Accuse the Toff (23 page)

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Authors: John Creasey

Tags: #Crime

BOOK: Accuse the Toff
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Chapter Twenty-Three
Without Frills


On the way to Scotland Yard, in company with several of Grice's men, were Jameson, Ibbetson, Mike and the landlord of The Bargee whom Jolly knew but who was a stranger to the Toff. With them was the driver of the car which had been intended for Jameson's getaway, on exactly the same arrangement as Ibbetson's car had been used during the attack at Chiswick.

Grice's men were questioning the rest of the staff at The Bargee while the Toff, Grice and Jolly stood together in the small parlour of Canal Cottage. In the kitchen the little woman was weeping piteously and young Jameson's father was trying to comfort her.

Convincing evidence had been found in Jameson's room to prove that he had worked with Peveril and several other men – including the car driver and the couple who had tried to attack Paterson near the Bedloe Station. One of them, young Jameson had admitted, had killed Fred at the Vauxhall Bridge Road apartments.

‘And now we have the whole story without frills,' said the Toff quiedy. ‘The question that worried me most was motive. I could believe in a young couple like Paterson and June Lancing trying to destroy evidence which might send one of them to the gallows but I couldn't believe that several different parties all wanted the case for the same reason. Peveril and Ibbetson were obviously separate organisations, both after the black case. I wanted to know why and made a guess.'

‘Go on,' said Grice quietly.

‘If the contents of that case were what June Lancing told me, it was worth a fortune to any man unscrupulous enough to use the evidence Brett had gathered as a means of extorting money. That simple motive seemed to me the most likely: Ibbetson and Peveril, both rogues of some cunning, both confident of their ability to work the racket as well as Brett, probably knowing about the case because information against them was inside it, wanted the contents for just that reason. With it they could make money to their heart's content. But of course Brett would object. He did but they knew that he did not leave for America and with Jameson's help they killed him.

‘June Lancing had confided in the Jamesons, her old servants, and the parents had no idea of their son's part in it, so they passed the news on. June doubtless told them that Paterson was to meet Brett outside the Chiswick shop – she knew the interview had been arranged, that Brett had sent for Paterson to discuss further payments. The idea of the man running amok seemed a sound one. They used it to good effect but, when it seemed possible that Jameson would become implicated, he worked up a pretty story which, for a time, convinced me. I wasn't sure of Jameson until I saw him this morning but I had been thinking of him for some time. You see, his parents apart, Jameson was the only man who could have spread news both to Peveril and June Lancing that I was working. Ibbetson, of course, learned it from Peveril. Peveril checked it up by forcing June to tell him the whole truth and, as June had sent me the case, he let her go free.'

‘I see,' said Grice slowly. ‘And Jameson has made a statement?'

‘He has and Ibbetson has confirmed a lot of it. Peveril's other man, who was the car driver this morning, admits to having sent two men to kill Paterson last night. Jolly took notes in shorthand,' added the Toff, ‘but I don't think you need worry, you've got everything now. The simple motive,' he added slowly. ‘The value of the black case was the information in it; they wanted the information, not to save themselves but to use it as Brett had done. Peveril tried to hoodwink me by talking of getting five thousand pounds for it and by trying to persuade me that Ibbetson was working for Lancaster. I doubt whether Lancaster knows anything about it; those letters were probably forgeries.'

‘Ye-es,' said Grice and pushed a hand through his hair. That's his contention anyhow. He is nervous in case I press the charge too far. I think he has plenty to hide.'

‘I doubt whether you'll get anything against him but that's up to you,' said the Toff. ‘Brett had plenty, in the case, but we know what happened to that. It's odd,' he added thoughtfully. ‘Brett died before I heard of him and I haven't met Lancaster. The hierarchy of big business evaded me. I would have liked a cut at them. However, it didn't work out that way,' he added with a crooked smile. ‘Will you look after everything and let Paterson and June know what's what as soon as you can? You'll want to verify everything before you release them, of course, but ask them to go to my flat when you've finished.'

