Ace of Spades (Underground Affair Series Book 1) (7 page)

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Authors: Michelle Iannarelli

Tags: #Underground Affair Series, #Book 1

BOOK: Ace of Spades (Underground Affair Series Book 1)
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Ace, Chief Jenkins and Jorge walked into the classroom and were greeted by excited little six year olds.

"This is my favorite class."

"Why's that, Chief?"

The Chief pointed, Ace and Jorge looked in the direction of his finger to see Lucy standing there.

"She's why." The Chief smiled.

Lucy…of all the classes, he had to get Lucy's. Ace's stomach knotted. Well at least she'd be too busy teaching to talk to him.

Lucy walked to the front of the classroom and addressed her class.

"Class, this is my father, Fire Chief Jenkins, Lt. Dean and Lt. Rivera. They are here today to teach us how to stay safe in the event of a fire."

Lucy picked up her camera from her desk and began snapping pictures of the children interacting with her dad, Ace and Jorge. Then she found herself just taking pictures of Ace. She couldn't seem to keep her eyes off of him.

As much as Ace told himself that he wasn't going to look at Lucy or pay her one bit of his attention, he kept finding himself sneaking peeks at her.

"The Chief has got one hot daughter."

Ace looked up and Jorge was watching Lucy.

"I didn't notice, too busy doing my job."

"Did I hit a nerve?"

"You’re crazy."

"You got the hots for the Chief's daughter?"

"No way."

“You do.”

“Even if I did, it wouldn’t matter. I’m not her type.”

“Why do I think there is more going on here…”

“Jorge, drop it, ok?”

“Yeah, sure.”

Shane walked into the house and heard the blender. Robert was in the kitchen making a smoothie. Shane walked into the kitchen and sat down. Robert turned around.

“Shane, I didn’t hear you come in.”

“We need to talk.”


Robert grabbed his glass and sat down.

“Is everything ok?”

“No, everything isn’t ok.”

“Shane, what’s going on?”

“Robert, do you love me?”


“Then why did you cheat on me…again?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Robert, you came home drunk and smelling of cologne, cheap cologne, not mine.”

Robert got up and walked over to Shane and reached for his hand. Shane pulled his hand away.

“Don’t touch me.”

“Shane, please I’m sorry. I was so upset after Declan threatened me that…”

“Declan did what?”

“Don’t blame him, he was worried about you. But I was afraid he was going to break us up. I started drinking and some guy hit on me, in fact he kissed me but I didn’t kiss him back. I love you.”

“Declan threatened you?”

“Shane, forget it. I only told you so that you’d understand why I was so upset.”

“No, I won’t forget it. I want to know what happened.”

“Declan said that he didn’t like me and that he was going to find a way to break us up. That I’m not good enough for you.”

“No, you must have misunderstood. Declan is the one who told me to talk to you and work things out.”

“I knew you’d take his side.”

“No, I’m not taking anyone’s side.”

Robert walked out of the room. Shane got up and followed him.

“Robert, I love you.”

Robert turned around and looked at Shane.

“So you believe me?”

“I never said I didn’t, I just thought maybe there was a misunderstanding. All that matters is that we love each other.”

Robert grabbed Shane and kissed him. Shane pushed him up against the wall and started stroking his cock. Then Robert pulled Shane down on the floor and within minutes was inside him pounding away.

“I love you, Shane. You know that right?”

“I do.”

Shane’s body may have been taken over by Robert but he couldn’t get his mind off of Declan and what had really transpired between him and Robert, but he sure as hell was going to find out.

Ace stood in the corner with a group of children who were practicing their stop, drop and rolls. Lucy was across the room with her father. Every time he looked up Lucy was watching him. He even spotted the Chief watching Lucy as she watched him.

“Picture time!”

Ace looked up and the school Principal was standing there with a camera. Lucy and her class assembled for the picture.

“Nice, very nice class; now if we can just get these brave and if I do say so myself, handsome firefighters in the picture and, of course, you too, Chief Jenkins.”

Ace walked over and the Chief pushed him over next to Lucy and winked. Oh no, now the Chief was going to play matchmaker. Ace felt very uncomfortable standing next to Lucy.

Lucy whispered, “Don’t worry, I don’t bite…in public.”

Ace looked down at her and couldn’t help but give her a half smile. Soon the picture taking was over and the class all said thank you. Jorge and Ace were packing things up when the Chief walked over.

“Ace, can you and Lucy go out to the truck and grab the gift bags that we have for the children?”

“Jorge can come help me, Lucy is teaching. No need to bother her.”

