Accidental Abduction (16 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Accidental Abduction
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The lizard, whose name she couldn’t pronounce, just about went postal at her words. “Insolent whore. I will teach you to mock those superior to you.” Its clawed fingers grappled with the robe it wore and spread it open to reveal a stubby penis.

Megan laughed. “Ooh, make me shake in teeny, tiny fear, why don’t you? My god, are all your kind so poorly endowed? No wonder you need to kidnap women. Your own probably keep laughing you out of the bedroom.”

The titters she heard didn’t come from Mr. Lizard, but his guards. And it made him snap. He drew back and slapped her, rocking her head to the side.

Turning back to face him, she smirked. “Lovely, another alien coward who can only hit a woman when she’s tied up. Is Tren the only alien in the galaxy man enough to handle a real woman?” She really should learn to shut up, she thought, as Mr. Lizard smacked her again and again, but honestly, she’d rather die than let the alligator freak touch her.

A beeping sounded and a computer generated voice announced, “Request for teleconference from Trenkaluan for galactic councilor Z’nistakn.”

The upright crocodile stopped slapping her, and his slitted eyes lit with pleasure. “About time. I was beginning to wonder if my troops had killed him during your extraction.”

Megan’s heart almost stopped at those words.
Was Tren hurt? Oh, my god.

The lizard turned away from her and faced a large blank wall. “Put him onscreen.”


s face filled the wall, his blue eyes almost opaque in his fury.



he snarled.


ve crossed the line.

The alien crowed. “Ah, has the mighty mercenary suffered a loss? So much for your reputation of always prevailing.”

Megan’s brow furrowed. Tren was a space pirate, or was he? Suddenly some of the things he’d said and done came together and she wanted to laugh at her naivety. Mercenary or not, she still loved the stupid, purple lug.

“You will return Megan to me this instance of suffer the consequences,” Tren ordered.

I think not. Well, not until you’ve done a few tasks for me, then we can talk about a possible exchange.”

“You sign your death warrant then.”

It will take more than threats to frighten me,

scoffed the lizard.

Tren’s lips curled into a sadistic smile that made her shiver, not in fear for herself, but satisfaction. The idiot who’d kidnapped her didn’t seem to realize he played with fire. “That wasn’t a threat. It was a promise.”

The alien laughed. “You seem to forget, I have an army at my disposal. Actually, as we speak, I’ve already dispatched my squadrons to take care of your vessel if you refuse to cooperate.”

Tren’s smile widened. “Who says I came alone?” The view on the screen switched to show one tiny ship hovering in space and then suddenly, there were dozens of vessels of varying sizes.

A stink permeated the room as Mr. Lizard almost shit himself in sudden fear. His voice quavered when he spoke again. “You wouldn’t dare! The council won’t sit back and allow you to kill me. It would mean a declaration of war against your kind if you did.”

Tren’s eyes narrowed becoming flat and cold. Megan could almost feel the chill creeping from them. “If it takes a war to get my mate back, then bring it on. I am coming for her. And when I do, you and anyone one else in my way will die.”

The communication cut off and the scaly alien went into panic mode, screeching orders. Megan, however, couldn’t lift her jaw up off the ground.

Mate? Did he just refer to me as his mate?
A grin spread across her face. He’d not only come for her, he loved her enough to start a galactic war. How cool was that?
Nothing says I love you like bloodshed and violence.

Nearby explosions sent vibrations through the room and Megan jumped up from the chair and moved to put her back against a wall just as the lizard turned to face her.

You! Come here, female. Since you mean so much to him, then I’ll need you to escape. He won’t dare harm me if you’re in my possession.”

If you want me, come and get me,” she taunted. The lizard advanced on her just as the door to the room blew open. Megan, though, didn’t dare let her eyes stray from the advancing alien, even as the wails of dying creatures filled the air. Along with the screams came the acrid smell of burning flesh and plastic which made her nose twitch and her eyes water.

A roar of pure fury swept through the room, but Megan didn’t have time to grin or look as her purple marauder arrived to the rescue. The lizard freak reached her and made to grab her. Megan dodged the claws and pumped her foot up hard. With a squeal of pain, the lizard bent over double. Then he went sailing across the room as Tren arrived and tossed him aside like rubbish.

A second later, he crushed her to his chest—one armed because the other hand was still busy firing. He planted a quick bruising kiss on her lips and then tucked her behind him.  A gun in each hand, he picked off the remaining troops until the only groaning body left belonged to Mr. Lizard.

Tren holstered one pistol before tucking her under his arm, tight against him. “Are you injured?” he asked gruffly.

“Just a few bruises. You got here just in time.”

I would have arrived sooner, but Jaro forced me to wait for backup.” His disgruntled tone warmed Megan as they strode over to the councilor who tried to crawl away. Tren planted a black boot on his back and flattened him.

I’m glad he made you wait; otherwise, your chance of succeeding would have ended up a lot slimmer. Besides, what matters is you came to save me in the first place.”

Almost opaque blue eyes swiveled to meet hers. “I will
come for you.” He turned away as he pointed his gun at the lizard’s head.

Megan grabbed his arm. “Wait. Should you do that? What if it starts a war with your people?”

Tren fired and the alien’s head disappeared in a splatter of things best left unmentioned. “Your safety is worth more than any blood or mayhem that emerges from my actions this day.”

Megan gaped up at him. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

Tren turned and shot over her head at something that squealed.

Can this conversation not wait until we

ve made it back to safety?

