Read Acceptance (Club X Book 5) Online

Authors: K.M. Scott

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #erotic

Acceptance (Club X Book 5) (2 page)

BOOK: Acceptance (Club X Book 5)
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She scratched her fingernails down my bare back and moaned again. “It has, so let’s get to that bed waiting for us.”

By the time we made it to the bedroom, I’d stripped out of every stitch of clothing, but Abbi still wore those cute little underwear that made me wish every night when I got into bed that she wasn’t as exhausted as I knew she was. Now that I had her all to myself, I planned on living out every fantasy I’d created since the last time we made love.

“I do love a man who’s ready to go,” she said with a smile as she inched back on the bed.

Looking down where her gaze sat, I had to agree. My cock and I were more than ready to go. Ready, willing, and able.

I leaned down and softly kissed the inside of her ankle. “This whole parenting thing puts a kink into my plans most nights, and not the good kind of kink.”

“You know, I try to stay up every night, Kane. I do,” Abbi said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Looking up, I saw her mouth turned down in a frown. I kissed up her calf to her knee and nipped at the skin with my teeth, all the while keeping my gaze locked on hers. “I know. You don’t have to say anything. It’s just how it is. You’re exhausted from being a mother. Believe me. I don’t know how you do it.”

Abbi smiled like it meant the world to her that I knew what she went through every day. In truth, I didn’t. She was gone from our bed every morning when I woke up, getting Annalea ready for school and taking care of Liam’s every need. By the time I left for work most days, she’d already put in hours to make sure our kids were fed, bathed, and ready for the day.

Being their father was a much easier job. I got to play with them before work and checked in on them to kiss them goodnight when I got home. That’s not to say I never handled any of the dirty work with them, but nothing like what Abbi dealt with.

I flicked my tongue over the soft skin of her inner thigh and smiled up at her. “Tonight, you’re not a mom or anything else but the woman I love.”

“Mmmm, I like that.”

My thumbs slid along the bottom of her pink and white polka dot boy shorts, teasing her with my touch as they inched closer to her pussy. She arched her back, signaling she wanted more than playful foreplay. Hooking my fingers, I tugged her panties off her body in one swift movement and felt my cock grow even stiffer.

I lowered my mouth to taste her as Abbi threaded her fingers through my hair, tugging hard with the first slow swipe of my tongue over her clit. Every cell in my body screamed for me to skip the slow shit and devour that delicious pussy. I wanted to taste every sweet inch of her. To bury myself in her and feel her come all over my face as my fingers fucked her until she begged me to stop.

The days of being that man who struggled to control every urge he felt were in the past, but it had been so long since Abbi and I had been together that remnants of that man now surged inside me.

Above me as I flicked my tongue inside her, Abbi whimpered and wriggled her hips. “Oh, God, that feels so good. I didn’t realize how much I’d missed this.”

Sliding two fingers into her, I lifted my head and smiled. “It’s been way too long.”

Her eyes fluttered closed at the feel of my fingers fucking her, and she nodded. “Oh, it has…”

I gently sucked her clit between my lips and pushed harder into her wet cunt until seconds later she came, drenching my mouth and fingers. As shudders wracked her body, I rode her release until she exhaled and the only movement left in her was the soft quivering of her thighs against my shoulders.

Sitting back on my heels, I looked down at the woman I loved and couldn’t help think she was the most beautiful creature in the world. Flush with satisfaction from her orgasm, she lay there with her eyes closed looking like an angel. For a moment, I flashed back to the moment I met her and remembered how much I instinctively felt the need to protect her from that first second in Cash’s office at Club X.

She’d always been my angel.

“You look a million miles away,” she said softly, tearing me from my memories.

I shook my head to push them away. “Just thinking about how incredible you look.”

“Oh, yeah? In my t-shirt lying here unable to move after what you just did?” she asked with a grin.

“Unable to move, huh? I think I’m going to have to see what I can do about that,” I teased as I slid up her body.

Nudging my cock between her legs, I kissed her long and deep, my tongue sliding into her mouth like I wanted to slide into her cunt. Raking her fingernails down my back, she stopped me just as I moved my hips back, though.