“Lucy, do you have a minute?”

“Sure Dad, what’s up?”

“Can you go out to the truck with Ace and get the gift bags for the children, please?”

“If you can keep an eye on my children for me, I can.”

Ace didn’t look at Lucy he just started for the door. Lucy followed him out to the truck. Once they were outside she spoke.

“Ace, I know that no matter what I do or say that you will never forgive me but can’t we at least be civil?”

“Yeah, whatever.”

“No, it’s not whatever. I had no idea who you were…”

“No, you didn’t.”

“I never did anything like that before. What did I know?”

Ace stopped what he was doing and looked at Lucy.

“Lucy, I’m going to be honest here. I never felt dirty or cheap about what I did. To me it was fun and I enjoyed the attention. But when you left me that money…”

“I’m sorry.”

“I never went home with anyone from my shows. I wanted you and I thought you wanted me too. I was a fool. I know now that I was just someone you thought you were paying to piss off Tom. I have feelings Lucy, regardless of what you think of me.”

Ace grabbed the bags and slammed the truck door and walked off. Lucy stood there feeling awful that she had hurt Ace. Although she was very attracted to him and that was why she decided to have sex with him, he was right, her intention was to hurt Tom.

office door. He had avoided him for the past few days. Declan called a few times and left voicemail as well as texted but he only replied once to say he was busy but ok. He knew he needed to have a clear mind for his fight tomorrow, so here he was…about to confront Declan. It scared him because he was afraid he would end up having to choose between him and Robert and he wasn’t ready to lose either of them.

“Are you alright, Shane?”

“Kaylee, yeah, I was just trying to remember if I locked my car.”

“Do you want me to run outside and check for you?”

“That’s sweet but its ok. Thank you though.”

Declan pulled the door open. Kaylee looked up and smiled when she saw him. Shane took a deep breath.

“How can a man work with all this noise out here?” Declan laughed.

“I’m sorry, Sir. I will get back to work.”

Declan reached his hand over and placed it on Kaylee’s shoulder.

“Honey, I was just joking. You’re one of my best employees and please don’t call me Sir…unless we’re in the bedroom.” Declan winked.

Kaylee looked up at Declan and became instantly flushed.

“Thank you. I have to go. Bye, Shane.”

Kaylee took off. Declan watched her as she practically ran down the hall.

“Pretty, smart but sometimes she acts so strange.”

“She likes you Dec and you intimidate her.”

“I, intimidate her?”

“Yes, you intimidate her.”

“I never thought of myself as intimidating.”

“No, well Robert found you to be quite intimidating the other day. In fact, that’s why he went out and got drunk and ended up with some guy taking advantage of him.”

Declan looked at Shane and then he laughed as he shook his head.

“Shane, you’ve got to be kidding me, right?”

“No, I’m not and I don’t appreciate you laughing in my face, Dec.”

Declan was growing angrier by the minute. He wanted to shake some sense into Shane and then find Robert and beat the crap out of him.

“I saw Robert in the parking lot at the gym and we talked.”

“Did you or did you not threaten him?”

“I was worried about you. You’ve been miserable, I…”

“I can’t believe you would do that to me!”

“Shane, he’s no good for you and you know it.”

“He said you told him you were going to find a way to break us up.”

“He drinks, cheats and I know…”

“Don’t go there, Dec.”

Shane was fuming. He was pacing with his fist balled up and his teeth gritted.

“I’m going there because clearly you need to be reminded about all of the things he has done to you. He beat you and then left you laying outside in the freezing cold, bleeding. I was the one who found you and took care of you, who called a doctor to come and stitch you up and then stayed and held you all night.”

Shane turned around, punched Declan in the face and started screaming.

“You promised me, you promised you would never throw that back in my face. Robert was right. He said you were going to do whatever you could to break us up.”

Declan couldn’t believe the way Shane was behaving, after all he had done for him.

“Get out.”

Declan walked over to his desk, sat down and began typing on his keyboard. Shane never said a word. He just walked out.

Lucy was sitting in the yard correcting papers. Her mind often wandered to Ace. The same Ace who wanted to have nothing to do with her.

“Lucy, are you home?”

“I’m out here, Tom”

Tom walked outside and handed Lucy a bouquet of roses and then dropped to his knee.

Lucy gasped when she looked down and saw a huge diamond ring in Tom’s hand.

“Lucy, marry me.”

“Tom, I love you…”

Tom grabbed Lucy and kissed her before she could finish her sentence. When he pulled away he grabbed her hand and slipped the ring on her finger.

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