Read Accidental Trifecta Online

Authors: Avery Gale

Accidental Trifecta (17 page)

BOOK: Accidental Trifecta
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Chapter Nineteen


Carl couldn’t remember ever being as aroused as he was looking down on CeCe as she arched her back presenting herself to him. He wasn’t known as a stickler for protocol, as long as a sub let him take the reins, he wasn’t going to fuss at her to keep her back level or her knees a certain width apart. Carl had seen Doms stop a scene over minutia when they should have been so lost in the pleasure they wouldn’t care about the little crap. Jesus, who cared if you could lay a fucking fine china tea set on the woman’s back—just fuck her already. He’d always wanted to tell them to just let yourself fall into the mind numbing pleasure and chill the fuck out. But looking down on CeCe’s perfect form, seeing her flatten her back and feeling how that opened her up to deeper penetration, he was starting to understand their reasoning.

When CeCe had asked Cam to kiss him, Carl’s knees had nearly folded. Then to hear her say she wanted him to be a part of their relationship had almost shredded his control. The devastating distraction of Cam’s kiss had been the only thing to pull him back. He’d wondered a million times over the years if Cameron Barnes’ kisses were really as earth moving as he remembered, and they were. Time has a way of skewing memories, but this once his recollection was point on—the man’s kiss was so perfectly balanced between seduction and demand it had completely leveled him.

Wrapping his fist around his cock, Carl wasn’t surprised to feel the heated skin, hell, the rest of his body had to be functioning without much blood supply because it was all pooled in his groin. Just touching himself made him groan with need. Pressing the tip against CeCe’s ass sent a ripple of arousal through her and Carl watched the small shiver move through her muscles like a small wave. The woman’s control was teetering on the edge as well and he was perversely pleased to know he

the only one affected.

Cam was talking to them and a small sliver of Carl’s brain acknowledged the fact CeCe was responding, but he wasn’t able to make out the words over the sound of his own heartbeat pounding in his ears.
Jesus, Joseph, and Mary. She is going to bring me to my knees before I even get her off.
He hadn’t come before the woman he was fucking since he’d been a teenager, but if he didn’t get his head back in the game, this was going to end far too soon. Looking up at the monitors, Carl watched as the camera zoomed in on his cock pressing in to CeCe’s ass. The picture was hot enough to sizzle, but the center screen captured his attention. Seeing the look on CeCe’s face as he pushed balls deep into her rectum enthralled him. Her features reminded him of a porcelain doll, a very erotic and hot doll. Her concentration never wavered, but the need was easy to read in her eyes.

Carl closed his eyes for a few seconds and let his mind wrap itself around all the sensations flooding his body. His senses were being bombarded with the scent of CeCe’s arousal and the musky smell of naked men overlaying the sweet smell of the night jasmine blooming around them. Carl had shed his clothes as soon as they’d walked into the master suite, he’d never been intimidated by nudity and being naked with CeCe was never going to be a hardship. The look of appreciation he’d seen in her eyes had been a huge ego boost as well. When her body pulsed around his cock as the tight muscles tried to pull him deeper into her heat, he cursed under his breath.
Hell, baby, I can’t get any further in you, and you are already stealing my soul.
And then, just as he didn’t think he could stand any more, Cam walked up behind him and pressed his muscled chest flat against Carl’s back. Feeling Cam’s chest hair brushing against his heated back ramped up his need and Carl heard himself groan. Leaning down he slid his hand under her, he was grateful Cam hadn’t tied her so tightly he wouldn’t have been able to cup her breasts in his hands. He managed to roll the tight tips between his fingers and smiled when she arched into his touch.

Bending forward over CeCe had given Cam the access he needed and Carl heard the sound of the lube bottle being opened just before the cool gel trickled down the crack of his ass. Cam’s large finger began massaging the slick gel into the tight ring of muscles surrounding his hole without breaching it as Carl felt Cam lean over him from the side. Looking up at the monitor, he felt the air leave his lungs when he saw the dark demand written in Cam’s expression. He intended to take, plunder, and possess—the only question was, would he walk away again like he had so many years ago. “Tell me.” Cam’s words had been growled against Carl’s ear, and he wouldn’t pretend he didn’t know exactly what the man meant.

“Will you walk away again?” He hadn’t meant to say it. He certainly hadn’t meant to blurt it out so bluntly. But it was done now, and he’d just have to deal with the consequences.

Cam went still beside him and Carl searched the man’s gaze in the monitors for anger, but only saw regret. “I thought I was doing the right thing. I was trying to spare you the embarrassment I was sure would follow.” Carl was convinced that much was true, Cameron Barnes was nothing if not loyal. He had no doubt felt that if claimed he’d been the aggressor, Carl would be seen as a victim. He’d tried to give him an easy out, but Carl had shouldered his share of the blame even though the consequences had been devastating. The pain of that time in his life was compounded by feelings of abandonment, losing his best friend had been the worst part of the nightmare his life became in the blink of an eye. One minute he’d been mindless in the pleasure and the next he’d been alone. During one of his forays into self-destruction, he’d decided perhaps the military would be a great escape. Carl always found it interesting how fate could maneuver you right where you needed to be because that decision—which had been made for all the wrong reasons, had ended up saving his life. Shaking off the bad memories, Carl met Cam’s gaze and looked deep into his former friend’s eyes. The eyes were the same, yet so very different. There was wisdom and pain that hadn’t been there before, but the soul of the man studying him with equal interest was still the same.