‘I will,' promised Grice and then added with some embarrassment: ‘Roily, I feel badly about this. I should have known better than—'

‘Hush!'exclaimed the Toff. ‘A policeman never apologises!' He rested a hand on Grice's shoulder and added: ‘I'm glad it worked the way it did. The first real glimmering came when I saw a possible source of the rumour that I was deeply involved in the affair. And when I remembered that June Lancing had learned it from the Jamesons, because of my visit—'

He shrugged while the crying woman in the next room grew quieter and her husband's tones grew softer and still more soothing. Rollison did not like what had happened to them and yet there was nothing he could do to offer comfort. But he told them to call on him for anything they needed and then went to the nearby houses and redeemed his promise of ample compensation to Mrs. Mee and even more generously rewarded the less avaricious Good Samaritan next door.

Jolly went ahead of him to the flat and Sammy Diver's men, satisfied with their brief appearance, were on the way to Aldgate.

Rollison strolled along the canal thoughtfully, thinking of the desperate lies June had first told him, of her story of being an alien related so plausibly and, like that of Jameson, once deceiving him. His chief anxiety was that Gerry Paterson might face a charge of the murder of Brett's secretary and, before he returned to Gresham Terrace, he interviewed a rotund little man in the Public Prosecutor's office, who shook his head sorrowfully after he had heard the story of Paterson's confession – without learning names – and said: ‘Rollison, my boy, you're not yourself.
all the evidence is hearsay,
there is none stronger than that,
everything that we could use in court was destroyed in that black box and when Brett died—why, there isn't a case. The youngster's made a confession, you say?'

‘To me, not the police.'

‘Then tell him to keep quiet. Tell Grice yourself and let Grice work it out. I don't think he'll want to prefer a charge. I'm quite sure any barrister could get a “not guilty” verdict even if he sent it to court. Your young friend hasn't much to worry about.'

In a much more cheerful frame of mind, the Toff returned to Gresham Terrace. Outside the flat a plain clothes man was waiting; inside were June and Paterson. He assured himself quickly that June had told the police everything except Gerry's encounter at Brett's office.

‘Of course I didn't tell them that!' exclaimed June. ‘I'm not quite mad. And in any case it wasn't deliberate, it was accidental. You yourself said it would be reduced to a manslaughter charge!'

‘So I did,' smiled the Toff, ‘but it needn't go as far as that, if you watch your step. Grice has put a man to watch you but he has to do that until everything is over.' He glanced at his watch and his eyes widened. ‘We've just time for some lunch and then I must get to the office. We'll go out for it. Jolly, will you have a holiday and come with us?'

‘I think I would prefer to stay here, sir, thank you,' said Jolly and later watched from the window as they walked along the Terrace.


Series Information

Published or to be published by

House of Stratus


Dates given are those of first publication

Alternative titles in brackets


'The Baron' (47 titles) (writing as Anthony Morton)

'Department 'Z'' (28 titles)

'Dr. Palfrey Novels' (34 titles)

'Gideon of Scotland Yard' (22 titles)

'Inspector West' (43 titles)

'Sexton Blake' (5 titles)

'The Toff' (59 titles)


along with:


The Masters of Bow Street
This epic novel embraces the story of the Bow Street Runners and the Marine Police, forerunners of the modern police force, who were founded by novelist Henry Fielding in 1748. They were the earliest detective force operating from the courts to enforce the decisions of magistrates. John Creasey's account also gives a fascinating insight into family life of the time and the struggle between crime and justice, and ends with the establishment of the Metropolitan Police after the passing of Peel's Act in 1829.