Looking up into my eyes, she pushed against me. “Uh-uh. Turnabout’s fair play.”

“I like where this is going,” I said with a grin. With the kids gone for the night, we were sampling the entire menu. I liked that.

She rolled me onto my back and kissed me. “Good. Now lay back and enjoy yourself.”

Out of habit, I looked over toward the bedroom door to see if the latch was closed. We’d tried this exact thing one night a few months ago and nearly got caught by Annalea. The next morning the latch went on the door.

As my mind traveled back to that night, Abbi kissed down over my stomach, pushing any ideas of anything other than her mouth on my cock right out of my head.

She stopped and hovered over me. Her fingers played with the studs I still kept in because she asked me to. With a devilish look in her eyes, she said, “I wonder how the ladies at school every morning would react if they knew your cock was pierced.”

“Does that mean you want me to take them out?”

“No! I have very fond memories of these,” she said as she stroked my cock from base to tip. “I wanted you from the moment you showed me them. I suspect that was the reason you got them in the first place, though.”

I closed my eyes as she flicked her tongue over those studs, not wanting to tell her the real reason I got them all those years ago. Now wasn’t the time to talk about how fucked up I’d been back then. I’d never told her the truth about them or many things about me from before I met her. I didn’t want her knowing that man.

Abbi groaned against my skin as she slowly took my cock into her mouth inch by inch. I looked down and watched how her pink lips and tiny mouth swallowed all of me and then slowly pulled back to reveal my cock glistening from her. Her hand gripped the base and massaged as over and over she sucked me like it was something she couldn’t get enough of. With every flick of her tongue and moment her soft lips slid over my skin, my angel inched me closer and closer to filling her.

I wanted to lift my hips and thrust hard into that beautiful mouth, fucking her like I would when I was between her legs. To ram my cock past her lips until it slammed against the back of her throat and those studs she loved so much made her gag. I knew if I did, though, I’d come in a second and I wanted this to last. I wanted this night to last.

So I remained still and watched as she took me to the edge and then eased me back, knowing exactly what to do with her tongue and her mouth each time. Finally, my body ached I wanted to come so badly, so I stuffed my hand into her hair, and tugging her head up gently, groaned, “No more teasing, angel.”

Without a word, she lowered her head one more time and flicked her tongue along the vein that ran up the underside of my cock as she took all of me until those studs touched the back of her throat. Sucking hard, she bobbed up and down until I felt all control disappear and thrust my hips hard as I came, filling that pretty mouth that had given me what I’d dreamed of for weeks.

“I’m hoping that noise that came out of your throat when you came means you felt as good as I did when you went down on me.”

I opened my eyes and smiled. “I know what you mean about not being able to move.”

Abbi laughed at my joke and straddled my hips to sit on top of me. “So, does that mean we’re done for the night? Because if that’s the case, I’m okay with it. You are older than me.”

Resting my hands on her hips to keep her from moving, I said, “Older than you? You make it sound like I’m some sugar daddy of yours. I’m not even eight years older, Abbi.”

She leaned down to press a kiss onto my lips and whispered against them, “So you’re saying you’re up for more?”

As she spoke, she gently rubbed her pussy against my still hard cock, teasing me. I gripped her hips hard and nodded. “Be careful what you wish for, little girl. The big bad wolf might just surprise you with how much more he wants.”

Abbi ran her tongue along her bottom lip and smiled. “Good. Let’s see what you got for me, Mr. Wolf.”

I flipped her over onto her stomach and covered her with my body before she knew what hit her. When she tried to get up onto her knees, I held her with my weight and whispered in her ear, “Still want more?”

Turning to look at me, she breathlessly said, “Yes.”

Leaning back, I pulled her up by her hips so she sat on her hands and knees and encircled her neck with my hand. Rock hard and dying to be inside her, I closed my eyes and hesitated for a mere second before I let my need for everything she was take over.

I thrust forward, burying my cock inside her until she had every inch of me. A tiny moan escaped her throat, and then she gripped the sheets in her hands, her fingers grasping to hold on for what she knew was coming next.

With my hand still around her neck, I slammed into her body over and over like a wild animal. I needed to be inside her. I craved the feel of her clinging to me as I retreated, only to take all of me again a second later.

