Accidental Billionaire (20 page)

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Authors: Emily Evans

BOOK: Accidental Billionaire
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She went over and hugged him. It was a hugging kind of day.

Tyler slapped him on the shoulder. “Great news. I never doubted it.”

She stayed there in Logan’s arms, and Tyler looked between the two of them. He frowned. “I thought you were going to date Ethan?”


Tyler’s frown deepened and he looked between them again. “I told you to watch out for Baylee. You didn’t date her, did you?”

“Hell, Tyler, it’s Vegas. I didn’t date her. I married her.”

Chapter 29

Baylee stood by the bit of Blarney Stone on the Texas Tech campus waiting for Logan, wondering if the stone was real. She toed a fallen leaf with her sneaker. Autumn in Texas, Logan, what a great day. Being on campus was amazing, hard-earned. Everyone around her had their own story. Maybe their story included a check from Dad like hers did. Maybe it didn’t. But she hoped they felt as grateful.

She pulled out her phone and did her usual balance check. $88,000. Perfect. After paying Mom back, she’d decided to stick to her original budget and had the rest of her money put into a trust. The trust had reached two million this week, thanks to Tyler and Rain Spins’ popularity. It didn’t really make sense how working hard at the factory only rewarded the workers a fraction of what musicians made, but life was crazy that way.

This summer, she’d accidentally become a billionaire, and then became a millionaire through her own work. Which felt better? Being a millionaire for sure. And when one day she did make her own billion dollars, it’d be hers, and it’d be because she earned it.

For now, what did it feel like to be a millionaire? It felt freaking amazing. It was letting go of stress, it was taking care of Mom, it was a sense of security she hadn’t felt since before her parents split and money had gotten so tight. Maybe for others it was posh clothes and extravagant cars, and more power to them; that kept people in jobs. But for her it was security, and she never forgot for a second to appreciate it, but she valued it way less than the things she knew to be priceless: Mom’s support, her friends’ support and Logan’s, and how she felt about Logan.

Logan caught up to her, dressed formally for a coed, but carrying a Texas Tech backpack, black, like hers. When he’d shoved off Stanford to join her, he’d embraced Tech all the way. He wore her favorite grin. He leaned down to kiss her but stopped at the sound of a throat clearing.

A man stood near them, wearing a suit. Not like a professor’s academic look, but more formal. “Mr. Logan St. John?”

“I am.”

“Ms. Baylee Steele?” The man sounded like a process server.


The man reached into his satchel and withdrew two white iridescent boxes, one with clear crystal gemstones spelling out her name. One spelling out Logan’s name. Recognition roiled inside her. They matched the game boxes.

“What is this?” Baylee asked.

The man bowed. “I’m the messenger.”

He strode off.

Baylee met Logan’s gaze. His eyes had darkened to stormy. She tilted her head toward nearby benches and they walked along the sidewalk not speaking, passing other casual coeds, none of whom were carrying sparkly boxes.

They took seats and the first hint of autumn chill after the long summer added to the unreality of the moment. Baylee shivered. “Do
know what this is?”

Logan shook his head and lifted the lid.

Baylee followed suit.

Inside was a passport with her photo, an itinerary with her name on it detailing a round trip ticket to London including hotel, and a small engraved card. The gold embossed font read,
Fidelitas per aetatem,
across the top. She remembered the words, “Fidelity for life.”

Logan read the rest of the embossed writing. “Members. Your presence is requested for the club’s winter meeting. Meet at Trafalgar Square 51.5081° N, 0.1281° W. Nelson’s column. 23:28. 28 December.”

In pen was scrawled a handwritten note.
I look forward to seeing you there. Cheers, Rawlings.

Logan took her hand and pulled her onto his lap. He kissed the back of her fingers, his mouth warm on her chilled skin. “Will you be my date for New Year’s Eve?”

She grinned and Logan moved his mouth to her ear. “Please?” he whispered.

“Will you kiss me at midnight?”

He put his mouth to hers, his lips warm, like a Vegas summer, and certain like a promise. “Always.”


Thanks to Editor Tracy Seybold.

Thanks to Proofreader Ailsa Campbell.

Thanks to awesome Beta-reader Michelle.

Thanks to Joellen, Gail, Barbie, Stacy, Teresa, Jennifer, and Veronica for listening.

Thanks to Wayne for the push.

Thanks! You’re awesome: Brennan, Joseph, Mishann, Megan, Rachel, Darlene, Heather, Jeff, Trevor, my aunts, uncles, Mom, and Dad.

Other available books by Emily Evans:

The Accidental Movie Star

The Accidental TV Star

Accidental Action Star

Accidental Rock Star

The Boarding School Experiment

Prep School Experiment

Do Over

The Kissing Deadline

The Prince with Amnesia


Table of Contents

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