Accidental Abduction (3 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Accidental Abduction
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He snarled some foreign words before throwing something at her and stalking out of the room. Fabric hit her as she watched in stunned amazement how the previously unseen door just slid across the opening, leaving the wall seamless again.

Unsure of when the annoyed alien freak would return, she scrambled to get into the clothes, his she surmised judging by the size and style: a white tunic shirt that hung to her knees and pants that hugged her rounded ass but went well past her ankle. She sat down and rolled the bottoms until her feet peeked out. As attire went, she was well covered if braless.

As she waited for the Martian to return, her mind took the time to dissect his appearance properly. First, immense didn’t begin to describe him. The man had to tower over her by at least a foot or more, and at five foot eight, she wasn’t some dainty little flower. And talk about wide. Holy freaking chest. She had only to look down at the shirt that draped her body to swallow in awe at the width of his torso.
Big from muscle or fat? Or does he have like alien parts hidden under there?

She couldn’t deny a curiosity to find out. Ignoring his body for a minute, she thought on his face and the color of his skin. 
Purple, he’s freaking purple.
Not a light pansy violet, but a deep rich mauve that made his almost opaque blue eyes pop. His dark hair, with its slight wave, hung almost to his shoulders, the color matching the neatly trimmed goatee on his square chin. He wore a silver ring in one nostril and another in his arched brow. His lips appeared black, but his teeth gleamed brightly—and pointed.
Definitely a carnivore with chompers like that.
And when he spoke in that strange gibberish, he’d rumbled low and sexy, a gruff voice to go with his tough ass look. She vaguely recalled calling him Han Solo on crack, but she revised that to Johnny Depp in his pirate role commuted to space. Dark, dangerous, and wickedly hot looking.
Given his alien characteristics, she had to wonder just what other surprises he hid other than his skin color and teeth, like maybe a forked dick or acidic jizz.
She slapped a hand over her mouth before she could giggle aloud, not sure if he or some other E.T. watched her from some hidden camera.

Good looks aside, she wasn’t here on an intergalactic cruise to pick up sexy aliens—even if she couldn’t deny curiosity. She’d narrowly escaped her last lover, and now that she had a second chance at life, she needed to swear off men—even hot space ones—for a while. A long while.
Hell, maybe I’ll check out what it’s like on the other side. Maybe I’d have better luck with another woman.
The idea didn’t enthuse her.  A carpet muncher she was not.

With no warning, the wall slid open again and her dark pirate stepped in, his clear eyes glittering. He tossed something small at her and she lifted her hands to catch it—and missed. She’d never excelled at sports, outside the bedroom that was. Naked, she could keep up with any skinny bitch.

The little black object clattered to the floor and she heard an exasperated sigh. “Well, excuse me for not being Miss Agile. You try getting almost drowned by your boyfriend, sucked into some spaceship by a tractor beam, and then having some weird machine experiment on you. I guarantee your reflexes would suck, too.”

He didn’t reply, just crossed his arms across his massive chest and inclined his head at the object on the floor. She stooped to pick it up and turned it in her hand, not recognizing the item at all. “What is it?”

Another sigh sounded followed by movement.  She flicked her gaze at him and sucked in a breath as she discovered him coming at her, almost seven feet of bristling, purple alien pirate. In a disgustingly girly reaction, she backed up. He growled, and in reflex, she growled back. Her response made his brows shoot up. She couldn’t help the smirk that crossed her face as she threw him off balance.

In a lightning quick move, his hand shot out toward her and she squeaked before she dashed behind the table she’d woken up on.

Don’t come near me,” she yelled. “You—you giant, purple weirdo.”

Kddwol sgewo.” He spoke gibberish again and motioned her forward with his hand.

She snorted. Not likely. He snarled, baring his pointed teeth. With nothing to protect herself, she threw the black thing at him.  He caught it with a blurring movement of his hand and she gulped. He displayed remarkable reflexes. He moved around the table, and she shuffled her feet, keeping herself away.

It wasn’t like her to act so cowardly, but truly, the guy—if an alien could be called a guy—was freaking huge, and he didn’t look happy. She screamed when he leapt over the table and snagged an arm around her waist. She continued to shriek and thrash as he whirled her around. He yanked her back into his hard chest, his one arm an immovable anchor around her waist. His other hand fiddled at her ear, and she screamed. “Let go of me you freakish brute.”

Would you shut up, you annoying female, before I give into my first impulse to kill you.”

As his words penetrated her panic, she stilled, her chest heaving. “I understood you,” she whispered.

Of course you did, silly human. If you hadn’t panicked, like your kind are wont to do, I would have shown you how to insert the translator yourself.”

Well, how the hell was I supposed to know?” she snapped back. “It’s not like I’ve ever met an alien before. In my world, we don’t shove things in people’s ears when we meet them for the first time.”

Yes, I am well aware of your planet’s barbarian status,” he retorted with a disgusted snort.

“What?” she sputtered. “Look who’s calling the kettle black. I’d say you aren’t that far from caveman status yourself.”

I knew I should have killed you,

he grumbled from behind her.

It occurred to Megan that perhaps she should shut up for a moment before he acted on his words. The silence, though, made her aware of where she stood, more against whom. Pressed against her back, the alien heated her even through the fabric separating them. The palm pressed against her stomach branded her through the thin linen shirt and held her firmly against him. She wiggled in a sudden attempt to get away, but this served only to have him bring her closer and her eyes widened as she felt something poking her in the back.
That better not be what I think it is.

