Abram's Daughters 03 The Sacrifice (36 page)

BOOK: Abram's Daughters 03 The Sacrifice
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Preacher Yoder's death left a mighty big hole in our midst. Wti had ordination for the new minister back in October, a (v tk following Sadie's kneeling confession. The divine selecih in the lot fell on Smithy Gid, so he's become Preacher l'i mliey now, which gets Lydiann's tongue tied up at times. I

11 ill I her to simply call him Brother Gid, and she does.

I )at's standing up more and more to the bishop and begin'

>.nir in talk to the Lord on his own, is what Aunt Lizzie tells

"" '^he and Dat still go round and round sometimes, fussing

vcr ihe least things. I guess she feels she must keep Mamma's

> 'tk'ls alive with her own voice.

Yesterday Abe came bouncing home from school with a

npiiire verse on his lips. " 'Be not conformed to this

ill in,'" he said, eyes big as buttons. To which Sadie nodded

In i head, genuinely in agreement. Her motto these days, and

li> ii'lls it to the children every other minute seems to me, is

11 u i he wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal

< 'nine spring and the first song of the robin, I will go in

I'tlivh of the phoney locust tree. I'll take Lydiann and Abe

id Hip; and introduce them to the beauty and the tranquility of

i lie ik-i'p forest make some new memories. And when berry-

|i|i'kiiiK i ime creeps up on us again, we'll go and pick a pail of

lull y ripe strawberries and bake some strawberry-rhubarb pies

iui mi other reason than that they taste so wonderful-gut.

\lici all, desserts are supposed to be plenty sweet.

I airly I find myself staring far less at the night sky, conii'ni| lai ing the number of stars, than I do counting the smiles -nl yJiaim's and Abe's faces, the dear ones Mamma gave to nit--. Providence, some might say. I call it love, plain and simI.le.




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I t >ffer heartfelt thanks to each research assistant and prayer I'iirtner, for each helpful encounter, and for each wonderful prison who gave expert advice in the thrilling journeymission of writing this book.

Fondly I think of Eli and Vesta Hochstetler of Berlin,

* >!no, who opened their hearts and delightful bookstore to me ln.si full, and who drove me to visit a working blacksmith shop ilivp in Amish country. Thank you! Great appreciation also cues io the young Amish smithy who gave a crash course in

I1 u- art of shoeing horses.

I lank and Ruth Hershberger were a tremendous help, inviting me to their lovely Sugar Creek home and answering numerous questions, including Amish ins and outs of "going uii ;i lark" and "pest hunts." I am truly grateful!

Monk and Marijane Troyer discovered information regard\\\\\ ibe horse disease the "strangles," as well as other vital Information. Thanks for inviting me to a joyful evening of IikhI and fellowship with your newlywed son and daughter-inliiw. 1 enjoyed every minute of Monk's storytelling, as well.349My thanks to Sandi Heisler, who graciously offered medi cal information regarding home births and midwives.

A big thank-you to Aleta Hirschberg and Iris Jones, my Kansas aunties, who shared their memories of Saturday-ni|.;ln baths in a large galvanized tub. And to Priscilla Stoltzfus, wlui helped with many Amish-related questions.

As always, to my devoted friends in Lancaster Coimly Amish country who help with research but who wish to remain anonymous ... I am forever indebted. May the Lord bless each of you abundantly!

I am so appreciative of my publisher, Gary Johnson, whose wit and wisdom brighten our days, and whose ongoing vision and prayers make books like this one possible.

Many thanks to my superb editors. To Carol Johnson, win i knows my readers as well as anyone and who is a treasured friend indeed. To Rochelle Gloege, a remarkable editor who makes my writing sing. And to David Horton, whose astute perspective and attention to the nitty-gritty details are so vital.

To Steve Oates, Bethany's VP of Marketing, and his am;i;: ing team, an enormous thank you for the earnest prayers, iInbehind-the-scenes work that gets my books into the hands < >l readers, and for Steve's perpetual humor, a welcome reliel from the stress of writing deadlines!

To my faithful (and affectionate) readers, who offer a wealth of encouragement. Every letter and email message is read with keen interest and appreciation.

My dear family is my underpinning of support. Much love and gratitude to my husband, Dave, for his tender encourage ment and practical help. To Julie, Janie, Jonathan, and Ariel350lot their infectious smiles, energizing food, and solid editorial n H H ii. And I'm ever grateful to my wonderful parents, Herb tiid |;ine Jones, whose life and ministry of faith are the heritiij;c ihat has brought me this far. Thanks for your persistent I'layers, Dad and Mother, so critical to my writing journey.

I1'i itally I offer up my heart anew to my dear Lord Jesus, who has called me to walk with Him all the days of my life.351Watch for Book 4,

The Prodigal, in October 2004.

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