Accidental Crush (5 page)

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Authors: Adrienne Torrisi

BOOK: Accidental Crush
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"It's not my secret, it's principal Mark's secret." Her face
gets a little too close to mine. Does she do this to everyone? What is with her? And why is Todd still holding her hand?

"Come on
, guys, we still need a lot of practice before next week." Todd tries to relieve the obvious tension. She lets go of his hand, then struts back toward the stage to join the rest of the band that’s made up of some kids I recognize and some I don't.

“I thought you guys sounded pretty great
,” I say sort of under my breath.

, Ash.” Shane playfully punches me in the arm as he turns to head back to rehearse.

gestures toward Shane with his head. “He’s taking Roger’s place on drums. He’s pretty good.”

“Yeah, who knew?”
I say with a smile. My heart breaks a little when I realize exactly why Todd has asked him to join the band.

smiles and starts walking backwards to keep eye contact with me as he makes his way back to the stage. "See you later, Ashley. Remember, if people find out, we’ll know who told." Then he jumps back on stage. I guess that’s my cue to leave, but I really want to stay. I’ve never been so excited to see a pep rally. Not to mention, Todd didn't call me kiddo, that’s a small step in the right direction. I give a nod to Charlie, who definitely sees me smiling to myself, as if to say thanks for not chasing me. He gives me a nod back and I swear he knows how I feel about Todd by the way he grins at me. I hope I'm not that obvious.



6: Homecoming Week


A big, black and gold “EHS” cardboard cutout is hanging above our heads as we enter school. The halls are filled with black and gold streamers while homemade Spirit Week posters line the walls; reminding students of the dress up schedule for the week. There is a definite buzz in the air; the excitement is contagious.

, Sid!" I join her at our lockers just as we do every morning. Shane’s locker is right next to ours, but for some reason he chooses to carry most of his books so he rarely comes over to the lockers in the morning.

, Ash. Can you believe it's Spirit Week? I mean, this is our very first high school homecoming!" She is bubbling over.

"Yeah, well
, I certainly wouldn't be standing here dressed like a boy if it wasn't."

gives me the once over and nods with approval. "You look good in Ryan's old jersey."

, Sid. You look pretty good in Todd's jersey, too." I can’t stop thinking,
would it be strange if I asked her if I could smell it?
Maybe I can just bury my nose in the chest of the jersey for a minute or two. Todd wears Obsession cologne; it’s old school, but something about it when it mixes with Todd's natural scent becomes totally addictive. He always smells delicious. "So I get the dress up part of Spirit Week—humiliate yourself and your class gets points—but how do we know who wins?"

As if on cue
, Gretchen and RTS are walking by and overhear. "Don't worry, the freshman class never wins." RTS looks us up and down. "But you look cute." The way she says
is not meant as a compliment and she tops it off with an over-exaggerated cackle. Gretchen shrugs her shoulders innocently as if to say she doesn’t agree, but certainly isn't going to stand up for us. Good old Gretch, she’s always so helpful.

is wearing Ryan’s letterman jacket, although that really shouldn't count as dressing up for spirit week because she wears that every day. RTS is wearing Todd's jacket which makes me cringe inside. Hopefully it's just because he's helping her show school spirit and nothing more.

"Listen, they judge spirit week in front of the school after homeroom every
day. There will be an announcement for everyone who dressed up to meet out in the main courtyard. Each class gets a point for everyone who dressed up," Gretchen explains. I actually think she feels bad. Well, honestly, I don't think she wants me to mention this little exchange to Ryan. Not that I ever would; I don’t agree with his choice, but I'm not going to sabotage his relationship.

"Thank you, Gretchen." I purposely over enunciate her name and avoid eye contact with RTS. Her relationship
—if there is one—I will definitely try to sabotage.

, a commotion down the hall interrupts my attempt at being rude. Everyone is hooting and hollering as the hallway parts and there, in the middle of it, are Todd, Ryan and Brian. They are strutting down the hall, dressed as cheerleaders. All three are wearing long, blonde wigs. Wow, Todd even looks good dressed as a girl. I can see other girls’ heads turn as he walks by and it’s clear they are thinking the same thing.

comes up and kisses Gretchen in the middle of the hallway. "Hi, ladies," he says to all of us.