Instead of smartly shutting up, she took in a breath. “Oh, no fucking way. If you think I’m going to service you sexually, you are out of your mind. I don’t bang guys I don’t know, and that goes double for aliens. I don’t care if you accidentally rescued me—”

He thrust her from him and snorted. “You think highly of yourself, female, if you think I would stoop to copulating with your pale form. Your mouth alone is enough to shrivel any man’s cock.”

Megan whirled and planted her hands on her hip. “Pale? I’m the one with some normal color here instead of freaking purple.  And I’ll have you know, my mouth has never received any complaints; on the contrary, my oral techniques are well known among my lovers.” When his lips twitched into a partial grin, she grasped what she’d said and red heat rose up her neck to color her cheeks. However, she didn’t cower or run. She stood straighter and faced him with a glare.

Thank you for advising me of your aptitude. I shall be sure to add it to your list of skills when I auction you off at the first available port.”

And with those words, he whirled on his heel and began walking away.

Auction? Oh, hell no.
She steeled herself for battle and took off after him.


* * * *


Tren bristled with anger, not at the Earthling who’d amused him with her brave posturing and inane chattering, but at himself for his interest in finding out just how good her oral skills were. He had no interest in the barbarian creature. Although, shoving his cock into her chatterbox would at least muffle the sound of her complaining for a while, something his turgid shaft urged him to try.

And there lay another issue—his attraction to her. It didn’t help she’d gone from drowned, wretched looking sea creature to feisty and surprisingly attractive female. Dry, her hair was streaked yellow and brown in a strangely attractive manner and curled slightly. Her backside, which he’d not noticed previously, was round and inviting. As for her two breasted shape, he enjoyed the way her round breasts filled out the fabric of his shirt and how her nipples protruded through the fabric, begging for a mouth to suck them.

No. We do not play with the merchandise.
Wait, that applied to virgin stock. From the way this one spoke, she was far from that state.
Although, she might end up as frozen food if she keeps haranguing me. S
he followed close on his heels as he strode away in an attempt to escape her tirade.

“There will be no selling of me and my services,” she screeched from behind him.

Tren ignored her and kept walking. What she wanted didn’t even factor into his decisions.

Ooh.” Exasperation colored her exclamation, and a moment later, she attacked him, pummeling his back in a fury with her fists.

He turned and her blows rained on his rock hard abdomen. He stared down at her while she vented her wrath and only when she slowed did he drawl. “Done yet?”

She raised sparking brown eyes to his, and he couldn’t help notice the pink flush on her cheeks. He found himself captivated by the redness of her lips, their natural color, he assumed, now that she’d warmed up. He missed seeing her knee, though, which connected with his cock with unerring accuracy.

Now I am,” she sassed, sounding all too pleased with herself.

Tren gritted his teeth through the burning pain, and before she could inflict more damage, he grabbed her and upended her over his shoulder.

“Put me down,” she yelled, pounding his back with her fists.


I will not let you rape me you—you purple pirate!” she exclaimed.

Like I said, I have no interest in your body. Not enough breasts for my liking. But lack of body parts or not, I’m going to sell you to the highest bidder.” His words, delivered in a menacing tone, did nothing to halt her mouth.

“You can’t do this to me. I demand you bring me back to my planet. I will not be sold like-like an object.”

Silence,” he roared, smacking her bottom with the flat of his hand to grab her attention. When she screeched in rage, he smacked her again and again until she quieted. A shame because he would have enjoyed slapping it some more, perhaps naked. She did have the most delectable bottom. “Finally, some quiet. Now listen up, Earthling. Firstly, we’re not even in your star system any longer, so returning you to your home world is not an option, which, believe me, I am already regretting. Secondly, I’m beginning to think unless I muzzle you or remove your tongue, I’ll never have any luck selling you. Men like their females docile and biddable. And quiet, very, very quiet. A lesson you might wish to learn. And three, my ship, my rules.” 

“Your rules suck.”

Tren’s jaw dropped in surprise at her reply. Did this female not own common sense? Only idiots antagonized him—and never more than once. He made sure of that. “Anyone ever tell you that you don’t know when to shut up?”

All the time, but let me ask you, how would you feel if your boyfriend tried to kill you and then you got kidnapped by an alien who wants to sell you? Would you just give up?”

Then, to his horror, she burst into tears.

Oh, no.  No tears. I won’t tolerate that. You stop crying this instant,” he ordered.

She just sobbed louder.

At a loss, Tren, who’d reached the command center at last, dropped her into his chair and stood back to survey her. His captive smirked at him, not a trace of tears to be seen on her face. She’d faked it.

A grudging admiration at her spirit tugged him, but annoyance at her drama tempered it. “I see even Earthling females are prone to the same dramas as all females the universe over.” Her reply to his disgruntled observation? She blew him a noisy kiss and flashed her index finger at him, which probably meant something back on her planet but just gave him an urge to bite her digit—then suck it.

Pushing aside thoughts of places he’d like to nibble on her frame, he discovered a curiosity about some of her earlier words. “Why did your male companion choose to kill you? Was it because you wouldn’t shut up?”

No,” she replied, her spine straightening as he intentionally goaded her. “He wanted my money. Stupid me, I didn’t know he was a con man until he decided he no longer needed me. He pushed me off a boat and left me to drown.”

Strangely, the actions of her male partner angered him. Not that he let it show. “Lucky me, I now get his botched remains. I warn you right now, you’d better start behaving because if I decide to kill you, I will succeed.” He gave her his most dangerous look and waited to see the fearful respect he’d grown accustomed to.

She stuck her tongue out at him, and Tren almost went crossed eyed at her temerity. “Go ahead,” she taunted.

Are you insane, female?” he roared. “I told you to behave or else.”

Why bother? You already said you intend to sell me,” she accused. “That’s not very nice, you know.”

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