Oh, fine. Change the subject. Isn’t that just like you,” she ranted. “Here, do something useful then since you won’t admit the obvious.” She held up her bound hands. Tren yanked a knife from a sheath and sliced through the restraints. Freed, Megan stooped and grabbed a gun.

“What are you doing?” he barked.

Helping of course,

she replied.

You can help by staying out of the way.”

Megan grinned. “Make me.”

Upended over his shoulder, her breath left her in a whoosh. She watched the play of the muscles in his buttocks as he carried her to safety. And to make sure he hurried, she stroked them.

Chapter Fourteen


Tren didn’t relax until they’d made it back to his ship, a return trip made much easier by the fact most of Z’nistakn’s troops disappeared when they sighted him; their courage had flown with their leader’s life. A good thing, too, considering the distraction hanging over his shoulder. His naughty mate, instead of succumbing to hysterics, toyed with him, urging him to hurry because as she stated emphatically, “I’m dirty and horny.”

He quickened his pace and upon boarding his craft, which he’d landed even before the battle and ultimatum, headed straight for his quarters.

Jaro waylaid him on his way to his chambers, standing in front of him like an immovable wall. Tren almost shot him, his patience wearing thing.  “Get out of my way,” he growled.

“The galactic council’s been calling.”

Tell them I’m busy,” Tren barked, the throbbing need in his loins more important.

Jaro smirked. “I think having a mate has addled your brains, a fate I hope to never suffer. But mental problems aside, before you go bury yourself in her, you should know that there will be no reprisals for our actions today. On the contrary, Z’nistakn recently earned a removal order which, since we took care of it, will mean a nice credit boost to us both.”

Tren didn’t bother arguing about the split in the profit, even though he had been the one to kill the slimy councilor. “Fine. You’ve given me your news. Now move.”

Jaro held up a hand. “Hold on, there’s more. With the recent opening of a seat on the council, and given your loyal work, they’ve nominated you to the position. A great honor for our people, as you know.”

Tell them no. I don’t do politics.” Too cutthroat even for him.

He won’t have time,” piped in Megan. “Because he’ll have his hands full with me.”

Silence female.” Tren smacked her bottom, not hard, but she squeaked anyways and pinched his buttocks in retaliation. Tren almost took her right against the wall, brother watching or not. He restrained himself—barely.

Jaro shook his head. “Refuse that kind of honor? You can tell them then. I’m just playing messenger.”

Now go play bridge commander and don’t bother me unless something needs killing,” Tren ordered. Jaro laughed as he stepped aside finally. Tren stalked past him and slapped the console leading into his room. He slid the portal shut cutting off his brother’s laughter.

Striding right into the ablutions chamber, Megan still over his shoulder, he didn’t bother removing their filthy garments as he stepped right into the cleansing stall. A press of a button and the lasers began their cleansing, disintegrating their clothing which proved interesting as it placed the tempting flesh of Megan’s bare buttock in the perfect position for nibbling.

He didn’t resist and she squealed. “Are you going to put me down?”

It took another bite before he answered. “What if I don’t want to?”

“Then you’re going to find fucking me a bit of a challenge,” she retorted.

Tren couldn’t stop the grin at her saucy remark. Even kidnapped and slapped around, nothing could quell her indomitable spirit. He allowed her to slide down his body, slowly, the smooth friction of her skin against his firing his blood to a boiling point. Fragments of their clothing remained caught between their bodies, so he turned her, allowing the particle cleanser to remove them.

Whirling her back, he caught sight of the bruises marring her visage. He stroked a finger gently down the curve of her cheek. “I’m sorry. This should never have happened. We should get you to the medtech unit.”

Megan caught his hand and placed a kiss in the palm.


m fine. I

d rather show you how happy I am that you came for me.

You are mine, Megan, even if you are a smart mouthed barbarian.

He tempered his words with a smile.

If this is your way of saying you love me, then ditto, my freakishly large, purple pirate. Or should I say mercenary?” She arched a brow at him and he grinned sheepishly.

Retired mercenary turned acquisitions specialist. And now your mate.”

Mate, huh? And what does being your mate mean?”

Tren hoisted her up by the waist and placed her back against the wall. “It means,” he replied, thrusting his cock into the moist channel that welcomed him. “That you belong to me, and I belong to you.” Her legs wrapped around him as she watched him with bright eyes. “It means, if someone kidnaps you, I will come to your aid and kill them, violently and painfully.” Her slick channel squeezed around him. “It means that even if you drive me insane with your chatter and try to maim me, I will punish you with exquisite pleasure until you scream my name in climax.” Digging his fingers into her buttocks, he bounced her on his shaft, the molten, snug feel of her sex driving him wild. “It means I will love and cherish you forever, no matter what.”

Oh, Tren. I love you so much.” She didn’t say anything more, unless he counted the shrill scream as she orgasmed around his cock. The tight grip of her milking pelvic muscles brought his own bliss and he jetted into her with a yell.

Chests heaving, they clung to each other, and Tren smiled.

It might have taken him traversing to the far ends of the galaxy and accidentally abducting a barbarian female to find love, but he’d do it and a lot more all over again if it meant he got to keep Megan as his mate—forever.



Several galactic cycles later…

Megan wandered into the command center of the starship and found Tren sitting in his chair, grinning. She draped herself on his lap, her arms going around his neck to draw him close for a kiss. He obliged with a quick peck that made her frown, especially since he seemed about to burst with glee.

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