Accidentally Married on Purpose (20 page)

Read Accidentally Married on Purpose Online

Authors: Rachel Harris

Tags: #fake relationship, #playboy, #Marina Adair, #cindi madsen, #small town romance, #musician, #sweet romance, #julia london, #country star, #catherine bybee, #marriage of convenience

BOOK: Accidentally Married on Purpose
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Charlie let a whistle rip as a young woman with long, platinum blond hair, her white dress swishing just above her cowboy boots, grabbed the mic.

“Friend of yours?” Sherry asked, amused. “Or past conquest?”

Tyler may not be the playboy she’d once pegged him for, but his best friend more than earned the title. In between acts, as Tyler made the rounds, Charlie had entertained her with stories of the road. In particular, the tales of his many hookups. Normally, that sort of thing would’ve disgusted her. He represented every bad boy she’d ever chased after. But Charlie’s secret power was his charm. A wicked wit, a slow smile, and a unique way of giving you his undivided attention, making you feel important. It was a lethal combination.

Thank God she hadn’t met
in the green room at New Year’s. He was trouble with a capital T. But as an ally, he might just make a good friend.

“I wish,” he replied, flashing her a playful grin. “That’s Sadie Hart. Our agent represents her too, and we met at a few industry parties. Nolan got her out here for some extra exposure.”

Sherry watched as the woman closed her eyes and took a short centering moment. She was gorgeous in that fresh, natural way, the kind that made you just a little jealous, but put you at ease right away. Impossible not to like. “Is she any good?”

Charlie grinned as the familiar intro to “Next Time” rolled over the crowd. “You tell me.”

Sadie launched into the upbeat ballad, her powerhouse,
vocals bringing a fun twist to Tyler’s lyrics. The song was about heartbreak and learning from past mistakes, being better in the
relationship, and the female spin brought a new edge to the once male lines.

Sherry nodded her head with the beat. “Yeah, she’s really good.”

Charlie smiled, and the two of them moved to the music, thriving on the crowd’s energy. It wasn’t until a group on the far edge began twisting their heads, gesturing and whispering to each other, that Sherry looked over and saw another blonde make her way toward the stage. This one, however, she knew. They may not have met yet, but Sherry could recite the woman’s stats verbatim.

Kristen Wilson stopped beside Tyler in the roped-off media section. She told the reporter something that made him smile, and the photographer took a picture of the country duo. When the last of the journalists made their exit, Kristen’s lips twisted in a grin. The woman leaned close, whispering something near Tyler’s ear, and he threw his head back in a laugh.

Sherry’s breath caught. Seeing him laugh like that gutted her.

wanted to be the one to make him laugh. It was foolish and silly, yes, but that was
thing. Or she’d thought it was her thing. The fact that Kristen could make him laugh was just one more point in the girl’s favor.

Last week, she’d admitted that she’d like a future with Tyler. Three weeks ago, she’d agreed to live in the moment and not discuss what happens next. But he left in seven days. A large part of her wanted to be making plans to go with him. But as she stared at the striking pair that Kristen and Tyler made together, Sherry’s tummy tightened, and she couldn’t help but wonder…

his future?

Charlie nudged her side. “You’re pretty cool, you know that?”

Sherry tore her gaze away from the stage. “How so?”

He shrugged. “Just a lot of women in your place would be insecure.”

That stung, since she
insecure, and was totally being a head case at this very moment. But she also had no right to be. Charlie was one of the few who knew the truth. Before she could say that, however, he gave her a pointed look.

“Yeah, I know the story,” he told her. “But I’ve also seen the difference in him this month.”

Lord, she’d love to believe that. If her husband felt even an iota of what she did, it would give her hope. But hope could be a very dangerous thing.

Charlie narrowed his eyes, considering her, then turned and lifted his chin toward the huge crowd. “This gig comes with a lot of benefits. Fame and money. The chance to do what you love and get paid for it. We’re damn lucky. But it’s not easy. Finding a woman who’s willing to put up with the rumors, to stay by your side despite the distance and the constant stress…” He shook his head. “It’s practically impossible.”

