Accidentally in Love (18 page)

Read Accidentally in Love Online

Authors: Jane Davitt,Alexa Snow

Tags: #Romance, #M/M Contemporary, #Contemporary, #Gay, #Source: Amazon

BOOK: Accidentally in Love
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“You can add some cold if you need to.” Tom leaned back against the sink.

“I don’t.” There really wasn’t a way to gradually lower oneself to a sitting position, so Cal steeled himself and sat. “God.” He did feel like a lobster. Oddly, he was shivering, goose bumps breaking out on his arms as if he were immersing himself in cold water, not hot. He felt his skin prickle and tingle, his breathing as ragged as it had been when he was running.


“I think my nerve endings must’ve been seared or something, because it’s actually starting to feel good.” Cal moved cautiously, since each shift in position brought the water higher, lapping against relatively uncooked parts of his shoulders. He settled back and closed his eyes, drifting away on a sea of lava. The bath was big, roomy enough to feel luxuriously indulgent, and Cal was definitely a fan of that. “Mm. Yeah, my leg’s definitely enjoying this.”

“Mm,” Tom echoed. “That’s…” His voice trailed off and Cal opened his eyes.

Tom was staring at him, not in a furtive way, but frankly curious, his gaze sweeping slowly over Cal from head to toe. “You’re hot.”

“What gave me away? The droplets of sweat?” His scalp itched, and he wanted to sink down under the water. Caution told him to wait until it’d cooled a little.

“Hot as in…hot.” Tom reached out, his hand tentatively hovering over the surface of the water. “Can I, I mean would you mind if I—”

“All-access pass,” Cal assured him. “Touch me as much as you want, as long as you’re prepared to deal with my reaction to it.”

“I like it when you get hard.” Tom trailed his fingers through the water, dipping in too shallowly to actually brush against skin. Cal shivered again and held very still. “It proves you’re into me. At least, I think it does.”

“I couldn’t even start to describe all the ways I’m into you.” Cal waited and watched as Tom’s fingers broke the surface of the water again and then lifted away without touching him. It was the world’s slowest tease; he couldn’t look away.

Tom cleared his throat, but his voice was still husky. “You want me?”

“So much,” Cal whispered. “You have no idea.” He wanted to drop a hand into Tom’s lap to see if he was getting hard too. The oversize T-shirt hid anything he might have seen.

Tom’s index finger swirled a circle in the water. “You want to fuck me?” It sounded like an idle question, but Cal knew there was something important behind it and that he needed to be completely honest.

“Yes.” He lifted his gaze to Tom’s face, and Tom looked up at him at that same moment. “Yes, I want to fuck you. More than I’ve ever wanted anyone.” He couldn’t let himself think about what it would be like. It was too much. He was already painfully hard just because of Tom’s proximity. “What do you think?”

“I think I want to fuck you too.” Tom's hand plunged into the water, a smooth glide that barely rippled the surface, his fingertips finally touching Cal’s skin in a slow caress across his stomach. It was like being touched by a lit match without the pain, a sizzle of heat that made the water Cal lay in feel tepid by comparison. “I know when you asked me in the shower I wasn’t sure, but now I am.” Cal’s momentary flicker of panic must’ve shown on his face, because Tom smiled, petting him through the water, muted pats of his hand, the water robbing them of speed and force. “You can go first,” Tom said. “Show me what to do. There’s no rush for any of this, is there?”

That was another question with a measure of anxiety behind it, and Cal shook his head, willing his body not to arch up demandingly. “No rush at all. Any way you want it. I told you that. Fast, slow, you on top, or me. Whatever, it’s all good, I swear—”

“You’re babbling.” Tom took his hand lower, silencing Cal because he couldn’t talk when his teeth were gritted. Tom was stroking his cock with fingertips that never quite stayed still long enough to register, the restless water adding to the sensation of being touched by a shadow. “God, I love making you look like this. I didn’t think I could. I mean, you’ve done everything, and that’s kind of intimidating.”

Cal couldn’t look away from his cock and Tom’s hand. He’d watched himself jerk off a thousand times and stared down as his cock was sucked and licked or welcomed inside a tight, slicked-up hole, but this maddeningly elusive
under water was something else again.