'The Baron' Series

These Titles can be read as a series, or randomly as standalone novels


  1. Meet the Baron 
    (The Man in the Blue Mask)
  2. The Baron Returns 
    (The Return of the Blue Mask)
  3. The Baron Again 
    (Salute Blue Mask)
  4. The Baron at Bay 
    (Blue Mask at Bay)
  5. Alias the Baron 
    (Alias Blue Mask)
  6. The Baron at Large 
    (Challenge Blue Mask!)
  7. Versus the Baron 
    (Blue Mask Strikes Again)
  8. Call for the Baron 
    (Blue Mask Victorious)
  9. The Baron Comes Back 
  10. A Case for the Baron 
  11. Reward for the Baron 
  12. Career for the Baron 
  13. Blood Diamond 
    (The Baron and the Beggar) (1947)
  14. Blame the Baron 
  15. A Rope for the Baron 
  16. Books for the Baron 
  17. Cry for the Baron 
  18. Trap the Baron 
  19. Attack the Baron 
  20. Shadow the Baron 
  21. Warn the Baron 
  22. The Baron Goes East 
  23. The Baron in France 
  24. Danger for the Baron 
  25. The Baron Goes Fast 
  26. Nest-Egg for the Baron 
    (Deaf, Dumb and Blonde)
  27. Help from the Baron 
  28. Hide the Baron 
  29. The Double Frame 
    (Frame the Baron)
  30. Blood Red 
    (Red Eye for the Baron)
  31. If Anything Happens to Hester 
    (Black for the Baron)
  32. Salute for the Baron 
  33. The Baron Branches Out 
    (A Branch for the Baron)
  34. The Baron and the Stolen Legacy 
    (Bad for the Baron)
  35. A Sword for the Baron 
    (The Baron and the Mogul Swords)
  36. The Baron on Board 
    (The Mask of Sumi) (1964)
  37. The Baron and the Chinese Puzzle 
  38. Sport for the Baron 
  39. Affair for the Baron 
  40. The Baron and the Missing Old Masters 
  41. The Baron and the Unfinished Portrait 
  42. Last Laugh for the Baron 
  43. The Baron Goes A-Buying 
  44. The Baron and the Arrogant Artist 
  45. Burgle the Baron 
  46. The Baron - King Maker 
  47. Love for the Baron 


'Department Z' Novels

These Titles can be read as a series, or randomly as standalone novels


  1. The Death Miser 
  2. Redhead 
  3. First Came a Murder 
  4. Death Round the Corner 
  5. The Mark of the Crescent 
  6. Thunder in Europe 
  7. The Terror Trap 
  8. Carriers of Death 
  9. Days of Danger 
  10. Death Stands By 
  11. Menace! 
  12. Murder Must Wait 
  13. Panic! 
  14. Death by Night 
  15. The Island of Peril 
  16. Sabotage 
  17. Go Away Death 
  18. The Day of Disaster 
  19. Prepare for Action 
  20. No Darker Crime 
  21. Dark Peril 
  22. The Peril Ahead 
  23. The League of Dark Men 
  24. The Department of Death 
  25. The Enemy Within 
  26. Dead or Alive 
  27. A Kind of Prisoner 
  28. The Black Spiders 


Doctor Palfrey Novels

These Titles can be read as a series, or randomly as standalone novels


  1. Traitor's Doom 
  2. The Legion of the Lost 
  3. The Valley of Fear 
    (The Perilous Country)
  4. Dangerous Quest 
  5. Death in the Rising Sun 
  6. The Hounds of Vengeance 
  7. Shadow of Doom 
  8. The House of the Bears 
  9. Dark Harvest 
  10. The Wings of Peace 
  11. The Sons of Satan 
  12. The Dawn of Darkness 
  13. The League of Light 
  14. The Man Who Shook the World 
  15. The Prophet of Fire 
  16. The Children of Hate 
    (The Killers of Innocence; The Children of Despair)
  17. The Touch of Death 
  18. The Mists of Fear 
  19. The Flood 
  20. The Plague of Silence 
  21. Dry Spell 
    (The Drought)
  22. The Terror 
  23. The Depths 
  24. The Sleep 
  25. The Inferno 
  26. The Famine 
  27. The Blight 
  28. The Oasis 
  29. The Smog 
  30. The Unbegotten 
  31. The Insulators 
  32. The Voiceless Ones 
  33. The Thunder-Maker 
  34. The Whirlwind 


