tell you this idea, and I was a little skeptical, but now I’m convinced it’s the best way to lure Sergio out of hiding.”

Sophia didn’t hesitate. “I’ll do it.”

Dale spotted Peyton shaking her head, but she ignored her for the moment and turned to Tanner. “Cohen, you on board with this? We’re going to need your help. If Ms. Valencia is going to be a CI, you’re going to have to shield her from prosecution. Only the folks around this table can know what’s really going on, and it may take a while for her to earn Sergio’s trust.”

She watched while Tanner looked around the table, like she was sizing up the group. She had to realize they were all top-notch talent, and if they were bucking the system, then there was a damn good reason for it. Finally, Tanner’s gaze rested on Peyton and she said, “I’m in if Peyton’s in.”

It was exactly the right thing to say since it showed deference and insight into the dynamics of the group. All eyes were focused on Peyton now, but she spoke only to Sophia. “We might not be able to protect you. We’ll have to leave the threat you just received unreported because it won’t make sense that you’re visiting Arturo in jail if he just threatened you. If he doesn’t believe your story, he will have no choice but to eliminate you.” She turned to Lily. “Or you. Do you realize what they are asking me to do? Both of your lives could be in grave danger.”

“Our lives are already in danger, but this is a chance to act instead of hide from it,” Lily said. “If you believe in these people, then so do I. I’m betting Sophia feels the same way.”

“I do,” Sophia said. “Peyton, you must know that no one is better acquainted with the cruelty of my brothers than me. I know the risk and I accept it.” She directed her next words to Dale. “Everything I have ever done has been to protect my daughter, and that will not change now. Just tell me what to do.”

Dale and Bianca described the specifics of the plan. Sophia would go to see Arturo the following day at the Seagoville Federal Detention Center outside of Dallas. She’d describe her troubles and give him enough vague details to get him to put her in touch with Sergio. And then they would wait. Peyton asked Dale to be in charge of keeping an eye on Sophia to make sure nothing happened to her.

“Can you dodge your Hollywood film crew long enough to stay on top of things?” Peyton asked Dale.

“They’re from New York, and yes. There’s nothing I’d rather do.” She meant it. Lindsey Ryan was trouble, but all she needed to do was stick to the script and soon they’d be gone. Back to New York where they’d piece together the most boring piece of PR in history. The Take-Back Initiative event was on Saturday, and she couldn’t imagine they would be here longer than that.

She experienced a twinge of regret at the realization. In another time, another place, under other circumstances, she would’ve wanted to explore the attraction, but letting Lindsey get close seemed as much a betrayal as an impossibility. Her focus was best left to her work where she knew what she was doing and could tally the results. Being around Lindsey left her feeling out of her element.

An hour later, she drove the graveled road out of the ranch, deep in thought. The next day’s itinerary for Lindsey’s crew was fairly light, but she still needed a ready excuse to get away to accompany Sophia to the prison in the morning. She wasn’t going inside with her, only keeping an eye out to make sure they weren’t followed either coming or going. She’d promised Peyton she’d keep her safe, and she fully intended to keep that promise.

When she reached the highway, she spotted a car pull out of the gully on the side of the road and drive off in the opposite direction. There was nothing particularly odd about the car itself—it was a dark colored sedan with Texas plates, but she experienced a twinge of recognition. That and the fact that it had been parked by the turnoff to the ranch had her thinking. She stared into the rearview mirror and jotted down the plate number on the pad of paper she kept in the console. As the car faded out of sight, she called DPD officer Andrea DeJesus.

“DeJesus, here.”

“Andrea, it’s Dale Nelson. I was hoping you might be able to do me a favor.”

“For you, anything.”

Dale did her best to ignore the sexy undercurrent in Andrea’s voice, but the memory of Lindsey’s words echoed in her ears:
Careful, you’re making her blush
. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, but she didn’t want to wait to find out who had been lurking around the Davis ranch, especially since she’d promised Peyton she would protect her family. “It’s probably nothing, but I was hoping you could run a plate. It’s for a friend, so if you don’t feel comfortable doing it, I totally understand.”

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