“You’re sure you’ve never done this before?” he managed to say, his body demanding that he
, thrust upward. “Got to tell you, you’re driving me fucking crazy here.”

“You want me to stop?” Tom asked and actually took his hand out of the goddamn water.

Cal whined a protest, words escaping him for a moment because his hips had lifted involuntarily, and the head of his cock had broken the water. The kiss of cool air had felt shockingly good. Tom’s hand back where it belonged would feel better.


“Tell me what you want me to do,” Tom murmured with a meek willingness to help that Cal didn’t buy for a second. He was beginning to realize that being a virgin didn’t stop someone from having some interesting fantasies. It felt as if he was starring in one of Tom’s.

“I want you to do whatever you want, as long as both of us getting off is part of the plan. Should I get out of the water?” Cal was torn between offering what might be helpful and just letting Tom direct things.

Tom gave him a thoughtful, patient look, and Cal had to think it was unfair that the man was capable of patience at this moment. “No, stay where you are. Anything else would take too long.”

It was a little reassuring to hear that Tom didn’t want to wait, and even more reassuring when his hand closed around Cal’s dick again. “You gonna jerk me off?” Cal asked.

“Yeah, I think so.” Tom glanced at his face briefly, an assessing look. “I want to know that I can do this.”

“Do what?” Cal gasped as Tom’s knuckle rubbed near the head of his cock. “I mean…” He wasn’t sure he knew
he meant, because he was anxious for Tom to start moving his hand faster. “Without freaking out?”

“Why would I freak out?” Tom’s hand was submerged to the wrist now as he tugged gently at Cal’s balls, studying Cal almost like he was a science experiment. “No, I just want to know I can make you come. Like this, when it’s not so spontaneous.”

“Jesus. You could probably make me come just by talking to me,” Cal said. “And no, that’s not a request. Not right now, anyway. Just… Tom. Don’t stop, okay?”

“Stopping isn’t part of the plan,” Tom assured him kindly.

“There’s a plan?” Cal inquired and heard his voice crack on the final word, because Tom, with more daring than Cal would’ve expected, slid a single, questing finger back. It didn’t push inside Cal, but the light pressure sent a jolt of pleasure through him. That curious, tentative without being shy exploration was incredibly arousing, for some reason. Tom was a mix of confidence and hesitancy. Cal was finding it difficult to predict what he’d do or how far he’d go.


He liked that.

“There’s a kind of plan,” Tom said.


Cal wasn’t really listening to Tom’s words now, just the timbre of his voice. The low huskiness seemed to scratch pleasurably against him the way the stubble on Tom’s chin did when they kissed. Tom was still doling out small, random touches as if he’d got a limited supply, and Cal appreciated each one keenly. The thin, sharp flash of arousal when the edge of Tom’s fingernail ran slowly along the vein winding its way up the underside of Cal’s cock made him gasp. The roar of sensation when Tom’s thumb rubbed across the knot of nerve endings just under the head had his eyes closing for a moment. Hardest to bear without doing an Oliver impression and begging for more were the rare moments when Tom closed his hand, warm palm and long fingers, lightly around Cal’s cock. Tom exerted no pressure, but it tormented Cal to the point of desperation because he needed to feel that circle of fingers tighten and squeeze.

“I really hope,” he managed to say, “that part of the plan is me coming. ’Cause I don’t think I’m going to be able to avoid… God,
—” He was so close, so close.


“Oh, it is. That’s what you want, right?” Tom teased at Cal’s balls again, the skin there drawn so tight that Cal thought he might explode at any second.

“Yes.” Cal bit his lip as Tom stroked him just once before going back to light touches.


“Yes.” Tom shifted, knuckles bumping Cal’s inner thigh, and Cal flashed on what it would feel like to have those knuckles rubbing their way inside him, and groaned, trembling.

“Come on,” Tom whispered. “Come for me.” And Cal did, watching himself as he spurted through Tom’s fingers, gasping and jerking with relief.


When it was over, and the clouded water had cleared, he lay back, his heart pounding, and tried to remember the last time a climax had left him this wrung-out and blissed-out.

“You’re evil,” he said in an exhausted whisper. “Pure evil and I loved every minute.”