If the man’s goal was comfort, he sucked at it. This was not helpful, nor was it calming her nerves one bit. Her gaze strayed again to the stage.

What made this that much more comical was knowing this had been Sherry’s brainchild—or brain-fart, depending on your take. Originally, Kristen hadn’t been scheduled to perform. It’d been her idea to give the crowd a sneak peek of the new album. But hey, what was that old saying?
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?

“Don’t tell me you believe the hype.”

Sherry winced at the disappointment in his voice. So much for her being

“The look on your face says you’ve been doing some fishing. Trust me, darlin’. All that’s gonna catch is trouble.” She looked at him, and his narrowed gaze bore into hers. “You should know better than anyone how these things go. How little truth matters. The media lives to drag people in the dirt and cause trouble where there is none. Don’t let those vipers in your head.”

The audience went crazy with applause as Sadie’s song ended. Charlie pushed away from the wall. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on with you two. Ain’t none of my business. But you should know that man hasn’t stopped staring this way all morning.”

Sherry looked at the stage and found Tyler’s gaze locked on her. Had he really been watching her? She’d been so busy since they arrived: setting up, meeting contacts, trying extra hard not to hover. But the thought that
been watching
sent a warmth trickling down her spine.

“He’s a good man,” Charlie told her, “and a better friend than I deserve. He’s worth your faith.” A mischievous tone crept in his voice as he added, “Besides, you’re our good luck charm.”

Whatever else she’d been about to say flew right out of her head. She looked away from the stage and asked, “Huh?”

Whistling, Charlie began the trek to the front. Blue was up next.

“What do you mean I’m a good luck charm?” she asked, dogging his steps unabashedly. She recalled one of Tyler’s sticky notes had said that very thing. “Has something happened?”

He sent her a sly grin. “You’ll see soon enough.”

With that, he left her on the sidelines and took the steps two at a time to the stage. Tyler said something to his agent, Nolan, then grabbed her wrist. “Don’t go anywhere.”

“Are you kidding?” she asked, squeezing his hand. “And miss my first Blue concert? Never.”

That smile slid across his face. Not the one she saw online or earlier when he mugged for the cameras. The one she was starting to calls
. Lighthearted, flirtatious, almost boyish. It reached his eyes and made the corners crinkle. Earning that smile made her feel invincible.

He glanced over at Tony, the bodyguard who’d all but become Sherry’s shadow in the last month. The man never said much, and he rarely smiled, but she had to admit, he did make her feel safe. “Keep an eye on my girl here,” Tyler said, lacing their fingers together.

Tony lifted his chin. “Of course, sir.”

Charlie began strumming a beat and the drummer kicked in, and still Tyler held her hand. He brought it to his lips, pressing a kiss across her knuckles, and her belly fluttered. A keyboard came in, the music swelled, and finally, he winked. “Enjoy the show.”

Hand to heart, Sherry watched her man take the stage and swallowed hard. Oh, she was such a goner. Feeling the weight of a stare, she turned to meet his mother’s eyes. The woman smiled softly and mouthed,
Thank you

Sherry’s chest squeezed as she shook her head. “Thank
” she said in return.

The crowd cheered as Tyler took the stage. Sherry knew the set-list, and the exact moment everything would happen, but still, she was nervous. Twitching with energy. After Blue performed their current top-rated single, they’d have the awards and announcement, and then the band would play a shortened set of fan favorites…plus a couple top-secret ones from the new album, including the duet with Kristen Wilson.

Tyler’s smooth voice crept over her skin as he began to sing, and Sherry closed her eyes, letting the lyrics wash over her. Her shoulders found the beat, her hips swayed, joining the party, and she’d almost lost herself completely when—

“Exciting, isn’t it?”

Sherry’s eyes popped open at the sweet drawl at her ear, shocked to find Kristen Wilson standing beside her, beaming at her as if they were old buds. And, she reluctantly noted, looking even more beautiful up close than in her pictures.