"We should be saying that to you
," Sid responds, making even RTS laugh.

"You guys look amazing!" RTS
says as she obnoxiously stares at Todd. "Thanks for the jacket, Todd."

"No problem, it looks good on you
," Todd responds with a smile as his hand brushes against the arm of the jacket.

I think I just threw up a little.
Maybe he needs glasses?

"You have to teach us a cheer so we can do it during judging. Juniors are going to win this thing this year
," Brian says to Gretch and RTS as he starts making up his own cheer. He's always been one for competition.

"Don't count out the freshman
," I interject.

"Nice try
, Ash, but freshman never win. I'm not sure why you guys even bothered." Brian shakes his head. Now,
would make a really great couple with RTS.

"I think you guys look great.” Todd
smiles at me. “I'm impressed you even went all out with pads, Ashley." My heart does an extra flip. He noticed! Well, honestly, how can he not? I mean, I’m wearing these ridiculously huge pads under the jersey. In hindsight I might have gone a little overboard. 

The goo
d news, Todd smiled at me and didn’t call me
for the second time in a row. The bad news, the homecoming dance is this Saturday and I don’t have a date. Not that I’m surprised. In my fourteen years, I’ve yet to have a date; so not much new there. I mean, when I fantasize about it, of course I’m going with Todd — he is crowned Homecoming King and I am the first freshmen in the history of freshman to be crowned Homecoming Queen—but in reality, it’s life as usual. Todd has no idea how I feel. In fact, no one has any idea.

For the first time
, there really isn’t anyone I can talk to. Sid is his sister and I don’t think that will go over very well. I mean, there is a small chance she’ll be excited, but it isn’t worth the risk. Shane, well, Shane is busy and not really around lately. Plus, Shane is in the middle of Principal Mark's top-secret assignment with Todd and I’m not sure where his loyalty lies right now. And, whenever I do see him, I am with Sid and that makes it tough to really talk about anything, like RTS. Talking to Ryan is not an option. If I start asking questions about Todd and Rebecca, I’m sure he’ll get suspicious. Knowing Ryan, he’ll figure it out and that will ruin everything. I love my brother, but I’m not sure he can keep something like this to himself. He’ll think it’s
and probably tell Todd. He definitely wouldn’t get it. So I decide—as hard as it is—to keep everything to myself. 

On the upside of Homecoming, Ryan
has finally been cleared to play in the big game. Dr. Martin and his coaches have made him sit out for two weeks and he can’t wait to play. My parents, on the other hand, are a little nervous as usual.

My brother is fearless and doesn’t always make the
best decisions; like the time we went to the Grand Canyon on a family vacation. Ryan would walk right passed the “it’s not recommended to go beyond this point” signs without even a second thought. I, on the other hand, was a firm believer that those signs were there for a reason. Ultimately, he got amazing pictures, but he also gave my mom and dad a heart attack.

We’ve been to the hospital at least once a year for Ryan
—stitches, broken bones, and now appendicitis—not that this one is his fault. You name it, he’s done it. I guess that’s what makes him such a good athlete and what always makes me the last one picked for the team; he isn’t afraid to go for it and I always am.

Every year at homecoming we play our second biggest rivals, the Hornets. They’re the school from the next town over and they
are usually a pretty good team, but the huge rivalry between us always makes the game really exciting. We have a strong team this year and everyone knows our chances are good to win our homecoming game. Word in the halls is that we’re good enough to beat the Wildcats, our biggest rivals, in the last game of the season and make it to the state championship. I can’t handle all that pressure, but Ryan thrives on it. 



Homecoming week
is flying by and still no date for the dance. Tuesday is Tacky Day. Each class has to dress in their tackiest outfits possible. As I approach Sid’s locker, I can see that she is busy putting the finishing touches on her outfit. “Sid, you look super tacky.”

, Ash. Yeah, I was really inspired yesterday and you know me; I have a ton of tacky stuff. It’s like today was made for me.” She’s right. She is wearing a crazy combination of all these things she already owned. She has striped, orange tights under her cutoff shorts. She also has a fluorescent orange scarf tied into a big bow in her hair and giant orange earrings dangling from her ears.