“God, so did I,” Tom said. “Thanks for letting me do that.”

Cal choked on a laugh. “You’re thanking
? Jesus, Tom, you just made me come so hard I nearly passed out. How does that qualify as me doing you a favor?”

“It just does.” Tom sat back on his heels, and Cal roused himself enough to peer over the side of the bath. Tom’s hands were clenched into fists on his thighs, and he looked supremely uncomfortable. The hard-on pushing insistently against his shorts was probably to blame for that. “I should, uh, I’ll be back in a minute.”

“Oh, no. Uh-uh,” Cal said with a lazy firmness. God, he was still feeling that climax, sweet aftershocks zinging through him as his body came down from its high. “You watched me. I wanna see what you do with that not-so-little problem you have there.”

Tom was flushed already, but the pink in his cheeks deepened, and Cal thought for a moment that he would make some excuse and leave. Concerned that he’d pushed too far, he opened his mouth to tell Tom not to worry about it. Before he could speak, Tom took a deep breath, a glint appearing in his eyes.

“Want to help me with it instead?”

“Anything,” Cal said, meaning it.

Tom stood and shoved his shorts, damp from sweat and splashed water, down and off. The hem of his long T-shirt was left draped over his erection, but he didn’t shrug out of the T-shirt. After one glimpse of his rock-hard, wet-tipped cock, Cal could see why Tom didn’t want to take those extra few seconds. The man looked ready to blow.


Shifting onto his knees, Cal winced as his softening cock made contact with the side of the tub, which wasn’t nearly as cold as it would have been if it was empty. He didn’t care about the hard surface. He was more interested in Tom’s hard cock, and he braced a hand on the edge of the tub and leaned forward. He shoved Tom’s T-shirt up with his other hand and put his mouth around the reddened tip, and before he could do anything else, Tom came.

Cal wasn’t particularly surprised; he’d known it wouldn’t take long. He steadied Tom with a hand on his hip and swallowed the salty fluid that shot into his mouth, massaging Tom’s cock with lips and tongue to wring every bit of pleasure from him.

“Oh my God,” Tom said finally, panting, as Cal let his dick slip free. “I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be. You were amazing.” Cal kissed a freckle on Tom’s thigh, then ran his tongue across the skin there slowly. Tom drew a shaky breath.

“I feel like we’ve spent most of the day wet.”

Cal chuckled and reached down, pulling the plug free to let the still-hot water drain away. “Yeah. Time to dry off.”

“And eat,” Tom added. “I’m starving.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Cal agreed.


By the time Cal had dried his hair and gotten dressed, Tom was already in the kitchen with something sizzling in a pan.

“Smells good.” Cal sniffed appreciatively.

“It’s just onions and sliced potatoes,” Tom said. “I’m too hungry to do anything that takes a while, so I thought I’d make an omelet. They always end up a mess on the plate, but they taste good. Want to share it with me?”

“Sure,” Cal said, bracing himself to be polite if he was offered something charred and chewy. To his surprise, although the omelet slid onto his plate and promptly disintegrated into a colorful scramble, it tasted heavenly. Tom had added sliced green pepper and mushrooms, then the eggs, topping it with a generous helping of sliced cheese and tomatoes. Finished off under the broiler, the dish was bubbling hot and seasoned perfectly.


“I keep hoping one day it’ll come out of the pan and flip in half the way it does on a cooking show. Instead it always sticks and falls apart,” Tom said around a mouthful of crusty bread.

“It’s great,” Cal said. “I don’t think I care what it looks like when it tastes like this. You can cook for me anytime.” Most of the meals they’d shared had been cooked by someone else, but now that he knew the truth, he was more than happy to encourage Tom.


“At least—” Tom started to say something, then stopped and shook his head, eyes trained on his plate.

“What?” Cal asked.

“I was going to say at least this meal isn’t going to be spoiled by my parents.” Tom sighed. “Except for the part where bringing them up means that it is. I’m such an idiot.”

“You’re not,” Cal said loyally. He was self-aware enough to recognize this was probably the stage in the relationship where he believed Tom was perfect. Even so, he couldn’t imagine ever reaching a stage where he thought Tom was stupid. “Nothing could spoil this meal. It’s just you and me.”

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