“I’ve never made a decision I regretted more.” Cam’s words had been spoken softly, but they’d pierced the shield Carl built around his heart after that night. He knew it couldn’t be healed overnight, but a new warmth moved through him infusing him with a newfound hope. “I can’t promise that this will last forever. Fuck, even traditional couples can’t make that promise, even though they try. What I can promise you both is that I’ll always be honest with you. I’ll never make a decision without having your best interest at heart. And I’ll never leave you until we have discussed it—I’ll never leave without saying goodbye.”

Carl nodded once, letting Cam know he was satisfied with his answer, and when he looked down at CeCe his heart clenched at the tear tracks on her cheeks. “Baby, don’t cry, you’ll break my heart.”

She smiled sweetly and said, “It’s okay, they are tears of joy, not pain.” Then her indulgent smile turned naughty, “Although, I’m awfully close to dying of need. Can we get on with this, because I can’t even tell you how much I want to see my Master fuck you while you fuck me.”

“There’s a nice punishment session in your future, pet. Topping from the bottom is not going to be tolerated, no matter how much I agree with you.” Carl knew by the look in Cam’s eyes, CeCe’s punishment wasn’t going to be anything she wouldn’t enjoy, probably more than she should.
And damn it all to hell if I’m not actually looking forward to seeing a few of my own handprints on that lush ass of hers. I hope like hell she
likes what Cam has to show her tomorrow because I wouldn’t have any trouble getting used to living here.


Cameron hadn’t expected Carl’s blunt response, but he hadn’t been entirely blindsided either. He could honestly say he was relieved to have finally discussed the elephant in the corner. Cam could only hope that since it had finally been brought up, they’d be able to move on. There was so much more for them to work on, he didn’t want to get hung up on this. Cam had also known exactly what Cecelia had been doing when she’d mentioned getting on with it, the little imp hadn’t been topping from the bottom at all; she had simply been trying to lighten the mood, and her “punishment” was going to look an awful lot like a reward.

Grabbing a nearby hand towel, he spoke to Carl as he dried his hands, “Fuck her slowly. I want to watch while I undress. I don’t want either of you to come until I’m there with you.” He had to hold back his smile when both Cecelia and Carl groaned as Carl slowly withdrew from her tight hole. Cam took his time removing his clothing, not that he’d left much on, but simply because the scene in front of him stole every bit of his attention. Listening to Carl’s soft murmurings as he praised Cecelia was ramping up his arousal even though he was merely an observer. But watching Carl’s hard cock disappear into Cecelia made him impatient to see his own throbbing member disappearing into Carl.

Drizzling more lube into Carl’s crack and then pushing against the tight ring until his fingers met resistance made him growl. “Don’t try to keep me out. Your body remembers how to do this. Most important, it remembers how incredible it feels when I’m all the way in. The only thing better? That sweet slide in and out, shocking all those neglected nerve endings to life until the cum in your balls boils out of control sending lightning up your spine. You’ll come deep in our sub’s ass when I’m filling yours. Now, press out and let me prepare you.”

The next few minutes seemed to drag even though he enjoyed the power he felt dominating both Carl and Cecelia. Knowing they were both submitting to him, letting him direct their pleasure, was a heady feeling. He would reward their trust in ways they couldn’t even yet imagine. He had always cherished Cecelia’s submission above all else. Cam loved his daughter with all his heart, but he knew her soul wasn’t his to keep. His role was to provide for her, love her, and help her find her way in the world. The goal was to let her go with as much preparation as possible, but in the end, she’d have to follow her own path. But, Cecelia was his to nurture and protect until death separated them. Even if she decided to leave him tomorrow, Cam would always provide for her and ensure her life was as worry-free as possible.

Cam made sure he stepped out so the camera would show him clearly as he squirted lube into his own hand and then wrapped his fingers around his cock. Carl leaned forward and spoke against Cecelia’s ear, “Do you see that, baby? That is all for us, Master Cam is more than a little aroused by our little show here. Just think how incredible it’s going to be when each thrust he makes into me pushes me into you. It’s going to be a chain reaction. Think nuclear fission, totally out of control and explosive once it’s set into motion. But fuck, baby, it’s going to send us all into an orgasmic coma, mark my word.” Cam couldn’t have agreed more, but didn’t comment. The moment had been intimate between the two of them and Cam wanted them to build on the bond they’d already formed. It wasn’t easy to step back, but he was determined to do whatever was required to insure his sweet wife’s happiness.