Jeez. Couldn’t the woman at least have a zit or something?

“We haven’t had a chance to say hello,” the Oklahoma beauty said, turning to give Sherry her full attention, “but I’m Kristen. Tyler told me it was your idea for me to perform today, and I just wanted to say I appreciate it. That duet is a huge step for my career, and I’m thrilled to help celebrate his special day.”

Sherry forced a smile, unsure how to respond. What does one say to a possible rival, anyway?
Hey, girl, stay away from my man

What about when the man in question wasn’t yours…at least not yet?

“We’re happy to have you,” she said instead.

Kristen leaned forward, close to her ear. “Don’t say anything, but really, I was most excited to finally meet you.”

Positive she heard that wrong, Sherry asked, “You wanted to meet
?” When the woman nodded, she tilted her head in confusion. “But…why?”

“Are you kidding?” Kristen widened her eyes dramatically. “The woman who snagged the un-snaggable Tyler Blue?” She winked to show she was teasing and laughed. “No, seriously, the way that man talks about you, I honestly felt like I already knew you. Which, if you think about it, is epically unfair, since we haven’t officially met. So, here I am.”

She thrust out a hand and Sherry looked down, a dopey, hopeful smile curving her mouth. Biting the corner of her lip to try and contain it, she took Kristen’s hand in her own and said, “Nice to meet you, Kristen.

The final note of Blue’s song faded away, and both women turned to the stage. Tyler handed off his guitar to a technician and shook hands with two men as they joined him, one wearing a belt buckle to rival his own—country boys and their bling—and the other a dark pair of shades. Sherry bounced slightly on her toes, radiating confidence now thanks to Kristen, and smiled over at her new friend. “Here it comes.”

The music lowered, and Belt Buckle Man stepped up to the mic.

“It’s my supreme pleasure,” he proclaimed, looking indeed very pleased at the turn out, “to declare today, January twenty-second, as Tyler Blue Day.” The crowd went nuts, and the mayor grinned. Clearly, he was a showman. “And to officially recognize our proud city of Opelousas, Louisiana, as Tyler Blue’s hometown!”

As expected, the roar was deafening. Tyler looked almost embarrassed, and extremely humble, as he accepted a key to the city where he was raised. Looking back, Sherry saw his mom swipe a tear, and felt her own begin to build.

“Now,” the mayor continued, “I’d like to introduce to you all the president and CEO of the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame, who has his own special present.”

Tyler laughed as the audience went crazy again, knowing how special today was. He put a hand over his chest, bowed his head slightly, and mouthed a heartfelt
thank you
to them before placing a quieting finger over his smiling lips. His fans did as requested, falling silent almost immediately, which made his smile widen. He sought Sherry’s gaze, and she blew him a kiss, her eyes teary.

She had nothing to do with his accomplishments, but she was so stinking proud regardless.

The man with the shades stepped forward and said, “We won’t keep you waiting for long. We know you’re all eager to hear this young man perform. But before he does, on behalf of our proud state and our rich history of music, it’s my honor to officially announce Tyler Blue as a member of the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame.”

A plaque materialized out of nowhere, and Charlie played a quick lick on the bass. Family, friends, fans, and neighbors clamored to their feet and applauded, screaming and cheering with pride. Even from where Sherry stood, she could see the tips of Tyler’s ears burn red. It was adorable. And his quiet confidence as he shook both men’s hands and thanked them for the attention was freaking

“Thank you,” Tyler said, this time addressing the audience. He held the microphone so close, his lips likely brushed it as he spoke. “If it weren’t for all of you, for your support of our albums, we wouldn’t be here today. I’ve received a handful of awards in my short career so far, but this one is truly the greatest honor. I’m proud to be from Opelousas and proud to represent Louisiana music.”

He paused as the praise rose again, and his green-eyed gaze caught hers. Sherry felt the warmth in his eyes to her toes. It wasn’t sexual, which in some ways would’ve been easier to handle. No, his gaze was filled with affection. And her dopey, lovesick heart swelled right with the applause.

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