Gideon Series

(Writing as JJ Marric)


These Titles can be read as a series, or randomly as standalone novels


  1. Gideon's Day 
    (Gideon of Scotland Yard)
  2. Seven Days to Death 
    (Gideon's Week)
  3. Gideon's Night 
  4. A Backwards Jump
     (Gideon's Month) (1958)
  5. Thugs and Economies 
    (Gideon's Staff) (1959)
  6. Gideon Combats Influence 
    (Gideon's Risk) (1960)
  7. Gideon's Fire 
  8. A Conference for Assassins 
    (Gideon's March)
  9. Travelling Crimes 
    (Gideon's Ride)
  10. An Uncivilised Election 
    (Gideon's Vote)
  11. Criminal Imports 
    (Gideon's Lot)
  12. To Nail a Serial Killer 
    (Gideon's Badge) (1966)
  13. From Murder to a Cathedral 
    (Gideon's Wrath)
  14. Gideon's River 
  15. Darkness and Confusion 
    (Gideon's Power) (1969)
  16. Sport, Heat & Scotland Yard 
    (Gideon's Sport)
  17. Gideon's Art 
  18. No Relaxation at Scotland Yard 
    (Gideon's Men) (1972)
  19. Impartiality Against the Mob 
    (Gideon's Press) (1973)
  20. Not Hidden by the Fog 
    (Gideon's Fog) (1975)
  21. Good and Justice 
    (Gideon's Drive) (1976)
  22. Vigilantes & Biscuits 
    (Gideon's Force)


Inspector West Series

These Titles can be read as a series, or randomly as standalone novels


  1. Inspector West Takes Charge 
  2. Go Away to Murder 
    (Inspector West Leaves Town)
  3. An Apostle of Gloom 
    (Inspector West At Home)
  4. Inspector West Regrets 
  5. Holiday for Inspector West 
  6. Battle for Inspector West 
  7. The Case Against Paul Raeburn 
    (Triumph for Inspector West)
  8. Inspector West Kicks Off 
    (Sport for Inspector West)
  9. Inspector West Alone 
  10. Inspector West Cries Wolf 
    (The Creepers)
  11. The Figure in the Dusk 
    (A Case for Inspector West)
  12. The Dissemblers 
    (Puzzle for Inspector West)
  13. The Case of the Acid Throwers 
    (The Blind Spot; Inspector West at Bay)
  14. Give a Man a Gun 
    (A Gun for Inspector West)
  15. Send Inspector West 
  16. So Young, So Cold, So Fair 
    (A Beauty for Inspector West; The Beauty Queen Killer)
  17. Murder Makes Haste 
    (Inspector West Makes Haste; The Gelignite Gang; Night of the Watchman)
  18. Murder: One, Two, Three 
    (Two for Inspector West)
  19. Death of a Postman 
    (Parcels for Inspector West)
  20. Death of an Assassin 
    (A Prince for Inspector West)
  21. Hit and Run 
    (Accident for Inspector West)
  22. The Trouble at Saxby's 
    (Find Inspector West; Doorway to Death)
  23. Murder, London - New York 
  24. Strike for Death 
    (The Killing Strike)
  25. Death of a Racehorse 
  26. The Case of the Innocent Victims 
  27. Murder on the Line 
  28. Death in Cold Print 
  29. The Scene of the Crime 
  30. Policeman's Dread 
  31. Hang the Little Man 
  32. Look Three Ways at Murder 
  33. Murder, London - Australia 
  34. Murder, London - South Africa 
  35. The Executioners 
  36. So Young to Burn 
  37. Murder, London - Miami 
  38. A Part for a Policeman 
  39. Alibi for Inspector West 
  40. A Splinter of Glass 
  41. The Theft of Magna Carta 
  42. The Extortioners 
  43. A Sharp Rise in Crime 

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