Abbi met my thrusts with her own, as wild and as needy as mine. It had been too long since we’d felt this way. Too many nights sleeping next to each other and not enjoying anything but rest. I didn’t want that to be our lives, and neither did she. Tonight, we wanted to be the people we were when we first fell in love.

I sank my teeth into her shoulder and groaned, “Tell me what you want.” It didn’t matter that I knew the answer. I just loved to hear her say the words, and she knew it.

Grabbing my hair, she pulled hard and answered, “Fuck me. Fuck me like all I am is Abbi to you.”

My brain heard fuck and set my body to the task. I pumped into her with everything I had and didn’t slow down until I felt the first gentle squeeze of her cunt around my cock. She came in a rush, and I felt her strength leave her. One last thrust into her set off my release, and holding her to me, I came inside her.

Exhausted, we collapsed onto the bed, and when I could finally think again, I kissed the top of her head resting on my chest. “What did you mean to fuck you like all you are is Abbi to me?”

She stayed quiet for a minute before she said, “I didn’t want to be your wife or Annalea and Liam’s mother. I wanted to be that person you wanted that first night in your apartment on the top floor of Club X.”

I turned her head so she could see my face. “You’re always that to me, Abbi. Always. Do you think you’re not?”

Her mouth turned down in a frown, and she shrugged. “I spend all day as the kids’ mom, and when we’re with your brothers and Olivia, I’m your wife. I just wanted to feel like that woman I was that night when you wanted nothing more than to be with me.”

“You’re always that to me,” I said before I kissed her with all the love I felt for her.

Abbi traced tiny circles across my chest for a moment. “I also hoped it would make you remember who you were then too. I know you spend all day being that man Cash needs you to be. I know you want to be that man too, but I sometimes miss who you were when we met.”

“That guy was so fucked up, Abbi. Why would you miss him over the man I am today?” I asked, wondering if we’d become what all married couples ended up being. I didn’t want that for us.

She stroked my cheek and said, “I love everything you are, Kane. No man is a better father or husband. I just miss the guy who needed me like no one else ever had. I’m just afraid…”

“Afraid of what?” I asked as I looked down into her eyes to get a sense of what she meant.

Looking away, she mumbled, “Nothing. It’s okay.”

“Abbi, look at me. What are you afraid of? Whatever it is, I’m here and nothing will ever hurt you or the kids.”

She turned her head back to face me and frowned. “I’m just afraid one of these days you’re going to wake up and look at your life and hate it. When we first got together, we never talked about kids or you working like you do. You had a certain kind of life, and now it’s all changed to a wife, two kids, a house, and a job that’s nothing like what you used to do. I’m just afraid you’ll decide you want something else. Someone else.”

I stared at her in shock. Had we strayed that far from what we used to be in those early days that she doubted how much I loved her? Had we let the daily grind of married life do that to us?

Cradling her face in my hands, I shook my head. “I could never want anyone else. I never want you to doubt that. Ever. You are my life, Abbi. I would work my fingers to the bone if it meant you were happy. I love our kids. It never mattered to me that we didn’t plan to have them. They’re proof of how much we mean to each other.”

Abbi sat up and forced a smile. “I’m sorry I said anything. You look upset. I didn’t mean to do that.”

I reached out and held her hand. “I’m not upset with you. If anything, I’m angry with myself for letting life get in the way of showing the most important person how much I adore her. I’m sorry, Abbi. I never meant to make you feel like I wasn’t the happiest man on earth because I am. But now I’m wondering how you feel. Are you happy? The same thing about not planning to have two kids can be said about you too.”

“No, don’t think that! I love you, Kane. I love our children. I can’t believe I said anything. Now you think I’m unhappy with my life and I’m not. I just wanted to feel like we used to again.” She stopped for a moment and then said the words that stunned me. “I just didn’t want you to forget that feeling we had in case you’re thinking you could find it with someone else.”

I felt like someone had hit me across the face. I didn’t want anyone else. Christ, I couldn’t imagine my life without Abbi.

“Why would you think I’d want anyone but you?”

BOOK: Acceptance (Club X Book 5)
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