“Way to take one for the freshman class. Hey, thanks for
FaceTiming with me this morning, I was at a total loss.”

“Anytime! I think what you picked looks super tacky” Today, and only today, this
is a huge compliment. I smile as I put on my oversized, pink cowgirl hat. I finally ended up wearing a super short jean skirt over black tights and striped knee high socks with flip-flops.

“Nice job
, girls,” Ryan says from behind as we share Sid’s locker mirror to put on fluorescent pink lipstick.

, here’s our other Golden Girl,” Brian yells over as he and Todd come up to join us. They are all dressed as girls AGAIN, I’m starting to sense a theme. Only this time, it is like they’ve raided my Nana’s closet. They each are wearing big, flowered, button down housecoats with giant beaded necklaces and earrings.

“You guys look ridiculously amazing!” I
try not to laugh. “Where did you change because I know you didn’t leave the house like that this morning, Ryan?”

, I’m not sure Dad would appreciate us wearing Nana’s clothes, so I figured it was better if we all got dressed in the locker room.”

I roll my eyes. “There are so many things wrong with that statement.”
I can’t believe they actually are my Nana's clothes. He has lost his mind and he's right, my dad would not be happy.

“This is officially the best thing that’s come out of that locker room in a long time. I’m sure your coach is so proud.”
Sid’s smile is full of sarcasm.

“Don’t worry your little freshman brain, Coach loves when we win, no matter what the game is
,” Brian responds right as two senior cheerleaders come up to him.

, Brian!” they say, giggling in unison.

Even though Brian
is only a junior, he is basically the king of the week because he is the starting quarterback on the team. Brian literally has a different girl fawning over him every time I see him. The big question at school is, who is Brian going to ask to the homecoming dance? Girls are practically begging to go with him, so it’s not like he’ll have trouble finding a date. I guess I’ve always known he is popular, but now that we are in school together and I see it firsthand, it’s crazy how much being the quarterback changes people's perspective of you. 

As I walk to class I notice H
omecoming Pep Rally signs have been added to the hallway walls. It’s this Friday and I am beyond excited. Everyone thinks it is just going to be your typical, boring pep rally. It’s a lot harder to keep this secret than I thought it was going to be, but I have, so far. Sid is relentless and she won’t stop trying to figure out what Shane is up to. If I truly had no idea, I know I would be doing the same thing so I have to pretend to try to help her figure it out. Her guesses are always way off, though, and I have to try really hard not to laugh.

“I think Shane has a girlfriend he’s not telling us about.” Sid
comes up with another theory. 

I nod in agreement.

“But why was he holding drumsticks?"
she asks herself. "Maybe he joined the school band and he doesn’t want us to know? Oh, maybe it’s Stacy Roberts, she’s in band. Maybe he likes her and he wants to impress her so he joined band.” Sid goes on and on about her different theories and I pretty much just nod in agreement. I’m too afraid that, if I respond, I’ll give away that I know something. I’m surprised Sid doesn’t realize I’m not saying anything. I think she is so caught up in her own theories that I could walk away and she wouldn’t even notice. The good news is rehearsals don’t go too long after school because Todd and a couple of the other guys need to get to football practice, so Shane usually joins us pretty quickly and then Sid has to put a plug in her theories. Although, she always says something like, “Oh, marching band practice was cut short today, huh?” to which Shane just laughs. He’s much better at this keeping secrets thing than me.



is Decade Day and each class gets a different decade. The freshman always get the worst; the 50’s. I mean, no one can look cute in a poodle skirt. Of course, juniors get the 70’s and seniors get the 80’s. Both are awesome decades. Gretchen and the junior cheerleaders are all dressed in super short, homemade, tie-dye dresses. They have flowers woven into braids in their hair. Even I have to admit they look great. Ryan, Brian and Todd are doing their best
Saturday Night Fever
strut down the hall in tight leisure suits while getting a ton of attention as usual. They all went to Goodwill after school yesterday to get the tightest suits they could find. They look pretty hilarious.

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