Moving so he was standing behind Carl, Cam adjusted the cameras and then set the remote to the side. He wanted to be able to enjoy the images, but even more, he wanted to have both hands free to touch the man bending over in front of him. Stroking himself in a tight fist, Cam enjoyed the slick feel of the lube as it warmed under his touch. Spreading his feet apart, he stepped closer and pressed the tip against Carl’s hole. “Your bodies are mine to enjoy. Pet, your body belongs to both of us, but Carl’s is mine alone to pleasure when we are playing.” As he pressed through the tight muscles, Cam had to catch his breath as the pleasure washed over him.
Holy fucking hell, I’m never going to last.
“That’s not to say I may not direct his pleasure, but it’s still mine to provide when we are playing.” He’d managed to keep talking while pressing forward but it had nearly drained his control.

Carl’s muscles flexed around him and Cam growled in response, “Jesus, we have to do this or I’m going to lose the last shred of finesse I’m holding on to.”

“Yes. Come on, sweetness, let’s chase it.” Carl’s words were evidently all it took for Cecelia to let go. Watching her expression in the monitor, Cam saw her eyes glaze over and knew she was lost in the passion. God he loved seeing that look in her eyes—knowing he’d had a part in giving her that kind of pleasure was heady stuff, indeed. Cam began thrusting in and out of Carl’s hot ass in synch with Carl’s own measured thrust into Cecelia. “Your body is made for this, baby. You are so responsive, your body is burning me alive.” Cam couldn’t remember ever hearing Carl Phillips’ voice sound as deep and raspy as it did now, and it was one of the sexiest things he’d ever heard. If the man walked away from them, Cam wasn’t sure he’d survive it, and the stark truth of what he’d done all those years ago hit him like a ton of bricks. Leaning forward, he pressed a kiss between Carl’s shoulder blades and whispered an apology that was long overdue.

Looking up at the monitor one last time, Cam wanted to shout out his joy for everyone to hear. He finally had everything he’d dreamed of within his grasp and in this moment his life was as close to perfect as it had ever been. Before he could get lost thinking about tomorrow, he pulled his mind back, determined to enjoy
this moment
. Just as it should be, Cecelia came first, her scream was probably echoing off the nearby rock cliffs. In the back of Cam’s mind, he wondered if they’d be getting a visit from the local constable. But the thought was lost in the next instant when Carl’s arm snaked back to wrap around Cam’s hip locking the two of them together. The move might have been lust driven, but its significance wasn’t lost on Cameron. The next second both men shouted their release as Carl’s muscles locked down like a vise wringing the last drop of cum from Cam’s cock.

Cameron saw black spots dancing in front of his eyes when his brain came back on-line and he was grateful he’d locked his knees—passing out and collapsing from an orgasm probably violated some part of the Dom-code. Hell, he’d probably have to turn in his card or something.
it, I’m thinking like a fucking wimp.
But shit, I’m damned lucky that didn’t fry all my brain cells. I’m lucky I can think at all.
“As soon as my legs work, we’ll take a shower and then rest. But that may be a while—right now I can’t feel my hands or feet. Fuck me, that was amazing.”

Cam heard Carl’s grunted agreement, but when he looked up at the screen, Cecelia’s eyes were closed. “Pet? Shit, is she okay?”

“Yeah, just passed out. I can feel her breathing, but she is certainly in need of some aftercare.” Carl’s voice was full of tenderness as they both moved to disentangle themselves and release Cecelia from the restraints. As they rubbed her arms and legs to ease the muscle strain her dark lashes fluttered and finally rose. Cam saw a whole new look of love in her eyes and then as if they’d rehearsed it, he and Carl both leaned down and kissed her temple before Cam picked her up in his arms and they all three made their way back inside.

“She humbles me. I have done so many horrible things in my life—granted I was doing them for what I was convinced were noble reasons, but it doesn’t change the fact I’ve ended a lot of lives and I feel each of those as if it were a black mark on my soul. But I’ve obviously done some things right, because she is a blessing I never expected fate to send me.” Cam watched as Carl started filling water in the enormous bathtub and added the healing salts that had been set out for them. “Chloe is another gift, and one neither Cecelia nor I have been able to spend enough time with. She deserves better than we’ve given her, and my hope is that if you stay, the three of us will be better parents than two.”

Settling in the warm water with his cuddly pet cradled on his lap, Cam met Carl’s gaze in the mirrors surrounding the tub and saw the question in his eyes. “There isn’t anything I won’t share with you if you’ll devote yourself to our family. If it’s mine to give, you’ll have it. I want us to both be free to help with the teams when we can, but we won’t ever be gone at the same time. We’ll never work on the same missions either, that way our family will always have one of us to rely on.”

He looked down to see Cecelia’s were open and she was studying him closely. “Thank you—for giving me what I didn’t even know I wanted. But more importantly, thank you both for having the courage to try. I really believe you have needed this as well.” When she reached out her hand, Carl wrapped both of his around her much smaller one before scooting closer.

“Beautiful and brilliant. We are blessed, brother.” Carl’s quiet words of acceptance filled Cam’s heart with hope that everything he’d set in place was going to work out perfectly.
Now, if Captain Andrews can just get the goods on Allen before he hurts anyone, and Cecelia falls in love with the clinic, we can start our new life here.

BOOK: Accidental Trifecta
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